I am trying to make a simple e-commerce website and followed some tutorials.
However, the author of the book used complicated function based view to make cart function..
there are bunch of session stuffs.. and I don't understand the logic..
and I am trying to think the other way..
what about using database to store all the cart related data, and
use CBV to build it?
for example,
CartListView to see the contents of the cart, and CartUpdateView to change the quantity..
then are they going to be two different pages? separated page that user should go to the
different page to change the value??
please help me T T
You can access the session in any sort of CBV as self.request.session and a "shopping cart" is normally stored therein.
You'll certainly need to implement a CartListView to see what's in it, or possibly a CartEditView to show the cart with options to edit the quantities and delete anything that shouldn't be in there.
Adding products to the cart may well be an "Add" button on a ProductDetailView or lots of add buttons in a ProductListView. You might add a POST handler method to these views which are otherwise read-only (GET-only) bt default. Or you might make them FormViews, even though the form would be hidden and filled/POSTed by JS rather than the shopper doing anything other than clicking "add".
And then there will be a CheckoutView.
Check https://djangopackages.org/ (put "cart" in the search box). this will throw up several shopping cart things which might be the code you want, or the source of which might be a valuable learning resource before you end up rolling your own.
Is there any magic why to do this in admin panel of django?
Let me know
Off the top of my head, you could use JS to grab the popup link and load the HTML in a div on the page. But that means you need to override the admin template. This QA should be helpful.
It also means you need to capture the saving of the new house. So, when someone presses save, depending on the response, the div either closes or shows the errors WITHOUT refreshing th page. I'm not sure but I think you'll also need to override the admin view that does this to send back json responses.
You could use JS to mute that link and call up your own url, which would allow you to create your own view with your own custom form that does this. This would give you a bit more control without having to hack away at the Admin functionality.
e.g /house/ajax_add
You'll need to refresh the options in the House dropdown though. So I don't think you can avoid extending the template, now that I think about it.
It seems like a lot of trouble, really. No magic way that I know of, but it's possible.
To avoid popups, you might want to look at https://github.com/FZambia/django-fm:
Django-fm allows to create AJAX forms for creating, editing, deleting
objects in Django. This is a very personalized approach to quickly
build admin-like interfaces.
A live example can be found on http://djangofm.herokuapp.com/.
I'm not sure how this integrates with the current admin site, but with some changes it should not be hard.
I've new to Open Cart and there's something I'm trying to accomplish. Basically, my header has main categories. When a user clicks a Category in the header, and is taken to the Category template, I want to list Brands and Styles in the Category sidebar, to narrow down their search.
However, Brand and Style aren't sub categories, since 1 brand could be part of many Categories. And they don't seem to fall into Options or Attributes either.
So what's the best way to pursue this? Does it make more sense to create a Category called "Brands", and make subcategories under that of the different brands? And same with Style? And then display those in the sidebar?
Or is there other functionality in Open Cart that I seem to be missing?
I certainly wouldn't create dozens of sub categories. I believe your issue may be resolved with filters. I use them in the same method you described. My cats only go one level deep and then filters allow the user to narrow the results down.
Read more here: Product Filters
Nice extension which allows you to add ajax to those filters: Ajax Pagination and Filters
I'm an advanced beginner at django and python. I'm writing an app to handle registration and abstract submission for a conference, and I'm trying to use class-based views. Users get an emailed link that includes their registration code in the url. Starting at this url, users move through a series of views that collect all the necessary info.
The complication comes from the fact that users often stop half way through, and then want to complete the process several days or weeks later. This means that they might continue from the current page, or they might just click that original link. In addition, after several weeks they might have missed certain deadlines, so, e.g., they can no longer submit an abstract (but they can still register). Along the way, they have checked or unchecked various options that also influence the path they should take through the app.
My question is: where is the best place to put the logic that determines if the user is currently allowed to view that page, and if not, the best url to redirect them too? I thought I would create a custom view class that, e.g., overrides the dispatch method to include global checks (e.g., is conference registration open?), and then subclasses could add additional checks (e.g., has the user entered all the necessary info for her abstract?). The problem I ran into was that the checks were run in the wrong order (I want base class checks run first). I then started investigating custom view decorators or custom middleware. At this point I realized I could use some expert advice about which approach to take. (If it matters, I am not using the django authentication system.) Thanks in advance.
Maybe the form wizard could help you managing the viewing sequence.
In general django greybeards advocate keeping row-wise logic in Models, and table-wise logic in Managers, so it seems appropriate to keep complex view logic in a master view class.
The wizard class can help maintain the order of the views, but to resume an out-dated session you may need to do some model saves (which could get too complex very quickly) or some cookie handling.
In the past, when presented with a similar situation, I took the simplest route and separated user registration and the task that the user wants to perform (event registration). The user registers once but if they fluff up the event registration, they just have to log back in at a later date and do it again (their hassle - not yours!).
