Using a backreference as key in a hashmap within a regex-substitution? - regex

I am learning the Perl language and I stumbled upon the following question:
Is it possible to use a backreference as a key in a substitution argument, e.g. something like:
$hm{"Cat"} = "Dog";
That is, I want to tell Perl to look up a key which is contained in a capture argument.
I know that this is a silly example. But I am just curious on the question as to whether it is possible to use such a key-lookup with a backreference in a substitution.

Use $1 instead.
While backrefs like \1 work in the substition part of a regex, it only works in string context. The $hm{KEY} is accesses an item in a hash. The KEY part can be a bareword or an expression. In an expression, \1 would be a “reference to a literal scalar with value 1” which would stringify as SCALAR(0x55776153ecb0), not a back-reference as in a string. Instead, we can access the value of captures in the regex with variables like $1.
But that requires us to capture a part of the regex. I would write it as:
As a rule of thumb, only use backrefs like \1 within a regex pattern. Everywhere else use capture variables like $1. If you use warnings, Perl will also tell you that \1 better written as $1, though it wouldn't have detected the particular issue in your case as the \1 was still valid syntax, albeit with different meaning.

If you are looking at really old code, you'll see people using the \1 form on the replacement side of the substitution. Sometimes you'll see it in really new code; it's a Perl 4 thing that still works, but Perl 5 added a warning. If you have warnings turned on, perl will tell you that (although I don't know when this warning started:
$ perl5.36.0 -wpe 's/cat(dog)/\1/'
\1 better written as $1 at -e line 1.
With diagnostics you get even more information about the warning:
$ perl5.36.0 -Mdiagnostics -wpe 's/cat(dog)/\1/'
\1 better written as $1 at -e line 1 (#1)
(W syntax) Outside of patterns, backreferences live on as variables.
The use of backslashes is grandfathered on the right-hand side of a
substitution, but stylistically it's better to use the variable form
because other Perl programmers will expect it, and it works better if
there are more than 9 backreferences.
There are many other warnings that Perl uses to show you better ways to do things.
A level above that is perlcritic, which is an opinionated set of policies about what some people find to be good style. It's not a terrible place to start before you develop your own ideas about what works for you or your team.

It has been explained that one wants to use a capture for that, not a backreference, like
perl -wE'$_=shift//q(hal); %h = (a => 7); s/(a)/$h{$1}/; say'
What I'd like to add is a note about what if there isn't in fact a key for that capture?
We often capture complex patterns, not simple literals, and it can happen that our anticipated keys don't cover every case that may come up. A way to check for that involves the modifier /e, which makes the replacement part be evaluated as code, and its return is then substituted into the string
perl -wE'$_=shift//q(hal); %h = (a => 7); s{(h)}{$h{$1} // "default"}e; say'
Now if the pattern is matched and captured but isn't a key (h) then the string default is substituted. An often sensible choice for default is the capture itself (if not a key put it back).
The replaccement part must now be syntactically correct code, so no bare literals, etc.


Conditional regular expression with one section dependent on the result of another section of the regex

