In Stata to create a log file
Click: File → Log → Begin.
Command: log using "working directory.log"
When finished, type log close, to close the log file.
So, I have done 1. where I ended up saving it, but when I type 'working directory.log' in the command, it says error.
What am I doing wrong? I've tried brackets, square brackets, quotation marks etc. and still the same thing. Am I meant to save the file as working directory.log?
I'm trying to use procmail to tidy up some old email into my thunderbird mbox file, however I can't seem to get it to file into an mbox file when using braces. Doing the simple test below with and without braces provides different outcomes - what am I missing, please:
# --- OPTIONAL, USED FOR DEBUGGING (comment out)
MAILDIR=/home/jake/windows/Thunderbird/Mail/Local\ Folders
# goes into MAILDIR/processed
# goes into DEFAULT/msg.gAmAAAAA4F/etc.
Your second recipe is basically a syntax error, though the Procmal parser actually parses it into an expression which however means something totally different than you intended. Here's what you have actually written, spelled out in full.
So Procmail enters the braces, performs the assignment, exits the braces, and delivers to $DEFAULT when it falls through to the end of the recipe file.
To actually deliver into a file, you need a full recipe like
... but obviously the outer recipe with the braces is completely redundant here.
The fact that a symbol on its own gets parsed as an empty variable assignment which clears the variable named by that symbol is unobvious and wildly confusing not only to beginners, so don't feel particularly bad that you couldn't figure this one out.
With VERBOSE=yes you should actually find that the log file shows you exactly this chain of events. Your log file will end up in your MAILDIR so perhaps you didn't find it...?
I am having an annoying behavior in Sublime.
When I start typing out the line...
using namespace SomeNamespace;
The keywords 'using' and 'namespace' are properly colored the keyword coloring. Then when I add the semicolon to the end of the line, the namespace keyword goes white (default text color). I know this is not that significant, but it really annoys me.
Has anyone noticed this behavior before? The code compiles without errors or warnings, so I know sublime is not detecting some so of code problem.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this problem?
The problem is in this particular regex in the C++ syntax definition:
At the very end, in the negative lookahead - (?!...) - we see that semicolons are excluded from the match, meaning that if a semicolon is present at the very end of the line, there's no match.
To fix it, you'll need to install the very useful PackageResourceViewer plugin from Package Control. Then, open the Command Palette, type prv to bring up the PackageResourceViewer options, select the Extract Package one, then scroll down and select C++. There will now be a C++ directory in the directory opened by choosing Preferences -> Browse Packages.... Go into that directory and you'll see a bunch of files. Depending on what version of Sublime Text 3 you're using, you'll want to open either C++.tmLanguage or C++.sublime-syntax in Sublime. The .tmLanguage format is XML, so you can pick that for syntax highlighting if you wish, while the .sublime-syntax file is in YAML.
Once the appropriate file is open (you'll either have one or the other, not both), search for the regex above, or just search for namespace, you should find it pretty easily. Delete the ;| from near the end, making the whole thing:
Save the file, and that's it! Your C++ source files should update their behavior immediately - if not, just close and reopen them, and in the worst case you can just close them, restart Sublime, then reopen them.
I'm trying to setup Sublime Text 2 so that I can code my Oracle packages, triggers, functions, etc. I have the build system compiling my code just fine. Now I'm working on trying to get Sublime Text to take me to the exact line/column position when an error happens. To do this you have to use the file_regex option documented here.
The file_regex option uses a Perl-style regular expression to capture
up to four fields of error information from the build program’s
output, namely: filename, line number, column number and error
message. Use groups in the pattern to capture this information. The
filename field and the line number field are required.
My problem seems to be filename, which is the first required thing. My question is at the very bottom but let me show you how everything is setup because others may find this useful.
Here is my build system (compileSql.sublime-build)...
"cmd": ["c:\\projectX\\compileSql.bat", "$file"],
"file_regex": "^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)"
Here is compileSql.bat. All this does is it makes a new file called runFile.txt which contains the file I'm currently working on in Sublime text, except it starts the file off with set defined off;, then my code, then ends with show errors; It then logs in and compiles the package (trigger, function, whatever)...
