Make functions instantiate its generic parameter - c++

What would be an equivalent to the following C++ program in rust?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
template <typename T>
T stuff() {
return T();
int main() {
std::vector<int> vec = stuff<std::vector<int>>();
for (auto &&i : vec) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
I tried the following:
trait Newable{
fn new() -> Self;
fn stuff<T: Newable>() -> T {
I tried using a newtype for this -
struct NwVec<T>{
vec: Vec<T>
impl<T> Newable<T> for NwVec<T>{
fn new() -> Self {
NwVec { vec: Vec::new() }
and used it like so:
fn main() {
let x: NwVec<i32> = stuff::<NwVec<i32>>();
but I get a
error[E0277]: the trait bound `NwVec<i32>: Newable<NwVec<i32>>` is not satisfied
--> src\
2 | let x: NwVec<i32> = stuff();
| ^^^^^ the trait `Newable<NwVec<i32>>` is not implemented for `NwVec<i32>`
= help: the following implementations were found:
<NwVec<T> as Newable<T>>
note: required by a bound in `stuff`
Is there a way to achieve what the C++ program achieves?
P.S.: I am rather new to rust, I am really sorry if the solution to this is trivial.

Maybe there was a mixup when you entered the code that you say gave you the error you provided, because that same code did not yield that specific error when I tried it.
Either way, you were close. Consider this code:
trait Newable {
fn new() -> Self;
fn stuff<T: Newable>() -> T {
struct NwVec<T> {
vec: Vec<T>
impl<T> Newable for NwVec<T> {
fn new() -> Self {
NwVec { vec: Vec::new() }
fn main() {
let x: NwVec<i32> = stuff::<NwVec<i32>>();
All I changed was:
Added #[derive(Debug)] to NwVec<T> so we could print it out
I removed the type parameter <T> on Newable<T> from your original impl<T> Newable<T> for NwVec<T>. This is because the Newable trait itself, as provided in your post, is not generic, so it takes no type parameter.
I imagine this is something of a learning exercise, but in case you were curious, you may be interested in std::default::Default which is a trait somewhat similar to your Newable in that implementations provide a simple and consistent way to create a "default" version of something. Vec itself is an implementer, so you can call e.g. Default::default() or Vec::default() wherever a Vec<T> is expected. Check this playground.

Adding to the excellent answer by #JorgeIsraelPeña, in case you insist on Newable, you don't need a newtype. You can implement a trait for a type as long as either the trait or the type are yours (well, the actual rules are a bit more complicated). That means you can implement Newable directly for Vec:
impl<T> Newable for Vec<T> {
fn new() -> Self {
fn main() {
let x = stuff::<Vec<i32>>();