Is it possible to design a regular expression in a way that a part of it is dependent on another section of the same regular expression?
Consider the following example:
I want to continue this regex, and at some point I will have a section where the result of that section should depend on the result of [DM]{5}.
For example, D will be complemented by C, and M will be complemented by N.
By D' I mean C, and by M' I mean N.
So a resulting string that matches the above regex, if it has DDDMM matching to the section [DM]{5}, it should necessarily have CCCNN matching to [D'M']{5}. Therefore, the result of [D'M']{5} always depends on [DM]{5}, or in other words, what matches to [DM]{5} always dictates what will match to [D'M']{5}.
Is it possible to do such a thing with regex?
Please note that, in this example I have extremely over-simplified the problem. The regex pattern I currently have is really much more complex and longer and my actual pattern includes about 5-6 of such dependent sections.
I cannot think of a way you can do this in pure regex. I would run 2 regex expressions. The first regex to extract the [DM]{5} string, such as
And take the last 5 characters. Now replace the characters, for example in C# it would be result = result.Substring(result.Length - 5, 5).Replace('D', 'C').Replace('M', 'N'), and then concatenate like
(ABCHEHG)[HGHE]{5,1230}(EEJOPK)[DM]{5}[ACF]{1,1000}(BBBA)[CU]{2,5} + result
This is pretty easy to do in Perl:
( [DM]{5} )
(??{ $1 =~ tr/DM/CN/r })
I've added the x modifier and whitespace for better readability. I've also removed the capturing groups around the fixed strings (they're fixed strings; you already know what they're going to capture).
The crucial part is that we capture the string that was actually matched by [DM]{5} (in $1), which we then use at the end to dynamically generate a subpattern by replacing all D by C and M by N in $1.
This sounds like bioinformatics in python. Do 2-stage filtering, at regex level and at app level.
Wildcard the DM portions, so the regex is permissive in what it accepts. Bury the regex in a token generator that yields several matching sections. Have your app iterate through the generator's results, discarding any result rejected by your business logic, such as finding that one token is not the complement of another token.
Alternatively, you might push some of that work down into a complex generated regex, which likely will perform worse and will be harder to debug. Your DDDMM example might be summarized as D+M+, or [DM]+, not sure if sequence matters. The complement might be C+N+, or [CN]+. Apparently there's two cases here. So start assembling a regex: stuff1 [DM]+ stuff2 [CN]+ stuff3. Then tack on '|' for alternation, and tack on the other case: stuff1 [CN]+ stuff2 [DM]+ stuff3 (or factor out suffix and prefix so alternation starts after stuff1). I can't imagine you'll be happy with such an approach, as the combinatorics get ugly, and the regex engine is forced to do lots of scanning and backtracking. And recompiling additional regexes on the fly doesn't come for free. Instead you should use the regex engine for the simple things that it's good at, and delegate complex business logic decisions to your app.

How to order regular expression alternatives to get longest match?

