Google Identity - email templates cannot be changed - google-cloud-platform

We use GCP Identity Platform to manage multi-tenant authentication with email and password provider.
Google provides a way to configure email templates that are sent when user requests a password reset (in our case, this flow is triggered on the fronted by calling
This will trigger a email send to the user for which identity this method was called.
This email, however, is problematic for us: it is sent from the * domain (we want to use our own domain) and since it's been setup initially, it is now not possible to amend body of the email sent or change the "from" email used to send it.
This is how the configuration looks like in GCP console:
Identity console
Anyone experienced the same issues or know what is the proper procedure to update email templates?

Answering my own question.
After some research, I started to believe GCP Console doesn't offer a way to make email templates configured at parent/top level project and inherit these settings by tenant providers. It is possible, however, with direct API calls:
Using patch
one needs to update Tenant entity with Inheritance object (setting emailSendingConfig flag) :
"name": "projects/<project-id>/tenants/<tenant-id>",
"displayName": "<your tenant>",
"allowPasswordSignup": true,
"inheritance": {
"emailSendingConfig": true


AWS VPN using federated login with Google IdP - app_not_configured_for_user

I'm trying to setup a VPN connection using a federated login with Google IdP following these instructions.
Previously, I had configured a saml-provider with Google and it worked fine to authenticate users to the AWS console through Google using ARN roles
WHen I setup the VPN connection, it successfully opens the browser and asks me to select my google account, but after selecting the account I'm getting an error message from Google
According to this help section
Verify that the value in the saml:Issuer tag in the SAMLRequest matches the Entity ID value configured in the SAML Service Provider Details section in the Admin console. This value is case-sensitive.
So this is a problem coming from AWS and not from me ? Is Google IdP compatible at all with VPN authentication ? (I found this doc that mentions compatibility with okta)
Thanks to some of the answers below, I managed to make it work with Google IdP. Here is a screenshot of relevant SAML Google app screens (note that for groups I ended up adding the employees department, but I guess anything else would have worked)
To be able to save an ACS URL starting with http:// in the G Suite interface, use the trick given by teknowlogist: open the inspector > network tab, perform the request to save an URL with https, then right-click copy it as cURL, replace https by http, paste in regular console, and you're good.
I found a workaround to not being able to input as the ACS URL on the GSuite SAML app page. The Google admin console only does client-side validation for the https requirement, so you can use the Chrome console to monitor the network call made when modifying the ACS URL.
Then, you can copy this as a curl command and change https to http
#Ted Schroeder —
Previous approach (or, plain Google doesn't work)
I just used a reverse proxy:
mitmproxy \
--listen-port 35000 \
--mode 'reverse:' \
--set keep_host_header=true
If you change Google SAML's ACS URL to be and click "Test SAML Login", Google will take you to, whose traffic will be redirected to In the browser I get:
Authentication details received, processing details. You may close this window at any time.
However, using the SAML-tracer extension, I found that there was a URL mismatch ( vs. Seems like the AWS VPN Client is broadcasting its expected URL as being So this doesn't seem viable.
Current approach (or, Auth0+Google works)
I tried using Auth0 instead, and got it to work! There's a few hoops — for instance, create a new Auth0 application, go to Addons and enable SAML2 Web App, set Application Callback URL to, and then in Settings use the following:
"audience": "urn:amazon:webservices:clientvpn",
"mappings": {
"user_id": "",
"email": "NameID",
"name": "",
"given_name": "FirstName",
"family_name": "LastName",
"upn": "",
"groups": "memberOf"
"binding": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect",
"signResponse": true
Then users, if they download the VPN config from AWS and use the AWS VPN Client app, will be taken to an Auth0 login screen where they can login via Google. Voila! (And then for security, you need to add Auth0 Rules to grant only certain users/groups authorization.)
I don't have a full answer yet, but I have the beginnings of one and I actually got past the 403 error above. The key to all this can be found in the AWS Client VPN information here:
Look for the section entitled "Service provider information for creating an app".
The key is that these are the ACS URL and the Entity ID that need to be used. Unfortunately, G Suite won't let you set the ACS URL to a non-https URL and apparently the AWS Client VPN app won't provide a secure URL for the ACS URL (where the SAML Authenticate response goes).
So, if you set the Entity ID to "urn:amazon:webservices:clientvpn" and have the G Suite SAML app in place according to the instructions, you'll get past the 403. However, since the ACS URL can't be specified you get whatever error message you're likely to get from the ACS URL that the authentication response goes to.
Example scenario
If you set it to" like you would for AWS Console SSO, you get an error from the AWS sign in that the SAML response was invalid.
And if you set it to then you get a message from the browser that the "site can't provide a secure connection".
If anybody gets any further with this, I'd love to hear about it. In the meanwhile, I'm going to be looking into non-AWS OpenVPN clients that might actually support G Suite as a SAML IdP.
Since I don't have the ability to comment (thanks so much for making this easy stackOverflow) I had to edit my answer to get it past the censors.
Unfortunately, we don't have, and probably won't have for some time, G Suite Enterprise because it's too expensive for our startup environment. So OIDP is not a viable option for us now. I figured this would work. Good to know that it does.
I was too having the same issue. In my case, I needed to turn on the two-factor authentication for the account that I was trying to log in with.

