This is driving me crazy, I'm developing a django app and need to provide a download link to a file located in the media folder. If I type the url in a blank tab it works fine, the file is downloaded, but if I click on the link from the website nothing happens. I realize this might be because the url to the file doesn't have the same origin that the website and from what I understood the browser won't allow the download, is this correct? Is there any way around?
url of the website (in development): http://localhost:8000/django_app/view_name
url of the file: http://localhost:8000/django_app/media/file.ext
I've tried the following html href:
href="../media/file.ext" download target="_blank"
And the following view:
def download_file(request):
fl_path = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + "\\filename.ext"
filename = "file_name"
mime_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(fl_path)
response = HttpResponse(fl, content_type=mime_type)
response['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=%s" % filename
return response
Nothing happens when I click on the link, no error generated. If I open the link in a new tab it downloads the file normally... Note that I need to be able to change the href link dynamically.
I am using
storage backend to upload files in my django project.
field declaration in model:
document = models.FileField(upload_to=s3_directory_path.user_directory_path)
def user_directory_path(instance, filename):
# TODO: Try to include this along with check filetype on the request object
document = instance.document
mime = magic.from_buffer(, mime=True)
extension = mimetypes.guess_extension(mime, strict=False)
file_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) + extension
return os.path.join("users", str(, file_name)
The saving of the document works perfectly fine, but the link which is generated force downloads the file. How can i avoid that?
Have a look at this answer to a general question about forcing file downloads via HTTP response headers. See also the MDN docs about Content-Disposition.
Can you show us the response headers you get when visiting the document URL?
It would be interesting to see how S3 delivers your files.
If you cannot change the headers in S3, you have the option to write a Django view that proxies the file download. Alternatively, configure your webserver (i.e. NGINX) to act as a proxy and set the required headers).
For Django, this section of the docs will show you how to set the headers.
response = HttpResponse(
'Content-Type': mimetype,
'Content-Disposition': f'attachment; filename="{}"',
I want to develop a simple web server using python to handle some simple http request. I have learn how to response the request, such as transferring html pages or transferring some other file. When I transfer a image file, a client use a browser to get the file, the url is like below:
I set 'Content-Type = application/x-png'. But the browser directly download the file, and can not display in the browser. Not like the image below
it can display in the browser. How to display the image in the browser?
Can someone help me?
and i know i can encode the image file into html page to fix it. code like below:
class RequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
path = os.getcwd()+ self.path
if os.path.isfile(path):
with open(path,'rb') as fileTrans:
content ='base64').replace('\n','')
#self.sendContent(200, content)
page = "<p>\"fef\"</p><img src=\"data:image/jpg;base64,{0}\"/>"
contentPage = page.format(content)
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
self.send_header("Content-Length", str(len(contentPage)))
self.sendContent(404,"file do not exists")
But I know there must be another way, i see the source code of URL(
it just use
<img hidefocus="true" src="//" width="270" height="129"></div><a href="/" id="result_logo" onmousedown="return c({'fm':'tab','tab':'logo'})">
different from my page:
<p>"fef"</p><img src="......
OK,I think I have solved this problem.
Just set the attribute - 'Content-Type' of header as 'image/png' instead of 'application/x-png'.
how to download movie from a link (that normally start with click ) this is the html code for the download File in the web page. i am looking to do so in python code as a client that download multiply times the movie but not saving it (just simulating traffic on the web page)
In case you have the url:
import requests
response = requests.get(url)
You can print the response or parse it:
response.headers is dict of the headers response.
content is the content of the response
I'm trying to get Nginx and Django to play together to serve downloadable protected files. I just cannot get it to work. Here's my Nginx config:
location ~ ^.*/protected-test/ {
alias /<path-to-my-protected-files-on-server>/;
the relevant for viewing the file(s):
url(r'^static_files/downloads/protected-test/(?P<filename>.+)$', 'download_or_view',
{'download_dir': '%s%s' % (settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'downloads/protected-test/'),
'content_disposition_type': 'inline',
'protected': 'True'},
my view:
def download_or_view(request, content_disposition_type, download_dir, filename=None, protected=False):
'''Allow a file to be downloaded or viewed,based on the request type and
content disposition value.'''
