My problem is the following:
I have two vectors of an specific class called "estado" (state):
class estado {
vector <int> prev_estados;
int g; //coste camino
int h; //heuristica
int f; //total
bus autobus;
vector<estado> estados_anteriores;
int n_estudiantes; //numero de lo de abajo
vector<vector<estudiante>> estudiantes; //lista de todos los estudiantes que faltan por subirse al autobus. En el momento que un alumno se sube al autobus, se le elimina
//la lista de estudiantes tiene la forma de [parada_de_origen][simplemente el orden en que se metieron]
Contructor of estado:
estado(vector<int> prev_esta, int G, vector<estado> estados_ant, int n_estudiantess,
vector<vector<estudiante>> estudiantess, int parada_destino, bus autobus) : autobus(autobus) {
prev_estados = prev_esta;
g = G;
h = n_estudiantess*4;
f = g+h;
estados_anteriores = estados_ant;
n_estudiantes = n_estudiantess; //numero que quedan por dejar
estudiantes = estudiantess;
And I want to merge them in a single ordered vector using a pre defined function:
bool comparator(estado a, estado b){
//Aqui se puede implementar homogeneidad de alumnos en el bus
return true;
//Por una cosa que dijo en clase seria mejor poner que se priorice la G mas grande
return a.getG() > b.getG();
//Cuantos mas niños haya en el bus mejor
return a.getBus().get_NCarga() > b.getBus().get_NCarga();
//Cuantos menos estudiantes queden por entregar mejor
return a.getNEstudiantes() < b.getNEstudiantes();
Doing some research I came out with the function "set_union", which must be used this way:
vector<estado> v(10);
vector<estado>:: iterator it;
it= set_union(big.begin(),big.end(),small.begin(),small.end(),v.begin(),comparator); //unirse ordenadamene en v
In fact I receive the following building error:
In file included from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/7.4.0/include/c++/bits/stl_tempbuf.h:60:0,
from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/7.4.0/include/c++/bits/stl_algo.h:62,
from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/7.4.0/include/c++/algorithm:62,
from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/7.4.0/include/c++/regex:38,
from /cygdrive/c/Users/dasan/CLionProjects/Heuristica_2_2/bus.h:10,
from /cygdrive/c/Users/dasan/CLionProjects/Heuristica_2_2/heuristic.h:5,
from /cygdrive/c/Users/dasan/CLionProjects/Heuristica_2_2/heuristic.cpp:5:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/7.4.0/include/c++/bits/stl_construct.h: In instantiation of 'void std::_Construct(_T1*, _Args&& ...) [with _T1 = estado; _Args = {}]':
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/7.4.0/include/c++/bits/stl_uninitialized.h:527:18: required from 'static _ForwardIterator std::__uninitialized_default_n_1<_TrivialValueType>::__uninit_default_n(_ForwardIterator, _Size) [with _ForwardIterator = estado*; _Size = long unsigned int; bool _TrivialValueType = false]'
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/7.4.0/include/c++/bits/stl_uninitialized.h:583:20: required from '_ForwardIterator std::__uninitialized_default_n(_ForwardIterator, _Size) [with _ForwardIterator = estado*; _Size = long unsigned int]'
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/7.4.0/include/c++/bits/stl_uninitialized.h:645:44: required from '_ForwardIterator std::__uninitialized_default_n_a(_ForwardIterator, _Size, std::allocator<_Tp>&) [with _ForwardIterator = estado*; _Size = long unsigned int; _Tp = estado]'
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/7.4.0/include/c++/bits/stl_vector.h:1352:36: required from 'void std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::_M_default_initialize(std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::size_type) [with _Tp = estado; _Alloc = std::allocator<estado>; std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::size_type = long unsigned int]'
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/7.4.0/include/c++/bits/stl_vector.h:285:30: required from 'std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::vector(std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::size_type, const allocator_type&) [with _Tp = estado; _Alloc = std::allocator<estado>; std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::size_type = long unsigned int; std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::allocator_type = std::allocator<estado>]'
/cygdrive/c/Users/dasan/CLionProjects/Heuristica_2_2/heuristic.cpp:83:63: required from here
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/7.4.0/include/c++/bits/stl_construct.h:75:7: error: no matching function for call to 'estado::estado()'
{ ::new(static_cast<void*>(__p)) _T1(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); }
With my basic understancing of c++ I think that the error is in the line
vector<estado> v(10);
With the "(10)" part. In fact if I dont include that, the vector will have no room for store the things inserted and I will receive a Segmentation Error.
What I should do? I appreciate all your help.
