officedown::rdocx_document showing no number in figure and table captions - r-markdown

The number is not appearing in the table and figure captions. For example, even if I compile a default document in r studio i.e. New File -> R Markdown... -> From Template -> Advanced Word Document, and then knit the document, I see missing table and figure numbers.
Session info:
1 C:/Users/xxxx/Documents/R/win-library/4.1
2 C:/Program Files/R/R-4.1.3/library
I have also tried with block_caption but the problem remains unchanged.
Does anyone know what is going wrong here?
Thank a lot in advance.


SAP Crystal Report If Then Else Statement Color Highlighting

So I have zero knowledge of how to operate SAP Crystal Reports but find myself needing to make a report for some everyday tasks. I found a similar report already created in the system and tried adapting it (after "saving as" so I don't break the original file) but am not getting the results I am looking for.
My goal is to highlight specific information when it appears. If a person makes a mistake and enters the wrong information in our software, the report will highlight the error for me.
All I would like it to do is when there is information that doesn't match the formula it will highlight it yellow or red etc.
For example, code I've been trying to get work is:
if ({vw_Tickets.SiteName} = "SCALE" and {vw_Tickets_Material_Detail.MaterialCode} = "22CD") then crred else crwhite;
I have different variations of the above code stacked on top of one another, the names change but that's about it.
I don't know if I'm using the formula wrong or if I'm typing it in the wrong location. To make my changes I'm in Section Expert > Details > Color > and then the red x-2 next to the color list > details > background color.
The Highlighting Expert doesn't do what I need it to do. I need it to highlight when something unusual happens.
I know that probably doesn't make a lot of sense, but any help or direction would be appreciated!
Screenshot of crystal report formula
The semicolons are not correct. The formula should only have one result. Try to write something like this:
If {siteName} = "TIGER-TECH" Then crlime Else
If {siteName} = "EMPLOYEE DUMP ACCOUNT" Then crlime Else
If {siteName} = "SCALE CACHE" ... Then crRed
// Last One
Else "crWhite"
If you want to leave the original font color you should use "crNoColor".

Lookup Functions not giving exact result

I have a little problem getting the result i wanted from the data that i have.
I tried index match match and vlook up match but it doesnt give me the result that i wanted.
Please see the sample data that I have. DATA 1
I wanted to get the # of hours based from this table TABLE
Can someone help me get the correct syntax for this please?
Tried several things to go around the with formulas but ended up either just 1 result for the whole column or an error. Thanks
up for this.

How can I resolve INDEX MATCH errors caused by discrepancies in the spelling of names across multiple data sources?

I've set up a Google Sheets workbook that synthesizes data from a few different sources via manual input, IMPORTHTML and IMPORTRANGE. Once the data is populated, I'm using INDEX MATCH to filter and compare the information and to RANK each data set.
Since I have multiple data inputs, I'm running into a persistent issue of names not being written exactly the same between sources, even though they're the same person. First names are the primary culprit (i.e. Mary Lou vs Marylou vs Mary-Lou vs Mary Louise) but some last names with special symbols (umlauts, accents, tildes) are also causing errors. When Sheets can't recognize a match, the INDEX MATCH and RANK functions both break down.
I'm wondering how to better unify the data automatically so my Sheet understands that each occurrence is actually the same person (or "value").
Since you can't edit the results of an IMPORTHTML directly, I've set up "helper columns" and used functions like TRIM and SPLIT to try and fix instances as I go, but it seems like there must be a simpler path.
It feels like IFS could work but I can't figure how to integrate it. Also thinking this may require a script, which I'm just beginning to study.
Here's a simplified example of what I'm trying to achieve and the corresponding errors: Sample Spreadsheet
The first tab is attempting to pull and RANK data from tabs 2 and 3. Sample formulas from the Summary tab, row 3 (Amelia Rose):
Cell B3: =INDEX('Q1 Sales'!B:B, MATCH(A3,'Q1 Sales'!A:A,0))
Cell C3: =RANK(B3,$B$2:B,1)
Cell D3: =INDEX('Q2 Sales'!B:B, MATCH(A3,'Q2 Sales'!A:A,0))
Cell E3: =RANK(D3,$D$2:D,1)
I'd be grateful for any insight on how to best index 'Q2Sales'!B3 as the correct value for 'Summary'!D3. Thanks in advance - the thoughtful answers on Stack Overflow have gotten me this far!
to counter every possible scenario do it like this:
TEXTJOIN("|", 1, LOWER(REGEXREPLACE(A2:A, "-|\s", )))), 'Q2 Sales'!B2:B}, 2, 0)))

