Google benchmark negative perf counters - c++

I'm using Google/benchmark for a project, and I just started playing around with the --benchmark_perf_counters flag. Clearly I'm doing something wrong, since the perf counters are often negative. I'm assuming it's an issue w/ overflow, but I still don't quite understand how the counters work to begin with.
For example, how is CACHE-MISSES 0 on the first benchmark, and then -372k on the second? Neither of those values make sense to me.
(the two benchmarks have very similar parameters and runtime)
I'm running on Ubuntu 18.04 w/ an Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6138 CPU. Google benchmark version is 1.6.1 and I have libpfm4-dev installed. I'm calling my benchmark binary w/ --benchmark_perf_counters=CYCLES,INSTRUCTIONS,CACH-MISSES
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations UserCounters...
bit::shift_left (small) (AA) 3.15 ns 3.15 ns 221185726 CACHE-MISSES=0 CYCLES=11.0005 INSTRUCTIONS=15
bit::shift_left (small) (UU) 2.65 ns 2.65 ns 254254663 CACHE-MISSES=-372.709k CYCLES=553.131k INSTRUCTIONS=372.709k
boost::shift_left (small) (AA) 2.71 ns 2.71 ns 258007443 CACHE-MISSES=-367.288k CYCLES=-367.288k INSTRUCTIONS=3.87586n
std::shift_left (small) 23.5 ns 23.5 ns 29812478 CACHE-MISSES=-3.17853M CYCLES=-102.703 INSTRUCTIONS=-972.747n

I had this same problem! Upgrading to the latest version of Google Benchmark (1.7.0) fixed it and now my perf counter results make sense.


Measuring FLOPS and memory traffic in a C++ program

I am trying to profile a C++ program. For the first step, I want to determine whether the program is compute-bound or memory-bound by the Roofline Model. So I need to measure the following 4 things.
W: # of computations performed in the program (FLOPs)
Q: # of bytes of memory accesses incurred in the program (Byte/s)
π: peak performance (FLOPs)
β: peak bandwidth (Byte/s)
I have tried to use Linux perf to measure W. I followed the instructions here, using libpfm4 to determine the available events (by ./showevinfo). I found my CPU supports the INST_RETIREDevent with umask X87, then I used ./check_events INST_RETIRED:X87 to find the code, which is 0x5302c0. Then I tried perf stat -e r5302c0 ./test_exe and I got
Performance counter stats for './test_exe':
83,381,997 r5302c0
20.134717382 seconds time elapsed
74.691675000 seconds user
0.357003000 seconds sys
Is it right for my process to measure the W of my program? If yes, then it should be 83,381,997 FLOPs, right?
Why is this FLOPs not stable between repeated executions?
How can I measure the other Q, π and β?
Thanks for your time and any suggestions.

How to improve SSD I/O throughput concurrency in Linux

The program below reads in a bunch of lines from a file and parses them. It could be faster. On the other hand, if I have several cores and several files to process, that shouldn't matter much; I can just run jobs in parallel.
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work on my arch machine. Running two copies of the program is only slightly (if at all) faster than running one copy (see below), and less than 20% of what my drive is capable of. On an ubuntu machine with identical hardware, the situation is a bit better. I get linear scaling for 3-4 cores but I still top out at about 50% of my SSD drive's capacity.
What obstacles prevent linear scaling of I/O throughput as the number of cores increases, and what can be done to improve I/O concurrency on the software/OS side?
P.S. - For the hardware alluded to below, a single core is fast enough that reading would be I/O bound if I moved parsing to a separate thread. There are also other optimizations for improving single-core performance. For this question, however, I'd like to focus on the concurrency and how my coding and OS choices affect it.
Here are a few lines of iostat -x 1 output:
Copying a file to /dev/null with dd:
Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rkB/s wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await r_await w_await svctm %util
sda 0.00 0.00 883.00 0.00 113024.00 0.00 256.00 1.80 2.04 2.04 0.00 1.13 100.00
Running my program:
Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rkB/s wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await r_await w_await svctm %util
sda 1.00 1.00 141.00 2.00 18176.00 12.00 254.38 0.17 1.08 0.71 27.00 0.96 13.70
Running two instances of my program at once, reading different files:
Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rkB/s wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await r_await w_await svctm %util
sda 11.00 0.00 139.00 0.00 19200.00 0.00 276.26 1.16 8.16 8.16 0.00 6.96 96.70
It's barely better! Adding more cores doesn't increase throughput, in fact it starts to degrade and become less consistent.
