Custom printer to string - ocaml

I defined a custom pretty-printer that takes a message, customise it and prints it:
let mypp ppf msg =
Format.fprintf ppf "Hello";
Format.fprintf ppf msg
Now, I wanted to use it to print to a string but since I want to use it multiple times I wanted to put it in a function:
let myspp msg =
let _ = mypp Format.str_formatter msg in
Format.flush_str_formatter ()
But I can't write what I want:
12 | let s = myspp "Bleh %s" "world" in
Error: This function has type ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> string
It is applied to too many arguments; maybe you forgot a `;'.
Even worse, if I delete the argument:
let () =
let s = myspp "Bleh %s" in
Format.eprintf "---%s---#." s
Results in:
---Hello: ---
The formatting string disappeared.
I know I'm missing something but can't find it. I tried using kfprintf but didn't have good results. Maybe I need to change my original function?
It should be noted that if I don't use it in a function it works as wanted:
let () =
mypp Format.str_formatter "Blah %s" "blih";
Format.eprintf "---%s---#." (Format.flush_str_formatter ())
Results in:
---Hello: Blah blih---

Since you want to run some function after that all format arguments have been provided, the only option is to use kfprintf:
let to_string msg =
let b = Buffer.create 17 in
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in
Format.fprintf ppf "Hello: ";
Format.kfprintf (fun ppf ->
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
Buffer.contents b
) ppf msg
let s = to_string "%d + %d = %d" 1 2 3
It is also better to avoid Format.str_formatter since this avoid introducing a global mutable state in your program.
If the important point is to reuse the mypp function, the simplest fix is to add a continuation argument to mypp:
let kmypp k ppf msg =
Format.fprintf ppf "Hello";
Format.kfprintf k ppf msg
let to_string msg =
let b = Buffer.create 17 in
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in
kmypp (fun ppf ->
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
Buffer.contents b
) ppf msg


Why mark stag functions are not called here?

I am trying to understand the following behaviour of OCaml Format module and semantic tags.
My code:
let prepare_ppf ppf =
let original_stag_functions = Format.pp_get_formatter_stag_functions ppf () in
let original_mark_tags_state = Format.pp_get_mark_tags ppf () in
Format.pp_set_mark_tags ppf true;
Format.pp_set_print_tags ppf false;
Format.pp_set_formatter_stag_functions ppf {
mark_open_stag = (fun stag ->
print_endline "MARK-OPEN";
match stag with
| Format.String_tag s -> Printf.sprintf "<open:%s>" s
| _ -> "<UNKNOWN>"
mark_close_stag = (fun stag ->
print_endline "MARK-CLOSE";
match stag with
| Format.String_tag s -> Printf.sprintf "</close:%s>" s
| _ -> "</UNKNOWN>"
print_open_stag = (fun _ -> print_endline "PRINT-OPEN"; ());
print_close_stag = (fun _ -> print_endline "PRINT-CLOSE"; ());
print_endline "PREPARED";
if Format.pp_get_mark_tags ppf () then print_endline "MARK:true";
(fun ppf ->
print_endline "RESET";
Format.pp_set_mark_tags ppf original_mark_tags_state;
Format.pp_set_formatter_stag_functions ppf original_stag_functions;)
let fprintf ppf fmt =
let reset = prepare_ppf ppf in
Format.kfprintf reset ppf fmt
let printf fmt = fprintf Format.std_formatter fmt
If I paste that into: utop version 2.8.0 (using OCaml version 4.12.0)
When I run it:
utop # printf "#{<bold>%s#}" "hello";;
<bold>hello</bold>- : unit = ()
Why are the mark_open_stag and close functions not called?
If I change line 5 to Format.pp_set_print_tags ppf true; then I see the print_open_stag and close function are called.
This is an interaction between buffering and utop handling of the stdout formatter.
The buffering issue can be seen with
printf "#{<bold>%s#}" "A very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long hello world";;
which prints the half-correct
<open:bold>A very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long hello worldRESET
Going on step further, flushing the stdout at the end with
printf "#{<bold>%s#}#." "hello";;
yields the correct output
The issue is thus that
printf "#{<bold>%s#}" "hello"
buffers completely all its input.
And it is utop taking the hand on the stdout formatter which triggers the printing by trying to print
- : unit = ()
This yields then
<bold>hello</bold>- : unit = ()
because at the time of the printing utop has reset the formatter configuration to its own default.

