Vector of set insert elements - c++

I'm trying to write a function which will return vector of set type string which represent members of teams.
A group of names should be classified into teams for a game. Teams should be the same size, but this is not always possible unless n is exactly divisible by k. Therefore, they decided that the first mode (n, k) teams have n / k + 1 members, and the remaining teams have n / k members.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <list>
typedef std::vector<std::set<std::string>>vek;
vek Distribution(std::vector<std::string>names, int k) {
int n = names.size();
vek teams(k);
int number_of_first = n % k;
int number_of_members_first = n / k + 1;
int number_of_members_remaining = n / k;
int l = 0;
int j = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= k; i++) {
if (i <= number_of_first) {
int number_of_members_in_team = 0;
while (number_of_members_in_team < number_of_members_first) {
else {
int number_of_members_in_team = 0;
while (number_of_members_in_team < number_of_members_remaining) {
return teams;
int main ()
for (auto i : Distribution({"Damir", "Ana", "Muhamed", "Marko", "Ivan",
"Mirsad", "Nikolina", "Alen", "Jasmina", "Merima"
}, 3)) {
for (auto j : i)
std::cout << j << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
OUTPUT should be:
Damir Ana Muhamed Marko
Ivan Mirsad Nikolina
Alen Jasmina Merima
Ana Damir Marko Muhamed
Ivan Mirsad Nikolina
Alen Jasmina Merima
Could you explain me why names are not printed in the right order?

teams being a std::vector<...> supports random access via an index.
auto & team_i = teams[i]; (0 <= i < teams.size()), will give you an element of the vector. team_i is a reference to type std::set<std::list<std::string>>.
As a std::set<...> does not support random access via an index, you will need to access the elements via iterators (begin(), end() etc.), e.g.: auto set_it = team_i.begin();. *set_it will be of type std::list<std::string>.
Since std::list<...> also does not support random access via an index, again you will need to access it via iterators, e.g.: auto list_it = set_it->begin();. *list_it will be of type std::string.
This way it is possible to access every set in the vector, every list in each set, and every string in each list (after you have added them to the data structure).
However - using iterators with std::set and std::list is not as convenient as using indexed random access with std::vector. std::vector has additional benefits (simple and efficient implementation, continous memory block).
If you use std::vectors instead of std::set and std::list, vek will be defined as:
typedef std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>> vek;
std::list being a linked list offers some benefits (like being able to add an element in O(1)). std::set guarentees that each value is present once.
But if you don't really need these features, you could make you code simpler (and often more efficient) if you use only std::vectors as your containers.
Note: if every set will ever contain only 1 list (of strings) you can consider to get rid of 1 level of the hirarchy, I.e. store the lists (or vectors as I suggested) directly as elements of the top-level vector.
Since the question was changed, here's a short update:
In my answer above, ignore all the mentions of the std::list. So when you iterate on the set::set the elements are already std::strings.
The reason the names are not in the order you expect:
std::set keeps the elements sorted, and when you iterate it you will get the elements by that sorting order. See the answer here: Is the std::set iteration order always ascending according to the C++ specification?. Your set contains std::strings and the default sort order for them is alphabetically.
Using std::vector instead of std::set like I proposed above, will get you the result you wanted (std::vector is not sorted automatically).
If you want to try using only std::vector:
Change vek to:
typedef std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>vek;
And replace the usage of insert (to add an element to the set) with push_back to do the same for a vector.


