Load native C++ .dll from RAM in debugger friendly manner - c++

Question concerns only Windows for now - other OS's are not so relevant right now.
Just by quick googling - it's possible to load native .dll from RAM, there are for example following libraries:
But all of them requires:
in-depth knowledge of PE file format
mostly those approaches are not debugger friendly.
What I have checked - windows's LoadLibraryA / LoadLibraryW are directed to ntdll.dll / LdrLoadDll - and best picture of how things works can be found from here: https://github.com/hlldz/RefleXXion
And even thus I don't have windows source code - I've checked same functionality from Wine:
LdrLoadDll: https://source.winehq.org/source/dlls/ntdll/loader.c#3169
load_dll: https://source.winehq.org/source/dlls/ntdll/loader.c#3083
NtMapViewOfSection: https://source.winehq.org/source/dlls/ntdll/unix/virtual.c#4469
find_dll_file: https://source.winehq.org/source/dlls/ntdll/loader.c#3021
open_dll_file: https://source.winehq.org/source/dlls/ntdll/loader.c#2467
Suspect loading dll happens via following function calls:
NtOpenFile, NtQueryAttributesFile, NtCreateSection/NtOpenSection, NtMapViewOfSection (*)
(More information could be found in
I was also thinking if I could just override NtOpenFile and just redirect file open (in
https://github.com/SegaraRai/PathRedirector manner)
to different path - but main question what is the alternative location where to store file?
I was thinking if NtOpenFile can open even device, then maybe just replace file
with some sort of named pipe (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/ipc/named-pipe-client) - but then in maps on how well this will work with NtMapViewOfSection.
Since I was not able to find any working example of such hook or operation (E.g. LoadLibary("\\.\pipe\mynamedpipe_as_dll")) - there is always a risk that such combination is not simply supported.
Is it possible to load native .dll purely from RAM:
Without using file system (not to store .dll e.g. in temporary folder)
Without involving custom drivers (like Dokan) ?
So loaded .dll would be still debugger friendly ?
Not tightly bound to PE file format structures (or use PE structures as less as possible)
If you miss bit more information, check also my own experiments with native dll loading (maybe can give some hints on solving the issue):

Distinguish between debug and release use cases. In debug, save the DLL in a temp file and load with LoadLibrary, which will enable debugging. In release, run from memory with no capability for debugging.
Here's another idea, from considering the linked Guthub issue. If the purpose is to let the users provide their own compression/decompression logic while building a ReadyToRun executable, let them provide that as a static library (object) as opposed to a DLL. The larger project is already about packaging stuff into a single executable, might do some linking while at it.
Yet another idea would be to let the users provide the codec in some kind of interpreted language and optionally plug in the interpreter that supports debugging. Windows comes with a built-in JavaScript interpreter, look up Active Scripting, and debugging those is a free bonus. The performance probably won't be on par with a native code implementation, though.

I think you could probably do something similar with Frida. Hook the functions LoadLibraryA / LoadLibraryW and reimplement them in Frida. but I don't believe this is something that would be stable for production.
For some reference

By analyzing existing approaches (like PE Loader https://github.com/Hagrid29/PELoader) and using minhook library - I've managed to load .dll from RAM.
I've created git repository with example code on github:

Could you create a ramdisk to put your DLL there? What exactly is the use-case for this? There are a couple ways to spin up a file in RAM, C#'s MemoryMappedFile for example. I'm not sure if this would be debugger friendly.


