Regex to match a few specific 6 digit numbers (Indian pin codes) - regex

I am using Google Forms to create an application form. Need to restrict submission for a few specific pin codes only. Here are some of the pin codes that I'm trying to limit it to.
560078 560070 560085 560069 560011 560080 560004 570070 560089 560060
First 4 digits are same in all the pin codes. I need to match the last two digits to the ones from a list. The list might end up being about 30, hence looking for a regex.
Which regex should I use for that?

You haven't specified the exact ranges. The pattern 5600(04|11|[6-8]\d) will match:
all the numbers from 560060 to 560089
It will need to be corrected according to the acceptable ranges.
It is suprising to see 570070 in the list when you note that the first 4 digits are always the same. Is it an error or an excpetion.


Mobile number field should not accept continous 1s, 2s etc

I am trying to make a regexp for mobile number field such that, it would not accept the following type of inputs:
like wise continuous same 10 digits. How to avoid accepting continuous similar ten digits as input for mobile number field?
A simple regex solution would be to capture the first digit and check if it's repeated 9 times and then take necessary actions. As you haven't mentioned any other tag I will leave it up to you to apply necessary actions.
Regex: /(\d)\1{9}/g Captures the first digit and if it's repeated 9 times then it matches pattern.
Regex101 Demo
You can use NOT REGEXP_LIKE(MOBILE_NO,'(.)\1{9,}') like below to suppress the unwanted input. But as suggested by Joachim, it is better to avoid it from front end if possible. Check this query and let me know if you get any issue.
SELECT '2222222222' FROM DUAL
where NOT REGEXP_LIKE(MOBILE_NO,'(\d)\1{9,}')
This will give output as 1234444444 and will skip other mobile_no, where there are 10 consecutive same numbers.
Referred this answer to get this.

Regex for UK registration number

I've been playing with creating a regular expression for UK registration numbers but have hit a wall when it comes to restricting overall length of the string in question. I currently have the following:
This allows for an optional string (lower or upper case) of between 1 and 3 characters, followed by a mandatory numeric of between 1 and 3 characters and finally, a mandatory string (lower or upper case) of between 1 and 3 characters.
This works fine but I then want to apply a max length of 7 characters to the entire string but this is where I'm failing. I tried adding a 1,7 restriction to the end of the regex but the three 1,3 checks are superseding it and therefore allowing a max length of 9 characters.
Examples of registration numbers that need to pass are as follows:
In the examples above, the A's represents any letter, upper or lower case and the 1's represent any number. The max length is the only restriction that appears not to be working. I disable the entry of a space so they can be assumed as never present in the string.
If you know what lengths you are after, I'd recommend you use the .length property which some languages expose for string length. If this is not an option, you could try using something like so: ^(?=.{1,7})(([a-zA-Z]?){1,3}(\d){1,3}([a-zA-Z]?){1,3})$, example here.

Integer range and multiple of

I have a number of fields I want to validate on text entry with a regex for both matching a range (0..120) and must be a multiple of 5.
For example, 0, 5, 25, 120 are valid. 1, 16, 123, 130 are not valid.
I think I have the regex for multiple of 5:
and the regex for the range:
However, I dont know how to combine these, any help much appreciated!
You can't do that with a simple regex. At least not the range-part (especially if the range should be generic/changeable).
And even if you manage to write the regex, it will be very complex and unreadable.
Write the validation on your own, using a parseStringToInt() function of your language and simple < and > checks.
Update: added another regex (see below) to be used when the range of values is not 0..120 (it can even be dynamic).
The second regex in the question does not match numbers smaller than 20. You can change it to match smaller numbers that always end in 0 or 5 to be multiple by 5:
How it works (starting from inside):
(1[01]|[0-9])? matches 10, 11 or any one-digit number (0 to 9); these are the hundreds and tens in the final number; the question mark (?) after the sub-expression makes it match 0 or 1 times; this way the regex can also match numbers having only one digit (0..9);
[05] that follows matches 0 or 5 on the last digit (the units); only the numbers that end in 0 or 5 are multiple of 5;
everything is enclosed in parenthesis because | has greater priority than \b;
the outer \b matches word boundaries; they prevent the regex match only 1..3 digits from a longer number or numbers that are embedded in strings; it prevents it matching 15 in 150 or 120 in abc120.
Using dynamic range of values
The regex above is not very complex and it can be used to match numbers between 0 and 120 that are multiple of 5. When the range of values is different it cannot be used any more. It can be modified to match, lets say, numbers between 20 and 120 (as the OP asked in a comment below) but it will become harder to read.
More, if the range of allowed values is dynamic then a regex cannot be used at all to match the values inside the range. The multiplicity with 5 however can be achieved using regex :-)
For dynamic range of values that are multiple of 5 you can use this expression:
Parse the matched string as integer (the language you use probably provides such a function or a library that contains it) then use the comparison operators (<, >) of the host language to check if the matched value is inside the desired range.
At the risk of being painfully obvious
Also, why the 2?