2D Vector - Remove Rows by search

I'm quite new to vector and need some additional help with regards to vector manipulation.
I've currently created a global StringArray Vector that is populated by string values from a text file.
typedef std::vector<std::string> StringArray;
std::vector<StringArray> array1;
I've created a function called "Remove" which takes the input from the user and will eventually compare the input against the first value in the array to see whether it's a match. If it is, the entire row will then deleted and all elements beneath the deleted row will be "shuffled up" a position to fill the game.
The populated array looks like this:
Test1 Test2 Test3
Cat1 Cat2 Cat3
Dog1 Dog2 Dog3
And the remove function looks like this:
void remove()
string input;
cout << "Enter the search criteria";
cin >> input;
I know that I will need a loop to iterate through the array and compare each element with the input value and check whether it's a match.
I think this will look like:
for (int i = 0; i < array1.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < array1[i].size(); j++)
if (array1[i] = input)
**//Remove row code goes here**
But that's as far as I understand. I'm not really sure A) if that loop is correct and B) how I would go about deleting the entire row (not just the element found). Would I need to copy across the array1 to a temp vector, missing out the specified row, and then copying back across to the array1?
I ultimately want the user to input "Cat1" for example, and then my array1 to end up being:
Test1 Test2 Test3
Dog1 Dog2 Dog3
All help is appreciated. Thank you.
So your loop is almost there. You're correct in using one index i to loop through the outer vector and then using another index j to loop through the inner vectors. You need to use j in order to get a string to compare to the input. Also, you need to use == inside your if statement for comparison.
for (int i = 0; i < array1.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < array1[i].size(); j++)
if (array1[i][j] == input)
**//Remove row code goes here**
Then, removing a row is the same as removing any vector element, i.e. calling array1.erase(array1.begin() + i); (see How do I erase an element from std::vector<> by index?)
Use std::list<StringArray> array1;
Erasing an item from an std::vector is less efficient as it has to move all the proceeding data.
The list object will allow you to remove an item (a row) from the list without needing to move the remaining rows up. It is a linked list, so it won't allow random access using a [ ] operator.
You can use explicit loops, but you can also use already implemented loops available in the standard library.
void removeTarget(std::vector<StringArray>& data,
const std::string& target) {
std::remove_if(data.begin(), data.end(),
[&](const StringArray& x) {
return std::find(x.begin(), x.end(), target) != x.end();
std::find implements a loop to search for an element in a sequence (what you need to see if there is a match) and std::remove_if implements a loop to "filter out" elements that match a specific rule.
Before C++11 standard algorithms were basically unusable because there was no easy way to specify custom code parameters (e.g. comparison functions) and you had to code them separately in the exact form needed by the algorithm.
With C++11 lambdas however now algorithms are more usable and you're not forced to create (and give a reasonable name to) an extra global class just to implement a custom rule of matching.

How to get random and unique values from a vector? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Unique random numbers in O(1)?
Unique random numbers in an integer array in the C programming language
I have a std::vector of unique elements of some undetermined size. I want to fetch 20 unique and random elements from this vector. By 'unique' I mean that I do not want to fetch the same index more than once. Currently the way I do this is to call std::random_shuffle. But this requires me to shuffle the entire vector (which may contain over 1000 elements). I don't mind mutating the vector (I prefer not to though, as I won't need to use thread locks), but most important is that I want this to be efficient. I shouldn't be shuffling more than I need to.
Note that I've looked into passing in a partial range to std::random_shuffle but it will only ever shuffle that subset of elements, which would mean that the elements outside of that range never get used!
Help is appreciated. Thank you!
Note: I'm using Visual Studio 2005, so I do not have access to C++11 features and libraries.
You can use Fisher Yates
The Fisher–Yates shuffle (named after Ronald Fisher and Frank Yates), also known as the Knuth shuffle (after Donald Knuth), is an algorithm for generating a random permutation of a finite set—in plain terms, for randomly shuffling the set. A variant of the Fisher–Yates shuffle, known as Sattolo's algorithm, may be used to generate random cycles of length n instead. Properly implemented, the Fisher–Yates shuffle is unbiased, so that every permutation is equally likely. The modern version of the algorithm is also rather efficient, requiring only time proportional to the number of items being shuffled and no additional storage space.
The basic process of Fisher–Yates shuffling is similar to randomly picking numbered tickets out of a hat, or cards from a deck, one after another until there are no more left. What the specific algorithm provides is a way of doing this numerically in an efficient and rigorous manner that, properly done, guarantees an unbiased result.
I think this pseudocode should work (there is a chance of an off-by-one mistake or something so double check it!):
std::list chosen; // you don't have to use this since the chosen ones will be in the back of the vector
for(int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
int index = rand_between(0, vec.size() - i - 1);
swap(vec[index], vec[vec.size() - i - 1]);
You want a random sample of size m from an n-vector:
Let rand(a) return 0..a-1 uniform
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
X[0..m-1] is now a random sample.
Use a loop to put random index numbers into a std::set and stop when the size() reaches 20.
std::set<int> indexes;
std::vector<my_vector::value_type> choices;
int max_index = my_vector.size();
while (indexes.size() < min(20, max_index))
int random_index = rand() % max_index;
if (indexes.find(random_index) == indexes.end())
The random number generation is the first thing that popped into my head, feel free to use something better.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
template<int N>
struct NIntegers {
int values[N];
template<int N, int Max, typename RandomGenerator>
NIntegers<N> MakeNRandomIntegers( RandomGenerator func ) {
NIntegers<N> result;
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
result.values[i] = func( Max-i );
std::sort(&result.values[0], &result.values[0]+N);
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
result.values[i] += i;
return result;
Use example:
// use a better one:
int BadRandomNumberGenerator(int Max) {
return Max>4?4:Max/2;
int main() {
NIntegers<100> result = MakeNRandomIntegers<100, 500>( BadRandomNumberGenerator );
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
std::cout << i << ":" << result.values[i] << "\n";
make each number 1 smaller in max than the last. Sort them, then bump up each value by the number of integers before it.
template stuff is just trade dress.

