Exception based on condition on Apps Script in Google Sheet - if-statement

With this script I can exclude to insert the same value column in Google Sheet for maximum 100 times.
But I am trying to exclude (with if statement) some values from this script, in particular the date "25/12/2022" and the date "12/01/2012".
How could I proceed?
function onEdit(e) {
var r = e.range;
var s = r.getSheet();
if (s.getName() === 'New Rise 2022' && r.getColumn() === 27) {
var newValue = r.getDisplayValue();
if (newValue == "") return;
var count = s.getRange('AA1:AA').getDisplayValues().filter(([a]) => a === newValue).length;
if (count > 99) {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('Questa data è stata già inserita 100 volte');
function onEdit(e) {
var r = e.range;
var s = r.getSheet();
if (s.getName() === 'New Rise 2022' && r.getColumn() === 27) {
var newValue = r.getDisplayValue();
if (newValue == "") return;
var count = s.getRange('AA1:AA').getDisplayValues().filter(([a]) => a === newValue).length;
if (count > 99 || e.range.getDisplayValue() == "25/12/2012" || e.range.getDisplayValue() == "12/01/2012") {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('Questa data è stata già inserita 100 volte');

How about this?
function onEdit(e) {
const sh = e.range.getSheet();
const x = ["25/12/2022","12/01/2012"];
const idx = x.indexOf(e.value);
if (sh.getName() === 'New Rise 2022' && e.range.columnStart == 27 && e.value && !~idx) {
var count = sh.getRange('AA1:AA' + sh.getLastRow()).getDisplayValues().flat().filter(e => e == e.value).length;
if (count > 99) {

You can get the newly entered display value and compare it against the "forbidden" values
Therefore, retrieve the latest modified cell with e.range:
if (count > 99 || e.range.getDisplayValue() == "25/12/2022" || e.range.getDisplayValue() == "12/01/2012") {
I understood that what you are interested in is the displayed value (date in this case), but depending on your date formatting the display value will be different from the value you typed in.
If it is the typed in value you are after, you can retrieve it with e.value:
console.log("e.value: " + e.value)
console.log("e.range.getDisplayValue(): " + e.range.getDisplayValue())
if (count > 99 || e.value == "25/12/2022" || e.value == "12/01/2012") {
Event Objects
If you have problems with number formatting you can use the method setNumberFormat().
Modify your code block in the if statement to


How would you go about placing boxes correctly

I am trying to make a datepicker with dates placed beneath the name of the days of the week. But I can't really get the spacing and the placement correct. don't really know what would make it possible to make the placement modifyable during run either because I mean if a month starts on a Wednesday the first date must align with Wednesday instead of Monday or well Sunday.
Here is my code:
val datesList = listOf<String>("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat")
var dayCounter: Int = 1
var week: Int = 1
Row(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(), horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceEvenly) {
datesList.forEach {
Text(text = it.toString().substring(0,3))
while (dayCounter <= 31){
Row(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().padding(5.dp)) {
for (i in week..7){
if(dayCounter <= 31){
Box(contentAlignment = Alignment.Center, modifier = Modifier.background(Color.Red , CircleShape).padding(10.dp)) {
Text(text = dayCounter++.toString())
I have already tried with padding but that just stretches the boxes. and aspectratio wont work either because of the different amount of dates on each row. So I'm kinda stuck will someone please help?
I think this is what you want...
fun DatePicker() {
val datesList = listOf<String>("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat")
var dayCounter: Int = 1
var week: Int = 1
Column(Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) {
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
) {
datesList.forEach {
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
Text(text = it.substring(0, 3))
var initWeekday = 3 // wednesday
while (dayCounter <= 31) {
) {
if (initWeekday > 0) {
repeat(initWeekday) {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.weight(1f))
for (i in week..(7 - initWeekday)) {
if (dayCounter <= 31) {
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center,
modifier = Modifier
.background(Color.Red, CircleShape)
) {
Text(text = dayCounter++.toString())
} else {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.weight(1f))
initWeekday = 0
Here's the result:

Else If - Google Script

this script was working before on my Google Sheet, then all of a sudden, it stopped working. I notice that the first argument (if) is working, but all the codes after that is not working. Any ideas?
function onEdit(event) {
// assumes source data in sheet named Sheet1
// target sheet of move to named Sheet2
// test column with yes is col 7 or G
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var s = event.source.getActiveSheet();
var r = event.source.getActiveRange();
if(s.getName() == "Under Contract Response Form" && r.getColumn() == 7 && (r.getValue() == "Closed" || r.getValue() == "Expired" || r.getValue() == "Cancelled")) {
var row = r.getRow();
var numColumns = s.getLastColumn();
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Closed/Expired & Cancelled");
var target = targetSheet.getRange(targetSheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1);
s.getRange(row, 1, 1, numColumns).copyTo(target);
} else if(s.getName() == "Listing Response Form" && r.getColumn() == 7 && r.getValue() == "Pending" ) {
var row = r.getRow();
var numColumns = s.getLastColumn();
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Under Contract Response Form");
var target = targetSheet.getRange(targetSheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1);
s.getRange(row, 1, 1, numColumns).copyTo(target);
} else if(s.getName() == "Listing Response Form" && r.getColumn() == 7 && r.getValue() == "Cancelled" ) {
var row = r.getRow();
var numColumns = s.getLastColumn();
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Closed/Expired & Cancelled");
var target = targetSheet.getRange(targetSheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1);
s.getRange(row, 1, 1, numColumns).copyTo(target);
} else if(s.getName() == "Under Contract Response Form" && r.getColumn() == 7 && (r.getValue() == "Pre-list" || r.getValue() == "Withheld" || r.getValue() == "Coming Soon" || r.getValue() == "Active")) {
var row = r.getRow();
var numColumns = s.getLastColumn();
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Listing Response Form");
var target = targetSheet.getRange(targetSheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1);
s.getRange(row, 1, 1, numColumns).copyTo(target);
} else if(s.getName() == "Closed/Expired & Cancelled" && r.getColumn() == 7 && r.getValue() == "Pending" ) {
var row = r.getRow();
var numColumns = s.getLastColumn();
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Under Contract Response Form");
var target = targetSheet.getRange(targetSheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1);
s.getRange(row, 1, 1, numColumns).copyTo(target);
The script looks fine, so chances are that one or more sheets has been renamed, or columns inserted or deleted. Check the sheet names and look for things like leading or trailing spaces. Also ensure that the values that should trigger row move appear in column G.
You can make row moves more robust by using column names instead of column numbers. See the moveRowsFromSpreadsheetToSpreadsheet_ script.

Regular expression to extract Words inside nested parentheses

im looking for the regexp that make able to do this tasks
message Body Input: Test1 (Test2) (test3) (ti,ab(text(text here(possible text)text(possible text(more text))))) end (text)
the result that i want Result: (text(text here(possible text)text(possible text(more text))))
I want to collect everything that is inside ti,ab(................)
var messageBody = message.getPlainBody()
var ssFile = DriveApp.getFileById(id);
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.open(ssFile);
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var range = sheet.getRange(1, 1, sheet.getLastRow(), sheet.getLastColumn() + 1)
var values = range.getValues();
values[0][sheet.getLastColumn()] = "Search Strategy";
for (var i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
//here my Regexp
var y = messageBody.match(/\((ti,ab.*)\)/ig);
if (y);
values[i][values[i].length - 1] = y.toString();
The only solution you may use here is to extract all substrings inside parentheses and then filter them to get all those that start with ti,ab:
var a = [], r = [], result;
var txt = "Test1 (Test2) (test3) (ti,ab(text(text here(possible text)text(possible text(more text))))) end (text)";
for(var i=0; i < txt.length; i++){
if(txt.charAt(i) == '(') {
if(txt.charAt(i) == ')') {
result = r.filter(function(x) { return /^ti,ab\(/.test(x); })
.map(function(y) {return y.substring(6,y.length-1);})
The nested parentheses function is borrowed from Nested parentheses get string one by one. The /^ti,ab\(/ regex matches ti,ab( at the start of the string.
The above solution allows extracting nested parentheses inside nested parentheses. If you do not need it, use
var txt = "Test1 (Test2) ((ti,ab(text(text here))) AND ab(test3) Near Ti(test4) NOT ti,ab,su(test5) NOT su(Test6))";
var start=0, r = [], level=0;
for (var j = 0; j < txt.length; j++) {
if (txt.charAt(j) == '(') {
if (level === 0) start=j;
if (txt.charAt(j) == ')') {
if (level > 0) {
if (level === 0) {
r.push(txt.substring(start, j+1));
console.log("r: ", r);
var rx = "\\b(?:ti|ab|su)(?:,(ti|ab|su))*\\(";
var result = r.filter(function(y) { return new RegExp(rx, "i").test(y); })
.map(function(x) {
return x.replace(new RegExp(rx, "ig"), '(')
The pattern used to filter and remove the unnecessary words
\b - a word boundary
(?:ti|ab|su) - 1 of the alternatives,
(?:,(ti|ab|su))* - 0 or more repetitions of , followed with 1 of the 3 alternatives
\( - a (.
The match is replaced with ( to restore it in the match.