Run own code elevated at will from non-elevated plugin DLL

I am making a suite of 64-bit plugin DLLs for a Windows host application using Visual Studio/C++, and from the current version onward, the setup.exe that they come in creates a single shared user-writable folder under ProgramData in which I cache all sorts of (non-user specific) data files. Older versions didn't have that folder yet.
However, the distribution of my plugin binaries is often out of my hands too. They are repackaged by a 3rd party bundle which can only do dumb file copies of the DLLs (so no real setup.exe functionality I need like creating folder + set permissions). And since my binary DLLs are all 100% self-contained, users also historically have a hand of just copying the DLLs around to other machines as they see fit, but that ofc also lacks the new folder setup phase.
I am looking into a workaround to have my DLLs create the folder at runtime if it is missing. I know I can't elevate the host process in-place whenever I want, but I thought of the following ways:
Have an extra "FixSetup" entry point in my DLL, and when the need arises, start an elevated RunDLL32.exe and let it use this entry point in my DLL.However, I see all sorts of people all over the place talking about RunDLL being as good as deprecated and advising against using it, but then again that was already since Windows XP and it's still with us. I also hear of RunDLL having it's own runtime context which can change with every Windows release (like switching to high-DPI aware when that came available), and that it thus is a 'hostile' environment to run in (read it on Raymond Chan's blog IIRC). Should I really be afraid of using it, or is my use case so simple it can barely break? (no GUI, just a wrapped CreateDirectory call)
Create a small "FixSetup.exe" which just does the folder creation, package it into my DLL's resources, and extract-to-temp + run-elevated it at runtime.While this would bloat my DLLs (depending on how small I can get the .exe), I feel like it's also a more fragile + convoluted solution than 1. above (with file extraction and all; prob. best to sign the utility exe too to keep HIPS / antivirus from acting funny etc?).
Alter my DLLs so that they're actually .exes in disguise which happen to export the host-expected DLL entry points, so that I can call them directly (elevated).I know there are some major caveats here (like conflicts between the C runtime being included in DLL or non-DLL mode, Visual Studio prob. not approving of these shenanigans, etc.), and honestly I already feel I need a shower just after talking about this one. So while theoretically maybe feasible, it is my last resort.
Does anyone have any advise on my uncertainties above? Or maybe an even better suggestion?
I've already managed to get option 1. working, and while it works seamlessly there's one drawback I spotted: the UAC prompt (understandably) asks whether the user wants to run RunDLL32.exe, signed by Microsoft. This might confuse/scare people no end (that is: if they even read these prompts...). I'd rather have the UAC prompt asking about MyPluginSetup.exe signed by MyCompany, so now I'm more inclined to go with option 2. instead.

Loading custom DLLs instead of original DLLs

The question below is for educational purposes only and the discussed featured are not meant to alter registered DLLs or develop a malware but for learning and experiencing.
Recently I've been exploring few methods to load my own custom DLLs instead of an application's original DLLs.
One of the methods that came up was the <exe>.local method.
After experiencing with this method a little bit and after I removed the KnownDlls entry from the registry I managed to replace some system DLLs with my patched DLLs successfully.
These are the DLLs:
However, the DLLs are IN the local folder:
However, there are still some DLLs that insist loading from the system32 directory, although they are present in the local folder.
Is there any way I can force the DLL's to load from the local folder instead of the system32 folder?
This is not an answer so much as a rambling, unsourced, brain dump.
It does serve to explain why I am not surprised at your result. This boils down, for me, to the crucial difference between CreateProcess and LoadLibrary, and how Win32 processes work.
Normally, when using LoadLibrary, you are using it from within the process you want the dll to be loaded into. As such, it can take advantage of a whole bunch of in-process context information about activation contexts, dll search paths etc. including knowledge of things like the app.local flag.
All these values are specific to the current process and it is not the job of any other process (or even the Kernel) to track stuff like this.
But, if we look at CreateProcess we can see some problems. When it is initially called, it is called in the context of the launching, not destination, process, so it knows nothing of the destination processes activation context. In fact, the destination process does not exist yet.
The CreateProcess implementation needs to create a NT process, and execute some code in it asap to perform the process load as it doesn't make any sense to instantiate all that per process context stuff in the current process.
But, to do that, there needs to be at least some code in the destination process: The kernel code responsible for parsing the EXE files header, extracting the headers and building the activation contexts that will be used to load the remaining dlls.
This means that, unfortunately for you, kernel32.dll and some dependencies need to be mapped into a process long before that process is capable of building a dll search context, noticing the app.local flag etc.
You should look at how the Windows loader works. This is OS version dependent, but some of those DLLs load before your program and the loader always looks for them on a path provided by the system. Look at the sequence by starting your program with WinDbg.

How to determine an order of opening files for a process?