Finding occurrence of vector entries in another vector without nested for loops

I have a piece of code that I'm migrating from Fortran to C++, and I'd like to avoid some of the nested for loop structures I had to create in the original F77 code.
The problem is this: I have a vector of objects called nodes that each include a vector holding (among other important info) the indices of other node objects to which each is connected (a connection graph). Like this
struct Node {
vector<int> conNode;
vector<Node> listOfNodes;
vector<int> nodeListA; // a subset of nodes of interest stored as their vector indices
I need to look for nodes that nodes in nodeListA are connected to, but only if those nodes are also in nodeListA. Right now, my code looks something like this:
// Loop over the subset of node indices
for (int i=0; i<nodeListA.size(); i++) {
// Loop over the nodes connected to the node i
for (int j=0; j<listOfNodes[nodeListA[i]].conNode.size(); j++) {
// Loop over the subset of node indices again
for (int k=0; k<nodeListA.size(); k++) {
// and determine if any of node i's connections are in the subset list
if (nodeListA[k] == listOfNodes[nodeListA[i]].conNode[j]) {
// do stuff here
There HAS to be a much simpler way to do this. It seems like I'm making this way too complicated. How can I simplify this code, possibly using the standard algorithm library?
If your variable should express a set of values, use std::set instead of std::vector. Then you'll have
typedef std::set<int> SetOfIndices;
SetOfIndices setOfIndices; // instead of nodeListA
for(SetOfIndices::const_iterator iter = setOfIndices.begin(); iter != setOfIndices.end(); ++iter)
Node const & node = listOfNodes[*iter];
for (int j = 0; j < node.conNode.size(); ++j)
if (setOfIndices.find(node.conNode[j]) != setOfIndices.end())
// do stuff here
As Jerry Coffin suggests, std::set_intersection can be used in outer loop:
struct Node {
SetOfIndices conNode;
typedef std::set<int> SetOfIndices;
SetOfIndices setOfIndices; // instead of nodeListA
for(SetOfIndices::const_iterator iter = setOfIndices.begin(); iter != setOfIndices.end(); ++iter)
Node const & node = listOfNodes[*iter];
std::vector<int> interestingNodes;
std::set_intersection(setOfIndices.begin(), setOfIndices.end(),
node.conNode.begin(), node.conNode.end(),
for (int j = 0; j < interestingNodes.size(); ++j)
// do stuff here
About efficiency - it depends what is the dominant operation. The number of executions of part described as "do stuff here" will not vary. The difference is in time of traversing your collections:
Your original code - nodeListA.size()^2 * [average conNode size]
My first solution - nodeListA.size() * log(nodeListA.size()) * [average conNode size]
After Jerry Coffin suggestion - nodeListA.size()^2 * [average number of interesting conNode elements]
So it seems that set_intersection use doesn't help in this case.
I'd suggest using a dictionary (an O(log n) one like std::set, or better a hash-based one like std::unordered_set from C++11) for nodeListA. The following is a C++11 code example.
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
struct Node {
std::vector<int> conNode;
int main()
std::vector<Node> listOfNodes;
std::unordered_set<int> nodeListA;
for (int node_id : nodeListA)
for (int connected_id : listOfNodes[node_id].conNode)
if (nodeListA.find(connected_id) != end(nodeListA))
/* Do stuff here.. */
return 0;
The advantage of using a std::unordered_set is that look-ups (i.e. searching for a given node-id) are extremely fast. The implementation included in your standard library, however, may not be particularly fast. Google's sparse hash and dense hash implementation is an alternative that provides the same interface and is known to be very good for most purposes:
Depending on what you want to do with the resulting nodes, it may be possible to replace the inner loop of the above code with an STL algorithm. For example, if you want to put all the nodes identified by the algorithm in a vector, you could code it as follows (use this as a replacement for both loops together):
std::vector<int> results;
for (int node_id : nodeListA)
[&nodeListA](int id){return nodeListA.find(id) != end(nodeListA);});
Again, this is C++11 syntax; it uses a lambda as function argument.