I have a number of regular expressions regex1, regex2, ..., regexN combined into a single regex as regex1|regex2|...|regexN. I would like to reorder the component expressions so that the combined expression gives the longest possible match at the beginning of a given string.
I believe this means reordering the regular expressions such that "if regexK matches a prefix of regexL, then L < K". If this is correct, is it possible to find out, in general, whether regexK can match a prefix of regexL?
Use the right regex flavor!
In some regex flavors, the alternation providing the longest match is the one that is used ("greedy alternation"). Note that most of these regex flavors are old (yet still used today), and thus lack some modern constructs such as back references.
Perl6 is modern (and has many features), yet defaults to the POSIX-style longest alternation. (You can even switch styles, as || creates an alternator that short-circuits to first match.) Note that the :Perl5/:P5 modifier is needed in order to use the "traditional" regex style.
Also, PCRE and the newer PCRE2 have functions that do the same. In PCRE2, it's pcre2_dfa_match. (See my section Relevant info about regex engine design section for more information about DFAs.)
This means, you can have ANY order of statements in a pipe and the result will always be the longest.
(This is different from the "absolute longest" match, as no amount of rearranging the terms in an alternation will change the fact that all regex engines traverse the string left-to-right. With the exception of .NET, apparently, which can go right-to-left. But traversing the string backwards wouldn't guarantee the "absolute longest" match either.) If you really want to find matches at (only) the beginning of a string, you should anchor the expression: ^(regex1|regex2|...).
According to this page*:
The POSIX standard, however, mandates that the longest match be returned. When applying Set|SetValue to SetValue, a POSIX-compliant regex engine will match SetValue entirely.
* Note: I do not have the ability to test every POSIX flavor. Also, some regex flavors (Perl6) have this behavior without being POSIX compliant overall.
Let me give you one specific example that I have verified on my own computer:
echo "ab c a" | sed -E 's/(a|ab)/replacement/'
The regex is (a|ab). When it runs on the string ab c a you get : replacement c a, meaning that you do, in fact, get the longest match that the alternator can provide.
This regex, for a more complex example, (a|ab.*c|.{0,2}c*d) applied to abcccd, will return abcccd.
Try it here!
More clarification: the regex engine will not go forward (in the search string) to see if there is an even longer match once it can match something. It will only look through the current list of alterations to see if another one will match a longer string (from the position where the initial match starts).
In other words, no matter the order of choices in an alteration, POSIX compliant regexes use the one that matches the most characters.
Other examples of flavors with this behavior:
Relevant information about regex engine design
This question asks about designing an engine, but the answers may be helpful to understand how these engines work. Essentially, DFA-based algorithms determine the common overlap of different expressions, especially those within an alternation. It might be worth checking out this page. It explains how alternatives can be combined into a single path:
Note: at some point, you might just want to consider using an actual programming language. Regexes aren't everything.
Longest Match
Unfortunately, there is no distinct logic to tell a regular expression
engine to get the longest match possible.
Doing so would/could create a cascading backtracking episode gone wild.
It is, by definition a complexity too great to deal with.
All regular expressions are processed from left to right.
Anything the engine can match first it will, then bail out.
This is especially true of alternations, where this|this is|this is here
will always match 'this is here' first and
will NEVER ever match this is nor this is here
Once you realize that, you can reorder the alternation into
this is here|this is|this which gives the longest match every time.
Of course this can be reduced to this(?:(?: is)? here)?
which is the clever way of getting the longest match.
Haven't seen any examples of the regex's you want to combine,
so this is just some general information.
If you show the regexes you're trying to combine, better solution could be
Alternation contents do affect each other, as well as whatever precedes or
follows the cluster can have an affect on which alternation gets matched.
If you have more questions just ask.
For #Laurel. This could always be done with a Perl 5 regex (>5.10)
because Perl can run code from within regex sub-expressions.
Since it can run code, it can count and get the longest match.
The rule of leftmost first, however, will never change.
If regex were thermodynamics, this would be the first law.
Perl is a strange entity as it tries to create a synergy between regex
and code execution.
As a result, it is possible to overload it's operators, to inject
customization into the language itself.
Their regex engine is no different, and can be customized the same way.
So, in theory, the regex below can be made into a regex construct,
a new Alternation construct.
I won't go into detail's here, but suffice it to say, it's not for the faint at heart.
If you're interested in this type of thing, see the perlre manpage under
section 'Creating Custom RE Engines'
Note - The regex alternation form is based on #Laurel complex example
(a|ab.*c|.{0,2}c*d) applied to abcccd.
Visually, if made into a custom regex construct, would look similar to
an alternation (?:rx1||rx2||rx3) and I'm guessing this is how a lot of
Perl6 is done in terms of integrating regex engine directly into the language.
Also, if used as is, it's possible to construct this regex dynamically as needed.
And note that all the richness of Perl regex constructs are available.
Longest Match Found: abcccd
use strict;
use warnings;
my ($p1,$p2,$p3) = (0,0,0);
my $targ = 'abcccd';
# Formatted using RegexFormat7 (
if ( $targ =~
# The Alternation Construct
( a ) # (1)
(?{ $p1 = length($^N) })
( ab .* c ) # (2)
(?{ $p2 = length($^N) })
( .{0,2} c*d ) # (3)
(?{ $p3 = length($^N) })
# Check At Least 1 Match
| (?!)
# Consume Longest Alternation Match
( # (4 start)
$p1>=$p2 && $p1>=$p3
| (?(?{
$p2>=$p1 && $p2>=$p3
| (?(?{
$p3>=$p1 && $p3>=$p2
) # (4 end)
/x ) {
print "Longest Match Found: $4\n";
} else {
print "Did not find a match!\n";
For sure a human might be able judging whther two given regexp are matching prefixes for some cases. In general this is an n-p-complete problem. So don't try.
In the best case combining the different regexp into a single one will give a suitable result cheap. However, I'm not aware of any algorithm that can take two arbitrary regexp and combine them in a way that the resulting regexp is still matching what any of the two would match. It would be n-p-complete also.
You must also not rely on ordering of alternatives. This depends on the internal execution logic of the regexp engine. It could easily be that this is reordering the alternatives internally beyond your control. So, a valid ordering with current engine mmight give wrong results with a different engine. (So, it could help as long as you stay with a single regexp engine implementation)
Best approach seems to me to simply execute all regexp, keep track of the matched length and then take the longest match.

