Using conditionals in AWS SES templates doesn't work (MissingRenderingAttributeException) - amazon-web-services

I am trying to use conditionals in SES templates by following this guideline:
I should be able to create a template with dynamic content based on the value of the variable evaluation result. Still, no matter what I do, I keep getting a 'MissingRenderingAttributeException' error.
For local development I use localstack on docker.
The aws-localstack is an alias I set for communicating with the AWS CLI localstack provides
This is the test I'm running:
aws-localstack ses create-template --cli-input-json '{
"Template": {
"TemplateName": "test_conditionals",
"SubjectPart": "TESTING CONDS",
"TextPart": "{{#if lastName}}[{{lastName}}]{{/if}}",
"HtmlPart": "{{#if lastName}}[{{lastName}}]{{/if}}"
aws-localstack ses test-render-template --cli-input-json '{
"TemplateName": "test_conditionals",
"TemplateData": "{\"lastName\":\"test-result\"}"
I keep getting this error:
An error occurred (MissingRenderingAttributeException) when calling the TestRenderTemplate operation: Attribute '#if lastName' is not present in the rendering data.
How do I fix it? What am I missing?
Any suggestion would be appreciated :)

I found the problem, it has nothing to do with AWS, but with localstack
There are many features missing in localstack library, one of them is conditionals support
I thought about deleting this topic, but in favor of everyone who expects it to behave the same on local env by using localstack, I thought it is worth having such topic in SO, because I had to work "harder" to figure it out


I'm getting an error creating a AWS AppSync Authenticated DataSource

I working through the Build On Serverless|S2 E4 video and I've gotten to the point of creating an authenticated HTTP datasource using the AWS CLI. I'm getting this error.
Parameter validation failed:
Unknown parameter in httpConfig: "authorizationConfig", must be one of: endpoint
I think I'm using the same information provided in the video, repository and gist, updated for my own aws account. It seems like it's some kind of formatting or missing information error, but, I'm just not seeing the problem.
When I remove the "authorizationConfig" property from the state-machine-datasource.json the command works.
I've reviewed the code against the information in the video as well as documentation and examples here and here provided by aws
This is the command I'm running.
aws appsync create-data-source --api-id {my app sync app id} --name ProcessBookingStateMachine
--type HTTP --http-config file://src/backend/booking/state-machine-datasource.json
--service-role-arn arn:aws:iam::{my account}:role/AppSyncProcessBookingState --profile default
This is my state-machine-datasource.json:
"endpoint": "",
"authorizationConfig": {
"authorizationType": "AWS_IAM",
"awsIamConfig": {
"signingRegion": "us-east-2",
"signingServiceName": "states"
I needed to update my aws cli to the latest version. The authenticated http datasource is something fairly new I guess.

AWS | Boto3 | RDS |function DownloadDBLogFilePortion |cannot download a log file because it contains binary data |

When I try to download all log files from a RDS instance, in some cases, I found this error in my python output:
An error occurred (InvalidParameterValue) when calling the
DownloadDBLogFilePortion operation: This file contains binary data and
should be downloaded instead of viewed.
I manage correctly the pagination and the throttling (using The Marker parameter and the sleep function).
This is my calling:
rds-> boto3 resource
And this is the definition of my function:
def request_paginated(rds,**kwargs):
return rds.download_db_log_file_portion(**kwargs)
Like I said, most of time this function works but sometime it returns:
"An error occurred (InvalidParameterValue) when calling the
DownloadDBLogFilePortion operation: This file contains binary data and
should be downloaded instead of viewed"
Can you help me please? :)
UPDATE: the problem is a known issue with downloading log files that contain non printable sign. As soon as possible I will try the proposed solution provide by the aws support
LATEST UPDATE: This is an extract of my discussion with aws support team:
There is a known issue with non binary characters when using the boto based AWS cli, however this issue is not present when using the older Java based cli.
There is currently no way to fix the issue that you are experiencing while using the boto based AWS cli, the workaround is to make the API call from the Java based cli
the aws team are aware of this issue and are working on a way to resolve this, however the do not have an ETA for when this will be released.
So the solutions is: use the java API
LATEST UPDATE: This is an extract of my discussion with aws support team:
There is a known issue with non binary characters when using the boto based AWS cli, however this issue is not present when using the older Java based cli.
There is currently no way to fix the issue that you are experiencing while using the boto based AWS cli, the workaround is to make the API call from the Java based cli
the aws team are aware of this issue and are working on a way to resolve this, however the do not have an ETA for when this will be released. So the solutions is: use the java API
InvalidParameterValue : An invalid or out-of-range value was supplied
for the input parameter.
Invalid parameter in boto means the data pass does not complied. Probably an invalid name that you specified, possible something wrong with your variable id_rds, or maybe your LogFileName, etc. You must complied with the function arguments requirement.
response = client.download_db_log_file_portion(
For example, LogFileName must be te exact file name exist inside RDS instance.
For the logfile , please make sure the log file EXISTS inside the instance. Use this AWS CLI to get a quick check
aws rds describe-db-log-files --db-instance-identifier <my-rds-name>
Do check Marker (string) and NumberOfLines (Integer) as well. Mismatch type or out of range. Skip them since they are not required, then test it later.

