Azure Managed Application - reliable way to deploy .NET code to Azure Function - azure-managed-app

Wonder if anyone can share production experiences regarding safe and reliable way of deploying code to Azure Function within the Azure Managed Application.
I've found an official sample here that uses WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE setting pointing to the staging storage of the Managed Application based on
Is that storage:
Secure? By this example absolutely not - it is based on public access as there is no SAS token added. How to achieve SAS token security - lifetime should be maxed out?
Persistent? Other words - not ephemeral that will be ultimately deleted.

One solution is to use a 'proxy' Function App which you host on a public storage blob. The 'proxy' Azure function is deployed first and takes a URI and personal access token so that it can proxy the request to a private git repo / storage. Next, within your ARM template you can store a Personal Access token which you append to the base URI of this proxy that will return the data for the WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE property.
Now, you can pull code from a private git repo via the proxy function app. A fully worked example can be found here. This is unfortunately the best solution which was proposed from the support team when I wanted to securely deploy code to an App service. Our team ended up with automating CI/CD pipelines from the Managed Application notification system so that we would push the source code to the App Service/ Function App when it was fully deployed.


Vue/Laravel: Hosting on AWS

Learning AWS and looking for guidance on how to best put this app onto the web.
I have a fairly straightforward app:
Frontend build in Vue
Backend built in Laravel
In hindsight, I wish I'd just used Inertia within the Laravel app but alas.
Authentication is via JWT and users are stored within the backends connected database.
What I've already tried:
Attempt One
Using Elastic Beanstalk for Laravel hosting
Amplify for the frontend hosting
The issue I faced was EB uses http where as Amplify uses https so I couldn't get the two parts to talk to each other.
I then tried to use Router53 to make the connection (by buying a domain) but couldn't get the connection to work.
Attempt Two
I tried to put everything on an EC2 instance. Unfortunately, that was way too involved and my skillset isn't yet strong enough to progress there. I don't even know if it's even possible.
Anyone can provide direction on how to best host this app? Its just a practice app and I'm just learning.
Thank you for your help!!

How can I invoke a desktop app from Google Cloud Platform services?

I'm building a desktop client app (win/linux/mac) with a backend hosted in GCP (I'm considering other cloud platforms too). The desktop app should be minimalistic and provide access to local machine resources to the backend. And I'm looking for a way to invoke my app from the server (when some event occurs) and then the app would do some work on a local machine. Here's what I've tried so far.
Google Cloud Pub/Sub. Seems like it does what I need, but to make it work I have to create a service account, generate JSON key and store it locally, which is not good. I can restrict the service account access permissions, of course, but still it doesn't look good to me. Maybe there are other ways to auth my app running at the end user machine? I want to keep my desktop app minimal (ideally without UI, just an "agent" console process / Windows service). Maybe I could consider a login screen to connect the app with the backend, if that solves the problem, but I don't want to overcomplicate.
Google Cloud Run + SignalR / WebSockets. This solution also looks good, but it has one significant disadvantage. As long as there's at least one open WebSocket the Cloud Run instance is considered active and therefore billed. There are other difficulties related to scalability and container instances synchronization too.
What do you think about the options above, and what are the other possibilities? Am I left with REST API and polling for updates? I'm quite new to the cloud stuff so any help is appreciated. Thanks!
If you want to be able to invoke your local app from Google Cloud, you need 2 things
The first one, to register your app on Google Cloud, with, preferably, a auth mecanism (can be an API key for example). Like this, the GCP backend know where to call you app (which IP/port) and how (the auth mechanism)
The second is to have your app up and running and listen external communication. HTTP is the easiest way. Wait a HTTP call on the IP/port defined during the registration, check the auth and perform the process.
You can store the data (location and the auth) in firestore for example, and use Cloud Run to perform the HTTP call.
You can also inverse the solution and to poll (long polling or regular poll) the backend from the local app when it is running.
The 2 approach are possible, the second one slightly easier but can be challenging to manage the security.

Google Cloud Run service url (discovery)

I am running several gcloud services which have assigned urls automatically in following format:
This is not particularly easy to work with and to pass these URLs to clients. Alternative is to use the custom domain, but this needs hardcoding subdomains within DNS records (as far as I understand) and I would like to avoid that and use the default URLs.
What is the best practice to work with these URLs? I can imagine keeping some mapping of service->URL and passing it to clients, but I would like to avoid reinventing the wheels.
Edit: I've released an external tool called runsd that lets you do this. Check it out:
Thanks for this question! The "Service discovery by name" for Cloud Run is very much an active area of work. Though, there are no active timelines we can share yet.
You can see a prototype of me running this on Cloud Run here:
APIs like Google Cloud Service Directory linked are geared more towards custom/DIY service discovery you might want to build to your RPC stack such as gRPC. It's more of a managed domain name directory, that you can integrate with your RPC.
If you are interested in participating an alpha for this feature in the future, drop me an email at ahmetb at google.
You can use a beta service Service Directory.
At service deployment
Create your service with a name and the URL as metadata
In your code
Request the service metadata with its name, and get the URL
Use the url
You can't use the endpoint feature of the service because your don't have IP/Port.
However, for now, there is client library and you have to use API directly.