Printing the First Array in a Deque of Structs

I have a Deque that contains this kind of stucts.
struct New_Array {
array<array<int,4>,4> mytable;
int h;
In this stuct 2 different arrays may have same value of h.
deque<New_Array> Mydeque;
I also know how many different h are in the deque(the value of steps). And how many stucts are in the deque(Mydeque.size()).
I need to print one array for each h. Starting from h=0 till h=steps (steps is a known int value). Each array that is going to be printed must be the closer to the end of the deque.
I tried something like this:
void foo(deque<New_Array> Mydeque, int steps)
for(int i=0; i<steps; i++)
deque<New_Array>::iterator it;
it = find(Mydeque.begin(),Mydeque.end(),i);
PrintBoard(*it); // This if a function where you enter the New_Array struct
// and it prints the array
The above gives me : error C2679: binary '==' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'const bool' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
Or something like this:
void foo(deque<New_Array> Mydeque, int steps)
for(int i=0; i<steps; i++)
deque<New_Array>::iterator it;
for(unsigned int j=0;j<Mydeque.size();j++)
it = find_if(Mydeque.begin(),Mydeque.end(),Mydeque[j].h==i);
The above gives me: error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments
EDIT: The deque is not sorted. For each h an array should be printed. This array should be the one that is at this moment closer to the end of the deque.
Remember the last value and skip:
int old_h = Mydeque[0].h + 1; // make sure it's different!
for (std::size_t i = 0, end != Mydeque.size(); i != end; ++i)
if (Mydeque[i].h == old_h) continue;
old_h = Mydeque[i].h;
Firstly, note that you declare your std::array on the stack, so the storage will also be on the stack. This means that iterating over the structure involves loading a (4*4+1)*int for each comparison. If this is performance-sensitive, I would suggest using std::vector since the load will be only of the outer vector pointer and the h when only comparing h.
struct New_Array {
vector<vector<int,4>,4> mytable;
int h;
Secondly, if you need to access these tables through their h values, or access all the tables with a given h at once, make it easier for everyone and store them as vectors in a map, or a sorted vector of vectors:
std::map<int,std::vector<New_Array> > rolodex;
If you construct this in-order, then the first item in each vector will be the one to print:
for(auto it : rolodex) {
vector<New_Array> tablesForThisH = it->second;
if(tablesForThisH.begin() != tablesForThisH.end())
Since std:map stores (and iterates) its keys in ascending (I think) order, this will run over the different h values in ascending order. Again it will only need to load the stack-stored struct, which is just the h int and the vector header (probably 12 bytes, as mentioned in this question).
Forgive me if the code is wrong, my stl is a little rusty.
Loop through the deque, and insert all elements into a map, using h as the key. Since your set of h values seems to be sequential, you can use a vector instead, but testing whether an element has already been found will be more difficult.
The solution is :
void Find_Solution_Path(deque<New_Array> Mydeque, int steps)
for(int i=0; i<steps+1; i++)
for(int j=Mydeque.size()-1;j>-1;j--)
if (Mydeque[j].h==i)

Erasing multiple objects from a std::vector?

Here is my issue, lets say I have a std::vector with ints in it.
let's say it has 50,90,40,90,80,60,80.
I know I need to remove the second, fifth and third elements. I don't necessarily always know the order of elements to remove, nor how many. The issue is by erasing an element, this changes the index of the other elements. Therefore, how could I erase these and compensate for the index change. (sorting then linearly erasing with an offset is not an option)
I am offering several methods:
1. A fast method that does not retain the original order of the elements:
Assign the current last element of the vector to the element to erase, then erase the last element. This will avoid big moves and all indexes except the last will remain constant. If you start erasing from the back, all precomputed indexes will be correct.
void quickDelete( int idx )
vec[idx] = vec.back();
I see this essentially is a hand-coded version of the erase-remove idiom pointed out by Klaim ...
2. A slower method that retains the original order of the elements:
Step 1: Mark all vector elements to be deleted, i.e. with a special value. This has O(|indexes to delete|).
Step 2: Erase all marked elements using v.erase( remove (v.begin(), v.end(), special_value), v.end() );. This has O(|vector v|).
The total run time is thus O(|vector v|), assuming the index list is shorter than the vector.
3. Another slower method that retains the original order of the elements:
Use a predicate and remove if as described in . To make this efficient and respecting the requirement of
not "sorting then linearly erasing with an offset", my idea is to implement the predicate using a hash table and adjust the indexes stored in the hash table as the deletion proceeds on returning true, as Klaim suggested.
Using a predicate and the algorithm remove_if you can achieve what you want : see
Don't forget to erase the item (see remove-erase idiom).
Your predicate will simply hold the idx of each value to remove and decrease all indexes it keeps each time it returns true.
That said if you can afford just removing each object using the remove-erase idiom, just make your life simple by doing it.
Erase the items backwards. In other words erase the highest index first, then next highest etc. You won't invalidate any previous iterators or indexes so you can just use the obvious approach of multiple erase calls.
I would move the elements which you don't want to erase to a temporary vector and then replace the original vector with this.
While this answer by Peter G. in variant one (the swap-and-pop technique) is the fastest when you do not need to preserve the order, here is the unmentioned alternative which maintains the order.
With C++17 and C++20 the removal of multiple elements from a vector is possible with standard algorithms. The run time is O(N * Log(N)) due to std::stable_partition. There are no external helper arrays, no excessive copying, everything is done inplace. Code is a "one-liner":
template <class T>
inline void erase_selected(std::vector<T>& v, const std::vector<int>& selection)
std::stable_partition(v.begin(), v.end(),
[&selection, &v](const T& item) {
return !std::binary_search(
static_cast<int>(static_cast<const T*>(&item) - &v[0]));
The code above assumes that selection vector is sorted (if it is not the case, std::sort over it does the job, obviously).
To break this down, let us declare a number of temporaries:
// We need an explicit item index of an element
// to see if it should be in the output or not
int itemIndex = 0;
// The checker lambda returns `true` if the element is in `selection`
auto filter = [&itemIndex, &sorted_sel](const T& item) {
return !std::binary_search(
This checker lambda is then fed to std::stable_partition algorithm which is guaranteed to call this lambda only once for each element in the original (unpermuted !) array v.
auto end_of_selected = std::stable_partition(
The end_of_selected iterator points right after the last element which should remain in the output array, so we now can resize v down. To calculate the number of elements we use the std::distance to get size_t from two iterators.
v.resize(std::distance(v.begin(), end_of_selected));
