Github Pages 404 not found issue - github-pages

I am having issues with my site. I have a repository for git hub pages and I am trying to view a project I am working on . The issue is that I keep receiving the 404 file not found issue. My index.html file is in the root directory and I've re-pushed files to see if the commit would take effect and show anything. Please help!


How do I get my pythonanywhere to make changes on my web page after doing git pull?

I have a problem with updating my code from GitHub to Python Anywhere. I am following Django Girls Tutorial. I've updated some code on my local files and have pushed to GitHub with new commit. I could see the change in my Github repository. Then I tried git pull at Python Anywhere and I saw this message:
Updating ebefb9b..75b3566 error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: blog/templates/blog/base.html blog/templates/blog/post_detail.html blog/ mysite/ mysite/ Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge. error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge: blog/templates/registration/login.html Please move or remove them before you can merge. Aborting.
So I tried everything but still it didn’t work until I saw a post here on stackoverflow that suggested, git reset --hard before git pull and I applied it and it solved the problem but I couldn’t see changes on my web page. I can only see the Django installation success web page. I have done reload, refresh everything but still can’t get any help.
It looks like the changes that you made on PythonAnywhere were part of the tutorial and that you removed those changes when you ran git reset --hard. You'll have to try to work out which changes you lost and re-do them from the tutorial.

Github pages 404, not loading repository content

I created chineseantiquebuyers/ repository, cloned it first then pushed dummy index.html but when checking I have 404.
Any idea how to fix it?
I tried few different things like, putting files in /docs directory, creating branch gh-pages, and dropping files from some jekyll project.
After dropping jekyll files I finally achieved not having 404 but repository content displayed.
I don't know what issue was.

Heroku assets rails 4

I have just deployed a new app on heroku for the first time.
Unlike many others I had no troubles precompiling the assets. They are neatly precompiled and placed in
public/assets. I verified this in heroku bash terminal.
However when I open the project web page none of my assets are served. I verified that the hash to avoid cache stuff was correct.
I have in my application.rb added config.serve_static_assets = true but it made no difference.
There public/assets/manifest.json (pointing to the right files) but no yml and I think I read somewhere about a manifest.yml. Could this be the problem?
Any advice on how to debug this? Or what might be wrong.
In answer to the comment an example:
There is a file in the heroku app (checked with heroku bash)
my browser asks the heroku app for:
and the heroku app answers with 404 file not found.
I solved the issue by adding the gem rails_12factor
suggested in: heroku assets not found 404

Using GitHub Pages, is it possible to specify the root web directory when not using Jekyll?

I'm using another static site generator and I'd like to be able to check-in the source files (in markdown) as well as the generated site to my repo. So, much like Jekyll but I'm not using Jekyll. My structure is:
index.html (GitHub Pages wants the root here)
GitHub Pages is serving the index.html and expects the rest of the site to be at the root. I would like the site to be served from target/index.html. This would allow me to create a source/, generate it locally, and push both source/ and target/3.html.
The only ways I can think to do this is to:
have 2 repos - one for the markdown and generate to another for just the html.
have a branch that contains the markdown and commit the source to that branch and switch to master before committing the generated target html.
keep the markdown in the root (instead of 'source') and generate the html to the same root directory
as a long shot, adopt the Jekyll diretory structure and hope it doesn't interfere somehow by thinking it's a true Jekyll-style site
reviewing the jekyll docs it seems that isn't possible. The source directory can't be changed.

django filebrowser not allowing folders to be created and does not upload files

I'm trying to implement django-filebrowser into my latest app. I have grappelli installed also. The urls work fine for getting into filebrowser /admin/filebrowser/browse is what I have it set at.
The problem I am having is when it comes to trying to either add a folder or upload a file.
New Folder:
When I'm adding a folder an error is thrown stating:
Please correct the following errors.
Permission denied.
Now the permissions for the folder are fine. I don't understand why it won't allow me to upload files here.
drwxr-xr-x 2 naytive naytive 4096 Jan 18 08:32 uploads/
Upload File:
Normally when uploading a file, the filebrowser upload screen appears with a timer to upload success, however when I try to upload a file it just refreshes the page with url ending
It is getting to the point where I will just remove the module because it isn't doing as it is set up to be.
Any ideas?
EDIT: I think the uploading files side of things is caused by the original file permissions also. If we fix this error then perhaps the upload will work too.
If you use it on a server with apache, then you must give apache right to write in this folder (chown).
I had something similar. I gave permission to www-data user to the folder i wanted to upload to and it worked.