NetworkExtension+libCURL: Route traffic via tunnel - libcurl

Is there any way to use libCURL from a Network-Extension (Packet Tunnel Provider), but to route the traffic (from libCURL) via the tunnel?
I've tried to use the 'CURLOPT_INTERFACE' option for libCURL, but I got the error "curl_easy_perform() failed: Couldn't connect to server"


Can't run GCP VM on public IP with SSH

I am setting up a Virtual Machine node.js server at Google Cloud Platform. I have set up SSH keys so that I can log into my VM. I can successfully log into my VM using SSH-in-browser and start my server.
I can't access my public IP address through Chrome. I get this message:
This site can’t provide a secure connection.
When I try to connect to the IP within SSH-in-browser, I get the following:
$ curl -vso /dev/null --connect-timeout 5
* Trying
* connect to port 8080 failed: Connection refused
* Failed to connect to port 8080: Connection refused
* Closing connection 0
I'm new at this. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!
Edit1: Some more details --
Linux VM
port 8080 ingress is open on the firewall
I'm using OSLogin (`enable-oslogin = TRUE' 'enable-oslogin-sk = FALSE')
I can successfully log into console with both SSH-in-Browser and PuTTY, and I can start my server on port 8080
In both, I get the error above when I try to connect to the IP address
Follow below steps to fix “This Site Can’t Provide a Secure Connection” Error :
This error typically indicates a problem with either your browser’s configuration or the SSL certificate on your site.
1) Your local environment doesn’t have an SSL certificate.
2) Outdated SSL caches in the browser : (This is one of the more popular causes. Web browsers store SSL certificates in a cache, much
like other data. This means they don’t have to verify the certificate
every time you visit a site, which speeds up browsing. However, if
your SSL certificate changes and the browser is still loading an
older, cached version, it can cause this error to pop up).
3) Incorrect time and date settings on your computer.
4) Rogue browser extensions.
5) Overzealous antivirus software.
6) An invalid or expired SSL certificate.
If your firewall rules prevent external access:
Check your firewall rules with the following command: gcloud compute firewall-rules list with this, you can review the VPC where
the VM instance was migrated; and if it has allowed the Ingress TCP:
22 Port.
If this firewall rule is missing, you can add the firewall rule in the GCP console -> VPC Networks ->select your VPC network _Click on
the firewall rules to double check that the tcp: 22 port is allowed.
If the issue still is ongoing after checking the firewall rules, you
can follow this guide to start troubleshooting SSH connection.

GKE MultiClusterIngress with HTTP/3 support

I'm using GKE's MultiClusterIngress to set up a load balancer that routes traffic to the closest GKE cluster. The load balancer set up by MultiClusterIngress advertises HTTP/3 (QUIC) support in the alt-svc header. However when using curl with --http3, I am unable to connect:
* Connect socket 5 over QUIC to [redacted]:443
* connect to [redacted] port 443 failed: Failure when receiving data from the peer
* Failed to connect to [redacted] port 443 after 127 ms: Failure when receiving data from the peer
If I query the created load balancer using gcloud, I see that it has quicOverride set to NONE, which according to the docs means that it should support QUIC.
How do I get QUIC working?
I was hitting the load balancer using its IP address instead of using a valid DNS name. Setting up DNS and using that works as expected.
If somebody is familiar with how QUIC works, I'd love to understand why setting the Host header is not sufficient to set up a connection.

Cloud SQL instance connectivity with Open VPN

I am trying to explore a way to connect postgres 13 cloud sql instance with only private IP from my local windows machine ..
I am able to connect through a compute instance tied with the same subnet as a default GCP behavior..
I want it to be secure my cloud instance to be accessible only through a VPN setup.. I have a Open VPN CE installed and whitelisted the Open VPN ip in the GCP firewall rule. Still getting the error message.
psql: error: could not connect to server: Connection timed out
Is the server running on host "{ip_address}" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
There are methods though to connect via private IP having enabled cloud proxy. But is there a way that i can make it happen via other VPNs.?
When you receive this error most of the time it is due to not having
PostgreSQL configured to allow TCP/IP connections or at least no
connections from your particular workstation. Here is a list of
common causes to this problem:
a) postgresql.conf is not set up to allow TCP/IP connections.
You'll want to look at the listen_address configuration parameter.
b) postgresql.conf is not set up to allow connections on a
non-standard port number. To determine this look at the port
configuration option.
c) Authentication rules in PostgreSQL's access configuration file
(pg_hba.conf) are not set up to allow either your user or IP
address to connect to that database. See the
official-documentation for more information on setting up your
pg_hba.conf properly.
d) Ensure that there are no firewalls, such as iptables that are
keeping your local system from even establishing a connection to the
remote host. For common PostgreSQL problems and possible solutions,
check here.
You have to edit the postgresql.conf file and change the line
with 'listen_addresses'. This file you can find in the
/etc/postgresql/13/main directory. To connect PostgreSQL server from other computers, you have change this config line in this way:
listen_addresses = '*'
Then you have to edit the pg_hba.conf file, too. In this file you
have set, from which computers you can connect to this server and
what method of authentication you can use. Usually you will need
similar line:
host all all <IP address> md5
For detailed steps, you can check here.
Finally i had to set the cloud SQL proxy on a f1-micro VM instance having only private IP ..
Whitelisted the port 5432 on the firewall rule.
From table plus i use the private IP of the vm instance to connect to my cloud postgress instance.
Very well If somebody has other alternatives please do let me know.

Can't connect to specific domain from ec2 linux instance

I'm trying to connect from an ec2 micro instance to the following domain: but it seems to be blocked.
I have tried doing a simple request using curl.
which gives me the following error:
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: Connection timed out
I tried wget
and get the following error:
--2018-10-31 14:33:06--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... failed: Connection timed out.
Also, a traceroute times out.
I can access the website from my computer as well as websites like downforeveryoneorjustme dot com and uptrends to check if there are any issues with the website but it seems to be my amazon instance.
I have access to internet, I can request other websites using curl... but this particular one isn't working...
I appreciate any ideas you may have as to how to fix this!
Current ACL Configuration for VPC. (The instance is running within a VPC)
Rule # Type Protocol Port Range Destination Allow/Deny
100 All IPv4 traffic all all ALLOW
* All IPv4 traffic all all DENY

Curl amazon EC2 instance getting error

Hi I have been using Amazon Ec2 server and I am trying to call to this server using curl from another server(php) which is hosted in godaddy.
While calling I am getting the below error
Error: "Failed to connect to ec2-**-**-**-** port 8080: Connection refused" - Code: 7
Can anyone tell me about what is the actual issue.
Note: While trying to connect this through rest api tool it is working fine.
Make sure, the security group for the ec2 instances has the inbound rule from Goddaddy's IP range or set to all ( with port 80 and 443.