Row level changes captured via AWS DMS - amazon-web-services

I am trying to migrate the database using AWS DMS. Source is Azure SQL server and destination is Redshift. Is there any way to know the rows updated or inserted? We dont have any audit columns in source database.

Redshift doesn’t track changes and you would need to have audit columns to do this at the user level. You may be able to deduce this from Redshift query history and save data input files but this will be solution dependent. Query history can be achieved in a couple of ways but both require some action. The first is to review the query logs but these are only saved for a few days. If you need to look back further than this you need a process to save these tables so the information isn’t lost. The other is to turn on Redshift logging to S3 but this would need to be turned on before you run queries on Redshift. There may be some logging from DMS that could be helpful but I think the bottom line answer is that row level change tracking is not something that is on in Redshift by default.


AWS Glue: Add An Attribute to CSV Distinguish Between Data Sets

I need to pull two companies' data from their respective AWS S3 buckets, map their columns in Glue, and export them to a specific schema in a Microsoft SQL database. The schema is to have one table, with the companies' data being distinguished with attributes for each of their sites (each company has multiple sites).
I am completely new to AWS and SQL, would someone mind explaining to me how to add an attribute to the data, or point me to some good literature on this? I feel like manipulating the .csv in the Python script I'm already running to automatically download the data from another site then upload it to S3 could be an option (deleting NaN columns and adding a column for site name), but I'm not entirely sure.
I apologize if this has already been answered elsewhere. Thanks!
I find this website to generally be pretty helpful with figuring out SQL stuff. I've linked to the ALTER TABLE commands that would allow you to do this through SQL.
If you are running a python script to edit the .csv to start, then I would edit the data there, personally. Depending on the size of the data sets, you can run your script as a Lambda or Batch job to grab, edit, and then upload to s3. Then you can run your Glue crawler or whatever process you're using to map the columns.

AWS Glue: Do I really need a Crawler for new content?

What I understand from the AWS Glue docs is a craweler will help crawl and discover new data. However, I noticed that once I crawled once, if new data goes into S3, the data is actually already discovered when I query the data catalog from Athena for example. So, can I say I do not need a crawler to crawl everytime new data is added, unless there are new schemas?
In fact, if I know the schema of the files, I can just manually create the table and do without a crawler, am I correct?
If data is partitioned by some keys (placed in sub-folders, like /data/year=2018/month=11/day=2) then you need a crawler to register newly added partitions (ie. /day=3) in Data Catalog to be able to query it via Athena.
However, if data is not partitined or comes into already registered partitions then there is no need to run a crawler.
Alternatively to runnig a crawler you can discover and register new partitions by running Athena command MSCK REPAIR TABLE <table> or registering them manually.
The easiest way to create a table in Data Catalog is running a crawler. But if you know schema and have patience to compose CREATE TABLE Athena query or fill all fields via AWS Glue console then you can go that way as well.
If you have the schema then you don't need to use the crawler and you might get better results (the crawler assumes partition columns are strings for example).
As Yuriy says, remember to run MSCK REPAIR TABLE or register new partitions manually.
MSCK can time out if you've added a lot of partitions. If it does, keep running it until it completes normally.

How AWS DMS works internally

In AWS DMS how does the migration happening internally? Is it like exporting entire data from source table and importing to destination table? Or is it like migrating table records one by one to destination table? I am new to aws dms and don't have much idea on how things work there.
AWS publish how DMS works in their documentation and blog posts. This is the list I wish I had when I started with DMS:
For a high level understanding see:
A task can consist of three major phases:
The full load of existing data
The application of cached changes
Ongoing replication
During a full load migration, where existing data from the source is moved to the target, AWS DMS loads data from tables on the source data store to tables on the target data store. While the full load is in progress, any changes made to the tables being loaded are cached on the replication server; these are the cached changes.
When the full load for a given table is complete, AWS DMS immediately begins to apply the cached changes for that table. When all tables have been loaded, AWS DMS begins to collect changes as transactions for the ongoing replication phase. After AWS DMS applies all cached changes, tables are transactionally consistent. At this point, AWS DMS moves to the ongoing replication phase, applying changes as transactions.
Look at the headings:
Replication Tasks
Ongoing replication, or change data capture (CDC)
To gain a detailed understanding of how DMS works internally, read through the following blogs from AWS:
Debugging Your AWS DMS Migrations: What to Do When Things Go Wrong (Part 1)
Debugging Your AWS DMS Migrations: What to Do When Things Go Wrong (Part 2)
Debugging Your AWS DMS Migrations: What to Do When Things Go Wrong? (Part 3)
Finally, work through the blogs particular to your source and target databases at
When I first used DMS I had same question. So simply I enabled Cloudwatch logs and created one migration task from Oracle to Aurora Postgresql.
First DMS task runs on Replication Instance and it connects to Source and Target databases.
RI then connect to Source database and based on selection rule it identifies tables and column details since it has lot of special access on Source and Target DB.
After that it start reading source table(s) in parallel and create Select col1, col2, col3.. from kind of query to fetch data from Source.
Then it write files in a temp location on RI based on tables, 1 file per table and approx 10000 rows in one commit.
While all this is happening another process is creating connection to Target DB and checking if Tables already exist if yes then it check which option we selected Do Nothing or Truncate Table etc.. Based on that it takes action.
Till now we have data from Source table in files on RI and connection and tables created on Target DB. Now RI just reads file records from RI temp location and create insert query.
Once last commit is successful it deletes the temp file from RI.
Once Source table and target table count is matched it closes connections in case of One time load.
In case of On going changes it keeps connection alive and read redo logs or other logs in Source db. Then follow same process mentioned above for CDC.
Here's a doc that provides some more information on how DMS Ongoing Replication works internally:
The short of it is:
(following some initial steps) AWS DMS does not use any replication artifacts. When all the required information is available in the transaction log or transaction log backup, AWS DMS uses the fn_dblog() and fn_dump_dblog() functions to read changes directly from the transaction logs or transaction log backups using the log sequence number (LSN).
In addition to above answers, DMS uses Attunity underneath. There are public documents on how the later works in detail.