EDIT: As #txtechhelp point out, the issue was that my class "estado" doesnt have a default controcutor.
Thanks for the help.
I am trying to plot layer out of caffe as follow.
int ncols = (int)(sqrt (blob.channels()));
int nrows;
nrows = ncols+1;
int Rows = nrows*blob.height();
int Cols = ncols*blob.width();
cv::Mat image = cv::Mat::zeros(Rows+nrows, Cols+ncols, CV_32FC1);
///////Plotting output of individual layer
if(blob.height()>1 && blob.width()>1){
cv::Size ss(blob.width(), blob.height());
Dtype* data = blob.mutable_cpu_data();
int r=0; int c=0;
for(int k=0; k < blob.channels(); k++)
cv::Mat channel(ss, CV_32FC1, data);
channel.copyTo(image(cv::Rect(c*blob.width()+1, r*blob.height()+1, blob.width(), blob.height())));
if(c>0 &&c%ncols==0){
data += ss.area();
For that I have error as
CXX src/caffe/net.cpp
src/caffe/net.cpp: In instantiation of ‘void caffe::Net<Dtype>::ForwardDebugInfo(int) [with Dtype = float]’:
src/caffe/net.cpp:1040:1: required from here
src/caffe/net.cpp:632:49: error: passing ‘const caffe::Blob<float>’ as ‘this’ argument discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]
Dtype* data = blob.mutable_cpu_data();
In file included from ./include/caffe/layer.hpp:8:0,
from src/caffe/net.cpp:11:
./include/caffe/blob.hpp:225:10: note: in call to ‘Dtype* caffe::Blob<Dtype>::mutable_cpu_data() [with Dtype = float]’
Dtype* mutable_cpu_data();
src/caffe/net.cpp: In instantiation of ‘void caffe::Net<Dtype>::ForwardDebugInfo(int) [with Dtype = double]’:
src/caffe/net.cpp:1040:1: required from here
src/caffe/net.cpp:632:49: error: passing ‘const caffe::Blob<double>’ as ‘this’ argument discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]
Dtype* data = blob.mutable_cpu_data();
In file included from ./include/caffe/layer.hpp:8:0,
from src/caffe/net.cpp:11:
./include/caffe/blob.hpp:225:10: note: in call to ‘Dtype* caffe::Blob<Dtype>::mutable_cpu_data() [with Dtype = double]’
Dtype* mutable_cpu_data();
Makefile:575: recipe for target '.build_debug/src/caffe/net.o' failed
make: *** [.build_debug/src/caffe/net.o] Error 1
What does that error means?
Earlier version of caffe, it was fine. I did it before.
Now what could be the error?
That error translates as "You pass a const object as this argument to a non-const method mutable_cpu_data"
const Dtype* cpu_data() const;
Dtype* mutable_cpu_data();
"Passing an object as this argument" suggests use of operators . or -> to access object's method and use of operator().
If you do that, you potentially can change const object, so it's an error, unless permissive mode engaged.
I am trying to combine boost::numeric::odeint with an implementation of the System class of my own (see System.hpp).
A (template) System object is used within a BatchFilter class method, like so:
# BatchFilter.cpp
# template <typename state_type> BatchFilter class {...}
System<state_type> dynamics(this -> args,
this -> true_dynamics_fun );
typedef boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54< state_type > error_stepper_type;
auto stepper = boost::numeric::odeint::make_controlled<error_stepper_type>( 1.0e-13 , 1.0e-16 );
auto tbegin = T_obs.begin();
auto tend = T_obs.end();
boost::numeric::odeint::integrate_times(stepper, dynamics, X0_true_copy, tbegin, tend,0.1,
Observer::push_back_state(this -> true_state_history));
BatchFilter is a template derived class which I am explicitly instantiating at the bottom of BatchFilter.cpp. The two explicit instantiations are
template class BatchFilter< arma::vec >;
template class BatchFilter< arma::vec::fixed<2> >;
The Base class is also explicitly instantiated. I must use arma::vec::fixed<2> since using arma::vec within odeint causes a runtime crash as the state will not have the proper size.
What does not work?
The instantiation with arma::vec::fixed<2> fails while the one with arma::vec succeeds. The compiler complains about an illegal binding:
cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type'arma::Col<double>::fixed<2>&' to an rvalue of type'arma::Col<double>::fixed<2>' sys( x , m_dxdt.m_v ,t );
What puzzles me is that everything works fine when the explicit instantiation of BatchFilter< arma::vec > succeeds while BatchFilter< arma::vec::fixed<2> > fails.