Replace numbers to 3 decimal places using RegEx

I need to replace only numbers that are decimal to 3 places.
The following example is working fine.
Output look like this:
But i can type 0..
How can i do only one decimal point (.) 0.000
Here is my directive:
app.directive('allowDecimalNumbers', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {
elm.on('keypress', function (event) {
var $input = $(this);
var value = $input.val();
value = value.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, '')
if(value == "" && event.which == 46) {
return false;
var findsDot = new RegExp(/\./g)
var containsDot = value.match(findsDot)
if (containsDot != null && ([46, 110, 190].indexOf(event.which) > -1)) {
return false;
var arrValue = value.split('.');
if (value.split('.').length == 2) {
if(value.split('.')[1].length > 2) {
return false;
if (event.which == 64 || event.which == 16) {
// numbers
return false;
else if (event.which >= 48 && event.which <= 57 || event.which == 46) {
// numbers
return true;
else {
return false;
Here is my html:
<input type="number" allow-decimal-numbers ng-model="length1" >
Note that validation can cause problem depending on locale, in french decimal separator is , and input type="number" prevents . to be typed.
could make it working removing code, note that . doesn't need to be escaped when it is in a character set ( between [ and ])
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.directive('allowDecimalNumbers', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {
elm.on('keydown', function (event) {
var $input = $(this);
var value = $input.val();
if ([8, 13, 16, 27, 37, 38, 39, 40, 46].indexOf(event.which) > -1) {
// backspace, enter, shift, escape, arrows, delete
return true;
} else if ( (event.which >= 48 && event.which <= 57 ||
event.which >= 96 && event.which <= 105) && !value.match(/[.,]\d{3}/)) {
// numbers
return true;
} else if ([46, 110, 190, 188].indexOf(event.which) > -1 && !value.match(/[.,]/)) {
// dot and numpad dot
return true;
} else {
return false;
Note that a digit can't be inserted after there's a decimal separator followed by three digit but we can't check where the digit is inserted even if it's in front.

jqgrid: How to define filter presets / templates inside a combo-box?

