Change Powerbi slicer- radio button color - powerbi

We are using Powerbi slicers with radio button(single select)to filter values in a grid table, we are able to change the color font of values, is there a way to change radio button color?


Add an option for the user to edit the legend on Map Box in Power Bi

In the Map Box app on Power Bi app there is an option for a Legend but unfortunately the legend can't be edited showing legend. As a user, I would like to have the option to edit the legend by changing the number of entries from 6 measures to a number specified by the user, change the background of the legend, change the font color, size and type.
Is this possible to add these edits for users?
At the moment, there is no ability to customize the legend with the Mapbox visual for Power BI, however, in future updates, you will be able to change the font color and size, as well as position the legend at the top, bottom, left, or right of the visual.

Full screen date picker

Is there any way to get that new full screen date picker with background blur (like in the image below) when tapping a custom button other than tapping the CompactDatePickerStyle() date picker?

how to give color to a slicer tile when selecting in PowerBI?

I like to shed blue when selecting Options in my slicer tile in PowerBi report, How can I do that?
Please see below picture for sample
In the default slicer in Power BI, there is no way to change the colour of the text based on selection. You can change the colour and font, but it will apply to all the text, selected or not.

In chart.js , change color of chart by clicking button

In chart.js, is it possible to change the color of a chart (theme) by clicking a button?
Let's say I have buttons named 'dark mode', 'light mode' when I click 'dark mode' button, the chart color changes to dark color.
I can't find any example of it by googling.
You can make a new chart or update your chart with the new colors in the options or in your dataset. There's no function with changes all colors to a dark mode, you have to change all colors on your own.
I can't give you all the possible color options, there's simply too many. Just look at the docs or maybe here for a few examples. You can for sure change e.g. all the dataset and background colors.

How to move Filters Pane to the left from right in power-bi?

I have a Power-bi report created in Power-bi Desktop and embedded to my custom web page. The filters pane is on the right of the report by default. Is there a way to move it the left of the report instead? I could not find how to manage this.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can't move it to the other side. I'm guessing when this is pushed out to GA or at some point in the future it'll be an option, but currently this is all you can change on the Filter Pane:
Pane Options
Background color
Background transparency
Filter pane border on or off
Filter pane border color
Filter pane title and header font, color, and text size
Card Options
Background color
Background transparency
Border: on or off
Border color
Font, color, and text size
Input box color
Taken from here.