Any insight as to what is going on?
[ 3%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/ASPEN.dir/source/BatchFilter.cpp.o
In file included from /usr/local/include/boost/numeric/odeint.hpp:35:0,
from /Users/bbercovici/GDrive/CUBoulder/Research/code/ASPEN_gui_less/lib/include/Filter.hpp:5,
from /Users/bbercovici/GDrive/CUBoulder/Research/code/ASPEN_gui_less/lib/include/BatchFilter.hpp:5,
from /Users/bbercovici/GDrive/CUBoulder/Research/code/ASPEN_gui_less/lib/source/BatchFilter.cpp:1:
/usr/local/include/boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/controlled_runge_kutta.hpp: In instantiation of 'boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_step_result boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_runge_kutta<ErrorStepper, ErrorChecker, StepAdjuster, Resizer, boost::numeric::odeint::explicit_error_stepper_tag>::try_step_v1(System, StateInOut&, boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_runge_kutta<ErrorStepper, ErrorChecker, StepAdjuster, Resizer, boost::numeric::odeint::explicit_error_stepper_tag>::time_type&, boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_runge_kutta<ErrorStepper, ErrorChecker, StepAdjuster, Resizer, boost::numeric::odeint::explicit_error_stepper_tag>::time_type&) [with System = System<arma::Col<double>::fixed<2>, arma::Mat<double> >; StateInOut = arma::Col<double>; ErrorStepper = boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54<arma::Col<double> >; ErrorChecker = boost::numeric::odeint::default_error_checker<double, boost::numeric::odeint::range_algebra, boost::numeric::odeint::default_operations>; StepAdjuster = boost::numeric::odeint::default_step_adjuster<double, double>; Resizer = boost::numeric::odeint::initially_resizer; boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_runge_kutta<ErrorStepper, ErrorChecker, StepAdjuster, Resizer, boost::numeric::odeint::explicit_error_stepper_tag>::time_type = double]':
/usr/local/include/boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/controlled_runge_kutta.hpp:283:27: required from 'boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_step_result boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_runge_kutta<ErrorStepper, ErrorChecker, StepAdjuster, Resizer, boost::numeric::odeint::explicit_error_stepper_tag>::try_step(System, StateInOut&, boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_runge_kutta<ErrorStepper, ErrorChecker, StepAdjuster, Resizer, boost::numeric::odeint::explicit_error_stepper_tag>::time_type&, boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_runge_kutta<ErrorStepper, ErrorChecker, StepAdjuster, Resizer, boost::numeric::odeint::explicit_error_stepper_tag>::time_type&) [with System = System<arma::Col<double>::fixed<2>, arma::Mat<double> >; StateInOut = arma::Col<double>; ErrorStepper = boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54<arma::Col<double> >; ErrorChecker = boost::numeric::odeint::default_error_checker<double, boost::numeric::odeint::range_algebra, boost::numeric::odeint::default_operations>; StepAdjuster = boost::numeric::odeint::default_step_adjuster<double, double>; Resizer = boost::numeric::odeint::initially_resizer; boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_runge_kutta<ErrorStepper, ErrorChecker, StepAdjuster, Resizer, boost::numeric::odeint::explicit_error_stepper_tag>::time_type = double]'
/usr/local/include/boost/numeric/odeint/integrate/detail/integrate_times.hpp:101:81: required from 'size_t boost::numeric::odeint::detail::integrate_times(Stepper, System, State&, TimeIterator, TimeIterator, Time, Observer, boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_stepper_tag) [with Stepper = boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_runge_kutta<boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54<arma::Col<double> >, boost::numeric::odeint::default_error_checker<double, boost::numeric::odeint::range_algebra, boost::numeric::odeint::default_operations>, boost::numeric::odeint::default_step_adjuster<double, double>, boost::numeric::odeint::initially_resizer, boost::numeric::odeint::explicit_error_stepper_tag>; System = System<arma::Col<double>::fixed<2>, arma::Mat<double> >; State = arma::Col<double>; TimeIterator = __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const double*, std::vector<double> >; Time = double; Observer = Observer::push_back_state<arma::Col<double> >; size_t = long unsigned int]'
