Visual studio 2022 Diagnostic tool always shows "No data has been collected yet" - c++

The diagnostic tools in Visual Studio 2022 Community have stopped working. It shows it's recording the CPU profile but whenever I pause the program to see the results, the tools say "There is no data collected."
It was working at one point, and as far as I'm aware, I didn't change anything and if I go into the filter drop-down menu it shows everything except "Hide native code" is selected.
How can I fix this?

In my case it happened due to service 'Visual Studio Collector Service 150" being stopped, or disabled, and therefore, not running. Once you enable the service, and re-run 'debug', diagnostic tools seem to be working, again.

This could happen for a few reasons
Your code did not execute. The program, if it started properly, didn't get as far as running your code. Put a break-point at the start of your particular code section and see if Visual Studio stops there.
You didn't include program profile information in the build. Are you building a Debug version, have you turned off debug information or profiling information.
You are building with options that prevent profiling information from being included.


Visual studio 2017 debug console saying "ops"

First off, i haven't been coding or using Visual studio for super long so please explain in details so i can follow. Thanks!
Every time i try to run any code i get the message "ops" in the debug window. I disabled my antivirus(windows defender) and reinstalled a bunch of times. I get the same issue using Visual studio 2019. Anyone have ideas ?
I tried a bunch of different codes and even the default hello world that the Windows Console Application gives you isn't running.
Please check for the existence of one of the following registry keys.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
If they exist and are not expected, please remove. They may be created by malware, so you may need to use an antivirus product to remove the unwanted software.
Step 1: Add a breakpoint at the top of your program.
Step 2: Enlarge the tiny console window to a normal size.
Step 3: Click "Continue" on the debugger.
Step 4: "ops" turns into "To automatically close the console when debugging stops, enable Tools->Options->Debugging->Automatically close the console when debugging stops."

Unable to start UE4Editor.exe

Trying to launch the editor from Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate I get the following error in the title. VS says it's because it can't reach MSVSMON.EXE on a "remote computer", the weird thing is that I'm not trying to debug on a remote computer, but rather, on my own. My firewall is ZoneAlarm if that makes any difference.
Any help?
Edit: I've set all in and outbound communication to and from both unreal and visual studio in my firewall to "allowed", yet for some reason it still won't let me debug...
Edit 2: Disabling the firewall entirely does nothing at all.. The error persists
Edit 3: Uninstalling ZA altogether seems to fix the issue
Just a note, so far you've been chasing the wrong problem and have not yet gathered enough relevant facts. The dialog is very unhelpful, this does not have anything to do with a "remote computer".
Msvsmon.exe is used in this scenario because UE4Editor.exe is a 64-bit process. Visual Studio cannot use its built-in debugger, it is a 32-bit process. Debugging a 64-bit process with a 32-bit debugger is not possible. So it has a workaround, it uses the 64-bit remote debugger, C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe. Basically works the same has remote debugging on another machine, except it doesn't use the network to connect to the debugger.
So your firewall settings and the considerable amount of trouble-shooting info about remote debugging you can find on the web or MSDN just does not apply in your case at all. You've been chasing the wrong problem.
Having an issue with msvsmon.exe when debugging 64-bit code is quite unusual, never heard of anybody having trouble with it before. You want to do a basic smoke test to check if it is really a problem with msvsmon.exe or it is actually UE4Editor.exe that puts up a fight.
Create a little do-nothing C# console mode app, just Console.ReadLine() in the Main() method. Project + Properties, Build tab, untick the "Prefer 32-bit" option. This ensures it runs as a 64-bit process. Press F5. If all is well then it starts running and you'll see msvsmon.exe in the Task Manager, Processes tab.
If that does not work either then something is interfering with the process interop between Visual Studio and msvsmon.exe. Usually anti-malware related, disable that first. Next thing to try is to start killing processes one-by-one with Task Manager to find the evil-doer. If debugging the C# app works okay then you have a good reason to visit the UE4 forum to find help.
Update your question with what you've learned.
Uninstall Zone Alarm and everything will be OK.

Can the visual studio debugger still be used to debug ppapi trusted plugins when using the --ppapi-out-of-process flag?

