Go back to last viewed location in WebStorm - webstorm

In VSCode, you can use Alt + Left Arrow to "Go Back" (which is essentially is to go back to last viewed location)
I am aware that in WebStorm we have "navigate last edit location", but that is not the same as go back to last viewed location.
Is there an equivalent to go back to last viewed location in WebStorm?


How to Sort Files in Firebase Storage by Last Modified

When uploading files directly into the Firebase Storage dashboard, the files are automatically sorted by Name. Is there a way to order them by Last Modified Date?
Sometimes, I'm able to hover the mouse over the "Last Modified" "Type" and "Name" and "Size" and an arrow appears next to each that allows me to then sort/order the list of files by which ever arrow is selected. But after many attempts, I can't find a way to automatically sort the files in this way. I have no idea what prompts the arrows to appear, they just do randomly. Sometimes they don't appear at all.
Please help if possible.
Hovering mouse over the headers. I'm expecting an arrow to appear to allow me to sort the files by "Last Modified"
One thing that worked for me is scrolling all the way down the bottom of the list to the end. And after, when I come back up to the top headers, the arrow appears.

Solution Explorer different marks

I tried to figure out what the difference is in the below Solution Exploer image.
The files which are include from the beginning in the project have an red check mark. All files I have added later to the project have an green plus sign. If I go with the mouse over the green plus sign I got "Ausstehender Hinzufügevorgang" which means in english maybe "required add prozess". But if I click with the right mouse button on this file, I can't see any action to add something.
What I have to do, because I got problems with RUNTIME_CLASS(CStreamAuswertungView2). With the one, which has a red check mark it works fine.

Visual Studio go to bookmark only inside current file

Is it possible to go to the next/prev bookmark only inside the current file? I'm using VS 2010 and I find it extremly annoying that it jumps always across all files when I want to navigate inside the current file only.
Yes. Go to "customize" (right click on the toolbox area, choose customize) ->commands->keyboard, choose edit.NextBookmarkInDocument and associate it with a shortcut.
In addition, you can add it as a button in the text editor toolbar. Go to to text editor toolbar, press the little mark on the bottom-right,and choose the appropriate button to add.
Set bookmarks to stay in one file in Visual Studio 2019
In the Search box at the very top menu, put in ‘customize’ and hit Enter’.
A complex box comes up, but I simply clicked on a button at the bottom labelled ‘Keyboard’, which is where keyboard shortcuts can be set up.
That brings up another huge box. In the left hand pane is Environment and under that is Keyboard. I guess that the way I went in is why this was expanded and already selected, so there must be other ways to get to the same place.
In a right hand pane is now a huge list of commands that can have shortcuts attached!
The ones to scroll to (enlarge the box or the scroll bar is a joke. A slight move scrolls dozens of lines!) are Edit.NextBookmarkInDocument and Edit.PreviousBookmarkInDocument. (similar commands without ‘inDocument on the end are what f2/ shift f2 do by default and jumps between files rather than staying in the same document.)
When you select a command you can then just click on the field labelled ‘Press shortcut keys’ and then press the keys you want to be the shortcut for that command.
I assigned Edit.NextBookmarkInDocument to f2, which then replaces the old f2 that jumps from file to file, and shift f2 for Edit.PreviousBookmarkInDocument. You have to press the ‘Assign’ button to make VS remember the change. After this, bookmark jumps stay in the same file. I guess you could choose any shortcut you fancy, and it does at least show you if that shortcut is assigned and what it is assigned to.
There are some features which I have not explored, like when I use f2 it shows it is assigned to ‘Rename’ but it seems to not effect that function at all when you reassign and just takes it away from the jump between files command version. Maybe someone would like to delve deeper, but what I did worked without any side effects and renames outside of VS still worked with f2 so I have no idea what it was going on about.

Webstorm Shortcut to create new file from src

What is the shortcut to create a file when the cursor is on the beginning of the name in the src.
I did it by accident earlier today and can't remember the key combo. Searched all over the web with no luck.
Universal shortcut: Alt + Enter when having cursor standing on problematic place (or click on light bulb icon) and choose appropriate action from appeared menu:

eclipse c++ exclude multiple files from build at once?

Instead of right clicking each one individually, ticking 'exclude from build', etc
And how to include them back en masse ?
Highlight one of your file's by left clicking it. Then, to select multiple files, hold down shift or control then left click on another file. Shift will select all files between what you selected. Control will add just the one. Then, let go of shift (or control), then right click one of the selected files, then chose "Resource Configurations > Exclude from build...". It will exclude them all. Similarly, repeat the step to add them back.
Create a new folder inside Eclipse (let's name it excluded). Right-click on excluded and use Resource Configuration->Exclude From Build..., check which builds you want it excluded from and dismiss the dialog. Now you can disable files by selecting a group of files and dragging them to this folder. Include them back in the build by dragging them from excluded back to their original location. Note that once marked as excluded the folder appears near the bottom with a new icon with a slash through it.