Best way to deploy a web site alongside an axis2 web service via Tomcat?

I am using Axis2 (1.5.3 currently) and Tomcat (6.0.26 currently) and am running a web service. I would like to also host HTML pages for configuring the web service.
What is the best way to go about this? I assume keeping the same context is key, but perhaps it is not.
My current distribution is located under a folder structure similar to this:
With the actual service code here:
In a browser, I can hit my web service by going to here:
I note that I can drop actual HTML files in this path and Tomcat will, indeed serve them up.
For instance, if I put "index.html" under Tomcat/webapps/mycompany, I can navigate to /mycompany/index.html and see my html.
What I want to do is have this HTML be attached to JAR/class files that can interact with the already-existing service class files in the same context as the service. Therefore, I can have the browser configure the web service directly.
Is this possible, and is there a tutorial or something out there that will help me with this? Note that I have been working with Tomcat and Axis2 for a while now for this particular web service, but I have never actually deployed a web application/html using Tomcat before.
First of all what do you mean by a configuring a service. Normally in SOA world services are analogous to interfaces. IMHO you can just change a service, since their are other users that rely on the services you are exposing.
If i want to change a service i would rather introduce a new version of the service after deprecating the existing one.
Are you talking about applying QoS to existing serviecs. Then that makes sense.
Anyway, If you want to have a web-app alongside with axis2 service engine, it is possible. If you look inside the axis2 war file you'll find the web.xml entry to Axis2Servlet. It is this servlet that serves the web services requests.
So, what you need is the Axis2Servlet mapping in your web-app along with your usual servlet-mappings. Number of possible ways to configure your services using web-app files. One options is to use web-services call itself to (with authentication) to configure it.
By "configure a service", take this example:
The service has a set of datasets.
Each dataset exists in a separate database.
The service can manage 0..n datasets.
The service must be configured to know about each dataset.
This is what I'm configuring. I'm not trying to configure Axis itself or redefine the service.
I would like to host the HTML using the same instance of Tomcat that I'm hosting the web service with. It needs to manage sessions, have login capability, an whatnot, and has to be able to configure the web service live.
From what I'm reading, it's probably best to make an interface to the web service that the web application module can call into from a different context.
Is there a better way?

SharePoint web services "Unable to connect to the remote server"

I'm getting an error when attempting to call SharePoint's webservices on one of our platforms. To start, we have Development (DEV), Testing (QA) and Production (PROD) SharePoint servers. The QA and PROD servers are pretty much identical. We have an ASP.NET web service that sits out as a seperate application on each of them. Our data entry forms hit the web services to insert/update into a SQL database and in some cases make calls to some of SharePoints web services (lists, dws).
We’re having trouble calling SharePoint’s web services on PROD from our web services however, have no problems on QA(or DEV). In our web service code we have a web reference to the SharePoint web services (lists and dws). We attempt to call these web services to create list items/folders when a new entry is made through one of our forms. On QA, there is no problem creating the list items/folder. The form is filled out, calls our web services – which call the SharePoint web services and the list item/folder is created.
On PROD we get the following error when we attempt to call the SharePoint web services:
Unable to connect to the remote server
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
However, to make it more interesting, if I call the PROD SharePoint web services directly from my personal computer I have no problem creating the list items/folders. We only have the problem when our web service attempts to call the PROD SharePoint web services. We’ve looked through many different web.config files looking for differences on QA and PROD and are yet to come up with anything.
If anyone has any pointers, they would be greatly apppreciated. Thanks.
Update: I just attempted to refactor the above method to use the SharePoint Object Model API and I'm getting an unauthorized error. When using the Object Model API the credentials do not seemed to be passed properly, because it's attempting to use the MOSS Server credentials. Is there any way to tell it which credentials to use as you do with the web service api?
docLibList.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
I'm not sure I completely understand your calling pattern, but if you are indeed looping back to web services on the same box, you might be running into the infamous loopback issue:
In short: executing hostname-based HTTP calls that loopback to the server from which they're issued can get blocked. If the loopback issue is in-play, you'll be able to call the web services in PROD from another box ... but not from the PROD box itself (i.e., looping back). I think this is consistent with the behavior you described above.
If Windows patch levels are different between your environments, it might explain why your code is failing in PROD but not in your other environments.
I hope this helps!
This probably is not the problem, but is your reference to the web service pointing to the production server correctly. I had a problem before when trying to access a SP service that was referenced incorrectly. The dev server I was pointing to was on a seperate domain and could not be found.
Regarding the update to your question about the unauthorized error using the object model:
Depending on the context that your code runs in you will sometimes need to elevate privileges. See this Elevation of Privilege MSDN article for details (also note the community comment at the end). There's also a Visual How-To.
Another method is to create a new SPSite object using a SPUserToken object. There is more information in this blog post by Daniel Larson. For the system account this would be done with the code:
SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.ID,
By the way, this would be better in its own question next time so that it can be correctly voted and answered.