Microsoft Visual Studios C++ Default Windows Desktop Application - c++

When creating a new project on Windows Visual Studio using C++, one of the options for a default template is the Windows Desktop Application. What libraries does this utilize?
I just started learning C++. I don't know what a DLL vs a LIB is, but I just need a name of the correct library so I can do research via YouTube into how to use it.


convert Windows Forms Application in C++ to executable file

I am using VS10 C++ and try to convert Windows Forms Application project to executable file: this what I did
select project-> properties -> configuration properties -> C/C++
-> Code Generation -> Runtime library
then I select Multi-threaded Debug(/MTd)
when I built my project I got the following error
A Windows Forms application depends on classes from the .NET Framework Base Class Library. To develop a Windows desktop application in C++ that does NOT depend on .NET, you should use the project template for a Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) Application instead. This type of project will compile as a native .exe, instead of a .NET assembly. (By the way, not sure why you would still be using Visual Studio 2010 for C++ development, when the free VS 2015 Community Edition fully supports C++11 and many features of C++14. I do not yet recommend VS 2017 however, since it is still very buggy for C++ development.)
EDIT: In Visual Studio 2017, there is another option (which was not available in VS 2015). If you choose the Windows Desktop Application project template, you will get a project that depends on neither .NET (aka CLR support) nor MFC. I have never tried this approach, but on the surface, it looks very similar to MFC. Again, so far I have found VS 2017 for C++ to be very buggy, so you might have a better experience using MFC in VS 2015 instead.

How to install a new C/C++ library and make it visible in Visual Studio 2017

Hello everybody I'm porting a C/C++ Unix application to Windows. My problem is that I need to download the various Unix native libraries into their windows version and then I have to use them. Doew anyone know what's the procedure to follow to make Visual Studio 2017 recognize the new downloaded libraries? For example, if I had to download the windows version of GnuTLS from this site: how should I do to make the library header files visible and usable from visual studio? What's the procedure to follow?

Building QT with Visual Studio

I know there have been a few questions before regarding this, but not too much up to date.
I am developing a project with Visual Studio 2015 express edition and I wish to add a GUI to my project via QT.
The latest version of QT (5.8.0) has a VS 2015 version, so I assume it is compiled using Visual Studio instead of MinGw.
Sorry if this is a very noob question. I have no experience with QT, but how do I then integrate my QT project into my VS project, do I build the GUI code first in QT?
If I will create a GUI using the .ui file in QT and then generate the source code for this, can I just copy the source code to my VS Project. I assume I have to configure the project file in VS as how will VS know where to find the dlls and header files for QT? Thanks in advance
You need the VS Tools for Qt. They work with >= Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition.
You can get them here and all information about how to use them.
Qt VS Tools integrate the Qt development tools into Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, and later. This enables developers to use the standard Windows development environment without having to worry about Qt-related build steps or tools.
The main features of Qt VS Tools are:
Wizards for creating new Qt projects and classes.
Automated build setup for the Meta-Object Compiler (moc), User Interface Compiler (uic), and Resource Compiler (rcc).
Import and export of Qt project files (.pro) and project include files (.pri).
*Automated conversion of a Qt VS Tools project to a qmake project, or the other way around.
Integrated Qt resource management.
Integrated Qt documentation.
Debugging extensions for Qt data types.

Can't create C++ console application in Visual Studio 2013

I downloaded Visual Studio 2013 from official site. But I can't create a new console project, as I've seen in some tutorials. The reason is that there is no console application in templates for C++.
May be there is another way to create a new console application?
That's Visual Studio Express for Windows, which is used for Windows Store and Windows Phone apps.
To do Windows desktop apps you need Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop.
Or, of course, you can use e.g. the MinGW g++ compiler, and some general IDE such as Code::Blocks or Eclipse. But Microsoft's help system is very useful. And currently g++ only supports the Windows API as it was with Windows XP, no newer stuff.
I found a way to create a Console project no matter what version of VS Express you are using.
Create any type of project (i.e. A basic "class library" project).
Right-click the project in Solution Explorer and click Properties. You'll see a dropdown for "Output type". Select "Console Application".
Create a Main method somewhere as an entry point into the app. Doesn't matter what class you put it in.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("We made a console app");
I did this with "Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web", so I'm not absolutely certain what your mileage will be on other flavors.

How to use MFC classes in a Qt application?

I'm developing a big application in Qt. There are some classes/components that do not offer the performance I need, so I want to use a native solution.
I installed Visual Studio 2010 with MFC, and I actually know the location of the library with open source.
How can I link my Qt app to MFC and use some of its classes?