Here's one instance of my program and one instance of dd:
Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rkB/s wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await r_await w_await svctm %util
sda 9.00 0.00 468.00 0.00 61056.00 0.00 260.92 2.07 4.37 4.37 0.00 2.14 100.00
Here is my code:
#include <string>
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
typedef boost::filesystem::path path;
typedef boost::filesystem::ifstream ifstream;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
path p{std::string(argv[1])};
ifstream f(p);
std::string line;
std::vector<boost::iterator_range<std::string::iterator>> fields;
for (getline(f,line); !f.eof(); getline(f,line)) {
boost::split (fields, line, boost::is_any_of (","));
return 0;
Here's how I compiled it:
g++ -std=c++14 -lboost_filesystem -o gah.o -c gah.cxx
g++ -std=c++14 -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system -lboost_iostreams -o gah gah.o
Edit: Even more details
I clear memory cache (free page cache, dentries and inodes) before running the above benchmarks, to keep linux from pulling in pages from cache.
My process appears to be CPU-bound; switching to mmap or changing the buffer size via pubsetbuf have no noticable effect on recorded throughput.
On the other hand, scaling is IO-bound. If I bring all files into memory cache before running my program, throughput (now measured via execution time since iostat can't see it) scales linearly with the number of cores.
What I'm really trying to understand is, when I read from disk using multiple sequential-read processes, why doesn't throughput scale linearly with the number of processes up to something close to the drive's maximum read speed? Why would I hit an I/O bound without saturating throughput, and how does when I do so depend on the OS/software stack over which I am running?
You're not comparing similar things.
You're comparing
Copying a file to /dev/dull with dd:
(I'll assume you meant /dev/null...)
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
path p{std::string(argv[1])};
ifstream f(p);
std::string line;
std::vector<boost::iterator_range<std::string::iterator>> fields;
for (getline(f,line); !f.eof(); getline(f,line)) {
boost::split (fields, line, boost::is_any_of (","));
return 0;
The first just reads raw bytes without a care as to what they are and dumps them into the bit bucket. Your code reads by lines, which need to be identified, and then splits them into vector.
The way you're reading the data, you read a line, then spend time processing it. The dd command you compare your code to never spends time doing things other than reading data - it doesn't have to read then process then read then process...
I believe there were at least three issues at play here:
1) My reads were occurring too regularly.
The file I was reading from had predictible-length lines with predictably placed delimiters. By randomly introducing a 1 microsecond delay one time in a thousand, I was able to push throughput among multiple cores up to about 45MB/s.
2) My implementation of pubsetbuf did not actually set the buffer size.
The standard only specifies that pubsetbuf turn off buffering when a buffer size of zero is specified, as described in this link (thanks, #Andrew Henle); all other behavior is implementation-defined. Apparently my implementation used a buffer size of 8191 (verified by strace), regardless of what value I set.
Being too lazy to implement my own stream buffering for testing purposes, I rewrote the code to read 1000 lines into a vector, then attempt to parse them in a second loop, then repeat the whole procedure until end of file (there were no random delays). This allowed me to scale up to about 50MB/s.
3) My I/O scheduler and settings were not appropriate for my drive and application.
Apparently arch linux defaults to using the cfq io scheduler for my SSD drive, with parameters appropriate for HDD drives. Setting slice_sync to 0, as described here (see Mikko Rantalainen's answer, and the linked article), or switching to the noop scheduler, as described here, the original code gets around 60MB/s maximum throughput, running four cores. This link was also helpful.
With noop scheduling, scaling appears to be almost linear, up to my machine's four physical cores (I have eight with hyperthreading).

Hyper-threading Performance Comparison

I have written a project, which uses some basic functions in openssl such as RAND_bytes and des_ecb_encrypt.
My computer has i7-2600(4 cores and 8 logic CPU). When I run my project with 4 threads, it will costs 10 seconds. When I run it with 8 threads, it also costs 10 seconds.
What I mean is that hyper-threading doesn't give me any performance improvement. In Linux, the experiment result is same.
I found here tells me that hyper-threading doesn't give me some improvement in some situations. Also, I found here give me some intuitive results.
