Module Federation: eagerly shared lib and default shareScope using two module federation builds - webpack-module-federation

When a single build declares a shared { eager: true } lib everything works fine. When I add an import to a second remote module federation build unless I change the shareScope in the first build to something other than the default scope. The shareScope always resolves to a promise - and therefore I get the cannot load lib eagerly standard error.
Looking to understand if this is expected, and how to properly share eagerly shared libs across two different module federation build, if that is a typical use case.


Is there a way to make Bazel work with transitive repositories?

I work with a massive codebase distributed across many repositories and using even more third-party dependencies. The goal is to make the build hermetic and I contemplate using Bazel to achieve it. On the one hand, Bazel has git_repository rule to refer to the external repos in the WORKSPACE file. On the other hand, WORKSPACE files are not loaded recursively, so to get to indirect dependencies I need to build all inclusive WORKSPACE file somehow. I wonder if somebody already tackled that problem using Bazel or some other existing tools. Is there a way to expand the WORKSPACE as part of the build? May be WORKSPACE can #include other (generated) files?
WORKSPACE files can load and then call macros, which gives similar functionality to #include.
A common pattern is each project having a macro which calls macros (for dependencies on other projects) and creates *_archive rules (for dependencies directly on files to download) so it builds. For example, protobuf has protobuf_deps to implement this pattern. If you create a repository with protobuf (using git_repository, or http_archive, or any of the other repository rules), then you can load that macro and call it, and you'll automatically get all the transitive dependencies.
For example (from Chromium):
load("#bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
# This com_google_protobuf repository is required for proto_library rule.
# It provides the protocol compiler binary (i.e., protoc).
name = "com_google_protobuf",
strip_prefix = "protobuf-master",
urls = [""],
load("#com_google_protobuf//:protobuf_deps.bzl", "protobuf_deps")
I'm showing http_archive because it's easier to work with, but you can easily change it to git_archive if you want.
Another common pattern which makes this all work is the way protobuf_deps checks native.existing_rule before creating each http_archive. That allows you to instantiate a specific version (or from a specific source, etc) of the dependency directly in your WORKSPACE file to override the one protobuf would otherwise bring in.

Optional dependencies with ocamlbuild

I have an OCaml project that is currently built using OCamlMake. I am not happy with the current build system since it leaves all build artefacts in the same directory as source files, plus it also requires to manually specify order of dependencies between modules. I would like to switch to a build system that does not suffer from these issues. I decided to give Oasis a try but have run into issues.
The problems arise from the fact that the project is built in a very specific way. It supports several different database backends (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite). Currently, to compile a database backend user must install extra libraries required by that backend and enable it by setting an environment variable. This is how it looks in the Makefile:
DB_LIBS += mysql
Notice that this also adds extra module to the list of compiled modules. The important bit is that there is no dependency (in a sense of module import) between any module reachable from the applications entry point and database backend module. What happens rather is that each database backend module contains top-level code that runs when a module is initiated and registers itself, using side-effects, with the main application.
I cannot get this setup to work with Oasis. I declared each of the database backend modules as a separate library that can be enabled for compilation with a flag:
Library mysql-backend
Path : .
Build $: flag(mysql)
Install : false
BuildTools : ocamlbuild
BuildDepends : main, mysql
Modules : Mysql_backend
However, I cannot figure out a way to tell Oasis to link the optional modules into the executable. I tried to figure out a way of doing this by modifying file but failed. Can I achieve this with the rule function described here?
If what I describe cannot be achieved with ocamlbuild, is there any ither tool that would do the job and avoid problems of OCamlMake?
Well, I guess that answers it: :)
I saw the question and started working on it before I noticed Drup's answer above. Below is a self-contained ocamlbuild solution that is essentially the same as Drup's.
open Ocamlbuild_plugin
let enable_plugin () =
let plugins = try string_list_of_file "plugin.config" with _ -> [] in
dep ["ocaml"; "link_with_plugin"; "byte"]
( (fun p -> p^".cmo") plugins);
dep ["ocaml"; "link_with_plugin"; "native"]
( (fun p -> p^".cmx") plugins);
let () = dispatch begin
| Before_rules -> enable_plugin ()
| _ -> ()
Using the tag link_with_plugin on an ocamlbuild target will make it depend on any module whose path (without extension) is listed in the file plugin.config. For example if you have plugins, and a file, then writing pluga plugb in plugin.config and having <main.{cmo,cmx}>: link_with_plugin will link both plugin modules in the main executable.
Unfortunately, this is beyond oasis capabilities. This limitation has nothing to do with ocamlbuild, it just because oasis author tried to keep it simple, and didn't provide optional dependencies as a feature.
As always, an extra level of indirection may solve your problem. What you need, is a configuration script (configure) that will generate _oasis file for you, depending on parameters, provided by a user.
For example, in our project we have a similar setup, i.e., multiple different backends, that might be chosen by a user during the configuration phase, with --{enable,disable}-<feature>. We achieved this by writing our own ./configure script that generate _oasis file, depending on configuration. The configuration script just concatenates the resulting _oasis files from pieces, described in oasis folder.
An alternative solution would be to use m4 or just cpp, and have an file, that is preprocessed.