Can't close ElasticSearch index on AWS?

I've created a new AWS ElasticSearch domain, for testing. I use ES on a different host right now, and I'm looking to move to AWS.
One thing I need to do is set the mapping (analyzers) on my instance. In order to do this, I need to "close" the index, or else ES will just raise an exception.
Whenever I try to close the index, though, I get an exception from AWS:
Your request: '/_all/_close' is not allowed by CloudSearch.
The AWS ES documentation specifically says to do this in some cases:
curl -XPOST ''
I haven't found any documentation that says why I wouldn't be able to close my indices on AWS ES, nor have I found anyone else who has this problem.
It's also a bit strange that I've got an ElasticSearch domain, but it's giving me a CloudSearch error message, since I thought those were different services, though I suppose one is implemented in terms of the other.
AWS Elasticsearch does not support the "close" operation on indexes.
"Currently, Amazon ES does not support the Elasticsearch _close API"
According to the AWS document I found recently, you have to first upgrade your elastic search domain to version 7.4 or greater.
Since closing all indices at once is a dangerous action, it is maybe disabled by default on your cluster. You need to make sure that your elasticsearch.yml configuration file doesn't contain this:
action.destructive_requires_name: true
You can either set this in your configuration file and restart your cluster, but I strongly advise against that since this opens the door to all kinds of other destructive actions, like deleting all your indices at once.
action.destructive_requires_name: false
What you should do instead is to temporarily update the cluster settings using
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -d '{
"persistent" : {
"action.destructive_requires_name" : false
Then close all your indices
curl -XPOST localhost:9200/_all/_close
And then reset the settings to a safer value:
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -d '{
"persistent" : {
"action.destructive_requires_name" : true

Need to get name of cloudformation template used to deploy ec2 from the command line using aws cli or api

I used a cloudformation template to create an ec2 instance. Is there any way besides tagging that I can get the name of the cloudformation template via the command line?
Method 1: Tagging
Tagging is going to be the cleanest and easiest way to get that data. You do need to do some advance work and this won't work for existing instances, but it's going to be fast and reliable.
Method 2: Cross-referencing
If you have the instance id, you can ask Cloudformation to search for it's sibling stack resources, from which you can infer the stack name, id, etc.
c = boto.cloudformation.connect_to_region('us-east-1')
If the instance is not part of a stack, you'll get a Stack for i-830e2869 does not exist 400 error.
Method 3: User data
I'll admit - this was pretty creative so kudos for thinking it up.
curl | grep 'cfn-init -s' | awk '{print $3}'
The reason this works is that instances created by Cloudformation need to run /opt/aws/bin/cfn-init to install packages and /opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal in order to report their successful creation and one of the parameters is the stack name.
It'll fail if someone edits the user-data, but despite feeling a bit hacky, it seems pretty reliable. I still wouldn't recommend using it in prod given it's brittle reliance on a script parameter.

aws ec2 request-spot-instances CLI issues

Trying to start a couple of spot instances within a simple script, and the syntax supplied in the AWS documentation and aws ec2 request-spot-instances help output is listed in either JAVA or JSON syntax. How does one enter the parameters under the JSON syntax from inside a shell script?
aws --version
aws-cli/1.2.6 Python/2.6.5 Linux/
aws ec2 request-spot-instances help
-- at the start of "launch specification" it lists JSON syntax
--launch-specification (structure)
Specifies additional launch instance information.
JSON Syntax:
"ImageId": "string",
"KeyName": "string",
}, ....
"EbsOptimized": true|false,
"SecurityGroupIds": ["string", ...],
"SecurityGroups": ["string", ...]
I have tried every possible combination of the following, adding & moving brackets, quotes, changing options, etc, all to no avail. What would be the correct formatting of the variable $launch below to have this work? Other command variations -- "ec2-request-spot-instances" are not working in my environment, nor does it work if I try to substitute --spot-price with -p.
launch="{"ImageId":"ami-a999999","InstanceType":"c1.medium"} "SecurityGroups":"launch-wizard-6""
echo $launch
aws ec2 request-spot-instances --spot-price 0.01 --instance-count 1 --type c1.small --launch-specification $launch
This provides result:
Unknown options: SecurityGroups:launch-wizard-6
Substituting the security group number has the same result.
aws ec2 describe-instances works perfectly, as does aws ec2 start-instance, so the environment and account information are properly setup, but I need to utilize spot pricing.
In fact, nothing is working as listed in this user documentation:
Thank you,
I know this is an old question, but in case somebody runs into it. I had the same issue recently with the CLI. It was very hard to get all the parameters to work correctly for request-spot-instances
UserData=$(base64 < userdata-current)
aws ec2 request-spot-instances --region $region --spot-price $price --launch-specification "{ \"KeyName\": \"YourKey\", \"ImageId\": \"ami-3d50120d\" , \"UserData\": \"$UserData\", \"InstanceType\": \"r3.large\" , \"Placement\": {\"AvailabilityZone\": \"$zone\"}, \"IamInstanceProfile\": {\"Arn\": \"arn:aws:iam::YourAccount:YourProfile\"}, \"SecurityGroupIds\": [\"YourSecurityGroupId\"],\"SubnetId\": \"YourSubnectId\" }"
Basically what I had to do is put my user data in an external file, load it into the UserData variable and then pass that on the command line. Trying to get everything on the command line or using an external file for the ec2-request-spot-instances just kept failing. Note that other commands worked just fine, so this is specific to the ec2-request-spot-instances.
I detailed more about what i ended up doing here.
You have to use a list in this case:
"SecurityGroups": ["string", ...]
Anyway, I'm dealing with the CLI right now and I found more useful to use a external JSON
Here is an example using Python:
x= subprocess.check_output(["/usr/local/bin/aws ec2 request-spot-instances --spot-price 0.2 --launch-specification "+myJson],shell=True)
print x
And the output is:
"SpotInstanceRequests": [
"Status": {
"UpdateTime": "2013-12-09T02:41:41.000Z",
"Code": "pending-evaluation",
"Message": "Your Spot request has been submitted for review, and is pending evaluation."
etc etc ....
Doc is here :
FYI - I'm appending file:/// because I'm using MAC. If you are launching your bash script using Linux, you could just use myJson="/path/to/file/"
The first problem, here, is quoting and formatting:
$ launch="{"ImageId":"ami-a999999","InstanceType":"c1.medium"} "SecurityGroups":"launch-wizard-6""
This isn't going to generate valid JSON, because the block you copied from the help file includes a spurious closing brace from a nested object that you didn't include, the closing brace is missing, and the unescaped double quotes are disappearing.
But we're not really getting to the point where the json is actually being validated, because with that space after the last brace, the cli is assuming that SecurityGroups and launch-wizard-6 are more command line options following the argument to --launch-specification:
$ echo $launch
{ImageId:ami-a999999,InstanceType:c1.medium} SecurityGroups:launch-wizard-6
That's probably not what you expected... so we'll fix the quoting so that it looks like one long argument, after the json is valid:
From the perspective of just generating valid json structures (not necessarily content), the data you are most likely trying to send would actually look like this, based on the docs:
Check that as structurally valid JSON, here.
Fixing the bracing, commas, and bracketing, the CLI stops throwing that error, with this formatting:
$ launch='{"ImageId":"ami-a999999","InstanceType":"c1.medium","SecurityGroups":["launch-wizard-6"]}'
$ echo $launch
That isn't to say the API might not subsequently reject the request due to something else incorrect or missing, but you were never actually getting to the point of sending anything to the API; this was failing local validation in the command line tools.