OCaml Reading from file and perform some validation

can you help me out, i made this program to get an output from some .txt file like this :
#load "str.cma"
let f_test = "/home/test.txt" ;;
Recursive Reading function
let read_lines f_test : string list =
if Sys.file_exists (f_test) then
let ic = open_in f_test in
let try_read () =
try Some (input_line ic) with End_of_file -> None in
let rec loop acc = match try_read () with
| Some s -> loop (s :: acc)
| None -> close_in_noerr ic; List.rev acc in
loop []
with e ->
close_in_noerr ic;
(*Using Records*)
type user =
name : string;
age : int;
country : string;
Function to separated info in list
let rec splitinfo ?(sep=":") l = match l with
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> (Str.split (Str.regexp ":") x)::splitinfo xs;;
Function to get users position
let get_user l:user =
let age = int_of_string (List.nth l 1) in
let user_name = List.nth l 0 in
name = user_name;
age = age ;
country = List.nth l 2;
Function to check some parameter is valid
let par1 u: int =
if (u.age = 3) then
Reporting function
let report_statistics list_users =
let child = ref 0 in
let teenager = ref 0 in
let adult = ref 0 in print_string (" ----- -- Stats -- ----- \n" ) ;
List.iter (
fun user_l -> (
match user_l with
| [] -> print_string("> no user <\n")
| _ ->
let user = get_user user_l in
if (par1 user = 1) then (
print_string (" "^ ^" --> Child \n" ) ;
child := !child + 1;
print_string (" "^ ^" --> Other \n" );
) list_users;
print_string ("------- List ---- ");
print_string ("Child " );
print_string ("Teenager ") ;
print_string ("Adult ");
The program compile but doesn't output any result ...
What am i missing ?
I kept the function to check parameters simple so i can understand it better but can't figure it out why it isn't outputing any result
Can you help me out here ?
Thanks in advance :)
The code as given defines some functions such as read_lines and report_statistics. But there are no calls to these functions.
If there is no other OCaml source involved, this is probably your problem. You need to call the functions.
It is fairly customary to have a "main" function that does the work of an OCaml program, and then (this is key) you have to actually call the main function:
let main () =
(* Call the functions that do the work of the program *)
let () = main ()
I have many times forgotten this last line and then nothing happens when I run the program.

Ocaml loop for string printf

let string s = "";;
let string s =
for i = 0 to 5 do
Printf.sprintf "%s" s
I want to printf with string type in loop (ex-string "hi" -> "hihihihihi")
When I use for, It makes string to unit and It doesnt' work.
How to loop print with string type?
There are few ways to do it with a buffer or format, with the right complexity.
First, the more imperative version is probably with a buffer
let string_repeat_n_time s n =
let b = Buffer.create (String.length s * n) in
for i = 1 to n do
Buffer.add_string b s
Buffer.contents b
Buffer are made to handle efficiently repeated addition, so they are the right data structure.
A more functional version would be to use recursion with Format.fprintf (Format is essentially an improved version of Printf)
let string_n_times s n =
let rec repeat ppf n =
if n = 0 then Format.fprintf ppf "%!"
Format.fprintf ppf "%s%a" s repeat (n-1) in
Format.asprintf "%a" repeat n ;;
This code is using a Buffer under the hood thus the complexity is the same as before. If we make the buffer explicit, we can have an imperative code that is using the format printer
let string_n_times s n =
let b = Buffer.create (String.length s * n) in
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in
for i = 1 to n do
Format.fprintf ppf "%s" s
Format.fprintf ppf "%!" (* flush *);
Buffer.contents b
which can be useful if we are adding something more complex than a string to the buffer.
Something like this:
let string_n_times s n =
let str = ref "" in
for i = 1 to n do
str := !str ^ s
done; !str
let () = print_endline (string_n_times "hi" 5)
Is this what you are trying to accomplish?
let string_n_times s n =
for i = 0 to n do
Printf.printf "%s" s
let () = string_n_times "Hi" 5

How to use ocaml-re

I am currently trying to use ocaml-re. Documentation is sparse. I was wondering how I would, for instance, do the equivalent:
Str.regexp "example \\([A-Za-z]+\\)" using Re.Perl? I think it would help me to naturally get the rest of the documentation on my own. Thank you!
Bonus points if you convert this code from Str to Re.Perl:
let read_filename = "example.ts"
let filename = "example2.ts"
let () =
let modify_file ~chunks =
let r = Str.regexp "example \\([A-Za-z]+\\)" in
match chunks () with
None -> chunks (* is the same as (fun () -> None) *)
| Some chunks ->
let test_chunks = Str.replace_first r "\\1" chunks in (* compute once *)
(fun () -> Some test_chunks) in
with_in read_filename
(fun ic ->
let chunks = read_chunks ic in
let new_chunks = modify_file ~chunks in
with_out ~flags:[Open_binary] ~mode:0o644 filename
(fun oc ->
write_gen oc new_chunks
Don't use Re.Perl, Re's API is much simpler. You can constructor your re with:
let re =
let open Re in
alt [rg 'A' 'Z'; rg 'a' 'z'] (* [A-Za-z] *)
|> rep1a (* [A-Za-z]+ *)
|> group (* ([A-Za-z]+) *)
|> compile

Frama-C Plugin development: Getting result of value-analysis

I am working on a Plugin for Frama-C, using the Value-analysis.
I simply want to print the state of the variables (values) after each statement (I think the solution is quiet easy, but I couldn't figure it out).
I got the current state with Db.Value.get_stmt_state in the vstmt_aux method in the visitor.
How can I now get the values of the variables?
PS: I found this post, but it didn't help, there is no real solution, and with the help of the description I was not able to do it:
How to use functions in Value.Eval_expr, Value.Eval_op etc modules of Frama-c Value plugin
Here's a concrete example of how to print, for each local and global variable, the result computed by Value before each statement in a given function (read the functions from bottom to top):
open Cil_types
(* Prints the value associated to variable [vi] before [stmt]. *)
let pretty_vi fmt stmt vi =
let kinstr = Kstmt stmt in (* make a kinstr from a stmt *)
let lval = (Var vi, NoOffset) in (* make an lval from a varinfo *)
let loc = (* make a location from a kinstr + an lval *)
!Db.Value.lval_to_loc kinstr ~with_alarms:CilE.warn_none_mode lval
(fun state () ->
(* for each state in the callstack *)
let value = Db.Value.find state loc in (* obtain value for location *)
Format.fprintf fmt "%a -> %a#." Printer.pp_varinfo vi
Locations.Location_Bytes.pretty value (* print mapping *)
) () ~after:false kinstr
(* Prints the state at statement [stmt] for each local variable in [kf],
and for each global variable. *)
let pretty_local_and_global_vars kf fmt stmt =
let locals = Kernel_function.get_locals kf in
List.iter (fun vi -> pretty_vi fmt stmt vi) locals;
Globals.Vars.iter (fun vi _ -> pretty_vi fmt stmt vi)
(* Visits each statement in [kf] and prints the result of Value before the
statement. *)
class stmt_val_visitor kf =
object (self)
inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
method! vstmt_aux stmt =
(match stmt.skind with
| Instr _ ->
Format.printf "state for all variables before stmt: %a#.%a#."
Printer.pp_stmt stmt (pretty_local_and_global_vars kf) stmt
| _ -> ());
(* usage: frama-c file.c -load-script *)
let () =
Db.Main.extend (fun () ->
Format.printf "computing value...#.";
!Db.Value.compute ();
let fun_name = "main" in
Format.printf "visiting function: %s#." fun_name;
let kf_vis = new stmt_val_visitor in
let kf = Globals.Functions.find_by_name fun_name in
let fundec = Kernel_function.get_definition kf in
ignore (Visitor.visitFramacFunction (kf_vis kf) fundec);
Format.printf "done!#.")
This is far from ideal, and the output is uglier than simply using Cvalue.Model.pretty state, but it could serve as base for further modifications.
This script has been tested with Frama-C Magnesium.
To retrieve the state after a statement, simply replace the ~after:false parameter in fold_state_callstack with ~after:true. My previous version of the code used a function which already bound that value for the pre-state, but no such function is exported for the post-state, so we must use fold_state_callstack (which is incidentally more powerful, because it allows retrieving a specific state per callstack).
Update using Eva's new API (since Frama-C 25.0)
This is an update to the previous answer, using Eva's new API, available since Frama-C 25.0 (Magnesium); I left the original answer for users based on older Frama-C versions.
Using Eva's new API, the above answer can be written more succinctly:
(* Prints the value associated to variable [vi] before [stmt]. *)
let pretty_vi fmt stmt vi =
let req = Eva.Results.before stmt in
let cvalue = Eva.Results.(eval_var vi req |> as_cvalue) in
Format.fprintf fmt "%a -> %a#." Printer.pp_varinfo vi
Cvalue.V.pretty cvalue (* print mapping *)
(* Prints the state at statement [stmt] for each local variable in [kf],
and for each global variable. *)
let pretty_local_and_global_vars kf fmt stmt =
let locals = Kernel_function.get_locals kf in
List.iter (fun vi -> pretty_vi fmt stmt vi) locals;
Globals.Vars.iter (fun vi _ -> pretty_vi fmt stmt vi)
(* Visits each statement in [kf] and prints the result of Value before the
statement. *)
class stmt_val_visitor kf =
inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
method! vstmt_aux stmt =
(match stmt.skind with
| Instr _ ->
Format.printf "state for all variables before stmt: %a#.%a#."
Printer.pp_stmt stmt (pretty_local_and_global_vars kf) stmt
| _ -> ());
(* usage: frama-c file.c -load-script *)
let () =
Db.Main.extend (fun () ->
Format.printf "computing value...#.";
Eva.Analysis.compute ();
let fun_name = "main" in
Format.printf "visiting function: %s#." fun_name;
let kf_vis = new stmt_val_visitor in
let kf = Globals.Functions.find_by_name fun_name in
let fundec = Kernel_function.get_definition kf in
ignore (Visitor.visitFramacFunction (kf_vis kf) fundec);
Format.printf "done!#.")
Note that the output is not identical; it is actually more condensed, as in, instead of printing e.g. score -> {{ NULL -> {0} }}, which means, for location score, the offset associated to the NULL base, that is, a constant value, is 0, it simply prints score -> {0}. It also prints minimum/maximum bounds according to the variable type (e.g. int __fc_errno was printed as an unbounded interval [--..--] with the previous code; here, it is printed as [-2147483648..2147483647] when using a machdep with 32-bit integers).
The new API also makes it easier to answer queries such as Is there also a way to get the values after the statement?: just use Eva.Results.after instead of Eva.Results.before.
Finally, for callstack-specific information, search for callstack in the src/plugins/value/utils/results.mli file. This file also contains some lenghty comments explaining the API, as well as a usage sketch.