is it possible to write one test in postman and use them for all collections?
I dont want to copy/paste every test into each collection, because I have a lot Collections.
For example to check the response object if its valid and so on.
Im trying to get familiar with using MOQ and mocking in general. So I want to test an api controller which uses an assembly which serves as a repository for getting/updating data etc.
eg a structure like this.
Repository.GetSomeData (returns JSON object)
This repository class has an interface, and that is what is injected via the .net core startup class. The method in this case, GetSomeData does a number of steps via calls to the Db, as well as reading a file from the file system, parsing it and moving it off to another folder.
Question: How can a "mocked" Repository work without doing the things that the "real" object does? All the examples I see are simple addition, returning strings etc.
When you mock something like your repository, you going to stub out methods on the repository to return some canned result. Calls to those methods on the repository mock, then, bypass the real methods and instead just do what you've stubbed.
Essentially, you need to first identity what methods will be utilized. Then, you should determined appropriate responses those methods should return based on the particular scenario you're attempting to unit test. Then, you create the mock and add stubs for those methods with those responses.
The whole point of mocking is to remove variables, so you're intentionally trying to get to the "happy path": the set of internal responses that put the action in the state you need it to be in for specific test you're conducting.
I am very new to BDD, and having a bit of trouble outlining the scenarios for some code that I wrote. The code basically queries a Couchbase bucket for abandoned orders, and then calls a cancel order API to cancel those orders. For each call to the cancel order API, it calls another service to generate access token.
The entire code has been written in RxJava. In case of errors, I have fallback observables in place (for example, should anything go awry while querying Couchbase, it fallbacks to an empty observable). I have similar fallbacks in other places in the code as well.
I want to write Cucumber scenarios for my code. But I can't figure out how to go about it. For example, should I assume that the service has a valid access token and an orderId to cancel (querying CB returns a bunch of orderIds that need to be passed on to the cancel order API along with an access token)?
Ideally, I should be testing the following:
Querying Couchbase fails. In this case, I should get an empty observable.
Call to the access token API fails. In this case as well, I should get an empty observable.
Call to the cancel order API fails. In this case as well, I should get an empty observable.
Call to cancel order API returns some response code other than 200. Then assert on the response codes.
The happy case.
Now suppose I want to test the first case, that is, querying CB fails. What will be the background in this case? How should I simulate a query failure?
I have a SOAP UI 4.5.1, I have made a load test, it is working fine. My problem is that I run the same request every time and I need to change the values of the soap request I am sending.
For e.g. I have a block of my soap request:
Provider ID: SHL
Project ID: SampleAssessment
Is there a way to make those values changing from some kind of interval?
For e.g.: Provider IDs [SHL, SLH, LHS]
Project IDs [SampleAssessment, TestAssessment, AnotherAssessment]
And with a load test I am making three request so that for the first request values looks like this:
for the second like this:
and so on...
Is there a way to make this happen with SOAP UI?
From my experience, you will need to use a Groovy Script step.
For example, if you have a step before your request that is a script, you can use something like:
context.setProperty("ProviderId", "SHL")
Then in your request, use:
Of course, this doesn't buy you much by itself. There are few ways to vary what the context.setProperty("ProviderId", "SHL") line will set. You can create a collection and iterate over it using something like:
def providers = ['ABC', 'DEF', 'GHI', 'JKL']
providers.each() {
context.setProperty("ProviderId", it)
testRunner.runTestStepByName( "nameofteststep" )
Where "nameofteststep" is the name of the Soap Request test step. This might sound odd, but if you right click the test step and disable it, the groovy script will still be able to execute it but it will not run sequentially. By that I mean that the groovy script will run it 4 times, but it won't run a fifth time when the script is complete because it is after the script. Then you just need to keep in mind that each load test thread makes four requests, but I am pretty sure that the SoapUI statistics will take this into account for you... might want to keep an eye out for it, though.
Alternatively, you could check the 'threadIndex' and set a the context variable based on that. A bit like this here: Log ThreadCount.
You could also use a collection without a loop and increment an index that you save as a testcase property and send the string corresponding to the index.
Personally, I think the first way is the most straightforward but I can provide an example of the other ones if you like.
There is a simple way of doing this without writing a groovy script.
After creating a test case you should include the below test steps:
1-Data source
Data source will read an excel file (or other data source methods such as XML, groovy, JDBC, gird .. however the excel is the simplest one).
You should include the datas (that you need to change within the request)
Within the test request you need the right click and select "get data" . please notice that your test request should be as below
Then the last step is the "Loop" . This for returning to the first step until the data ends.
I hope this helps.
Just writing some tests for my CakePHP application and I am currently trying to work out the best way to test some functions in my models which end up saving data.
Should I just assertTrue or should I pull the data out of the database and assert the expected result against what is in the database?
There are some values that I have to generate programatically based on the users input so need to be sure they are write. Should I do a find operation within the test and check that the results of that are what I expect?
Use one of the expects to check what you save method returns. I assume you're not talking about save() because that is already tested within the core. So expect in your test whatever your method should return and see if it passes.
And yes, you can do a find within the test to check if your record was saved with the correct values. So find() it and expectEqual() on the result to whatever you expected.
By the way, it's always good to check the core tests to get an idea of how to test certain things or use mock objects. :)
This is an interesting question I am sure a lot of people will benefit from knowing.
a typical web service will return a serialized complex data type for example:
<name>friendly name</orgUnit>
<name>friendly name</orgUnit>
The VS2008 unit testing seems to want to assert for an exact match of the return object, that is if the object (target and actual) are identical in terms of structure and content.
What I would like to do instead is assert only if the structure is fine, and no errors exist.
To perhaps simplify the matter, in the web service method, if any error occurs I throw a SOAPException.
1.Is there a way to test just based on the return status
2. Best case scenario would be to compare the doc trees for structural integrity of target and actual, and assert based on the structure being sound, and not the content.
Thanks in advance :)
I think that this is a duplicate of WSDL Testing
In that answer I suggested SoapUI as a good tool to use
An answer specific to your requirement would be to compare the serialized versions(to XML) of the object instead of the objects themselves.
Approach in your test case
Lets say you are expecting a return like expected.xml from your webservice .
Invoke service and get an actual Obj. Serialize that to an actual.xml.
Compare actual.xml and expected.xml by using a library like xmldiff(compares structural /value changes at XML level).
Based on the output of xmldiff determine whether the webservice passed the test.