This is different from the code at the top (it uses itemIndex to keep track of the array element). To get rid of the itemIndex, we capture the reference to source array v and use pointer arithmetic to calculate itemIndex internally.
Over the years (on this and other similar sites) multiple solutions have been proposed, but usually they employ multiple "raw loops" with conditions and some erase/insert/push_back calls. The idea behind stable_partition is explained beautifully in this talk by Sean Parent.
This link provides a similar solution (and it does not assume that selection is sorted - std::find_if instead of std::binary_search is used), but it also employs a helper (incremented) variable which disables the possibility to parallelize processing on larger arrays.
Starting from C++17, there is a new first argument to std::stable_partition (the ExecutionPolicy) which allows auto-parallelization of the algorithm, further reducing the run-time for big arrays. To make yourself believe this parallelization actually works, there is another talk by Hartmut Kaiser explaining the internals.
Would this work:
void DeleteAll(vector<int>& data, const vector<int>& deleteIndices)
vector<bool> markedElements(data.size(), false);
vector<int> tempBuffer;
for (vector<int>::const_iterator itDel = deleteIndices.begin(); itDel != deleteIndices.end(); itDel++)
markedElements[*itDel] = true;
for (size_t i=0; i<data.size(); i++)
if (!markedElements[i])
data = tempBuffer;
It's an O(n) operation, no matter how many elements you delete. You could gain some efficiency by reordering the vector inline (but I think this way it's more readable).
This is non-trival because as you delete elements from the vector, the indexes change.
[0] hi
[1] you
[2] foo
>> delete [1]
[0] hi
[1] foo
If you keep a counter of times you delete an element and if you have a list of indexes you want to delete in sorted order then:
int counter = 0;
for (int k : IndexesToDelete) {
events.erase(events.begin()+ k + counter);
counter -= 1;
You can use this method, if the order of the remaining elements doesn't matter
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector< int> vec;
cout << "The elements befor " << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) cout << vec[i] <<endl;
vector< bool> toDeleted;
int YesOrNo = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<vec.size(); i++)
cout<<"You need to delete this element? "<<vec[i]<<", if yes enter 1 else enter 0"<<endl;
//Deleting, beginning from the last element to the first one
for(int i = toDeleted.size()-1; i>=0; i--)
vec[i] = vec.back();
cout << "The elements after" << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) cout << vec[i] <<endl;
return 0;
Here's an elegant solution in case you want to preserve the indices, the idea is to replace the values you want to delete with a special value that is guaranteed not be used anywhere, and then at the very end, you perform the erase itself:
std::vector<int> vec = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
// marking 3 elements to be deleted
vec[2] = std::numeric_limits<int>::lowest();
vec[5] = std::numeric_limits<int>::lowest();
vec[3] = std::numeric_limits<int>::lowest();
// erase
vec.erase(std::remove(vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::numeric_limits<int>::lowest()), vec.end());
// print values => 1 2 5 7 8 9
for (const auto& value : vec) std::cout << ' ' << value;
std::cout << std::endl;
It's very quick if you delete a lot of elements because the deletion itself is happening only once. Items can also be deleted in any order that way.
If you use a a struct instead of an int, then you can still mark an element of that struct, for ex dead=true and then use remove_if instead of remove =>
struct MyObj
int x;
bool dead = false;
std::vector<MyObj> objs = {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}};
objs[2].dead = true;
objs[5].dead = true;
objs[3].dead = true;
objs.erase(std::remove_if(objs.begin(), objs.end(), [](const MyObj& obj) { return obj.dead; }), objs.end());
// print values => 1 2 5 7 8 9
for (const auto& obj : objs) std::cout << ' ' << obj.x;
std::cout << std::endl;
This one is a bit slower, around 80% the speed of the remove.