Redirect a user to an external page after successfully authentication instead of to the Service Provider

I am trying to figure out the best way to customize WSO2IS to perform the desired function.
We use a 3rd party tool (Tools4Ever) for the password recovery of our users. Our primary user store is Active Directory. After a user signs in to website and authenticates using WSO2's local user store as the Identity Provider I would like it to redirect to an external page, the third party tool, if a specific claim is found instead of back to the service provider. For the purpose of this lets just call it "userMustResetPassword".
I have tried testing a custom local authenticator, for proof of concept, that just will redirect the user to an external page to test but it just directs the user to https://localhost/samlsso, even after setting the response.redirecturl to Am I going about this the right way?
To clarify, the external page/website is not a service provider in WSO2 and would like to jump out of the normal flow of the authentication process if the claim exist and direct the user to website instead of back to the service provider.

AWS Cognito custom auth - sending metadata to a challenge lambda functions

I'm developing a custom passwordless auth to sign into a Cognito user pool. I will describe what I'm trying to implement in case anything is silly. I want a user to enter their email address, then receive a magic login link via email, and when they click on that be taken back to the site and be logged in.
This uses custom auth lambda functions to define/create a challenge with a time based password and send it to the user in an email. I am having a couple of problems:
Problem 1)
When the user returns with the code they might not be in the same browser/device and certainly won't be in the same tab so they don't have the session, meaning I need to call cognitoUser.initiateAuth again. This goes through the define/create challenge lambdas again so a second email gets sent even though at this point the user is coming from the email link so already has the code. Note: the session id is not available in the event object when the challenge is created, also I've read these sessions only last 3 minutes and my time based passwords will last ~15minutes, so I don't think I can include the session id in the email.
Problem 2)
You can login from a few places (browser, android app, etc) and I would like to be able to include the url or at least protocol as a parameter to control what gets sent in the email, e.g. if you entered your email address in the android app then the email you get would be myapp://login?code=xxx and if you did it on the web it would be
It seems like I would be able to implement both of these to work properly if only I could find some way to send custom metadata through to the DefineChallenge and CreateChallenge lambda such that it would appear in the event object. I thought adding ValidationData to the AuthenticationDetails object would do this, but that information doesn't appear in the event object in the Lambda fns.
The workaround I've found is to create a new client id for every situation - one for initiating auth, one for redeeming token, and repeat for each different protocol. But that is a lot of client ids quickly - a pain to mantain and clumsy.
So tl;dr is: I want to send custom metadata from my cognitoUser.initiateAuth(...) call in JS and have it available in my Define/Create Challenge lambda fns.
You can split the authentication process into multiple custom auth challenges. This allows custom auth state to be supplied via the challenge response as client metadata.
Auth session state must be persisted in a database in order to be shared between devices.
Your custom login flow will probably have two challenge steps: the first prompts for auth type and the second prompts for the secret code. The action taken by the "Create Auth Challenge" Lambda will depend on the auth type. If the auth type is "Email" then the secret code and magic link are generated, stored in DynamoDB and emailed. If the auth type is "MagicLink" then the secret is loaded from DynamoDB. Clicking on a Magic link will initiate a new auth session and automatically supply all the challenge answers.
There are a few other things to consider:
Your magic link needs to encapsulate the Cognito username as well as the one-time secret and probably some other session id that is used as a key in dynamodb.
You probably should not put app-specific links into your emails. Instead associate your domain with your app and/or leverage the redirect URI parameter of your web-based login page.
You can also access custom Cognito user attributes from the Lambda function which can be used to indicate user login preferences (eg Email vs SMS for login codes).

wso2 identity server - sending email when user changed password

I am using WSO2 IS 5.3.0 server and I am wondering if it is possible to send an email when user changes his password or any other attribute, etc., email.? Is this feature already built in WSO2 IS (I couldn't find anything in WSDL services) or is it then possible to extend something?
Any comments about this issue would be appreciated.
Please do the following steps to achieve this task.
Write a custom user operation event listener extending the
Implement the doPostUpdateCredential method. doPostUpdateCredential
Trigger notification event handler to send a notification to the user. EventHandlerNotification

WSO2 APIM: Send email to users added via the management console

We have the WSO2 API Manager deployed and working, although we are unable to figure out an issue about users addition. We want to add the users via the management console (Carbon) and after being added we want the user to receive an email saying that his/her account was successfully created.
Although there is documentation for a workflow extension when the user signs up, we were unable to find any documentation regarding the matter we've pointed out, is this possible to achieve via the API Manager or with some kind workflow extension?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: We are using WSO2 API Manager 1.10.0.
If your requirement is to create a user through the management console and allow the created user to define a password, you can configure APIM server to support 'Ask password from user' feature. (In this feature, APIM server administration can create a user through the management console and provide the email address of the user, so that user can set the password through the redirection URL provided in the email). To configure 'Ask password from user' feature follow the instructions given in
If you want the APIM server administrator to set the username and password through the APIM management console and only send a notification to the user that his/her account is created successfully, then you have to write a custom component, because this is not supported by default.