I have a jqgrid containing some data to filter. I'd like to define a combo box with some pre-defined filter sets / templates.
If a user selects an item of the combobox, the grid should automatically apply combined filters. Preferably, the combo box should be integrated into a toolbar or jqGrid's pager, but also in the html page would be fine.
For example:
Item templates filter parameters
|Expired | << Timeout = true
|Last Week | << OpenDate between 02/13/2012 and 02/16/2012
|Last Month | << OpenDate between 01/01/2012 and 02/16/2012
|......... | ......
Thanks in advance for your help
jqGrid supports Searching Templates in the Advance Searching (see "Searching"/ "Search Templates" in the official jqGrid demo), but there are currently no searching templates support in the Toolbar Filtering.
I find your question very interesting. In the old question I described how one can use generic external filters to send additional information to the server. The way can be good in case of remote data, but it can't be used directly in the local grid or in the grid with the loadonce: true option.
So I created the demo which shows how the filter templates can be implemented in Toolbar Filtering and how to integrated the template in the jqGrid. I used toolbar: [true, "top"] to have additional empty toolbar above the column headers:
In the implementation I used the refreshSerchingToolbar function which I suggested originally here. It's important to understand, that the refreshSerchingToolbar function fill in the filter toolbar only the information which can be exactly represented by the filter. For example the filter for "Closed" rows can be represented in the filter toolbar (see the picture above), but the interval of dates "Last Week" and "Last Month" con't. In the cases the data in the grid will be filtered, but the corresponding fields of the filter toolbar stay empty.
The most important part of the code of the demo you can find below
var $grid = $("#list"),
initDate = function (elem) {
dateFormat: 'dd-M-yy',
autoSize: true,
changeYear: true,
changeMonth: true,
showButtonPanel: true,
showWeek: true
numberTemplate = {formatter: 'number', align: 'right', sorttype: 'number', editable: true/*,
searchoptions: { sopt: ['eq', 'ne', 'lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge', 'nu', 'nn', 'in', 'ni'] }*/},
dateTemplate = {width: 80, align: 'center', sorttype: 'date',
formatter: 'date', formatoptions: { newformat: 'd-M-Y' }, editable: true, datefmt: 'd-M-Y',
editoptions: { dataInit: initDate },
searchoptions: { sopt: ['eq', 'ne', 'lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge'], dataInit: initDate }},
yesNoTemplate = {align: 'center', editable: true, formatter: 'checkbox',
edittype: 'checkbox', editoptions: {value: 'Yes:No', defaultValue: 'No'},
stype: 'select', searchoptions: { sopt: ['eq', 'ne'], value: ':Any;true:Yes;false:No' }},
myDefaultSearch = 'cn',
getColumnIndex = function (columnIndex) {
var cm = this.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colModel'), i, l = cm.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if ((cm[i].index || cm[i].name) === columnIndex) {
return i; // return the colModel index
return -1;
refreshSerchingToolbar = function (myDefaultSearch) {
var filters, i, l, rules, rule, iCol, cmi, control, tagName,
$this = $(this),
postData = $this.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'postData'),
cm = $this.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colModel');
for (i = 0, l = cm.length; i < l; i++) {
control = $("#gs_" + $.jgrid.jqID(cm[i].name));
if (control.length > 0) {
tagName = control[0].tagName.toUpperCase();
if (tagName === "SELECT") { // && cmi.stype === "select"
.attr('selected', 'selected');
} else if (tagName === "INPUT") {
if (typeof (postData.filters) === "string" &&
typeof (this.ftoolbar) === "boolean" && this.ftoolbar) {
filters = $.parseJSON(postData.filters);
if (filters && filters.groupOp === "AND" && typeof (filters.groups) === "undefined") {
// only in case of advance searching without grouping we import filters in the
// searching toolbar
rules = filters.rules;
for (i = 0, l = rules.length; i < l; i++) {
rule = rules[i];
iCol = getColumnIndex.call($this, rule.field);
if (iCol >= 0) {
cmi = cm[iCol];
control = $("#gs_" + $.jgrid.jqID(cmi.name));
if (control.length > 0 &&
(((typeof (cmi.searchoptions) === "undefined" ||
typeof (cmi.searchoptions.sopt) === "undefined")
&& rule.op === myDefaultSearch) ||
(typeof (cmi.searchoptions) === "object" &&
$.isArray(cmi.searchoptions.sopt) &&
cmi.searchoptions.sopt.length > 0 &&
cmi.searchoptions.sopt[0] === rule.op))) {
tagName = control[0].tagName.toUpperCase();
if (tagName === "SELECT") { // && cmi.stype === "select"
control.find("option[value='" + $.jgrid.jqID(rule.data) + "']")
.attr('selected', 'selected');
} else if (tagName === "INPUT") {
templateClosed = {
groupOp: "AND",
rules: [
{ field: "closed", op: "eq", data: "true" }
templateLastWeek = {
groupOp: "AND",
rules: [
{ field: "invdate", op: "ge", "data": "13-Feb-2012" },
{ field: "invdate", op: "le", "data": "16-Feb-2012"}
templateLastMonth = {
groupOp: "AND",
rules: [
{ field: "invdate", op: "ge", "data": "16-Jan-2012" },
{ field: "invdate", op: "le", "data": "16-Feb-2012"}
myFilterTemplateLabel = 'Filter by Template: ',
myFilterTemplateNames = ['Closed', 'Last Week', 'Last Month'],
myFilterTemplates = [templateClosed, templateLastWeek, templateLastMonth],
cTemplates = myFilterTemplateNames.length,
templateOptions = '',
reloadWithNewFilterTemplate = function () {
var iTemplate = parseInt($('#filterTemplates').val(), 10),
postData = $grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'postData');
if (isNaN(iTemplate)) {
$grid.jqGrid('setGridParam', {search: false});
} else if (iTemplate >= 0) {
$.extend(postData, {
filters: JSON.stringify(myFilterTemplates[iTemplate])
$grid.jqGrid('setGridParam', {search: true});
$grid.trigger('reloadGrid', [{current: true, page: 1}]);
toolbar: [true, "top"],
loadComplete: function () {
var $this = $(this);
if (typeof (this.ftoolbar) !== "boolean") {
// create toolbar if needed
{stringResult: true, searchOnEnter: true, defaultSearch: myDefaultSearch});
refreshSerchingToolbar.call(this, myDefaultSearch);
$.extend($.jgrid.search, {
multipleSearch: true,
multipleGroup: true,
recreateFilter: true,
closeOnEscape: true,
closeAfterSearch: true,
overlay: 0,
tmplLabel: myFilterTemplateLabel,
tmplNames: myFilterTemplateNames,
tmplFilters: myFilterTemplates
$grid.jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', {edit: false, add: false, del: false});
for (iTemplate = 0; iTemplate < cTemplates; iTemplate++) {
templateOptions += '<option value="' + iTemplate + '">' +
myFilterTemplateNames[iTemplate] + '</option>';
$('#t_' + $.jgrid.jqID($grid[0].id)).append('<label for="filterTemplates">'+
myFilterTemplateLabel + '</label>' +
'<select id="filterTemplates"><option value="">Not filtered</option>' +
templateOptions + '</select>');
$('#filterTemplates').change(reloadWithNewFilterTemplate).keyup(function (e) {
// some web browsers like Google Chrome don't fire "change" event
// if the select will be "scrolled" by keybord. Moreover some browsers
// like Internet Explorer don't change the select option on pressing
// of LEFT or RIGHT key. Another web browsers like Google Chrome do this.
// We make refrech of the grid in any from the cases. If needed one
// could modify the code to reduce unnneded reloading of the grid,
// but for the demo with a few local rows it's such optimization
// isn't really needed
var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;
if (keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP || keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN ||
keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.END || keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.HOME ||
keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.UP || keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.DOWN ||
keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.LEFT || keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT) {