Perl tainting via regular expression

Short version
In the code below, $1 is tainted and I don't understand why.
Long version
I'm running Foswiki on a system with perl v5.14.2 with -T taint check mode enabled.
Debugging a problem with that setup, I managed to construct the following SSCCE. (Note that I edited this post, the first version was longer and more complicated, and comments still refer to that.)
#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;
use locale;
use Scalar::Util qw(tainted);
my $var = "foo.bar_baz";
$var =~ m/^(.*)[._](.*?)$/;
print(tainted($1) ? "tainted\n" : "untainted\n");
Although the input string $var is untainted and the regular expression is fixed, the resulting capture group $1 is tainted. Which I find really strange.
The perlsec manual has this to say about taint and regular expressions:
Values may be untainted by using them as keys in a hash; otherwise the
only way to bypass the tainting mechanism is by referencing
subpatterns from a regular expression match. Perl presumes that if
you reference a substring using $1, $2, etc., that you knew what you
were doing when you wrote the pattern.
I would imagine that even if the input were tainted, the output would still be untainted. To observe the reverse, tainted output from untainted input, feels like a strange bug in perl. But if one reads more of perlsec, it also points users at the SECURITY section of perllocale. There we read:
when use locale is in effect, Perl uses the tainting mechanism (see
perlsec) to mark string results that become locale-dependent, and
which may be untrustworthy in consequence. Here is a summary of the
tainting behavior of operators and functions that may be affected by
the locale:
Comparison operators (lt, le , ge, gt and cmp) […]
Case-mapping interpolation (with \l, \L, \u or \U) […]
Matching operator (m//):
Scalar true/false result never tainted.
Subpatterns, either delivered as a list-context result or as $1
etc. are tainted if use locale (but not use locale
':not_characters') is in effect, and the subpattern regular
expression contains \w (to match an alphanumeric character), \W
(non-alphanumeric character), \s (whitespace character), or \S
(non whitespace character). The matched-pattern variable, $&, $`
(pre-match), $' (post-match), and $+ (last match) are also
tainted if use locale is in effect and the regular expression contains
\w, \W, \s, or \S.
Substitution operator (s///) […]
This looks like it should be an exhaustive list. And I don't see how it could apply: My regex is not using any of \w, \W, \s or \S, so it should not depend on locale.
Can someone explain why this code taints the varibale $1?
There currently is a discrepancy between the documentation as quoted in the question, and the actual implementation as of perl 5.18.1. The problem are character classes. The documentation mentions \w,\s,\W,\S in what sounds like an exhaustive list, while the implementation taints on pretty much every use of […].
The right solution would probably be somewhere in between: character classes like [[:word:]] should taint, since it depends on locale. My fixed list should not. Character ranges like [a-z] depend on collation, so in my personal opinion they should taint as well. \d depends on what a locale considers a digit, so it, too, should taint even if it is neither one of the escape sequences mentioned so far nor a bracketed class.
So in my opinion, both the documentation and the implementation need fixing. Perl devs are working on this. For progress information, please look at the perl bug report I filed.
For a fixed list of characters, one viable workaround appears to be a formulation as a disjunction, i.e. (?:\.|_) instead of [._]. It is more verbose, but should work even with the current (in my opinion buggy) perl versions.