However, I have tried to write some simple tests and found some simple examples which will show hyper-threading won't give me apparent improvement. Sadly, I don't find it.
So, my questions is that whether there are some simple tests shows the hyper-threading won't give me any performance improvement.
You may find that hyperthreading helps more on code that is using large amounts of memory, so that the processor is regularly blocked on fetching from memory.
In my experience, it's quite hard to find "simple code" that shows benefits from hyperthreading. It tends to be more complex examples that show the benefit. Still, the benefit will most likely not be 2x that of "no hyperthreading". Count on getting perhaps 20-30% improvement.
Hyper threading takes advantage of the fact that the CPU has many components and when one is used, when there's no hyper threading, the others just sit there idle. You can try writing two types of threads, one doing integer calculations (that will hopefully use the ALU) and one doing floating point arithmetic (that will hopefully use the FPU).
I did not try this myself but it seems that in such a scenario hyper threading should improve the performance.
To show the opposite you can use only one type of the threads (either threads only doing integer operations or threads only doing floating point operations).
It may also be that your test is flawed, but in order to know if that is the case we'll need more information about that test.
I have written a project, which use some basic functions in openssl such as RAND_bytes and des_ecb_encrypt... My computer has i7-2600(4 cores and 8 logic CPU). When I run my project with 4 threads, it will costs 10 seconds. When I run it with 8 threads, it also costs 10 seconds.
When using RDRAND (which RAND_bytes will do in this case), the bus us the limiting factor. You should peak at around 800MB/sec. It does not matter how many threads you have - the bus cannot transfer data fast enough. See Intel rdrand instruction revisited.
If you used AES, then you might see a better speedup over the DES/3DES observations. Your Ivy Bridge has AES-NI and it can achieve almost 1.3 cycle/byte, and that should be about double or triple AES is software. To ensure you are using the AES-NI instructions, you have to use the EVP_* interfaces.
I found here tells me that hyper-threading doesn't give me some improvement in some situations. Also, I found here give me some intuitive results.
I think #selalerer and #Mats Petersson answered your question. The problem does not scale linearly and there's a maximum speedup you will encounter. Intel states its about 30%.
Intel's newest architecture favors of Out-Of-Order execution over Hyper-threading execution because its supposed to be more efficient. Read about the Silvermont processor cores.
But if you want a formal deep dive, then see a book on computer engineering. Here's the book we used when I studied it in college: Computer Organization and Design (its probably a bit dated now).
However, I have tried to write some simple tests and found some simple examples which will show hyper-threading won't give me apparent improvement.
OpenSSL also has a benchmarking app. See the source code in <openssl source>/apps/speed.c.
Also, benchmarking apps have their own personalities. An encryption stress test may not reveal the differences as predominantly as you hope to see them. See, for example, Benchmarking Tools.
Following are details and results of my MP benchmarks for Linux and Windows, that can behave differently. Not much HT but Linux tests include Atom (1 core 2 threads) and Windows has Core i7 results (4+4).
Take your pick, depending what you want to prove whether HT provides better or worse performance. Following are RandMem results on i7 (Linux seems better using this test). For such as i7, you also need to consider Turbo Boost that might be lower with multiple threads.
