Perl regex - print only modified line (like sed -n 's///p') - regex

I have a command that outputs text in the following format:
etc. I need to get the values for var1, var2, and var3 into variables in a perl script.
If I were writing a shell script, I'd do this:
OUTPUT=$(command | grep '^var-')
VAR1=$(echo "${OUTPUT}" | sed -ne 's/^var1=\(.*\)$/\1/p')
VAR2=$(echo "${OUTPUT}" | sed -ne 's/^var2=\(.*\)$/\1/p')
VAR3=$(echo "${OUTPUT}" | sed -ne 's/^var3=\(.*\)$/\1/p')
That populates OUTPUT with the basic content that I want (so I don't have to run the original command multiple times), and then I can pull out each value using sed VAR1 = 'qwerty', etc.
I've worked with perl in the past, but I'm pretty rusty. Here's the best I've been able to come up with:
my $output = `command | grep '^var'`;
(my $var1 = $output) =~ s/\bvar1=(.*)\b/$1/m;
print $var1
This correctly matches and references the value for var1, but it also returns the unmatched lines, so $var1 equals this:
With sed I'm able to tell it to print only the modified lines. Is there a way to do something similar with in perl? I can't find the equivalent of sed's p modifier in perl.
Conversely, is there a better way to extract those substrings from each line? I'm sure I could match match each line and split the contents or something like that, but was trying to stick with regex since that's how I'd typically solve this outside of perl.
Appreciate any guidance. I'm sure I'm missing something relatively simple.

One way
my #values = map { /\bvar(?:1|2|3)\s*=\s*(.*)/ ? $1 : () } qx(command);
The qx operator ("backticks") returns a list of all lines of output when used in list context, here imposed by map. (In a scalar context it returns all output in a string, possibly multiline.) Then map extracts wanted values: the ternary operator in it returns the capture, or an empty list when there is no match (so filtering out such lines). Please adjust the regex as suitable.
Or one can break this up, taking all output, then filtering needed lines, then parsing them. That allows for more nuanced, staged processing. And then there are libraries for managing external commands that make more involved work much nicer.
A comment on the Perl attempt shown in the question
Since the backticks is assigned to a scalar it is in scalar context and thus returns all output in a string, here multiline. Then the following regex, which replaces var1=(.*) with $1, leaves the next two lines since . does not match a newline so .* stops at the first newline character.
So you'd need to amend that regex to match all the rest so to replace it all with the capture $1. But then for other variables the pattern would have to be different. Or, could replace the input string with all three var-values, but then you'd have a string with those three values in it.
So altogether: using the substitution here (s///) isn't suitable -- just use matching, m//.
Since in list context the match operator also returns all matches another way is
my #values = qx(command) =~ /\bvar(?:1|2|3)\s*=\s*(.*)/g;
Now being bound to a regex, qx is in scalar context and so it returns a (here multiline) string, which is then matched by regex. With /g modifier the pattern keeps being matched through that string, capturing all wanted values (and nothing else). The fact that . doesn't match a newline so .* stops at the first newline character is now useful.
Again, please adjust the regex as suitable to yoru real problem.
Another need came up, to capture both the actual names of variables and their values. Then add capturing parens around names, and assign to a hash
my %val = map { /\b(var(?:1|2|3))\s*=\s*(.*)/ ? ($1, $2) : () } qx(command);
my %val = qx(command) =~ /\b(var(?:1|2|3))\s*=\s*(.*)/g;
Now the map for each line of output from command returns a pair of var-name + value, and a list of such pairs can be assigned to a hash. The same goes with subsequent matches (under /g) in the second case..

In scalar context, s/// and s///g return whether it found a match or not. So you can use
print $s if $s =~ s///;


what is '/[A-Z]/ s| |/|gp' meaning?

