Run a separate task in background django rest framework - django

I've to perform two tasks in an API request but I want to run the second task asynchronously in the background so the API doesn't have to wait for the second task and return the response after the completion of the first task, so how can I achieve it?
def create_project(request):
data = first_task()
second_task(data) # want to run this function at background
return Response("Created") # want to return this response after completion of first_task()

You need to use other methods to run async function, you can use any of the following:
django-background-tasks: Simple and doesn't require a worker
python-rq: Great for simple async tasks
celery: A more complete solution


Is celery-beats can only trigger a celery task or normal task (Django)?

I am workign on a django project with celery and celery-beats. My main use case is use celery-beats to set up a periodical task as a background task, instead of using a front-end request to trigger. I would save the results and put it inside model, then pull the model to front-end view as a view to user.
My current problem is, not matter how I change the way I am calling my task, it always throwing the task is not registered in the task list inside celery.
I am trying to trigger a non-celery task(inside, it will call a celery taskthe , using celery beats module,
Below is the pesudo-code.
def longrunningtask(a):
res = APIcall(a)
return res
from .task import longrunningtask
def dosomething(input_list):
for ele in input_list:
return res
Periodical Task :
schedule, created = CrontabSchedule.objects.get_or_create(hour = 1, minute = 34)
task = PeriodicTask.objects.create(crontab=schedule, name="XXX_task_", task='app.caller.dosomething'))
return HttpResponse("Done")
Nothing special about the periodical task, but This never works for me. It errored that not detected tasks or not registered tasks if I do not make the dosomething() as celery task.
Problem is I do not want to make the caller function a celery task, the reason being, that
Inside for loop, I would make parameter passing into the task(), I would like to see multiple celery long runing task is running with the for loop passing it and kick it. so I would create mutliple sub-task instead of as one giant running task.
Not necessary since longrunningtask is the task I need it to be run as celery task, no need its parent to be inside celery task.
Can someone please help me out of this dilemma? It's super frustrating and has been blocking me for a while.
Any suggestion or idea of this use case is also superhelpful!

How to stop/cancel a training session(Python)?

I have a function "train_model" which is call via a "train" (Flask) API. Once this API is triggered training of a model is started. On completion it saves a model. But I want to introduce a "cancel" API. Which will stop the training, and should return a valid response for "train" API.
You should probably consider using multiprocessing and run that model in a separate process and respond with a unique request_id, which is stored in the cache/db later whenever you want to cancel, so when model training is complete before exiting the process remove it from cache/db and your API should take request_id and stop that process or if it is not cache/db respond 404 accordingly since this way work is too much of re-inventing wheel you could simply consider using celery
sample untested code with multiprocessing pool
jobs = {}
#app.route("/api/train", methods=['POST'])
def train_it():
with Pool() as process_pool:
job = process_pool.apply_async(train_model_func,args=(your_inputs))
job['12455ABC'] = job
return "OK I got you! here is your request id 12455ABC"

Execute code after Response using Django's Async Views

I'm trying to execute a long running function (ex: sleep(30)) after a Django view returns a response. I've tried implementing the solutions suggested to similar questions:
How to execute code in Django after response has been sent
Execute code in Django after response has been sent to the
However, the client's page load only completes after the long running function completes running when using a WSGI server like gunicorn.
Now that Django supports asynchronous views is it possible to run a long running query asynchronously?
Obviously, I am looking for a solution regarding the same issue, to open a view which should start a background task and send a response to the client without waiting until started task is finished.
As far as I understand yet this is not one of the objectives of async view in Django. The problem is that all executed code is connected the the worker started to handle the http request. If the response is sent back to the client the worker cannot handle any other code / task anymore started in the view asynchronous. Therefore, all async functions require an "await" in front of. Consequently, the view will only send its response to the client if the awaited function is finished.
As I understand all background tasks must be pushed in a queue of tasks where another worker can catch each new task. There are several solution for this, like Djangp Channels or Django Q. However, I am not sure what is the most lightweighted solution.

Celery task calls endpoint. Is it celery or the django server that does the job?

This is a generic question that I seek answer to because of a celery task I saw in my company's codebase from a previous employee.
It's a shared task that calls an endpoint like
def celery_task_here(some_args):
data = get_data(user, url, server_name)
# some other logic to build csv and stuff
def get_data(user, url, server_name):
client = APIClient()
response = client.get(some_url, format='json', SERVER_NAME=server_name)
and all the logic resides in that endpoint.
Now what I understand is that this will make the server do all the work and do not utilize celery's advantage, but I do see celery log producing queries when I run this locally. I'd like to know who's actually doing the job in this case, celery or the django server?
If the task is called via celery_task_here.delay, the task will be pushed to a queue, then the worker process that is responsible for handling the queue will actually execute the task, which is not the "Django server". The worker process could potentially be on the same machine as your Django instance, it depends on your environment.
If you were to call the task via celery_task_here.s (or as a normal function) the task would be executed by the Django server.
It depends of how the task is called
If it is meant to be called as celery task with apply_async or delay than it is executed as celery task by celery worker process
You still can call it as normal function without sending it to celery if you just call it as function

Django asynchronous requests

Does Django have something similar to ASP.NET MVC's Asynchronous Controller?
I have some requests that will be handled by celery workers, but won't take a long time (a few seconds). I want the clients to get the response after the worker is done. I can have my view function wait for the task to complete, but I'm worried it will put too much burden on the webserver.
Here's the flow I can have today
def my_view(request):
async = my_task.delay(params)
result = async.get()
return my_response(result)
async.get() can take a few seconds - not too long so that the client can't wait for the HTTP response to get back.
This code might put unnecessary strain on the server. What ASP.NET MVC's AsynchronousController provides, is the ability to break this function in two, something similar to this:
def my_view(request):
async = my_task.delay(params)
return DelayedResponse(async, lambda result=>my_response(result))
This releases the webserver to handle other requests until the async operation is done. Once it done, it will execute the lambda expression on the result, giving back the response.
Instead of waiting for request to complete, you can return status "In progress" an then send one more request to check if status has changed. Since you're doing pure lookups, the response will be very fast and won't put much burden on your web server.
You can outsource this specific view/feature to Tornado web server which is designed for async callback. The rest of the site may continue to run on django.
Most likely the solution should be not technical, but in UI/UX area. If something takes long, it's ok to notify user about it if notification is clear.
Yes, you can do something only when the task completes. You would want to look into something called chain(). You can bind celery tasks in chain:
chain = first_function.s(set) | second_Function.s(do)
These two functions first_function and second_function will both are celery functions. The second_function is executed only when first_function finishes its execution.