#echo set define off; > c:\projectX\runFile.txt
type %1 >> c:\projectX\runFile.txt
#echo show errors; >> c:\projectX\runFile.txt
sqlplus -s {user}/{pwd}#{database} #c:\projectX\runFile.txt
So all I have to do is press F7 and it compiles for me...
But when I get an error, this is the result...
When I click on the error is doesn't take me to that line number. Instead it opens a file called 8. So back up to my build system, I know the problem is with this: "file_regex": "^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)". Sublime Text 2 requires the first matched pattern to be the file. That's the part I'm not grasping, why does it need to know that? It's the file I'm working on, the one I just pressed F7 for. So something needs to come before the ([0-9]+)/([0-9]+) in the regular expression, I don't know what to put in there.
I'm working on a C++ project which should do following operations:
Open a .txt file which contains list of strings
(for example String1: "Hi,name_1_is,;Ondrej,age24;year,,88;") with optional values determined by empty commas ",,".
After this check each string using regular expressions for valid input
(like "Hi" shouldn't be a number or "1" must be a number and everything with ",," is optional and can be skipped or user can enter this value as well).
Then evaluate the result and save it to variable or new .txt generated file.
This result shows if whole string is correct with an "ok" message attached to it or it will attach "not ok" message right to the parameter with wrong input.
I have already finished the part with opening a .txt file, checking the whole string and saving the right strings to the new file (using Qt and Visual Studio 2010 Express).
I need to do the part where each parameter will be checked but somehow I don't know how exactly, as I should not build Parser but the whole programm must be build like Interpreter.
Actually I'm stucked at this point because I have no idea how to start to build this like an Interpreter.
All my attempts resulted always with structure similar to Parser
(that means: I used split string, then checked each token or char using regex, then built the string together again, ect.)
Could you provide me with some usefull links or tips of how to achieve that or at least where to start at all please?
I need to do quite a few regular expression search/replaces throughout hundreds and hundreds of static files. I'm looking to build an audit trail so I at least know what files were touched by what searches/replaces.
I can do my regular expression searches in Notepad++ and it gives me file names/paths and number of hits in each file. It also gives me the line #s which I don't really care that much about.
What I really want is a separate text file of the file names/paths. The # of hits in each file would be a nice addition, but really it's just a list of file names/paths that I'm after.
In Notepad++'s search results pane, I can do a right click and copy, but that includes all the line #s and code which is just too much noise, especially when you're getting hundreds of matches.
Anyone know how I can get these results to just the file name/paths? I'm after something like:
Then I can name that file regex_whatever_search.txt and at the top of it include the regex used for the search and replace. Below that, I've got my list of files it touched.
UPDATE What looks like the easiest thing to do (at least that I've found) is to just copy all the search results into a new text file and run the following regex:
And replace that with an empty string. That'll give you just the file path and hit counts with a lot of empty space between each entry. Then run the following regex:
And replace with:
That'll strip out all the unwanted empty space and you'll be left with a nice list.
maybe you need power of unix tools
assume you have GNUWin32 installed in c:\tools\gnuwin32
than if you have replace.bat file with that content:
#echo off
set BIN=c:\tools\gnuwin32\bin
set WHAT=%1
set TOWHAT=%2
set MASK=%3
rem Removing quotes
echo %WHAT% replaces to %TOWHAT%
rem printing matching files
%BIN%\grep -r -c "%WHAT%" %MASK%
rem actual replace
%BIN%\find %MASK% -type f -exec %BIN%\sed -i "s/%WHAT%/%TOWHAT%/g" {} +
you can do regex replace in masked files recursively with output you required
replace "using System.Windows" "using Nothing" *.cs
The regulat expression I use for this kind of problem is
And it works for me
This works well if you have Excel available and want to avoid using regular expressions:
Ctrl+A to select all the results
drag & drop the selected results to Excel
Create a Filter on the 1st row
Filter out the lines that have "(Blank)" on the 1st column
Select the remaining lines (i.e. the lines with the filenames) and copy/paste them to another sheet or any wanted destination
You could also Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C the search results, then use the Paste Option "Use Text Import Wizard" in Excel, say that the data is "Fixed width" and put one single break line after the 2nd character (to remove the two leading spaces in the filename during import), and use a filter to filter out the unwanted rows.