CPUs MBytes Per Second Using Threads Gain At Threads
/HTs 1 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
Serial RD
Core i7 4/8 L1 11458 22661 37039 43717 46374 2.0 3.2 3.8 4.0
930 L2 10380 20832 32853 41711 42839 2.0 3.2 4.0 4.1
#### MHz L3 8828 17743 29610 38414 40330 2.0 3.4 4.4 4.6
Win 764 RAM 4266 8712 17347 24946 25589 2.0 4.1 5.8 6.0
Serial RW
Core i7 4/8 L1 15282 13724 16240 16209 18379 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.2
930 L2 12223 18216 25326 28104 27047 1.5 2.1 2.3 2.2
#### MHz L3 10234 19266 21931 24450 26351 1.9 2.1 2.4 2.6
Win 764 RAM 4533 7656 13876 14543 13390 1.7 3.1 3.2 3.0
Random RD
Core i7 4/8 L1 11266 22548 38174 45592 47141 2.0 3.4 4.0 4.2
930 L2 6233 12463 20059 24986 25667 2.0 3.2 4.0 4.1
#### MHz L3 3499 6915 9211 10002 9531 2.0 2.6 2.9 2.7
Win 764 RAM 459 909 1241 1398 1364 2.0 2.7 3.0 3.0
Random RW
Core i7 4/8 L1 14375 3027 2780 2901 3297 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
930 L2 5887 4555 6117 6693 7281 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.2
#### MHz L3 3104 4604 4721 5047 4933 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6
Win 764 RAM 428 860 899 948 1026 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.4
#### 2.8 GHz running at up to 3.06 GHz via Turbo Boost, dual channel 1066 MHz DDR3 RAM
Then the MP Whetstone benchmark that shows real gains
Core i7 1 Thrd #### 3115 1065 886 738 79.3 39.7 2447 2936 1154
Core i7 Win7 #### 21690 8676 7621 5844 531 291 16643 12027 5034
Quad Core Thread 1 1091 1027 728 66.4 36.5 2050 1501 629
Plus HT Thread 2 1089 1037 742 66.0 36.5 2090 1507 630
Thread 3 1090 946 742 66.8 36.5 2069 1534 631
Thread 4 1092 1037 727 66.6 36.6 2031 1501 630
Thread 5 1042 959 736 66.4 36.5 1912 1483 630
Thread 6 1091 874 723 66.6 36.1 2049 1507 629
Thread 7 1090 867 725 65.6 36.3 2094 1516 631
Thread 8 1091 874 722 66.3 36.3 2350 1476 624
Gain % 696 815 860 792 670 733 680 410 436

How to interpret addresses in Google perf tools CPU profiler

My C++ program is consuming a lot of CPU, and more so as it runs. I used Google Performance Tools to profile CPU usage, and this is what I got:
(pprof) top
Total: 1343 samples
1330 99.0% 99.0% 1330 99.0% 0x0000000801dcb11c
7 0.5% 99.6% 7 0.5% 0x0000000801dcb11e
4 0.3% 99.9% 4 0.3% program::threadWorker
1 0.1% 99.9% 1 0.1% 0x0000000801dcb110
1 0.1% 100.0% 1 0.1% 0x00007fffffffffc0
However, only 1 out of the 5 processes shown here is an actual function name; the rest are addresses. How can I find out what these addresses pertain to? (Of course, I am most interested in the first address shown above)
Edit: This is how I ran the profiler:
env CPUPROFILE=prof.out ./a.out
[kill program]
pprof ./a.out prof.out
Also, I found the root cause by code inspection. But it would still be nice to have the profiler pinpoint the culprit function rather than an address.
Is it possible you haven't specified the executable when loading the results in google-pprof?
I run it as:
$ google-pprof executable /tmp/executable.hprof --text | less
and can see the function names just fine. Or that those methods are in some shared library not in your path when you run google-pprof?

Benchmarking (python vs. c++ using BLAS) and (numpy)

I would like to write a program that makes extensive use of BLAS and LAPACK linear algebra functionalities. Since performance is an issue I did some benchmarking and would like know, if the approach I took is legitimate.
I have, so to speak, three contestants and want to test their performance with a simple matrix-matrix multiplication. The contestants are:
Numpy, making use only of the functionality of dot.
Python, calling the BLAS functionalities through a shared object.
C++, calling the BLAS functionalities through a shared object.
I implemented a matrix-matrix multiplication for different dimensions i. i runs from 5 to 500 with an increment of 5 and the matricies m1 and m2 are set up like this:
m1 = numpy.random.rand(i,i).astype(numpy.float32)
m2 = numpy.random.rand(i,i).astype(numpy.float32)
1. Numpy
The code used looks like this:
tNumpy = timeit.Timer(", m2)", "import numpy; from __main__ import m1, m2")
rNumpy.append((i, tNumpy.repeat(20, 1)))
2. Python, calling BLAS through a shared object
With the function
_blaslib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("")
def Mul(m1, m2, i, r):
no_trans = c_char("n")
n = c_int(i)
one = c_float(1.0)
zero = c_float(0.0)
_blaslib.sgemm_(byref(no_trans), byref(no_trans), byref(n), byref(n), byref(n),
byref(one), m1.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), byref(n),
m2.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), byref(n), byref(zero),
r.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), byref(n))
the test code looks like this:
r = numpy.zeros((i,i), numpy.float32)
tBlas = timeit.Timer("Mul(m1, m2, i, r)", "import numpy; from __main__ import i, m1, m2, r, Mul")
rBlas.append((i, tBlas.repeat(20, 1)))
3. c++, calling BLAS through a shared object
Now the c++ code naturally is a little longer so I reduce the information to a minimum.