I am reading a sed tutorial at
Looks like
$ sed -n '/[A-Z]/ s| |/|gp' ip.txt
is filtering 'Add Sub Mul Div' out of the file, and convert it to 'Add/Sub/Mul/Div'
I really don't understand the regex considering I just read
It does not even match the print syntax which is:
and is the pipe sign '|' here alternation?
Could anyone explain:
'/[A-Z]/ s| |/|gp'
in English?
I also found that the extra empty space before 's' and after '/' is allowed and does not do anything. the correct syntax should be:
the syntax check of sed pattern is not strict, and confusing
-n option turns off automatic printing
sed allows to qualify commands with an address filtering, which could be regex or line addresses
for example, /foo/ d will delete lines containing foo
and /foo/ s/baz/123/ will change baz to 123 only if the line also contains foo
/[A-Z]/ match only lines containing at least one uppercase alphabet
if such a line is matched:
s| |/|gp perform this substitution and print
s command allows delimiter other than / too (see Using different delimiters in sed commands and range addresses)
in this case, using | allows you to use / as a normal character instead of having to escape it

Edit within multi-line sed match

I have a very large file, containing the following blocks of lines throughout:
start :234
modify 123 directory1/directory2/file.txt
delete directory3/file2.txt
modify 899 directory4/file3.txt
Each block starts with the pattern "start : #" and ends with a blank line. Within the block, every line starts with "modify # " or "delete ".
I need to modify the path in each line, specifically appending a directory to the front. I would just use a general regex to cover the entire file for "modify #" or "delete ", but due to the enormous amount of other data in that file, there will likely be other matches to this somewhat vague pattern. So I need to use multi-line matching to find the entire block, and then perform edits within that block. This will likely result in >10,000 modifications in a single pass, so I'm also trying to keep the execution down to less than 30 minutes.
My current attempt is a sed one-liner:
sed '/^start :[0-9]\+$/ { :a /^[modify|delete] .*$/ { N; ba }; s/modify [0-9]\+ /&Appended_DIR\//g; s/delete /&Appended_DIR\//g }' file_to_edit
Which is intended to find the "start" line, loop while the lines either start with a "modify" or a "delete," and then apply the sed replacements.
However, when I execute this command, no changes are made, and the output is the same as the original file.
Is there an issue with the command I have formed? Would this be easier/more efficient to do in perl? Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I will clarify where I can.
I think you would be better off with perl
Specifically because you can work 'per record' by setting $/ - if you're records are delimited by blank lines, setting it to \n\n.
Something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
local $/ = "\n\n";
while (<>) {
#multi-lines of text one at a time here.
if (m/^start :\d+/) {
s/(modify \d+)/$1 Appended_DIR\//g;
s/(delete) /$1 Appended_DIR\//g;
Each iteration of the loop will pick out a blank line delimited chunk, check if it starts with a pattern, and if it does, apply some transforms.
It'll take data from STDIN via a pipe, or somefile.
Output is to STDOUT and you can redirect that in the normal way.
Your limiting factor on processing files in this way are typically:
Data transfer from disk
pattern complexity
The more complex a pattern, and especially if it has variable matching going on, the more backtracking the regex engine has to do, which can get expensive. Your transforms are simple, so packaging them doesn't make very much difference, and your limiting factor will be likely disk IO.
(If you want to do an in place edit, you can with this approach)
If - as noted - you can't rely on a record separator, then what you can use instead is perls range operator (other answers already do this, I'm just expanding it out a bit:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
while (<>) {
if ( /^start :/ .. /^$/)
s/(modify \d+)/$1 Appended_DIR\//g;
s/(delete) /$1 Appended_DIR\//g;
We don't change $/ any more, and so it remains on it's default of 'each line'. What we add though is a range operator that tests "am I currently within these two regular expressions" that's toggled true when you hit a "start" and false when you hit a blank line (assuming that's where you would want to stop?).
It applies the pattern transformation if this condition is true, and it ... ignores and carries on printing if it is not.
sed's pattern ranges are your friend here:
sed -r '/^start :[0-9]+$/,/^$/ s/^(delete |modify [0-9]+ )/&prepended_dir\//' filename
The core of this trick is /^start :[0-9]+$/,/^$/, which is to be read as a condition under which the s command that follows it is executed. The condition is true if sed currently finds itself in a range of lines of which the first matches the opening pattern ^start:[0-9]+$ and the last matches the closing pattern ^$ (an empty line). -r is for extended regex syntax (-E for old BSD seds), which makes the regex more pleasant to write.
I would also suggest using perl. Although I would try to keep it in one-liner form:
perl -i -pe 'if ( /^start :/ .. /^$/){s/(modify [0-9]+ )/$1Append_DIR\//;s/(delete )/$1Append_DIR\//; }' file_to_edit
Or you can use redirection of stdout:
perl -pe 'if ( /^start :/ .. /^$/){s/(modify [0-9]+ )/$1Append_DIR\//;s/(delete )/$1Append_DIR\//; }' file_to_edit > new_file
with gnu sed (with BRE syntax):
sed '/^start :[0-9][0-9]*$/{:a;n;/./{s/^\(modify [0-9][0-9]* \|delete \)/\1NewDir\//;ba}}' file.txt
The approach here is not to store the whole block and to proceed to the replacements. Here, when the start of the block is found the next line is loaded in pattern space, if the line is not empty, replacements are performed and the next line is loaded, etc. until the end of the block.
Note: gnu sed has the alternation feature | available, it may not be the case for some other sed versions.
a way with awk:
awk '/^start :[0-9]+$/,/^$/{if ($1=="modify"){$3="newdirMod/"$3;} else if ($1=="delete"){$2="newdirDel/"$2};}{print}' file.txt
This is very simple in Perl, and probably much faster than the sed equivalent
This one-line program inserts Appended_DIR/ after any occurrence of modify 999 or delete at the start of a line. It uses the range operator to restrict those changes to blocks of text starting with start :999 and ending with a line containing no printable characters
perl -pe"s<^(?:modify\s+\d+|delete)\s+\K><Appended_DIR/> if /^start\s+:\d+$/ .. not /\S/" file_to_edit
Good grief. sed is for simple substitutions on individual lines, that is all. Once you start using constructs other than s, g, and p (with -n) you are using the wrong tool. Just use awk:
awk '
/^start :[0-9]+$/ { inBlock=1 }
inBlock { sub(/^(modify [0-9]+|delete) /,"&Appended_DIR/") }
/^$/ { inBlock=0 }
{ print }
' file
start :234
modify 123 Appended_DIR/directory1/directory2/file.txt
delete Appended_DIR/directory3/file2.txt
modify 899 Appended_DIR/directory4/file3.txt
There's various ways you can do the above in awk but I wrote it in the above style for clarity over brevity since I assume you aren't familiar with awk but should have no trouble following that since it reuses your own sed scripts regexps and replacement text.