How to build same library more than once in Yocto?

I have 2 application, both uses the same library but the library should be build with a flag enabled in one and disabled in other. this is a static library, so at run time there won't be a conflict in runtime. But the library is separate ie, the application is build separately and the library is separate. In each configuration, the library will be build with a different name which is taken care by the makefile. This can be done manually. but now I need to add it to Yocto.
In yocto, how can I build the same library 2 times in separate configuration?
If you're limited to .bbappend and you don't want to duplicate the recipe, you can add some additional tasks then. In these additional tasks (after regular installation) you can do configuration/compilation/installation once again but with any kind of additional actions/variable overrides or whatever. Something like this:
do_special_configure() {
oe_runmake clean
export MAGIC_VARIABLE="magic value"
do_special_compile() {
export MAGIC_VARIABLE="magic value"
fakeroot do_special_install() {
export MAGIC_VARIABLE="magic value"
do_special_configure[dirs] = "${B}"
do_special_compile[dirs] = "${B}"
do_special_install[dirs] = "${B}"
addtask special_configure after do_install before do_special_compile
addtask special_compile after do_special_configure before do_special_install
addtask special_install after do_special_compile before do_package do_populate_sysroot
If the different configurations really produce different installed files, then you'll have no problems adding two separate recipes that just happen to have the same SRC_URI
Well, you can't, not without two recipes.
Your two applications, can't influence in any way, how the library is being used. Thus, your options (as long as both these two applications should be available for the same machine / distro combination) basically are:
Create a 2nd recipe (in this case, likely in your layer, though preferably in the upstream layer). If the recipe you're copying uses in .inc and a small .bb that mostly includes that file, you can easily do just the same. Otherwise, your options are to either copy the recipe and modify it, or to have your new recipe
If possible, modify the upstream recipe (preferably using a .bbappend) to simultaneously build both versions that you require.

Codeigniter Tank_Auth used as a HMVC module along with the Template library

I've successfully configured and run HMVC on my clean install of Codeigniter 2.1.0
Then I've included Template library. It consist of only 3 files: /system/library/Template.php, /application/config/template.php and finally, template file itself (somewhere in /views directory).
I've tested template library while loading one of my created modules. I had to go to /system/library/Template.php to correct paths so they point to my module/views instead of default CI's ones.
Then I tested and it seemed just fine.
The third step is to include Tank_Auth authentication library. I want it to reside in module as well (/modules/auth). This module should have the same directory structure just like a regular app directory does (config, controllers, language, libraries, models, views, etc.) so I can copy Tank_Auth's files to Auth module's respective directories.
Basically, I have already done that copy part. But now when I try to run http://adresar.local/auth/auth/login I get
An Error Was Encountered
Unable to load the requested file: auth/login.php
I've also tried changing
class Auth extends CI_Controller
class Auth extends MX_Controller
but to no avail.
If anyone can throw in some useful advice I will appreciate it a lot.

how to install a library with a different name in waf build system?

I want to build a library with waf, but install it under a different name than the target name. It seems you can do
bld.shlib(..., install_path='${PREFIX}/lib')
but I need to be able to do something like:
bld.shlib(..., install_as='${PREFIX}/lib/xyz')
Also, bld.install_as() wont work, as it doesn't seem to accept a task as a target, and I can't figure out how to turn a task into a node representing the target, so the following doesnt work either:
tgt = bld.shlib(...)
bld.install_as('foo', tgt)
Or alternatively, I need to be able to disable the "lib" prefix that is automatically added to library names, but only for this one library - not for all them during the build, e.g. something like:
bld.shlib(..., libprefix='', install_path="${PREFIX}/lib/")
I know you can set shlib_PATTERN as well, but that seems to affect all libraries under the current environment. We have a pretty complicated build that uses a lot of different environments for building debug/release concurrently, so just cloning the current environment and changing the flag doesnt work either, because it clones the default environment, not the one the target will eventually be built under (because we clone the targets for each environment during build time).
Any thoughts? Thanks!
You can do this:
hello_lib = bld.shlib(
hello_lib.env.cxxshlib_PATTERN = ''
This code changes naming pattern for only one task.
There are two keyword arguments you can use: "name" and "target". "target" is the name of the file create while Name is the name of the target when using the "--target" argument. Confusing, but here is an example:
waf configure build install --target=NameOfTarget --prefix=/home/Brian
This creates a shared library "" and installs it to /home/Brian/lib/MyLib