if request.method == 'POST':
full_path = '%s%s' % (download_dir, request.POST['filename'])
short_filename = str(request.POST['filename'])
full_path = '%s%s' % (download_dir, filename)
short_filename = str(filename)
serverfile = open(full_path, 'rb')
contenttype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(short_filename)
response = HttpResponse(serverfile, mimetype=contenttype)
if protected:
url = _convert_file_to_url(full_path)
response['X-Accel-Redirect'] = url.encode('utf-8')
response['Content-Disposition'] = '%s; filename="%s"' % (content_disposition_type, smart_str(short_filename))
response['Content-Length'] = os.stat(full_path).st_size
return response
I have 2 values in my settings file:
NGINX_ROOT = (os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, 'downloads/protected-test'))
NGINX_URL = '/protected-test'
_convert_file_to_url() takes the full file path and, using the two settings values above, turns it into a url that (I thought) Nginx would allow:
So, if I try to access:
In my browser window, it doesn't allow it (404). Good.
BUT - if I try to access that url from a form download, which I want to allow, I get a redirect in the browser to:
and it's a 404 as well.
I've tried so many different configurations my brain now hurts. :-)
Should I not be reading the file with open(), and let Nginx serve it? If I remove that line, it returns a file with the dreaded zero bytes. Why do I still get a 404 on the redirected url??
Should I not be reading the file with open(),
That's correct. Your script shouldn't be opening the file. You just tell Nginx where the file exists and let it open the file and serve it.
I believe you want to just return an empty response after setting the appropriate headers
return HttpResponse('', mimetype=contenttype)
In PHP I setup the Nginx accel redirect by doing:
//Set content type and caching headers
header("X-Accel-Redirect: ".$filenameToProxy);
i.e. exiting immediately after setting the header.
For the continuing 404 problem, you've probably got an error in the Nginx conf, but you need to post the rest to be sure. Your external URL appears to be something like:
This will be matched on:
location ~ ^.*/protected-test/ {
alias /<path-to-my-protected-files-on-server>/;
giving the 404.
There is no need (and it's quite confusing) to have the same word protected-test in both the external URL and internal URL. I'd recommend not doing that i.e. have the external URL be like:
Then have the internal location block be:
location ~ ^/protected-test {
alias /<path-to-my-protected-files-on-server>;
And then when you setup the x-accel-redirect header, swap between the two:
external_path = "/static_files/downloads";
nginx_path = "/protected-test";
filenameToProxy = str_replace(external_path, nginx_path, full_path);
header("X-Accel-Redirect: ".$filenameToProxy);
Rather than having the word protected-test be on both sides of the request.
I'm writing an image bank with Django, and I want to add a button to get a hi-res version of an image (the low-res is shown in the details page). If I put just an <a> link, the browser will open the image instead of downloading it. Adding an HTTP header like:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="beach008.jpg"
works, but since it's an static file, I don't want to handle the request with Django. Currently, I'm using NGINX to serve static files, and dynamic pages are redirected via FastCGI to the Django process. I'm thinking about using NGINX add-header command, but could it set the filename="xx" part?. Or maybe there's some way to handle the request in Django, but make NGINX serve the content?
If your django app is proxied by nginx you can use x-accell-redirect. You need to pass a special header in your response, nginx will intercepet this and start serving the file, you can also pass Content-Disposition in the same response to force a download.
That solution is good if you want to control which users acess these files.
You can also use a configuration like this:
#files which need to be forced downloads
location /static/high_res/ {
root /project_root;
#don't ever send $request_filename in your response, it will expose your dir struct, use a quick regex hack to find just the filename
if ($request_filename ~* ^.*?/([^/]*?)$) {
set $filename $1;
#match images
if ($filename ~* ^.*?\.((jpg)|(png)|(gif))$) {
add_header Content-Disposition "attachment; filename=$filename";
location /static {
root /project_root;
This will force download on all images in some high_res folder (MEDIAROOT/high_rest). And for the other static files it will behave like normal. Please note that this is a modified quick hack that works for me. It may have security implications, so use it with precaution.
I wrote a simple decorator, for django.views.static.serve view
Which works for me perfectly.
def serve_download(view_func):
def _wrapped_view_func(request, *args, **kwargs):
response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
response['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream';
import os.path
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(kwargs['path'])
return response
return _wrapped_view_func
Also you can play with nginx mime-types
This solution didn't work for me, because I wanted to have both direct link for the file (so user can view images, for example), and download link.
What i'm doing now is to use a different URL for download than for 'views', and add the filename as an URL arg:
usual media link:
download link:
and nginx has a config like this:
location /downs/ {
root /var/www/nginx-attachment;
add_header Content-Disposition 'attachment; filename="$args"';
but i really don't like the smell of it.