Extracting a string between two patterns in bash with a regex

I have a string with key/value pairs in a bash variable. The value I want is hidden like this.
...............bunch more keys
What should I use to extract that value? sed, awk, expr match?
My thinking is this, I should extract the string that is preceded by "keyForValueIWant"=>" and is followed by " but I'm having a hard time deciding which tool to use.
expr match seems bad, because it grabs a string at the end of an expression or at the beginning of one, but my string is in the middle of a bunch of characters.
Basically, I can't figure out the regex syntax for a substring between two other substrings.
You can use the following sed command:
valueOfInterest=$(sed -n '/keyForValueIWant/ s/.*=>"\([^"]*\).*/\1/p' <<< "$input")
-n disables output by default. The regex /keyForValueIWant/ restricts the following action only to the/those lines which match the regex. The following substitute command filters the value out of the line and prints it /p.
Try awk as follows:
# Specify key of interest.
# Extract matching value, assuming that the input data is
# in shell variable $input:
value=$(awk -F'("|=>)' -v key="$key" '$2==key { print $5; exit }' <<<"$input")
# Print result.
echo "Value for $key: [$value]"
-F'("|=>)' tells awk to split each line into fields based on " or => as separators - effectively, this will put the the key in field 2 ($2), and the value in field 5 ($5)
The key of interest is passed as a shell variable ($key) to awk as a variable of the same name (-v key=...).
If the input line's key matches the specified key ($2==key), the 5th field - containing the value - is printed (print $5).
exit ensures that processing stops once a match is found to prevent unnecessary parsing of the remainder of the file (note: this assumes that the keys are true keys, i.e., that they are unique in the input file).

what regex to extract all data except within <> in perl?