Do not include the condition itself in regex

Here's the regexp:
But for string name.ns1.ns2 it catches .ns1 and .ns2 values (which does make perfect sense). Is it possible only to get ns1 and ns2 results? Maybe using assertions, nuh?
You have the capturing group, use its value, however you do it in your language.
JavaScript example:
var list = "name.ns1.ns2".match(/\.([^.]+)/g);
// list now contains 'ns1' and 'ns2'
If you can use lookbehinds (most modern regex flavors, but not JS), you can use this expression:
In Perl you can also use \K like so:
I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to do, but let's go through some options.
Your regex: /\.([^\.]*)/g
(Minor note: you don't need the backslash in front of the . inside a character class [..], because a . loses its special meaning there already.)
First: matching against a regular expression is, in principle, a Boolean test: "does this string match this regex". Any additional information you might be able to get about what part of the string matched what part of the regex, etc., is entirely dependent upon the particular implementation surrounding the regular expression in whatever environment you're using. So, your question is inherently implementation-dependent.
However, in the most common case, a match attempt does provide additional data. You almost always get the substring that matched the entire regular expression (in Perl 5, it shows up in the $& variable). In Perl5-compatible regular expressions, f you surround part of the regular expression with unquoted parentheses, you will additiionally get the substrings that matched each set of those as well (in Perl 5, they are placed in $1, $2, etc.).
So, as written, your regular expression will usually make two separate results available to you: ".ns1", ".ns2", etc. for the entire match, and "ns1", "ns2", etc. for the subgroup match. You shouldn't have to change the expression to get the latter values; just change how you access the results of the match.
However, if you want, and if your regular expression engine supports them, you can use certain features to make sure that the entire regular expression matches only the part you want. One such mechanism is lookbehind. A positive lookbehind will only match after something that matches the lookbehind expression:
That will match any sequence of non-periods but only if they come after a period.
Can you use something like string splitting, which allows you to break a string into pieces around a particular string (such as a period)?
It's not clear what language you're using, but nearly every modern language provides a way to split up a string. e.g., this pseudo code:
string myString = "bill.the.pony";
string[] brokenString = myString.split(".");

How do I match a pattern with optional surrounding quotes?

How would one write a regex that matches a pattern that can contain quotes, but if it does, must have matching quotes at the beginning and end?
Will not work because it will allow patterns that begin with a quote but don't end with one.
Will work, but is repetitive. Is there a better way to do that without repeating the pattern?
You can get a solution without repeating by making use of backreferences and conditionals:
Doesn't match:
This pattern is somewhat complex, however. It first looks for an optional quote, and puts it into backreference 1 if one is found. Then it searches for your pattern. Then it uses conditional syntax to say "if backreference 1 is found again, match it, otherwise match nothing". The whole pattern is anchored (which means that it needs to appear by itself on a line) so that unmatched quotes won't be captured (otherwise the pattern in pattern" would match).
Note that support for conditionals varies by engine and the more verbose but repetitive expressions will be more widely supported (and likely easier to understand).
Update: A much simpler version of this regex would be /^(")?(pattern)\1$/, which does not need a conditional. When I was testing this initially, the tester I was using gave me a false negative, which lead me to discount it (oops!).
I'll leave the solution with the conditional up for posterity and interest, but this is a simpler version that is more likely to work in a wider variety of engines (backreferences are the only feature being used here which might be unsupported).
This is quite simple as well: (".+"|.+). Make sure the first match is with quotes and the second without.
Depending on the language you're using, you should be able to use backreferences. Something like this, say:
That way, you're requiring that either there are no quotes, or that the SAME quote is used on both ends.
This should work with recursive regex (which needs longer to get right). In the meantime: in Perl, you can build a self-modifying regex. I'll leave that as an academic example ;-)
my #stuff = ( '"pattern"', 'pattern', 'pattern"', '"pattern' );
foreach (#stuff) {
print "$_ OK\n" if /^
(??{defined $1 ? '"' : ''})
"pattern" OK
pattern OK
Generally #Daniel Vandersluis response would work. However, some compilers do not recognize the optional group (") if it is empty, therefore they do not detect the back reference \1.
In order to avoid this problem a more robust solution would be:
Then the compiler will always detect the first group. This expression can also be modified if there is some prefix in the expression and you want to capture it first: