C++, Where To Put Free Variables? - c++

I'm writing a small ini file parser (0), I use some regular expressions that I have put into a std::map<std::string, std::regex>, it's a const one because it contains all I need to retrieve the data from my customized ini format (1), but I don't know where (or rather: how and why) to put that variable in my source.
For the moment (until I find a solution), I've declared and defined it, in its header file, as a (non const (2)) member of one of the classes I write, inside a namespace, which class has its corresponding cpp implementation file.
That class uses the map, but it could (and is pretty likely to) be used by other classes too.
And that's it, I don't know how I should handle it. What is sound and adequate?
Should I create a class/struct on its own for it, should I let it be a global variable, maybe a static, and/or constexpr'ifying it, or even typedef'ying it? Where to put it, as what?
I'm looking for conformity with the design of C++, its standards, best practices, and efficiency (3), reliability, maintainability, scalability, reusability, should I completely redesign the whole thing (4).
Note #moderators: I don't know how to formulate my question, so if any of you have a better idea for the title, then thank you for editing my post.
(0) It's for my own use, on Linux, so I don't worry too much about portability/compability, even if it's mostly for a learning purpose; I teach C++ myself, and I just want to understand... and I find many things very difficult to apprehend.
(1) It looks like so:
str1="abcd efgh ijkl mnop"
str2 = "qrst uvw xyz"
boolean_item = true
double_value = 10.0
long_int = -2147483650
; this is a comment
str_list_item = "abc", "def", "ghi"
intListItem=2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
double_List_Item = 0.15, 16.00125, 748.963, 10247.4412578
hex_value = 0x4f0
bin_value = 0b11010001101110
; type annotations ?
; my_float: float = .03125
(2) I've read that according to isoccp we should “Avoid const member variable” (can't find the link, only a discussion on reddit), but it can be okay in some cases.
(3) At this point, tested with a 40 lines long ini file, a time ./test (compiled with -g -O0) returns the following average which looks slow to me:
real 0m0,023s
user 0m0,018s
sys 0m0,005s
(4) The whole things being interrelated as they depend on each others, as I understand it. In that regard, are there any design patterns that would be interesting to drive my project (the whole parser, not only the question of the variable)?

Personal opinion: don't use global mutable (non-const) variables. Three main reasons to avoid them:
All of the code can access it, meaning you have no control over who can use it and who can't
Lifetime: who guarantees that no part of your code will access the global variable before it has been initialized; who guarantees that no part of your code will access the global variable after it has been cleaned up (well, maybe not a real problem in your case, but a real problem in many other cases)
Dependencies on other global variables: when you start to use global variables, you sometimes end up with global variables referring to other global variables, and then construction and destruction becomes a real nightmare.
Some of these problems are also valid for global constants. So, although I do allow global constants in my code, I only allow them if they are constexpr-constructible and trivially destructible.
Better to have a clear method that reads your INI file, and returns the map. Then pass the map to those methods/classes that need it. That way you have full control over the map.


ELF INIT section code to prepopulate objects used at runtime

I'm fairly new to c++ and am really interested in learning more. Have been reading quite a bit. Recently discovered the init/fini elf sections.
I started to wonder if & how one would use the init section to prepopulate objects that would be used at runtime. Say for example you wanted
to add performance measurements to your code, recording the time, filename, linenumber, and maybe some ID (monotonic increasing int for ex) or name.
You would place for example:
...... //process event
......//different processing on same event
The PROBE could be some macro that populates a struct containing this data (maybe on an array/list, etc using the id as an indexer).
Would it be possible to have code in the init section that could prepopulate all of this data for each PROBE (except for the time of course), so only the time would need to be retrieved/copied at runtime?
As far as I know the __attribute__((constructor)) can not be applied to member functions?
My initial idea was to create some kind of
linked list with each node pointing to each probe and code in the init secction could iterate it populating the id, file, line, etc, but
that idea assumed I could use a member function that could run in the "init" section, but that does not seem possible. Any tips appreciated!
As far as I understand it, you do not actually need an ELF constructor here. Instead, you could emit descriptors for your probes using extended asm statements (using data, instead of code). This also involves switching to a dedicated ELF section for the probe descriptors, say __probes.
The linker will concatenate all the probes and in an array, and generate special symbols __start___probes and __stop___probes, which you can use from your program to access thes probes. See the last paragraph in Input Section Example.
Systemtap implements something quite similar for its userspace probes:
User Space Probe Implementation
Adding User Space Probing to an Application (heapsort example)
Similar constructs are also used within the Linux kernel for its self-patching mechanism.
There's a pretty simple way to have code run on module load time: Use the constructor of a global variable:
struct RunMeSomeCode
// your code goes here
} do_it;
The .init/.fini sections basically exist to implement global constructors/destructors as part of the ABI on some platforms. Other platforms may use different mechanisms such as _start and _init functions or .init_array/.deinit_array and .preinit_array. There are lots of subtle differences between all these methods and which one to use for what is a question that can really only be answered by the documentation of your target platform. Not all platforms use ELF to begin with…
The main point to understand is that things like the .init/.fini sections in an ELF binary happen way below the level of C++ as a language. A C++ compiler may use these things to implement certain behavior on a certain target platform. On a different platform, a C++ compiler will probably have to use different mechanisms to implement that same behavior. Many compilers will give you tools in the form of language extensions like __attributes__ or #pragmas to control such platform-specific details. But those generally only make sense and will only work with that particular compiler on that particular platform.
You don't need a member function (which gets a this pointer passed as an arg); instead you can simply create constructor-like functions that reference a global array, like
#define PROBE(id, stuff, more_stuff) \
__attribute__((constructor)) void \
probeinit##id(){ probes[id] = {id, stuff, 0/*to be written later*/, more_stuff}; }
The trick is having this macro work in the middle of another function. GNU C / C++ allows nested functions, but IDK if you can make them constructors.
You don't want to declare a static int dummy#id = something because then you're adding overhead to the function you profile. (gcc has to emit a thread-safe run-once locking mechanism.)
Really what you'd like is some kind of separate pass over the source that identifies all the PROBE macros and collects up their args to declare
struct probe global_probes[] = {
{0, "EventName", 0 /*placeholder*/, filename, linenum},
{1, "EventName", 0 /*placeholder*/, filename, linenum},
I'm not confident you can make that happen with CPP macros; I don't think it's possible to #define PROBE such that every time it expands, it redefines another macro to tack on more stuff.
But you could easily do that with an awk/perl/python / your fave scripting language program that scans your program and constructs a .c that declares an array with static storage.
Or better (for a single-threaded program): keep the runtime timestamps in one array, and the names and stuff in a separate array. So the cache footprint of the probes is smaller. For a multi-threaded program, stores to the same cache line from different threads is called false sharing, and creates cache-line ping-pong.
So you'd have #define PROBE(id, evname, blah blah) do { probe_times[id] = now(); }while(0)
and leave the handling of the later args to your separate preprocessing.

Which tool can list writing access to a specific variable in C?

Unfortunately I'm not even sure how this sort of static analysis is called. It's not really control flow analysis because I'm not looking for function calls and I don't really need data flow analysis because I don't care about the actual values.
I just need a tool that lists the locations (file, function) where writing access to a specific variable takes place. I don't even care if that list contained lines that are unreachable. I could imagine that writing a simple parser could suffice for this task but I'm certain that there must be a tool out there that does this simple analysis.
As a poor student I would appreciate free or better yet open source tools and if someone could tell me how this type of static analysis is actually called, I would be equally grateful!
EDIT: I forgot to mention there's no pointer arithmetic in the code base.
Why don't you make the variable const and then note down all the errors where your compiler bans write access?
Note: This won't catch errors where the memory underlying the variable is written to in some erroneous manner such as a buffer overrun.
EDIT: For example:
const int a = 1;
a = 2;
a = 3;
My compiler produces:
1>MyProg.c(46): error C3892: 'a' : you cannot assign to a variable that is const
1>MyProg.c(47): error C3892: 'a' : you cannot assign to a variable that is const
Do you mean something like this?
This works for C programs that you have made the effort to analyze with Frama-C's value analysis. It is Open Source and the dependency information is also available programmatically. As static analyzers go, it is rather on the “precise” side of the spectrum. It will work better if your target is embedded C code.
I am not sure such a tool could be written. Pointers can be used to change arbitary data in memory without having any reference to other variables pointing to that data. Think about functions like memset(), which change whole blocks of memory.
If you are not interested in these kind of mutations, you would still have to take transitive pointers into account. In C, you can have any number of pointers pointing to the same data, and you would have to analyze where copies of these pointers are made. And then these copies can be copied again, ...
So even in the "simple" case it would require quite a big amount of code analysis.

Convert string to variable name or variable type

Is it possible to convert strings into variables(and vise versa) by doing something like:
makeVariable("int", "count");
string fruit;
cin >> fruit; // user inputs "apple"
makeVariable(fruit, "a green round object");
and then be able to just access it by doing something like:
cout << apple; //a green round object
Thanks in advance!
No, this is not possible. This sort of functionality is common in scripting languages like Ruby and Python, but C++ works very differently from those. In C++ we try to do as much of the program's work as we can at compile time. Sometimes we can do things at runtime, and even then good C++ programmers will find a way to do the work as early as compile time.
If you know you're going to create a variable then create it right away:
int count;
What you might not know ahead of time is the variable's value, so you can defer that for runtime:
std::cin >> count;
If you know you're going to need a collection of variables but not precisely how many of them then create a map or a vector:
std::vector<int> counts;
Remember that the name of a variable is nothing but a name — a way for you to refer to the variable later. In C++ it is not possible nor useful to postpone assigning the name of the variable at runtime. All that would do is make your code more complicated and your program slower.
You can use a map.
map<string, int> numbers;
numbers["count"] = 6;
cout << numbers["count"];
Beginning programmers ask this question regarding every language. There are a group of computer languages for which the answer to this question is "yes". These are dynamic, interactive languages, like BASIC, Lisp, Ruby, Python. But think about it: Variable names only exist in code, for the convenience of the programmer. It only makes sense to define a new variable while the program runs if there's a person to then subsequently type the name of the variable in new code. This is true for interactive language environment, and not true for compiled languages like C++ or Java. In C++, by the time the program runs, and the imaginary new variable would be created, there's no one around to type code that would use that new variable.
What you really want instead is the ability to associate a name with an object at runtime, so that code -- not people -- can use that name to find the object. As other people have already pointed out, the map feature of C++'s standard library gives you that ability.
You might want to look at C++ map.
No. C++ is statically typed, and this goes against that whole paradigm.
I have seen this type of functionality implemented before by storing variables in an stl map.
At least for the (vice versa) there is a possibility with the preprocessor statement stringify #. See this answer on how to convert a C++ variable name into an string.
well i guess u cannot make dynamics variables but u can use some function to write a new variable and its value in any external text file and access its value from that file where ever it is needed (u can also remove the dynamic variable by removing it from the text file.)
theory: variables are places in memory where we store data, identified by a name, we can store data in a text file if processor doesnot allow us to store it in registers, and we can access its value by searching its identity (name of variable) int the text file, our data will be next to it.
its just an idea, it should work but i guess it will be not very simple and ur program will have to pay in terms of speed.

Make a variable unavailable in portion of codes

From time to time, I want, as a safety check, to check that a variable v is not used in some portion of code, or in the remainder of some function, even though it is still visible in the scope of this function/portion of code. For instance:
int x;
// do something with x
// a portion of code which should not use x
// do something else with x
Is there a good way to perform that type of verification at compile time?
NOTE: I know that one should always use a scope that is as small as possible for each variable, but there are cases where pushing this practice to an extreme can become cumbersome, and such a tool would be useful.
The best way to achieve this is to actually have small scopes in your code, i.e. use short, focused methods which do one thing only. This way you tend to have few local variables per each individual method, and they go out of scope automatically once you don't need them.
If you have long legacy methods which make you worry about this problem, the best long-term solution is to refactor them by extracting smaller chunks of functionality into separate methods. Most modern IDEs have automated refactoring support which lowers the risk of introducing bugs with such changes - although the best is of course to have a proper set of unit tests to ensure you aren't breaking anything.
Recommended reading is Clean Code.
#define v #
#undef v
This should do it as # is with very low probability conflicting with any other variable name or keyword or operator.
As i know, no such compile verification. Maybe you can verify it by yourself using grep. I think the best way is to separate your function into two functions. One use the variable, and the other cannot see the variable. That's one of the reasons why we need functions.

isDefined function?

In C++ is there any function that returns "true" when the variable is defined or false in vice versa. Something like this:
bool isDefined(string varName)
if (a variable called "varName" is defined)
return true;
return false;
C++ is not a dynamic language. Which means, that the answer is no. You know this at compile time, not runtime.
There is no such a thing in runtime as it doesn't make sense in a non-dynamic language as C++.
However you can use it inside a sizeof to test if it exists on compile time without side-effects.
That will stop compilation if var doesn't exist.
As already stated, the C++ runtime system does not support the querying of whether or not a variable is declared or not. In general a C++ binary doesn't contain information on variable symbols or their mappings to their location. Technically, this information would be available in a binary compiled with debugging information, and you could certainly query the debugging information to see if a variable name is present at a given location in code, but it would be a dirty hack at best (If you're curious to see what it might look at, I posted a terrible snippet # Call a function named in a string variable in C which calls a C function by a string using the DWARF debugging information. Doing something like this is not advised)
Microsoft has two extensions to C++ named: __if_exists and __if_not_exists. They can be useful in some cases, but they don't take string arguments.
If you really need such a functionality you can add all your variables to a set and then query that set for variable existance.
Already mentioned that C++ doesn't provide such facility.
On the other hand there are cases where the OS implement mechanisms close to isDefined(),
like the GetProcAddress Function, on Windows.
No. It's not like you have a runtime system around C++ which keeps remembers variables with names in some sort of table (meta data) and lets you access a variable through a dynamically generated string. If you want this, you have to build it yourself, for example using a std::map that maps strings to some objects.
Some compile-time mechanism would fit into the language. But I don't think that it would be any useful.
In order to achieve this first you need to implement a dynamic variable handling system, or at least find some on the internet. As previously mentioned the C++ is designed to be a native language so there are no built-in facilities to do this.
What I can suggest for the most easy solution to create a std::map with string keys storing global variables of interest with a boost::any, wxVariant or something similar, and store your variables in this map. You can make your life a bit easier with a little preprocessor directive to define a variables by their name, so you don't need to retype the name of the variable twice. Also, to make life easier I suggest to create a little inline function which access this variable map, and checks if the given string key is contained by the map.
There are implementation such a functionality in many places, the runtime property handling systems are available in different fashion, but if you need just this functionality I suggest to implement by yourself, because most of these solutions are quite general what you probably don't need.
You can make such function, but it wouldn't operate strings. You would have to send variable name. Such a function would try to add 0 to the variable. If it doesn't exists, an error would occur, so you might want to try to make exception handling with try...throw...catch . But because I'm on the phone, I don't know if this wouldn't throw an error anyways when trying to send non-existing variable to the function...