I'm trying to write a simple CRM app in Django; partly as a learning exercise and partly for in-house use.
My schema is slightly complex, as rather that have a single Contact model (with a home phone, work phone, home email, etc.), I have stripped down Cntact model plus a Phone model, an Email model, etc., with a ForeignKey pointing back to a Contact. The point is to let Contacts have an arbitrary number of phone numbers, email addresses, etc. Simple, right?
I have some working views and templates for displaying the data - no issues there. And with only a very small amount of poking at admin.py I have a um...eight different TabularInlines set up, and the admin interface works to create and edit the data...but it's ugly and clunky to the point of unusability, and of course there's no conception of permissions or anything. I'm also not really a fan of having a completely different interface for displaying and searching through the data than for editing and adding contacts...I'd like as much as possible to be done inline, so that I can search for a name, look at the record, click "add note", have it popup a form, fill in the details, click submit, and be done, all with AJAXy goodness so there's no page reloads.
Question: Should I plug away at modifying the admin interface to try and make it usable for a user-facing app? And if so, can anyone point me to a good guide or example where someone has really changed the admin interface to make it work for user-facing CRUD operations?
Or should I just go ahead and write my own CRUD views? And if so, can anyone point me to a good guide or example where someone has written custom CRUD views that work with lots of ForeignKeys and inlines? Ideally I want a form that displays a single Contact, all his Email records, plus a blank form to add a new Email record, plus a button to add more blank forms, plus his Phone records, plus a blank form, and so on for all 8 of my associated models.
(Or am I thinking about this all wrong? Any advice appreciated.)
For our intranet, we use ModelAdmin subclasses (not mounted on the admin site via admin.site.register) for most of our C(R)UD views. By using custom templates for the views, it doesn't look like Django admin at all. What is very convenient though, is that it already handles all the validation/saving for us.
In general, I found admin-"hacking" quite useful to quickly write up C(R)UD views and usually with relatively small changes to your ModelAdmin subclass, you can make it work for your use case.
So I'd vote for use ModelAdmin, but not the one you use in admin, hook a different template and come up with some fancy CSS.
I successfully created a software on top of admin.
The admin hooks (these days) allow very fine-grained customizations, i.e. in general you only need to touch what you want to change.
The changes can go from a trivial cosmetic adjustment to a complete swap-out:
If you provide templates/admin/base.html your admin site can look any way you like. And of course, a navigation bar at the top could include links to some of your own views. Watch out not to hardcode URLs in your links, always reverse.
You can overload ModelAdmin's "change_view", "changelist_view" etc. and swap them for your own views. For example I replaced a default changelist and its simple filtering with a search interface that allows dynamic queries to be built, result columns to be customized by the user, and loading/saving of these searches. That didn't affect any of the other views of that ModelAdmin.
Overloading a ModelAdmin's "get_urls()" let's you rewrap existing admin urls to go to your own views. I did the latter for one model where I wanted the simple Add screen to be replaced by a totally customized Wizard (only leaning on ModelForm).
Don't forget the simplest approach, esp. regarding your "AJAXy goodness": Just define "css" and "js" in your ModelAdmin's Meta. Want to move an inline from the bottom to sit between third and fourth field, and that's not possible via parameters? A one-liner in jquery.
Check out "django-grappelli" for an example of how to improve admin look and feel.
What did you mean by "and of course there's no conception of permissions or anything"?
I am building a web app that allows our field staff to create appointments. This involves creating a record that contains many foreign keys, of which some come from very large tables. For example, the staff will need to select one of potentially thousands of customers.
What's the best way of doing this in Django?
A pop-up box that allows the users to search for customers, gives them the results, the user selects the results, then fills out the main appointment form and then
Changing the appointments form to a customer selection page that
then reloads the appointments page with the data in a hidden form? Or
holding the data in some session variables?
Some from of Ajax approach.
A wizard where the flow is: a customer search page, a list of results and they select from results, then a search page for the next option (for example product selection), etc etc
(I'd like to keep it as simple as possible. This is my first Django
project and my first web project for more years than I care to
Imho you should consider some kind of autocomplete fields. I think this results in the best usability for the user. Unfortunately, this always involves Ajax. But if you think that all users have JS turned on this is no problem.
or what is probably more powerful:
If you do the wizard approach, it will take longer for the user to accomplish the task and makes it harder to change selections.
Well with django-ajax-selects you can define how the results should look like. So you can e.g. add the address behind the name.
Custom search channels can be written when you need to do a more complex search, check the user's permissions, format the results differently or customize the sort order of the results.
I have done this before by integrating a jQuery autocomplete plugin. But, seeing as this is your first project and your desire to keep it simple, I suppose you could go with the session data option. For instance, you could show a search page where users could search for and select a customer. You could then store the, say, ID of the selected customer object as session data, and use it to pre-populate the corresponding field in the form when displaying the form. That's what I think offhand.