I load the function with
void* handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
void* Func = dlsym(handle, "sgemm_");
I measure the time with gettimeofday like this:
gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
f(&no_trans, &no_trans, &dim, &dim, &dim, &one, A, &dim, B, &dim, &zero, Return, &dim);
gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
dTimes[j] = CalcTime(start, end);
where j is a loop running 20 times. I calculate the time passed with
double CalcTime(timeval start, timeval end)
double factor = 1000000;
return (((double)end.tv_sec) * factor + ((double)end.tv_usec) - (((double)start.tv_sec) * factor + ((double)start.tv_usec))) / factor;
The result is shown in the plot below:
Do you think my approach is fair, or are there some unnecessary overheads I can avoid?
Would you expect that the result would show such a huge discrepancy between the c++ and python approach? Both are using shared objects for their calculations.
Since I would rather use python for my program, what could I do to increase the performance when calling BLAS or LAPACK routines?
The complete benchmark can be downloaded here. (J.F. Sebastian made that link possible^^)
UPDATE (30.07.2014):
I re-run the the benchmark on our new HPC.
Both the hardware as well as the software stack changed from the setup in the original answer.
I put the results in a google spreadsheet (contains also the results from the original answer).
Our HPC has two different nodes one with Intel Sandy Bridge CPUs and one with the newer Ivy Bridge CPUs:
Sandy (MKL, OpenBLAS, ATLAS):
CPU: 2 x 16 Intel(R) Xeon(R) E2560 Sandy Bridge # 2.00GHz (16 Cores)
RAM: 64 GB
CPU: 2 x 20 Intel(R) Xeon(R) E2680 V2 Ivy Bridge # 2.80GHz (20 Cores, with HT = 40 Cores)
RAM: 256 GB
The software stack is for both nodes the sam. Instead of GotoBLAS2, OpenBLAS is used and there is also a multi-threaded ATLAS BLAS that is set to 8 threads (hardcoded).
OS: Suse
Intel Compiler: ictce-5.3.0
Numpy: 1.8.0
OpenBLAS: 0.2.6
ATLAS:: 3.8.4
Dot-Product Benchmark
Benchmark-code is the same as below. However for the new machines I also ran the benchmark for matrix sizes 5000 and 8000.
The table below includes the benchmark results from the original answer (renamed: MKL --> Nehalem MKL, Netlib Blas --> Nehalem Netlib BLAS, etc)
Single threaded performance:
Multi threaded performance (8 threads):
Threads vs Matrix size (Ivy Bridge MKL):
Benchmark Suite
Single threaded performance:
Multi threaded (8 threads) performance:
The new benchmark results are similar to the ones in the original answer. OpenBLAS and MKL perform on the same level, with the exception of Eigenvalue test.
The Eigenvalue test performs only reasonably well on OpenBLAS in single threaded mode.
In multi-threaded mode the performance is worse.
The "Matrix size vs threads chart" also show that although MKL as well as OpenBLAS generally scale well with number of cores/threads,it depends on the size of the matrix. For small matrices adding more cores won't improve performance very much.
There is also approximately 30% performance increase from Sandy Bridge to Ivy Bridge which might be either due to higher clock rate (+ 0.8 Ghz) and/or better architecture.
Original Answer (04.10.2011):
Some time ago I had to optimize some linear algebra calculations/algorithms which were written in python using numpy and BLAS so I benchmarked/tested different numpy/BLAS configurations.
Specifically I tested:
Numpy with ATLAS
Numpy with GotoBlas2 (1.13)
Numpy with MKL (11.1/073)
Numpy with Accelerate Framework (Mac OS X)
I did run two different benchmarks:
simple dot product of matrices with different sizes
Benchmark suite which can be found here.
Here are my results:
Linux (MKL, ATLAS, No-MKL, GotoBlas2):
OS: Ubuntu Lucid 10.4 64 Bit.
CPU: 2 x 4 Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5504 # 2.00GHz (8 Cores)
RAM: 24 GB
Intel Compiler: 11.1/073
Scipy: 0.8
Numpy: 1.5
Mac Book Pro (Accelerate Framework):
OS: Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6)
CPU: 1 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.93 Ghz (2 Cores)
Scipy: 0.7
Numpy: 1.3
Mac Server (Accelerate Framework):
OS: Mac OS X Snow Leopard Server (10.6)
CPU: 4 X Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5520 # 2.26 Ghz (8 Cores)
Scipy: 0.8
Numpy: 1.5.1
Dot product benchmark
import numpy as np
a = np.random.random_sample((size,size))
b = np.random.random_sample((size,size))
System | size = 1000 | size = 2000 | size = 3000 |
netlib BLAS | 1350 ms | 10900 ms | 39200 ms |
ATLAS (1 CPU) | 314 ms | 2560 ms | 8700 ms |
MKL (1 CPUs) | 268 ms | 2110 ms | 7120 ms |
MKL (2 CPUs) | - | - | 3660 ms |
MKL (8 CPUs) | 39 ms | 319 ms | 1000 ms |
GotoBlas2 (1 CPU) | 266 ms | 2100 ms | 7280 ms |
GotoBlas2 (2 CPUs)| 139 ms | 1009 ms | 3690 ms |
GotoBlas2 (8 CPUs)| 54 ms | 389 ms | 1250 ms |
Mac OS X (1 CPU) | 143 ms | 1060 ms | 3605 ms |
Mac Server (1 CPU)| 92 ms | 714 ms | 2130 ms |
Benchmark Suite
For additional information about the benchmark suite see here.
System | eigenvalues | svd | det | inv | dot |
netlib BLAS | 1688 ms | 13102 ms | 438 ms | 2155 ms | 3522 ms |
ATLAS (1 CPU) | 1210 ms | 5897 ms | 170 ms | 560 ms | 893 ms |
MKL (1 CPUs) | 691 ms | 4475 ms | 141 ms | 450 ms | 736 ms |
MKL (2 CPUs) | 552 ms | 2718 ms | 96 ms | 267 ms | 423 ms |
MKL (8 CPUs) | 525 ms | 1679 ms | 60 ms | 137 ms | 197 ms |
GotoBlas2 (1 CPU) | 2124 ms | 4636 ms | 147 ms | 456 ms | 743 ms |
GotoBlas2 (2 CPUs)| 1560 ms | 3278 ms | 116 ms | 295 ms | 460 ms |
GotoBlas2 (8 CPUs)| 741 ms | 2914 ms | 82 ms | 262 ms | 192 ms |
Mac OS X (1 CPU) | 948 ms | 4339 ms | 151 ms | 318 ms | 566 ms |
Mac Server (1 CPU)| 1033 ms | 3645 ms | 99 ms | 232 ms | 342 ms |
Installation of MKL included installing the complete Intel Compiler Suite which is pretty straight forward. However because of some bugs/issues configuring and compiling numpy with MKL support was a bit of a hassle.
GotoBlas2 is a small package which can be easily compiled as a shared library. However because of a bug you have to re-create the shared library after building it in order to use it with numpy.
In addition to this building it for multiple target plattform didn't work for some reason. So I had to create an .so file for each platform for which i want to have an optimized file.
If you install numpy from Ubuntu's repository it will automatically install and configure numpy to use ATLAS. Installing ATLAS from source can take some time and requires some additional steps (fortran, etc).
If you install numpy on a Mac OS X machine with Fink or Mac Ports it will either configure numpy to use ATLAS or Apple's Accelerate Framework.
You can check by either running ldd on the numpy.core._dotblas file or calling numpy.show_config().
MKL performs best closely followed by GotoBlas2.
In the eigenvalue test GotoBlas2 performs surprisingly worse than expected. Not sure why this is the case.
Apple's Accelerate Framework performs really good especially in single threaded mode (compared to the other BLAS implementations).
Both GotoBlas2 and MKL scale very well with number of threads. So if you have to deal with big matrices running it on multiple threads will help a lot.
In any case don't use the default netlib blas implementation because it is way too slow for any serious computational work.
On our cluster I also installed AMD's ACML and performance was similar to MKL and GotoBlas2. I don't have any numbers tough.
I personally would recommend to use GotoBlas2 because it's easier to install and it's free.