chaining callables in C++

I come from the python world where I could define a chain of operations and call them in a for loop:
class AddOne:
def __call__(self, x, **common_kwargs):
return x+1
class Stringify:
def __call__(self, x, **common_kwargs):
return str(x)
class WrapNicely:
def __call__(self, s, **common_kwargs):
return "result="+s
data = 42
for operation in [AddOne(), Stringify(), WrapNicely()]:
data = operation(data)
output = data
(Note: the goal is to have complex operations. Ideally, common kwargs could be given)
What would be the equivalent in C++ if the return type can be different after each call?
I'm not sure I could find anything close but I may have search with wrong keywords…
C++ is statically typed, so options here are limited:
Create a chain of functions that can be determined at compile time.
Create functions with parameter and return type being the same
Return a type that could "store multiple alternative types" such as std::variant
For the first alternative you could create a class template that executes functions via recursive calls, but it's a bit more complex than your python code:
class Functions
std::tuple<Fs...> m_functions;
template<size_t index, class Arg>
decltype(auto) CallHelper(Arg&& arg)
if constexpr (index == 0)
return std::forward<Arg>(arg);
return std::get<index - 1>(m_functions)(CallHelper<index - 1>(std::forward<Arg>(arg)));
: m_functions(functions...)
template<class Arg>
decltype(auto) operator()(Arg&& arg)
return CallHelper<sizeof...(Fs)>(std::forward<Arg>(arg));
int main() {
Functions f{
[](int x) { return x + 1; },
[](int x) { return std::to_string(x); },
[](std::string const& s) { return "result=" + s; }
std::cout << f(42) << '\n';
Note: This requires the use of a C++ standard of at least C++17.
Use composition from ranges:
using std::views::transform;
auto fgh = transform(h) | transform(g) | transform(f);
auto fgh_x = std::array{42} | fgh; // Calculate f(g(h(x)))
// single element range ^^
// ^^ ranges::single_view{42} is an alternative
std::cout << fgh_x[0]; // Result is the only element in the array.
I've written a series of articles on C++ functional programming years ago, for some thoughts on composition you can start from this one.
That said, you can also avoid the "functional nuances" and start from scratch. Here is a generic composer of callables:
template <class F, class... Fs>
auto composer(F&& arg, Fs&&... args)
return [fun = std::forward<F>(arg),
...functions = std::forward<Fs>(args)]<class X>(X&& x) mutable {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Fs))
return composer(std::forward<Fs>(functions)...)(
std::invoke(std::forward<F>(fun), std::forward<X>(x)));
return std::invoke(std::forward<F>(fun), std::forward<X>(x));
which you'd use as:
// Store the composed function or call it right away.
composer(lambda1, lambda2, lambda3)(42);
When teaching C++ to python developers, you've got to be careful in order to overcome the "C++ is so complicated" prejudice.
In this regard, you have two options:
If you want to chain operations, you can directly nest lambdas just as in python. It's only a different syntax, see my anser below.
However, if you use the chaining more often and want to apply the linear compose(f,g,h) syntax (which save you from typing a few char's), you should generate a composer yourself. The other answers follow this path, and for brevity I'd suggest the answer of #NikosAthanasiou.
So, here is the short version: Given some variable x and assuming it is a number (as you apply +1), you can directly chain the lambdas:
auto operation = [](auto x) { return [](auto y) { return "result="+std::to_string(y); }(x+1); };
ans use it as
std::vector<int> v; // -> fill the vector v
std::vector<std::string> w;
for(auto& x : v)
Only thing which you miss is the in-place mutation from int to string. For this, see the other answers using a std::variant, but why you should? ... use it only when you really need it.

How to use a compile-time interface with a runtime type?

I have a function that takes a T and calls specific functions on the supplied object. Until now it was used from compile-time objects, so all was great. Minimal example:
#include <iostream>
struct A {
void fun() const { std::cout << "A" << std::endl; }
struct B {
void fun() const { std::cout << "B" << std::endl; }
template<class T>
void use_function(const T& param) {;
int main() {
use_function(A{}); // "A"
use_function(B{}); // "B"
return 0;
Now I'm trying to use that use_function() with objects that get created at runtime and having a hard time. I can't use std::variant or std::any since I need to supply the type as template parameter for their access functions - although all their variants fulfil the function interface. Example for a (failing) variant approach:
using var_type = std::variant<A, B>;
struct IdentityVisitor {
template<class T>
auto operator()(const T& alternative) const -> T {
return alternative;
int main() {
var_type var = A{};
// error C2338: visit() requires the result of all potential invocations to have the same type and value category (N4828 [variant.visit]/2).
use_function(std::visit(IdentityVisitor{}, var));
return 0;
What is possible is directly calling the function with an appropriate type like this:
if (rand() % 2 == 0)
just storing it in between is what I can't get working.
I understand on a technical level but having trouble coming up with an elegant solution. Is there one? I know that I could rewrite the objects with even a lightweight inheritance - but was trying to see if it's feasible to avoid it altogether, even if just as an exercise to avoid OOP in favor of templates and concepts. I feel like variants should be working with this, but apparently not.
std::visit([](auto const& x) { use_function(x); }, var);
If overload sets were objects, you could pass use_function to std::visit directly. Because they aren't, you need to wrap it in something that will be instantiated as a call to the right overload.
std::visit([](auto const& x) { use_function(x); }, var);

How can I approximate method overloading?

I am modeling an API where method overloading would be a good fit. My naïve attempt failed:
// fn attempt_1(_x: i32) {}
// fn attempt_1(_x: f32) {}
// Error: duplicate definition of value `attempt_1`
I then added an enum and worked through to:
enum IntOrFloat {
fn attempt_2(_x: IntOrFloat) {}
fn main() {
let i: i32 = 1;
let f: f32 = 3.0;
// Can't pass the value directly
// attempt_2(i);
// attempt_2(f);
// Error: mismatched types: expected enum `IntOrFloat`
// Ugly that the caller has to explicitly wrap the parameter
Doing some quick searches, I've found some references that talk about overloading, and all of them seem to end in "we aren't going to allow this, but give traits a try". So I tried:
enum IntOrFloat {
trait IntOrFloatTrait {
fn to_int_or_float(&self) -> IntOrFloat;
impl IntOrFloatTrait for i32 {
fn to_int_or_float(&self) -> IntOrFloat {
impl IntOrFloatTrait for f32 {
fn to_int_or_float(&self) -> IntOrFloat {
fn attempt_3(_x: &dyn IntOrFloatTrait) {}
fn main() {
let i: i32 = 1;
let f: f32 = 3.0;
// Better, but the caller still has to explicitly take the reference
Is this the closest I can get to method overloading? Is there a cleaner way?
Yes, there is, and you almost got it already. Traits are the way to go, but you don't need trait objects, use generics:
enum IntOrFloat {
trait IntOrFloatTrait {
fn to_int_or_float(&self) -> IntOrFloat;
impl IntOrFloatTrait for i32 {
fn to_int_or_float(&self) -> IntOrFloat {
impl IntOrFloatTrait for f32 {
fn to_int_or_float(&self) -> IntOrFloat {
fn attempt_4<T: IntOrFloatTrait>(x: T) {
let v = x.to_int_or_float();
println!("{:?}", v);
fn main() {
let i: i32 = 1;
let f: f32 = 3.0;
See it working here.
Here's another way that drops the enum. It's an iteration on Vladimir's answer.
trait Tr {
fn go(&self) -> ();
impl Tr for i32 {
fn go(&self) {
impl Tr for f32 {
fn go(&self) {
fn attempt_1<T: Tr>(t: T) {
fn main() {
attempt_1(1 as i32);
attempt_1(1 as f32);
Function Overloading is Possible!!! (well, sorta...)
This Rust Playground example has more a more detailed example, and shows usage of a struct variant, which may be better for documentation on the parameters.
For more serious flexible overloading where you want to have sets of any number of parameters of any sort of type, you can take advantage of the From<T> trait for conversion of a tuple to enum variants, and have a generic function that converts tuples passed into it to the enum type.
So code like this is possible:
fn main() {
let f = Foo { };
f.do_something(3.14); // One f32.
f.do_something((1, 2)); // Two i32's...
f.do_something(("Yay!", 42, 3.14)); // A str, i32, and f64 !!
First, define the different sets of parameter combinations as an enum:
// The variants should consist of unambiguous sets of types.
enum FooParam {
Bar(i32, i32),
Qux(&'static str, i32, f64),
Now, the conversion code; a macro can be written to do the tedious From<T> implementations, but here's what it could produce:
impl From<(i32, i32)> for FooParam {
fn from(p: (i32, i32)) -> Self {
FooParam::Bar(p.0, p.1)
impl From<f32> for FooParam {
fn from(p: f32) -> Self {
impl From<(&'static str, i32, f64)> for FooParam {
fn from(p: (&'static str, i32, f64)) -> Self {
FooParam::Qux(p.0, p.1, p.2)
And then finally, implement the struct with generic method:
struct Foo {}
impl Foo {
fn do_something<T: Into<FooParam>>(&self, t: T) {
use FooParam::*;
let fp = t.into();
match fp {
Bar(a, b) => print!("Bar: {:?}, {:?}\n", a, b),
Baz(a) => print!("Baz: {:?}\n", a),
Qux(a, b, c) => {
print!("Qux: {:?}, {:?}, {:?}\n", a, b, c)
Note: The trait bound on T needs to be specified.
Also, the variants need to be composed of combinations of types that the compiler wouldn't find ambiguous - which is an expectation for overloaded methods in other languages as well (Java/C++).
This approach has possibilities... it would be awesome if there's a decorator available - or one were written that did the From<T> implementations automatically when applied to an enum. Something like this:
// THIS DOESN'T EXIST - so don't expect the following to work.
// This is just an example of a macro that could be written to
// help in using the above approach to function overloading.
enum FooParam {
Bar(i32, i32),
Qux(&'static str, i32, f64),
// If this were written, it could eliminate the tedious
// implementations of From<...>.
The Builder
Another approach that addresses the case where you have multiple optional parameters to an action or configuration is the builder pattern. The examples below deviate somewhat from the recommendations in the link. Typically, there's a separate builder class/struct which finalizes the configuration and returns the configured object when a final method is invoked.
One of the most relevant situations this can apply to is where you want a constructor that takes a variable number of optional arguments - since Rust doesn't have built-in overloading, we can't have multiple versions of ___::new(). But we can get a similar effect using a chain of methods that return self. Playground link.
fn main() {
// Create.
let mut bb = BattleBot::new("Berzerker".into());
// Configure.
println!("{:#?}", bb);
Each of the configuration methods has a signature similar to:
fn power_source(&mut self, ps: PowerSource) -> &mut Self {
self.power_source = ps;
These methods could also be written to consume self and return non-reference copies or clones of self.
This approach can also be applied to actions. For instance, we could have a Command object that can be tuned with chained methods, which then performs the command when .exec() is invoked.
Applying this same idea to an "overloaded" method that we want to take a variable number of parameters, we modify our expectations a bit and have the method take an object that can be configured with the builder pattern.
let mut params = DrawParams::new();
.location(23.64, 77.43, 88.89)
Alternatively, we could decide on having a GraphicsObject struct that has several config tuning methods, then performs the drawing when .draw() is invoked.

