What are Cloud Anchors? - google-cloud-platform

I was exploring Google IO 2022 webpage, having been introduced to it just this year. Something that was interesting to me was ARCore Cloud Anchors - https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/arcore-cloud-anchors
I wanted to know more about how cloud anchors work but could not find much on the internet that explains this concept intuitively. Kindly help me understand what are these and how do they work.
PS: If this is the wrong stack exchange site to post this query, kindly let me know where can I post this query instead?


optimizing data mining from google form for online statistics for recommendation system (Flask app delpoyed on Heroku)

I'm building the Flask app delpoyed on Heroku: recommendation system for the field of future study.
Now I'm stuck on the next question: for now, pupils can fill Google Form, their data adding to Google Sheets, and based on that I'm doing offline statistics. And now I want to implement live-statistics. Because of some "multiple response" questions, there is a problem to take new data from Google Sheets of form without converting data. If I will convert all responces each time, all of that will be not optimized.
What is the best way to implement live-statistics: I don't want use Heroku database and I want to use my Google Sheet. Maybe there is some way to create and update csv file online after each new response?
Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance!
As suggested by Tin, you can use the Sheet API directly; here is a useful guide to get started for Python.
However, since you mention you want to use your Sheet directly, it would be a good idea to take a look at Google Apps Script, it can be quite useful for working with Google products directly and it's easy to use.
You can try with this tutorial on how to get started with Apps Script to work with Sheets. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them separately, the community will be more than happy to help.

how to use google cloud text to speech API? i contacted their support not of much help. any smart guy who can get me through this?

I created the credentials, but was not able to locate the product for end use. there was a page but we had to use code there some jason script may be. not the product they showed in the demo.

Google Home API for going to a URL and login

I am a very new developer who can write basic HTML (yes I know it's English), and is looking for a solution to a problem that I basically invented.
I recently bought a product called Doorbird, a very cool and well engineered IP Doorbell. The reason I bought it, is because it has an App, and integrates with IP phones and support video, and has a few bells and whistles, if you're not familiar with this product, I highly recommend looking at it.
The "problem" is that it does not integrate with Google Home, or Amazon Echo. However, it does have an API that allows you to go to the URL, login and unlock the door. I was looking into creating my own action that would have the Google Home login to the Doorbell and go to the unlock URL.
My issue is, I have no experience with this, but I pick things up very quickly, and believe in myself!
I already looked at the api.ai site from Google, and have signed up. It looked simple, but upon further investigation looks very complicated.
If anyone would be able to point me in the right direction I would be greatly appreciative.
Thanks in advance,
-Jack G
You need them to publish their REST api so that you can call the 'action' to unlock directly vs. having to go to a login page. You would probably set up oauth to have your server talk to theirs or use web headers. Ask their tech support if they support direct REST api using a security model.

Amazon MWS API - Searching Products

I've recently been trying to gather a small database of books that I have ISBNs for. My options are limited because I need, among other things, a description, which isn't common in services like this. From what I've gathered, one of the best ways to do this is using Amazon's API.
I've been here where people recommended using Amazon's API, and both there and here they mentioned that the old way used in those answers is now deprecated. Unfortunately, Amazon's own documentation for this thing is horrifically terrible, and I can't seem to find any resources to use it.
Does anyone have tips on what to do, or good places to learn how to do this with Amazon? If there are better alternatives, I'm also glad to take those.
I would go about this in two steps:
use Amazon's API to request the store URL of the book in question
details on the API request from the docs.
Amazon's API won't respond with the description you need, but it will respond with the URL of the page which contains that description. All you'll need to do is crawl that page, perhaps with something like npm crawler.
You'll find the description after the <div id="bookDescription_feature_div" class="feature" data-feature-name="bookDescription"> div of the crawled page.

Regarding codes gluing django and facebook

I'm building a website using django and planning to connect it with facebook. I googled and found so many codes to do the job but don't know which one is good for me. I need facebook connect and new graph api support. Could anyone share me some experiences with codes below and advise me which one is good for me? (with some tips if possbible)
I would really appreciate it.
http://github.com/facebook/python-sdk is official Facebook Graph SDK from Facebook. So it's good for fetching/puting data from Facebook. It's doing it well, so you don't have to search for alternative.
Authentication is bit more problem. I was searching for library witch will match my needs, but not found it. So I wrote bit off code myself.
see also: