Using AWS EFS to install ghostscript library for camelot - amazon-web-services

recently I am using AWS EFS for python libraries and packages, instead of lambda layers(because of limitations of lambda layers as you all know)
I have integrated the EFS with lambda function well and everything is in order. I am using camelot for parsing the tables. I have installed every libraries that I need(like camelot, fitz and ...) I can use the installed libraries on EFS well. The problem that I have is with GhostScript. As you know when you want to use camelot with flavor='lattice', we need the ghostscript package. unfortunately when I use the custom aws layer for ghostscript(in my case: arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:764866452798:layer:ghostscript:9)
it gives back the error:
'''OSError: Ghostscript is not installed. You can install it using the instructions here:'''
my runtime on lambda is : python 3.8
Is there anyway that I can use ghostscript layer on lambda(beside this arn that I shared) or anyway to install the ghostscript package on efs to use on lambda?
I appreciate your kindness and your time to answer in advance


Is it possible to install Conda packages in AWS Glue?

I’m using AWS Glue Jobs with the PythonShell mode for processing some NetCDF4 files. I need to perform some analytics on the data using the scitools-iris package.
On my local Ubuntu machine, I’ve successfully installed it using conda-forge. I tried searching the documentation on how to install the iris package using conda on AWS Glue. But I can’t find anything.
Do you recommend using a different compute option for this problem?

Is it possible to use lambda layers with zappa?

I want to deploy my wagtail (which is a CMS based on django) project onto an AWS lambda function. The best option seems to be using zappa.
Wagtail needs opencv installed to support all the features.
As you might know, just running pip install opencv-python is not enough because opencv needs some os level packages to be installed. So before running pip install opencv-python one has to install some packages on the Amazon Linux in which the lambda environment is running. (yum install ...)
The only solution that came to my mind is using lambda layers to properly install opencv.
But I'm not sure whether it's possible to use lambda layers with projects deployed by zappa.
Any kind of help and sharing experiences would be really appreciated!
There is an open pull request that is ready to merge, but needs additional user testing.
The older project has a pull request that claims layer support has been merged
Feel free to try it out and let the maintainers know so documentation can be updated.

Node.JS native addons on LINUX [duplicate]

I'm using AWS Lambda, which involves creating an archive of my node.js script, including the node_modules folder and uploading that to their infrastructure to run.
This works fine, except when it comes to node modules with native bindings (using node-gyp). Because the binding was complied and project archived on my local computer (OS X), it is not compatible with AWS's (Amazon Linux) servers.
How can I cross-compile/install a node module (specifically, node-sqlite3) so when I upload it to another server arch it runs?
While not really a solution to your problem, a very easy workaround could be to simply compile the native addons on a Linux machine.
For your particular situation, I would use Vagrant. Vagrant can create virtual machines and configure them within seconds.
Find an OS image that resembles Amazon's Linux distro (Fedora, CentOS, others that use yum as package manager - see Wiki)
Use a simple configuration script that, when run by Vagrant on machine startup, will run npm install (optionally it might also remove the node_modules folder before to ensure a clean installation)
For extra comfort, the script can also create the zip file for deployment
Once the installation finishes, the script will shutdown the VM to avoid unnecessary consumption of system resources
It might require some tuning if the linked libraries are not at the same place on the target machine but generally this seems to me like the best and quickest solution.
While installing the app using Vagrant might be sufficient in some cases, I have found it necessary to build the app on Linux which is as close to Lambda's Amazon Linux AMI as possible.
You can read the original answer here:
Steps to make it work:
Spawn new EC2 instance. Make sure it is based on exactly the same image as your AWS Lambda runtime. You can review Lambda env details here: In our case, it was Amazon Linux AMI called amzn-ami-hvm-2015.03.0.x86_64-gp2.
Install nvm and use it to install the same version of Node.js as on the AWS Lambda. At the time of writing this, it was v0.10.36. You can refer to again to find out.
You will probably need to install git & g++ compiler on the EC2. You can do this running
sudo yum install git gcc-c++
Finally, clone your app to your new EC2 and install your app's dependecies:
nvm use 0.10.36
npm install --production
You can then easily download the node_modules using scp or such.
Same lines as Robert's answer, when I had to work on my MAC in a different OS I use vm ware like Oracle's free virtualizer VirtualBox to get a linux on my mac, no cost to me. Or sign up for a new AWS account, you get a micro for a year free. Use that to get your linux box, do whatever you need there.
AWS has a page describing how to deal with native NPM modules:

Script works on AWS EC2, but not on AWS Lambda after zipping

I am creating a simple AWS Lambda function using M2Crypto library. I followed the steps for creating deployment package from here. The lambda function works perfectly on an EC2 Linux instance (AMI).
This is my Function definition:
from M2Crypto import BIO, RSA, EVP
def verify(event, context):
pem = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n{0}\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----".format("hello")
bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(str.encode(pem))
Deployment Package structure:
When I run the Lambda, I get the following issue and I also tried including from /lib64 directory, but didn't help.
Issue when running Lambda
/var/task/M2Crypto/ symbol sk_deep_copy, version not defined in file with link time reference`
Python: 2.7
M2Crypto: 0.27.0
I would guess that the M2Crypto was built with different version of OpenSSL than what's on Lambda. See the relevant code. If not (the upstream maintainer speaking here), please, file a bug at
I just want to add some more details on to #mcepl's answer. The most important is that OpenSSL version on AWS Lambda and the environment (in my case ec2) where you build your M2Crypto library should match.
To check openssl version on Lambda, use print in your handler:
To check openssl version on your build environment, use:
$ openssl version
Once they match, it works.
Don't hesitate to downgrade or upgrade OpenSSL on your build environment to match the Lambda environment. I had to downgrade my openssl on ec2 to match lambda runtime environment.
sudo yum -y downgrade openssl-devel-1.0.1k openssl-1.0.1k
Hope it will help anyone trying to use M2Crypto :)
copying my answer for a similar question here:
AWS lambda runs code on an old version of amazon linux (amzn-ami-hvm-2017.03.1.20170812-x86_64-gp2) as mentioned in the official documentation
So to run a code that depends on shared libraries, it needs to be compiled in the same environment so it can link correctly.
What I usually do in such cases is that I create virtualenv using docker container. The virtualenv can than be packaged with lambda code.
Please note that if you need install anything using yum (in the docker container), you must use same release server as the amazon linux version:
yum --releasever=2017.03 install ...
virtualenv can be built using an EC2 instance as well instead of docker container (though, I find docker method easier). Just make sure that the AMI used for EC2 is same as the one used by lambda.

AWS Lambda : How to use Pillow library?

I'm trying to create an AWS lambda function in order to create thumbnail of my uploaded images.
My script is running well locally, I followed this tutorial to deploy my function but I have a problem with the Pillow library, indeed when I'm testing my function I can see this following log :
I found this post with the same issue but in my case I can't execute command line on the machine.
You must include the in your lambda package, but it will also require some tweaking with the patchelf utility. Assuming that you prepare the lambda package via "pip install module-name -t" (rather than via virtualenv), do the following:
cd into/your/local/lambda/package/dir
cp -L $(ldd PIL/|grep libjpeg|awk '{print $3}') PIL/
patchelf --set-rpath PIL PIL/
# zip, deploy and test the package
This script works for Pillow version 3.2.0.
Regarding patchelf: under Ubuntu it can be 'apt install'ed, but under other Linuxes it may need to be built from source.
The problem here is that Pillow uses native libraries that must be built for the exact correct environment.
I solved this by installing my requirements in a Docker container that replicates very closely the AWS Lambda environment, lambci/lambda. I used the build-python3.8 version.
I installed my requirements there and zipped up the whole contents of /var/lang/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ directory along with my lambda function file.
I tried this with a standard Amazon Linux Docker image and it didn't work. Only the lambci/lambda image worked for me.