I am using the new MessageLoop class introduced in pepper-25 so I can run a background thread with blocking ppapi calls for File IO. Up until now I have been running chrome from visual studio with the flags --single-process and --register-pepper-plugins so I can debug my plugin from within visual studio.
Using these flags I found that the call to PPB_GetInterface get_browser for PPB_MESSAGING_INTERFACE was returning null and after some searching I found this issue which states you must run with the flag --ppapi-out-of-process to get MessageLoop support.
With that flag added get_browser does return a valid interface pointer but I can no longer debug my plugin with the visual studio ide as it cannot attach to the child process that my plugin is run from. Is there anyway to tell it to attach to my plug-in process or a way of running from a single process with support for MessageLoop?
To get Visual Studio to attach to child processes automatically, you can use the workarounds described at Can Visual Studio be made to debug child processes like WinDBG?.
A different approach is to use the flags --no-sandbox and --ppapi-startup-dialog when you start Chrome. This will cause a message box to appear with the process id when a plugin process is created. You can then connect the Visual Studio debugger to that process using Debug -> Attach to process... -> pick process id. Of course, you could have attached to the process without the Chrome flags and it's not automatic, so this really just gives you certainty that you're attaching to the right process if you have many running at the same time.
A third approach is to use the free Microsoft-provided debugger WinDbg. It is complex and much less user-friendly than the built-in debugger in Visual Studio, but it does have the ability to attach to child processes automatically. Download is available from
As for MessageLoop it will not be supported for in-process plugins. As the issue you link to mentions, developers should move to out-of-process, even if it adds the inconvenience of not being able to attach the Visual Studio debugger automatically without workarounds.

Dubugging a program not run within the debugger and without a crash

I left a program running last night, it worked fine for about 5 hours and then one of its built-in self-diagnostic tests detected a problem and brought up a dialog box telling me the issue. The program was built with debug information (/Zi). Is it possible to somehow get the debugger started so I can examine the value of some variables within the program? Or is it too late?
You can attach the debugger to the running process:
Debug > Attach to Process...
Just open up the program's solution first.
Assuming you've still got the error dialog on the screen you can break into the program and work back up the call stack examining variables etc.
For the future crashes ... if you have windbg or Visual Studio Professional, you can debug crash dumps, even when program isn't running. It is quite useful sometimes. See "MiniDumpWriteDump" on MSDN for more info.
Other than that it is "Attach to process".
Professional edition of Visual Studio have Just-in-Time debugger, that will kick in as soon as anything crashes, even if MSVC wasn't running. It will also locate source code (if debug info and source code are available) and open/create solution for you.
There is an option in the Debug menu to attach the debugger to a running process, IIRC.

DebugBreak not breaking

I'm writing a class in C++ that I cannot debug by using F5. The code will run from another "service" that will invoke it.
In the past I've used __debugbreak() and when I got a window telling me that an exception was thrown selected to debug it.
Recently I've updated to windows 7 and it kept working for a while.
Today when I've tried to debug a piece of my code instead of shown the regular dialog that tells me that VSTestHost has stopped working and enable me to to debug the application I got a different dialog suggesting I send the data to microsoft for analysis.
Does anyone knows how can I fix this issue so I'll be able to debug my code?
Finally I found the cause of the issue.
It's a Vista/Win7 cause:
Open The Action center control
Goto Action Center settings
Goto Problem Reporting Settings
Choose "Each time a problem occurs, ask me before checking for solution"
Although this is more of IT solution/question I've been plagued with this problem all day and wanted to share the solution with other developers who encounter this problem.
I finally found the solution for Windows 10/11 here:
And also:
To enable automatic debugger launch, you should add a registry value:
key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug, value Auto = 1 (of type REG_DWORD)
The configured debugger is set the by the value Debugger (type REG_SZ); a Visual Studio installation sets this to:
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\vsjitdebugger.exe" -p %ld -e %ld
Note that on 64 bit OS this only works for 64 bit executables. To enable the same behaviour in 32 bit executables set the same values in this key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug
In that case...
Here is the quick overview of what you need to-do to enable debugging on a Microsoft Windows 7 machine:
Update the Just-In-Time debugger setting DbgJITDebugLaunchSetting. The setting is found in the registry at [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework].
Set the value of DbgJITDebugLaunchSetting to 2.
If you are using a 64bit operating system then you must also set the same key (DbgJITDebugLaunchSetting) in this folder [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework] to 2.
If you run into any issues try running CodeSmith Studio and Visual Studio as an administrator.
Now when CodeSmith enters a break point you will see something like this:
You could try debug > attach to process.