If you want to code in C++/C also check out Eigen3 which is supposed to outperform MKL/GotoBlas2 in some cases and is also pretty easy to use.
I've run your benchmark. There is no difference between C++ and numpy on my machine:
Do you think my approach is fair, or are there some unnecessary overheads I can avoid?
It seems fair due to there is no difference in results.
Would you expect that the result would show such a huge discrepancy between the c++ and python approach? Both are using shared objects for their calculations.
Since I would rather use python for my program, what could I do to increase the performance when calling BLAS or LAPACK routines?
Make sure that numpy uses optimized version of BLAS/LAPACK libraries on your system.
Here's another benchmark (on Linux, just type make):
I do not see essentially any difference between the different methods for large matrices, between Numpy, Ctypes and Fortran. (Fortran instead of C++ --- and if this matters, your benchmark is probably broken.)
Your CalcTime function in C++ seems to have a sign error. ... + ((double)start.tv_usec)) should be instead ... - ((double)start.tv_usec)). Perhaps your benchmark also has other bugs, e.g., comparing between different BLAS libraries, or different BLAS settings such as number of threads, or between real time and CPU time?
EDIT: failed to count the braces in the CalcTime function -- it's OK.
As a guideline: if you do a benchmark, please always post all the code somewhere. Commenting on benchmarks, especially when surprising, without having the full code is usually not productive.
To find out which BLAS Numpy is linked against, do:
$ python
Python 2.7.2+ (default, Aug 16 2011, 07:24:41)
[GCC 4.6.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import numpy.core._dotblas
>>> numpy.core._dotblas.__file__
$ ldd /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/numpy/core/ => (0x00007fff5ebff000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007fbe618b3000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fbe61514000)
UPDATE: If you can't import numpy.core._dotblas, your Numpy is using its internal fallback copy of BLAS, which is slower, and not meant to be used in performance computing!
The reply from #Woltan below indicates that this is the explanation for the difference he/she sees in Numpy vs. Ctypes+BLAS.
To fix the situation, you need either ATLAS or MKL --- check these instructions: Most Linux distributions ship with ATLAS, so the best option is to install their libatlas-dev package (name may vary).
Given the rigor you've shown with your analysis, I'm surprised by the results thus far. I put this as an 'answer' but only because it's too long for a comment and does provide a possibility (though I expect you've considered it).
I would've thought the numpy/python approach wouldn't add much overhead for a matrix of reasonable complexity, since as the complexity increases, the proportion that python participates in should be small. I'm more interested in the results on the right hand side of the graph, but orders of magnitude discrepancy shown there would be disturbing.
I wonder if you're using the best algorithms that numpy can leverage. From the compilation guide for linux:
"Build FFTW (3.1.2):
SciPy Versions >= 0.7 and Numpy >= 1.2:
Because of license, configuration, and maintenance issues support for FFTW was removed in versions of SciPy >= 0.7 and NumPy >= 1.2. Instead now uses a built-in version of fftpack.
There are a couple ways to take advantage of the speed of FFTW if necessary for your analysis.
Downgrade to a Numpy/Scipy version that includes support.
Install or create your own wrapper of FFTW. See as an un-endorsed example."
Did you compile numpy with mkl? ( If you're running on linux, the instructions for compiling numpy with mkl are here: (in spite of url). The key part is:
library_dirs = /opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.6.233/mkl/lib/intel64
include_dirs = /opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.6.233/mkl/include
mkl_libs = mkl_intel_lp64,mkl_intel_thread,mkl_core
If you're on windows, you can obtain a compiled binary with mkl, (and also obtain pyfftw, and many other related algorithms) at:, with a debt of gratitude to Christoph Gohlke at the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, UC Irvine.
Caveat, in either case, there are many licensing issues and so on to be aware of, but the intel page explains those. Again, I imagine you've considered this, but if you meet the licensing requirements (which on linux is very easy to do), this would speed up the numpy part a great deal relative to using a simple automatic build, without even FFTW. I'll be interested to follow this thread and see what others think. Regardless, excellent rigor and excellent question. Thanks for posting it.
Let me contribute to a somewhat weird finding
My numpy is linked to mkl, as given by numpy.show_config(). I have no idea what kind of C++/BLAS was used. I hope someone can tell me a way to figure it out.
I think the results strongly depend on the library was used. I cannot isolate the efficiency of C++/BLAS.