Hi I have an app hosted in Digital ocean, the goal is to use the newy created subdomain hosted in AWS route53. So my other project is hosted in amazon ec2, with domain name olddomain.io.Now I created a new subdomain as A, sub.olddomain.io and route traffic to digital ocean issued IP address.
Record Name Type Routing Value/Traffic to
`sub.olddomain.io A Simple -`
But I cant access the site.The site is actually working by trying the ip address in nginx configuration (in digital ocean server).
Any ideas for this? Is it possible?
I have deployed a django based website on my AWS lightsail instance. the web address has a port 8000 (:8000). I own a domain on (host =fatcow.com). I have created a hosted zone on AWS and pasted the ns values to my provider(factor)'s Nameservers values. In the amazon route53, I have created a new record with a simple redirect A ipv4 and entered the resolver IP address value - my web address with port value. it doesn't work.
Also, I have read that the redirect will not work for its with port numbers. I have tried redirecting my domain to the static ip, then created another hosted zone record trying to redirect the static ip to the ip+port value - error pops up saying it is not a valid address.
I currently use the development server provided by django as it is a personal website and currently it will not have a lot of traffic - portfolio website.
Also, on my fatcow.com domain settings, the Nameservers are updated and in the whois values, new Nameservers are seen. I have only added the 4 NS values. AWS also created SOA ip values but I was not able to add them to the domain (Inputs were not taken by fatcow ).
In the NSLookup website, I can see NS values and SOA values which are on the AWS hosted zone but A records show none.
Edit: sorry for the confusion. my domain is www.chandradhar.com. I'm not a web dev but I'm trying to deploy a django based portfolio website. I have added Amazon Lightsail DNS nameservers to my domain (host=fatcow.com). the web address is :8000 port. Without the port number, the website isn't loading at all. Only with the port number along the static IP, the website loads. 'A' record isn't taking the port number. I did add a SRV record with the port number(in AWS route 53) but still doesn't work. when checked from the website nslookup.io, the nameservers are updated correctly
Not reproduceable.
> host fatcow.com
fatcow.com has address
fatcow.com mail is handled by 10 mail.fatcow.com.
Most probably your changes in DNS have already propagated.
Steps to successfully deploy one or more websites on lightsail AWS when the domain is on another website like godaddy/fatcow.
Create a dns zone in the networking section of the lightsail instance.
Copy the name servers from the dns zone and paste it in the name servers section of the domain provider (fatcow/godaddy) - it might take upto a day for the values to get updated - i used nslookup.io to see if my nameservers were updated.
Create 'A' records and SRV records pointing to the static ip of the lightsail instance.
Install Nginx
Create a simple script with the (name of the website).conf in the conf.d folder/available sites folder
Add the following script:
listen 80;
server_name domainname.com;
location / { proxy_pass http://ipAdd:PortNum;
Repeat the same code block with different domains and redirect ports. I guess we can also use 301 redirect to achieve the same.
This might or might not be the proper way of achieving what I required but it'll work.
info: i have two hosting server one is on skyhost.com and the other is on AWS Lightsail. skyhost is a cpanel hosting where i register my domain name and my emails accounts. My website is hosted on AWS Lightsail with the domain. my website is contain the domain which is register on skyhost. The website is working fine because AWS DNS are propagated with domain which is register on skyhost.
Issue: But the email info#mycompany.com are not working (sending or receiving). I am not able to login the accounts since i host my website on AWS because i don't understand how can i add DNS records in Lightsail AWS of skyhost for mail exchange or something else...
example: ( that is the ip of cpnel skyhost. staticip-1 that is a AWS server ip
To keep it simple, the MX records do not point to IPs.
You will need to set the sub-domain to the naked domain example.com or "#" in some cases. (I have not used the light sail DNS console before)
But you then set up the "Maps to" as mail.example.com and then create an A record for mail.example.com to point to
This is how basic DNS routing works for email.
More info here: https://lightsail.aws.amazon.com/ls/docs/en_us/articles/lightsail-how-to-create-dns-entry
So I just bought a domain with godaddy www.abc.com (example)
I have then uploaded my flask back end and successfully deployed it to elastic beanstalk.
The elastic beanstalk has given a url as elastic-region.com.
However this url is HTTP, therefore
I have then created a certificate for www.abc.com
Now the problem is I cannot link my godaddy to my elastic bean server.
I have set up the CNAME where Name = www and Value = elastic-region.com.
As well as the certificate as name = xyz value = yzx
After all the configuration I still am not able to connect it to the elastic bean. When I enter the url www.abc.com it redirects be back to godaddy account page
I would suggest moving your DNS to route53 DNS service. You can do this by adding a hosted zone in route53 and changing your name servers in GoDaddy. In Route53 you can directly alias towards your elastic beanstalk environment on A / AAAA records.
If you want to continue hosting your DNS at GoDaddy; I would suggest using tools like https://mxtoolbox.com/ to verify if your DNS is set correctly. The method you described in your post would be sufficient to CNAME towards your EB environment.
AWS resource to create an alias towards Elastic beanstalk:
Some resources to help you change nameservers:
you can also move your whole domain to AWS;
I am trying to point subdomain from cloudflare to digital ocean droplet. In Cloudflare, I created a record below but nothing happens do I need to do something more?
Type Name Value
A subdomain Droplet IP
I have this domain.com and want it to live in /var/www/site_2, but I can't find how to do that on Amazon AWS Route 53.
All Route53 will do is resolve a domain name request to some ip address. Your server hosting your site will have to be configured to serve the site under as a virtual host.