How to allow webpack to es6 exports from directory - webpack-5

I have a typescript library that has an index file which contains export statements that look as follows:
export function add(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b
export function subtract(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b
export * from './deep'
The export of add and subtract has no problems, but when I add the
export * from './deep'
Webpack starts to throw the following error:
The ./deep folder contains an index file that export the functions
It's clear that Webpack doesn't like this setup .. but this is a very common setup in TypeScript projects.
Does anyone know how I can configure webpack to handle this without changing the structure of my project?


How to create library for v lang by c++

I would like to ask how to create a module on c++ for v lang.
For example
int some_method() {
return 6
import my_c_module
I will be grateful for any information
And can I call c++ class method in v lang?
In V every file in the root of a folder is part of the same module. Simple programs don't need to specify module name, in which case it defaults to 'main'.
V is a very modular language. Creating reusable modules is encouraged and is quite easy to do. To create a new module, create a directory with your module's name containing .v files with code:
cd ~/code/modules
mkdir mymodule
vim mymodule/myfile.v
Inside myfile.v
// myfile.v
module mymodule
// To export a function we have to use `pub`
pub fn say_hi() {
println('hello from mymodule!')
Now you can call your module
import mymodule
fn main() {
You can create also your custom module, and here is the official docs

Mock not being called in Jest

Please help me understand Jest mocks.
I've put some dummy functions in a file:
// actions.js
export function f1() {
return 1
export function calls_f1() {
And then in my test file I'm trying to understand how to check that a function calls another function:
import * as actions from './actions.js'
describe("MOCKS", () => {
actions.f1 = jest.fn();
But the test is failing saying the mock function wasn't called. I've also tried swapping the 2nd and 3rd lines of the test, to no avail.
My jest config is all good, I've actually been doing a bunch of other testing (in this same file) that works.
What am I missing here?
Note: The actual implementation of this (that I'm simplifying greatly here) involves an actions file that includes a public export function fetchStations() that calls a private (or, rather, not exported) export function _downloadStations(). I'm trying to test that _downloadStations() is called.
I'm using import * as actions only for convenience, so I can write that line and then use whatever functions that file exports under actions.whatever() (instead of having to add functions to the import statement when I decide to use them). If import * as actions has some effect I'm not noticing (as implied by brian below) then I certainly don't have to use it and can use import {thisAction, thatAction} from './actions' of course.
This line:
import * as actions from './actions.js'
binds the module exports from actions.js to actions... setting actions.f1 to a mock function replaces the module export for f1...
...but this doesn't affect calls_f1 since it calls f1 directly.
If calls_f1 is changed to call the module export for f1 then it will call the mock function.
There are two ways to make that happen.
One way is to move f1 into its own module.
The other way is to note that ES6 modules "support cyclic dependencies automatically" (a major design goal of ES6 modules) so a module can import its own exports:
import * as actions from './actions'; // <= import the module...
export function f1() {
return 1
export function calls_f1() {
actions.f1() // <= ...and use it to call f1
import * as actions from './actions.js'
describe('actions', () => {
it('calls_f1 should call f1', () => {
actions.f1 = jest.fn();
expect(actions.f1).toBeCalled(); // Success!
OP updated the question to indicate that the function in question is not exported from the module.
In that case it is just an internal implementation detail of the module and cannot be spied on directly.
Testing it would involve testing for the effects that it causes, and not directly spying on it to see if it was called.

Testing typescript modules without exports

I'm working on legacy environment and I have Typescript files which contain modules or/and classes
class SomeClass {
module AndAModule {
export namespace NestedNamespace {
Notice the lack of "export" keyword in the top level modules/classes.
I would like to test functions in the "NestedNamespace" using Jest library. However when I import the Typescript file in a test file:
var service = require("/path/to/file/SomeService.ts")
I have no access neither to a class nor module defined in the SomeService.ts file. If add the "export" keyword before module and class I'm able to access them through the object returned from require, however this breaks whole environment and other files, as after this, the module and the class are not present in the outFile generated by typescript.
How can I import desired modules from files, without adding any export statement?
If you have a function which is not being exported, then some other function which is exported, is calling that un-exported function. Test the exported method, and you will indirectly be testing the un-exported one.