I have string
Message <Network=Data Center> All Verified
I need to extract all string except one in angular brackets
I tried
Not giving desired result.
Removing <..> regions
It's easier to remove the <..> parts from the string and then deal with the remaining string.
Try this oneliner:
cat file | perl -pne 's/<[^>]*?>//g;'
For your sample input, this is the output:
Message All Verified
Notice the non-greedy quantifier ? is used in the regex. Also, because this is a oneliner, the s/// search-and-replace construct is applied to $_ implicit variable (which is a line from standard input). So after search & replace has run in this oneliner, the $_ will be altered(there will be no <..> regions in it). Also the -p was used in order to print the variable $_ after running the block of code. You can read more about Perl commandline switches in perlrun.
This is one solution. Below there is another one:
Capturing regions outside of <..>
On the other hand, you can(if you want) match the parts outside of the <..> regions.
In order to do that let's build a regex. First, we want a < or > free region. The following regex matches just that
$p = ([^<>]*).
Next, we want to match everything before <, and for that we can write (?:$p<) and everything after >, and that's (?:>$p).
Now if we assemble all those parts together we get (?:>$p)|(?:$p<).
Notice that (?:) is a non-capturing group.
So now there are two capturing groups (the two $p you see above) but only one will match at a time, so some of the captures will be undef. We'll have to filter those out.
Finally, we can assemble all the captures, and we're done.
cat file | perl -ne '$p="([^<>]*)";#x=grep{defined} m{(?:>$p)|(?:$p<)}g; print join(" ",#x)."\n";'
Parse::Yapp parser
You might think that using Parser::Yapp for this particular problem is a bit too much(usually, if you have something complicated to parse, you would use a grammar and a parser generator), but .. why not.. :)
Ok, so we need a grammar, here's one right here grammar_file.yp:
| exterior '<' interior '>' exterior
| exterior
| TOK { $_[0]->YYData->{DATA} .= $_[1]; }
| expression
interior: TOK;
sub Error { my ($parser)=shift; }
sub Lexer {
use Data::Dumper;
$parser->YYData->{INPUT} or return('',undef);
for ($parser->YYData->{INPUT}) {
return ('TOK',$1) if(s/^([^<>]+)//);
return ( $1,$1) if(s/^([<>])//);
You will notice in the grammar above that the interior is completely ignored, and only the terminals from exterior are collected.
Here's a small program that will use the parser( generated from grammar_file.yp)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use MyParser;
my $parser=MyParser->new;
$parser->YYData->{INPUT} = "Message <Network=Data Center> All Verified";
my $value=$parser->YYParse(
yylex => \&MyParser::Lexer,
yyerror => \&MyParser::Error,
#yydebug => 0x1F,
my $nberr=$parser->YYNberr();
my $data=$parser->YYData->{DATA};
print "Result=$data"
And now a Makefile and we're done:
yapp -m MyParser grammar_file.yp;
all: generate_parser_module
Some more Parser generators can be found here
Marpa::XS or Marpa::R2
You can do it other way: just remove the string in the angular brackets:
Or if > is not allowed:
You can use sed for that:
cat yourfile |sed 's/<.*>//g' > newfile
If you need perl:
perl -i -pe "s/<.*?>//g" yourfile
Here is a compact approach. The following regex will capture your strings into Group 1:
What we are interested in here is not the overall match, but just the Group 1 matches.
So we need to iterate over Group 1 matches. I don't code in Perl, but following a recipe from the perlretut tutorial, this should do it:
while ($x =~ /<[^>]+>|([^<>]*)/g) {
print "$1","\n";
Please give it a try and let me know if it works for you.

Multiple replacement in sed

Is there a way to replace multiple captured groups and replace it with the value of the captured groups from a key-value format (delimited by =) in sed?
Sorry, that question is confusing so here is an example
What I have:
aaa="src is $src$ user is $user$!" src="over there" user="jason"
What I want in the end:
aaa="src is over there user is jason!"
I don't want to hardcode the position of the $var$ because they could change.
sed ':again
s/\$\([[:alnum:]]\{1,\}\)\$\(.*\) \1="\([^"]*\)"/\3\2/g
t again
' YourFile
As you see, sed is absolut not interesting doing this kind of task ... even with element on several line it can work with few modification and it doesn not need a quick a dirty 6 complex line of higher powerfull languages.
create a label (for a futur goto)
search an occurence of a patterne between $ $ and take his associate content and replace pattern with it and following string but without the pattern content definition
if it occur, try once again by restarting at the label reference of the script. If not print and treat next line
This is a quick & dirty way to solve it using perl. It could fail in some ways (spaces, escapes double quotes, ...), but it would get the job done for most simple cases:
perl -ne '
## Get each key and value.
#captures = m/(\S+)=("[^"]+")/g;
## Extract first two elements as in the original string.
$output = join q|=|, splice #captures, 0, 2;
## Use a hash for a better look-up, and remove double quotes
## from values.
%replacements = #captures;
%replacements = map { $_ => substr $replacements{$_}, 1, -1 } keys %replacements;
## Use a regex to look-up into the hash for the replacements strings.
$output =~ s/\$([^\$]+)\$/$replacements{$1}/g;
printf qq|%s\n|, $output;
' infile
It yields:
aaa="src is over there user is jason!"