Is there a way to get all opened file handles for a process and arrange it by time files were opened? We have a project, which requires exactly this - we need to determine which files are opened by a Dj software, such as Traktor or Serato. The reason we need to know its order is to determine, which file is in the first deck, and which is in the second one.
Currently we are using Windows internal APIs from the Ntdll.dll (Winternl.h) to determine a list of all opened files for a process. Maybe that's not the best way to do it. Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
We relied on an observed behavior of that APIs on certain OS version and certain Dj software versions, which was that the list of all opened files for a process never get rearranges, i.e. adheres an order. I know that's a bad practice, but it was a "should be" feature from the customer right before the release, so we had to. The problem is now we have a bug when those handles are sometimes randomly rearranged without any particular cause. That brakes everything. I thought maybe there would be a field in those win structures to obtain file's been opened time, but seemingly there are no such things. Docs on that APIs are quite bad.
I thought about some code paste, but it's a function 200 lines long and it uses indirect calls from the dll using function pointers and all structures for WinAPIs are redefined manually, so it's really hard to read it. Actually, the Winternl.h header isn't even included - all stuff is loaded manually too, like that:
GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll"), "NtQuerySystemInformation" );
It's really a headache for a cross platform application...
P.S. I have posted a related question here about any cross-platform or Qt way to get opened file handles, maybe that stuff will be useful or related.
if it's just to check the behavior in other OS for debug purpose, you can use the technique of creating process in debug mode and intercept in the order all events of dll loading, here's a good article talking about that.

How to hook C++ in Explorer's rename event

I can't be clearer than my title. :P
I want to run my program whenever a user renames a file in Windows Explorer (and only within the Explorer). Here's a simple mock up:
A simple link to a tutorial will be very helpful. I couldn't find anything. :/
Thank you in advance.
P.S. I'm new in C++
It looks like Windows API hooking may be your best bet. You'll want to intercept all calls related to Windows file renaming (i.e. MoveFile, MoveFileEx, SHFileOperation, possibly more). There are a few commercial and open source solutions; Microsoft Detours, Madshi's madCodeHook, and the free, open source EasyHook.
This approach, when done correctly, will allow you to capture all file renaming on a system.
I would avoid hooking APIs as much as possible. It gets really ugly really fast.
There are 2 ways I see that you can approach this.
Both ways have a few common factors:
The ReadDirectoryChangesW API. For a very good implementation of that API, see this
You will need to minimize your dependencies, so... Use a Microsoft compiler, link to the DLL runtime, stick to C as much as possible etc. This reduces problems. Loading things into the shell memory space is already problematic enough.
Method one is to use ReadDirectoryChangesW from an Explorer shell extension that does nothing else. Keep it minimal. I'm reasonably sure I saw a "do nothing" shell extension as an example in some of Microsoft's documentation.
Method two would be to package your code as a DLL and use a system hook to get your DLL loaded into Explorer only. The system hook should only load inside Explorer to prevent spurious notifications via ReadDirectoryChangesW.
Hope this helps and that you're not using it for something Evil.

Control Debug Level in C++ Library - Linux

I have a C++ library, which is used in both Linux and Windows.
I want to enable the user to control the debug level (0 - no debug, 1 - only critical errors ... 5 - informative debug information).
The debug log is printed to a text file.
In Windows, I can do it using a registry value (DWORD DebugLevel).
What can be a good replacement which works also for Linux?
(Without 3rd party tools, for example Linux "registry").
Thanks in advance!
Does your library have some sort of initialisation function? Make the level a parameter to that function. Ideally store the passed-in value in a context structure or class if it makes sense for your API (i.e. if you require clients to always operate via a "context") - but if not, a global might be reasonable.
If it's largely for development purposes (ie the "user" you refer to is a developer using your library, not the end user of that code), the quickest/easiest way is to use an environment variable.
If it's to be controlled by the end-user, you probably need to extend your API so that the app developer can set the debug level in code, after reading his configuration files -- you wouldn't normally have a separate config file for just one library used by a program.
You can use the log4cxx framework. This is configurable through a file. I haven't tried it yet, but it should work with Windows too.
You could use a configuration file in /etc/YOURAPP or ~/.YOURAPP or ~/.config/YOURAPP