Ember-cli how to change input path of files

I am new to ember. But for a particular task i need to change input path of templates to compile. i.e default is app/templates. but i want to change this path.
I have read the ember-cli-build.js file but i can edit only output path. how can i edit the input path.
My ember-cli-build.js
var EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');
module.exports = function(defaults) {
var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
// Add options here
outputPaths: {
app: {
html: 'ember_build_index.html'
// Use `app.import` to add additional libraries to the generated
// output files.
// If you need to use different assets in different
// environments, specify an object as the first parameter. That
// object's keys should be the environment name and the values
// should be the asset to use in that environment.
// If the library that you are including contains AMD or ES6
// modules that you would like to import into your application
// please specify an object with the list of modules as keys
// along with the exports of each module as its value.
return app.toTree();
You have to change templates directory path for the ember app being built.
To check your current templates directory path, check app.trees.templates._directoryPath in your ember-cli-build.js by log it to console using console.log(app.trees.templates._directoryPath) .
Now, if you want your ember build to have templates from 'app/templates/mobile' (in your case), just change:
app.trees.templates._directoryPath = 'app/templates/mobile' in ember-cli-build.js before it returns app.toTree();
The node_module which constructs tree for templates is at 'node_modules/ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app.js' at line no. 724 where it accesses 'this.trees.templates' in which this is the instance of your app.

PHPUnit bootstrap in PhpStorm

I am working with Zend Framework 2 and I want to run tests for all of my modules in PhpStorm 5.0.4. I have PhpStorm set up to check for tests in myproject/module and it successfully finds my tests. The problem is that it doesn't read my configuration file within each module, which is needed (it points to a bootstrap file).
Here is the directory structure for a module (source):
When I run the test, it gives me an error because Bootstrap.php is not run prior to running UserTest.php. All of the files are correct, because if I cd to /myproject/module/User/tests/ and run phpunit within the Terminal, it works fine.
I would like it to use the configuration (and thereby bootstrap) within each module. I tried to use the --configuration option with a relative path, but I couldn't get it to work.
Here is my current configuration:
Any pointers on how I can run the configuration file (and bootstrap) when a module is being tested? That is, a module has its own configuration file and bootstrap.
Thanks in advance.
PHP Storm 7 assumes that you will only need ONE default bootstrap file and thus does not enable individual bootsrap files DIRECTLY for each PHPUnit test configuration.
However, zf2 conducts tests on a per module basis. Thus, after you set the defaults to the first module the other modules don't work. The way around this is to
Remove the default options in File|Settings|PHP|PHPUnit
You don't have to remove the default configuration file but you must EMPTY OUT and uncheck the default bootstrap file. Just unchecking will not be enough
Go Run|Edit Configurations (there are other shortcuts to this box)
For each module you have to create a test configuration. For example, you'll have the standard Application Module and thus an "Application Module Test" for it, maybe an Admin Module and then an "Admin Module Test" for that
For each test (assuming standard zf2 directory structure)
a. Test Scope: Directory
b. Directory: C:\wamp\www\PROJECT-NAME\module\MODULE-NAME\test
c. Check "Use alternative configuration file:"
d. Enter C:\wamp\www\PROJECT-NAME\module\MODULE-NAME\test\MODULE-NAMETest\phpunit.xml.dist
e. In "Test Runner options", enter "--bootstrap C:\wamp\www\PROJECT-NAME\module\MODULE-NAME\test\MODULE-NAMETest\Bootstrap.php"
Repeat for next module
The issue here is that as long as the default bootsrap field has an entry, phpstorm will add that as default as a --bootstrap option AFTER whatever you put in the case specific Test Runner options. So, no matter what you do, you end up running the wrong bootstrap file everytime except for the first/default test case
Hope this helps
Unless I missed something, you'll have to set up a test configuration for each module. In your case, you have myproject. Instead, you'll want one for each module, and then set up the configuration for each (Use alternative configuration file).
I make use of the environment variables option in the run configuration to to define a value I can use within a global bootstrap.php to pull in requirements specific to a given module or section of the application.
class GlobalBootstrap
private static $applicationSections = [
public static function init()
$localMethod = self::fetchLocalMethod();
if (!is_null($localMethod)) {
} else {
throw new Exception(
. '::'
. 'Says: No local method has been defined for this test section'
private static function fetchLocalMethod()
$section = getenv('APPLICATION_SECTION');
if (is_null($section) || !in_array($section, self::$applicationSections)) {
return null;
$section = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z]+/", "", $section);
$method = 'bootstrap' . ucfirst(strtolower($section));
return $method;
* Section specific methods
protected static function bootstrapSectiona()
require __DIR__ . '/../../{section_a}/module/Test/Bootstrap.php';
Any arbitrary variable and value can be created and then referenced in your bootstrap.php using: getevn(VARIABLE_NAME); This saves a lot of long-winded configuration in PHPStorm, but culd potentially get equally as complex if you're relying on a lot of differing bootstrap functionality.