Comparing two documents

I have two very large lists. They both were originally in excel, but the larger one is a list of emails (about 160,000) of them with other information like their name and address etc. And the smaller one is a list of just 18,000 emails.
My question is what would be the easiest way to get rid of all 18,000 rows from the first document that contain the email addresses from the second?
I was thinking regex or maybe there is another application I can use? I have tried searching online but it seems like there isn't much specific to this. I also tried notepad++ but it freezes when I try to compare these large files.
-Thank You in Advance!!
Good question. One way I would tackle this is making a C++ program [you could extrapolate the idea to the language of your choice; You never mentioned which languages you were proficient in] that read each item of the smaller file into a vector of strings. First, of course, use Excel to save the files as CSV instead of XLS or XLSX, which will comma-separate the values so you can work with them easier. For the larger list, "Save As" a copy of just email addresses, deleting the other rows for now.
Then, you could open the larger list and use a nested loop to check if you should output to an output file. Something like:
bool foundMatch=false;
for(int y=0;y<LargeListVector.size();y++) {
for(int x=0;x<SmallListVector.size();x++) {
if(SmallListVector[x]==LargeListVector[y]) foundMatch=true;
if(!foundMatch) OutputVector.append(LargeListVector[y]);
That might be partially pseudo-code, but do you get the idea?
So I read a forum post at : Here
Column B would be the large list, with the 160,000 inputs and column A was my list of things I needed to delete of 18,000.
I used this to match everything, and in a separate column pasted this formula. It would print out either an error or TRUE. If the data was in both columns it printed out true.
Then because I suck with excel, I threw this text into Notepad++ and searched for all lines that contained TRUE (match case, because in my case some of the data had the word true in it without caps.) I marked those lines, then under search, bookmarks, I removed all lines with bookmarks. Pasted that back into excel and voila.
I would like to thank you guys for helping and pointing me in the right direction :)

Search a list of terms from this website, and nostop even any one of the terms are missing

I am trying to use RCurl package to get data from the genecard databases
I read a wonderful solution in a previous posted questions:
How can I use R (Rcurl/XML packages ?!) to scrape this webpage?
However, my problem is different in a form that I need further supports from experist. Instead of exctracting all the links from the webpages. I have a list of ~ 1000 genes in my mind. They are in the form of gene symbols (some of the gene symbols can be found in the webpage, some of them are new to the database). Here is part of my lists of genes.
C2d is not in the database, so, when I do the search manually I will see.
"Sorry, there is no GeneCard for C2d".
When I use to the solution posted in the previous questions for my analysis.
How can I use R (Rcurl/XML packages ?!) to scrape this webpage?
(1) I firstly readin the list
(2) I then use the get_structs function in the previous solution to subsitute each gene sybmols in the list to the following website
(3) Scrap the information that I needed for each genes in the list, using the get_data_url function in the previous message.
It works for the TP53, SOD1, EGFR, but when the search comes to C2d. The process stopped.
As I got ~ 1000 genes, I am sure some of them are missing from the webpage.
How can I get a modified gene list to tell me out of ~1000 genes, which one of them are missing automatically? So, that I can use the same approach as listed in the previous question to get all the data that I needed based on the new gene lists that are EXISTING in webpage?
Or are there any methods to ask the R to skip those missing items and do the scrapping continuously till the end of the list but mark those missing items in the final results.
In order to faciliate the discussion process. I have make a sudo input files using the scripts using in the previous questions for the same webpage that they used.
u <- c ("Aero_pern", "Ppate", "didnotexist", "Sbico")
base_url<-"" base_html<-getURLContent(base_url)[[1]]
links<-strsplit(base_html,"a href=")[[1]]
get_structs<-function(u) {
for (d in 1:length(data_list)) {data_list[[d]]<-append(data_list[[d]],u)}
I guess the problem can be solved by modifing the get_structs scripps above or ifelse function may help, but I cannot figure out how to modify it further. Pls comments.
You can enclose your function call inside a try() so that the process won't break if you get errors. Usually this will let you loop over problematic cases and it will return an error message instead of breaking your process. e.g.
dat <- list()
for (i in 1:length(u)){
dat[[i]] <- try(get_structs(u[i]))