Separating out a list with regex?

I have a CSV file which has been generated by a system. The problem is with one of the fields which used to be a list of items. An example of the original list is below....
The serial number of the desk is 45TYTU
This is the second item in the list
The colour of the apple is green
The ID code is 489RUI
This is the fourth item in the list.
And unfortunately the system spits out the code below.....
The serial number of the desk is 45TYTUThis is the second item in the listThe colour of the apple is greenThe ID code is 489RUIThis is the fourth item in the list.
As you can see, it ignores the line breaks and just bunches everything up. I am unable to modify the system that generates this output so what I am trying to do is come up with some sort of regex find and replace expression that will separate them out.
My original though would be to try and detect when an upper case letter is in the middle of a lower case word, but as in one of the items in the example, when a serial number is used it throws this out.
Anyone any suggestions? Is regex the way to go?
--- EDIT ---
I think i need to simplify things for myself, if I ignore the fact that lines that end in a serial number will break things for now. I need to just create an expression that will insert a line break if it detects that an upper case letter is being used after a lower case one
--- EDIT 2 ---
Using the example given by fardjad everything works for the sample data given, the strong was...
Now as I test with more data I can see an issue appearing, certain lines begin with numbers so it is seeing these as serial numbers, you can see an example of this at
There are only about 10 known numbers it uses at the start of the lines such as 240v, 120v etc...
Is there a way to exclude these?
That won't be a robust solution but this is what you asked. It matches the character before an uppercase letter followed by a lowercase one. You can simply use regex replace and append a new line character:
see this demo.
You could search for this
and replace with a linebreak. The regex matches the empty space between a lowercase letter \p{Ll} and an uppercase letter \p{Lu}.
This assumes you're using a Unicode-aware regex engine (.NET, PCRE, Perl for example). If not, you might also get away with
but this of course only detects lower-/uppercase changes in ASCII words.

telephone number regex

I am currently trying to validate UK telephone numbers:
The format I'm looking for is: 01234 567891 or 01234567891 - So I need the number to have 5 numbers then a space then 6 numbers or simply a 11 numbers.
The number must start with a 0.
I've had a look at a couple of examples:
/^[0-9]{10,11} - to check that the chars are all numbers
/^0[0-9]{9,10}$/ - to check that the first number is a 0
I'm just unsure how to put all these together and check if there is a space or not.
Could someone help me with this regex?
Try this regex:
Many people try to do input validation and formatting in a single step.
It is better to separate these processes.
Match UK telephone number in any format
The above pattern allows the user to enter the number in any format they are comfortable with. Don't constrain the user into entering specific formats.
Extract NSN, prefix and extension
Next, extract the various elements.
$2 will be '44' if international format was used, otherwise assume national format with leading '0'.
$4 contains the extension number if present.
$3 contains the NSN part.
Validation and formatting
Use further RegEx patterns to check the NSN has the right number of digits for this number range. Finally, store the number in E.164 format or display it in E.123 format.
There's a very detailed list of validation and display formatting RegEx patterns for UK numbers at:
It's too long to reproduce here and it would be difficult to maintain multiple copies of this document.
If you are looking for all UK numbers, I'd look for a bit more than just that number, some are in the format 020 7123 4567 etc.
^\s*\(?(020[7,8]{1}\)?[ ]?[1-9]{1}[0-9{2}[ ]?[0-9]{4})|(0[1-8]{1}[0-9]{3}\)?[ ]?[1-9]{1}[0-9]{2}[ ]?[0-9]{3})\s*$
Simple Telephone Regex includes + () and - anywhere, as well as digits
I think ^0[\d]{4}\s?[\d]{5,6}} will work for you. I have used [\d] instead of [0-9].
I find that RegExr is a useful online tool to check and try your regular expressions. It also has a nice library of examples to help point you in the right direction
you should just count the number of digits and check that it's 10,
Some UK numbers have only 9 digits, not 10 (not including the leading 0).
These include 40 of the 01 area codes (using "4+5" format), the 016977 area code (using "5+4" format), all 0500 numbers and some 0800 numbers.
There's a list at:
This US numbers pattern accepts following phones as well:
800-432-4500, Opt: 9, Ext: 100316
800-432-4500, Opt: 9, Ext: X100316
800-432-4500, Option #3
(used this answer in other topic as start point)