Can AWS Athena update or insert data stored in S3?

The document just says that it is a query service but not explicitly states that it can or cannot perform data update.
If Athena cannot do insert or update, is there any other aws service which can do like a normal DB?
Amazon Athena is, indeed, a query service -- it only allows data to be read from Amazon S3.
One exception, however, is that the results of the query are automatically written to S3. You could, therefore, use a query to generate results that could be used by something else. It's not quite updating data but it is generating data.
My previous attempts to use Athena output in another Athena query didn't work due to problems with the automatically-generated header, but there might be some workarounds available.
If you are seeking a service that can update information in S3, you could use Amazon EMR, which is basically a managed Hadoop cluster. Very powerful and capable, and can most certainly update information in S3, but it is rather complex to learn.
Amazon Athena adds support for inserting data into a table using the results of a SELECT query or using a provided set of values
Amazon Athena now supports inserting new data to an existing table using the INSERT INTO statement.
Bucketed tables not supported
INSERT INTO is not supported on bucketed tables. For more information, see Bucketing vs Partitioning.
AWS S3 is a object storage. Both Athena and S3 Select is for queries. The only way to modify a object(file) in S3 is to retrieve from S3, modify and upload back to S3.
As of September 20, 2019 Athena also supports INSERT INTO:
Finally there is a solution from AWS. Now you can perform CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations on AWS Athena. Athena Iceberg integration is generally available now. Create the table with:
TBLPROPERTIES ( 'table_type' ='ICEBERG' [, property_name=property_value])
then you can use it's amazing feature.
For a quick introduction, you can watch this video. (Or search Insert / Update / Delete on S3 With Amazon Athena and Apache Iceberg | Amazon Web Services on Youtube)
Read Considerations and Limitations
Athena supports CTAS (create table as) statements as of October 2018. You can specify output location and file format among other options.
To INSERT into tables you can write additional files in the same format to the S3 path for a given table (this is somewhat of a hack), or preferably add partitions for the new data.
Like many big data systems, Athena is not capable of handling UPDATE statements.
We could use something known as Apache Iceberg in collaboration with Athena to perform CRUD operations on S3 data inside AWS itself.
The only caveat being that at the time of table creation we need to use extra parameter as table_type = 'ICEBERG'.
create table demo
id string,
attr1 string
location 's3://path'
'table_type' = 'ICEBERG'
For more details :

How can i see metadata, lineage of data stored in AWS redshift?

I am using solutions like cloudera navigator, atlas and Wherehows
to get Hadoop, HDFS, HIVE, SQOOP, MAPREDUCE metadata and lineage.
Now we have a data warehouse in AWS redshift as well. Is there a way to extract metadata or lineage or both information out of redshift.
So far i have not found anything on this.
Is there a way to integrate the same to wherehows as a crawled solution?
I found only one post which gives some information about how to get some information from redshift assuming it will be similar to postgresql. I am sure someone would have written some open source solution to this problem.
Or is it just matter of writing a simple single script to extract this information?
I am looking for a enterprise level solution. I hope someone will point me in right direction.
AWS Glue Data catalog is a fully managed metadata management service.It has AWS Glue crawler which automatically crawls through your source(for you its redshift) and creates a centralized metadata repository which can be accessed by other AWS services.
You can access metadata by querying the system tables in Redshift:
The system tables are on the leader node in each cluster (see this guide on the Redshift Architecture that I wrote)
Redshift deletes the content of the system tables on a rolling basis, so you need to store that data in your cluster, or another separate cluster, to get a history. With the data in the system tables, you have a baseline of information about your queries and what tables they are touching.
You can put a dashboard like Kibana or Periscope Data on top of that data to visualize it. Plaid has done a write-up of how they've built an in-house monitoring solution that has some information about data lineage:
But go get true data lineage, you need to understand how queries relate to your workflows, i.e. for an Airflow DAG. To get that information, you need to "tag" your queries so you can trace them in the context of transformations / workflows, vs. looking at the individual query.
This is something we've built into our product - heads up that it's a commercial solution:
Unlike the raw logs from the system tables, we give you the context of what apps / workflows are triggering queries, which users are running them, and what tables they are touching.