Augment a class / apply an aspect in pure C++ (C++11)

Suppose I have a class:
class Widget {
void initialize() {
// hurr-durr
int computeAnswer() {
return -42;
std::string getQuestion() {
return "The question";
It performs some computation, can do whatever it wants.
Now I want to augment it - apply an aspect, say one that logs each method call.
If I implemented this by hand, I'd implement all methods in this fashion:
int LoggingWidget::computeAnswer(){
log << 'Calling method computeAnswer';
int result = Widget::computerAnswer();
log << 'Result = ' << result;
return result;
I'd like the solution to be as generic as possible (I don't want to manually forward all calls), so the possible usages could include one of these (whichever is possible)
Widget* w = new LoggingWidget(); // either a class that inherits from Widget
// and automatically forwards all calls.
Widget* w = new Logging<Widget>(); // or a template that does this.
so that when I call
int result = w.computeAnswer();
The calls will be logged. Perhaps the new ellipsis operator (...) could come in handy here?
This isn't directly possible, since you can't inspect a class to see which members it has.
However, you can do something close:
Logging<Widget> w(widget);
w([&](Widget& w){
return w.computeAnswer();
Where Logging::operator() looks like follows:
/* somewhere in class: T wrapped; */
template<class F>
auto operator()(F&& f)
-> decltype(f(wrapped))
auto&& result = f(wrapped);
return result;
It won't get better much better than this for totally generic code, since C++ has no (static) reflection.
Expanding on Xeo's answer, if you use decltype or result_of rather than auto && you also get copy elision.
template<typename F>
auto operator()(F &&f) -> decltype(std::forward<F>(f)(wrapped))
decltype(std::forward<F>(f)(wrapped)) result = std::forward<F>(f)(wrapped);
return result;
In C++14 you can shorten this to:
template<typename F>
decltype(auto) operator()(F &&f)
decltype(auto) result = std::forward<F>(f)(wrapped);
return result;

C++11 lambda and template specialization

I would like to know what is the correct type definition for the lambda presented below, so that the following code will compile using a conformant c++11 compiler:
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
template<class Func>
class foo
foo(Func func)
: fum(func){}
Func fum;
int main()
foo<???> fi([](int i) -> bool { printf("%d",i); return true; });
return 0;
I guess another way it could be done is like so:
template<typename Func>
foo<Func> make_foo(Func f)
return foo<Func>(f);
int main()
auto fi = make([](int i) -> bool { printf("%d",i); return true; });
return 0;
It's auto + decltype:
auto l = [](int i) -> bool { printf("%d",i); return true; };
foo<decltype(l)> fi(l);
Every single lambda has a different, unique, unnamed type. You, as a coder, just can not name it.
However, in your case, since the lambda doesn't capture anything (empty []), it is implicitly convertible to a pointer-to-function, so this would do:
foo<bool(*)(int)> fi([](int i) -> bool { printf("%d",i); return true; });
It's std::function<bool(int)>. Or possibly just bool(*)(int) if you prefer, since the lambda doesn't capture.
(The raw function pointer might be a bit more efficient, since std::function does (at least in some cases) require dynamic allocation for some type erasure magic.)