/usr/local/include/boost/numeric/odeint/integrate/integrate_times.hpp:129:35: required from 'size_t boost::numeric::odeint::integrate_times(Stepper, System, State&, TimeIterator, TimeIterator, Time, Observer) [with Stepper = boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_runge_kutta<boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54<arma::Col<double> >, boost::numeric::odeint::default_error_checker<double, boost::numeric::odeint::range_algebra, boost::numeric::odeint::default_operations>, boost::numeric::odeint::default_step_adjuster<double, double>, boost::numeric::odeint::initially_resizer, boost::numeric::odeint::explicit_error_stepper_tag>; System = System<arma::Col<double>::fixed<2>, arma::Mat<double> >; State = arma::Col<double>; TimeIterator = __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const double*, std::vector<double> >; Time = double; Observer = Observer::push_back_state<arma::Col<double> >; size_t = long unsigned int]'
/Users/bbercovici/GDrive/CUBoulder/Research/code/ASPEN_gui_less/lib/source/BatchFilter.cpp:231:42: required from void BatchFilter<state_type>::compute_reference_state_history(const std::vector<double>&, std::vector<_RealType>&, std::vector<arma::Mat<double> >&) [with state_type = arma::Col<double>::fixed<2>]'
/Users/bbercovici/GDrive/CUBoulder/Research/code/ASPEN_gui_less/lib/source/BatchFilter.cpp:327:16: required from here
/usr/local/include/boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/controlled_runge_kutta.hpp:481:12: error: no match for call to '(boost::numeric::odeint::unwrap_reference<System<arma::Col<double>::fixed<2>, arma::Mat<double> > >::type {aka System<arma::Col<double>::fixed<2>, arma::Mat<double> >}) (arma::Col<double>&, arma::Col<double>&, boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_runge_kutta<boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54<arma::Col<double> >, boost::numeric::odeint::default_error_checker<double, boost::numeric::odeint::range_algebra, boost::numeric::odeint::default_operations>, boost::numeric::odeint::default_step_adjuster<double, double>, boost::numeric::odeint::initially_resizer, boost::numeric::odeint::explicit_error_stepper_tag>::time_type&)'
sys( x , m_dxdt.m_v ,t );
In file included from /Users/bbercovici/GDrive/CUBoulder/Research/code/ASPEN_gui_less/lib/include/Filter.hpp:6:0,
from /Users/bbercovici/GDrive/CUBoulder/Research/code/ASPEN_gui_less/lib/include/BatchFilter.hpp:5,
from /Users/bbercovici/GDrive/CUBoulder/Research/code/ASPEN_gui_less/lib/source/BatchFilter.cpp:1:
/Users/bbercovici/GDrive/CUBoulder/Research/code/ASPEN_gui_less/lib/include/System.hpp:32:7: note: candidate: void System<state_type, jacobian_type>::operator()(const state_type&, state_type&, double) [with state_type = arma::Col<double>::fixed<2>; jacobian_type = arma::Mat<double>] <near match>
void operator() (const state_type & x , state_type & dxdt , const double t ){
/Users/bbercovici/GDrive/CUBoulder/Research/code/ASPEN_gui_less/lib/include/System.hpp:32:7: note: conversion of argument 2 would be ill-formed:
In file included from /usr/local/include/boost/numeric/odeint.hpp:35:0,
from /Users/bbercovici/GDrive/CUBoulder/Research/code/ASPEN_gui_less/lib/include/Filter.hpp:5,
from /Users/bbercovici/GDrive/CUBoulder/Research/code/ASPEN_gui_less/lib/include/BatchFilter.hpp:5,
from /Users/bbercovici/GDrive/CUBoulder/Research/code/ASPEN_gui_less/lib/source/BatchFilter.cpp:1:
/usr/local/include/boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/controlled_runge_kutta.hpp:481:25: error: cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type 'arma::Col<double>::fixed<2>&' to an rvalue of type 'arma::Col<double>::fixed<2>'
sys( x , m_dxdt.m_v ,t );
In file included from /usr/local/include/armadillo:568:0,
from /Users/bbercovici/GDrive/CUBoulder/Research/code/ASPEN_gui_less/lib/include/BatchFilter.hpp:4,
from /Users/bbercovici/GDrive/CUBoulder/Research/code/ASPEN_gui_less/lib/source/BatchFilter.cpp:1:
/usr/local/include/armadillo_bits/Col_meat.hpp:1145:1: note: after user-defined conversion: arma::Col<eT>::fixed<fixed_n_elem>::fixed(const arma::Base<eT, T1>&) [with T1 = arma::Mat<double>; long long unsigned int fixed_n_elem = 2; eT = double]
Col<eT>::fixed<fixed_n_elem>::fixed(const Base<eT,T1>& A)
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/ASPEN.dir/source/BatchFilter.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/ASPEN.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
For reference, System.hpp is down here:
# System.hpp
template <typename state_type,typename jacobian_type = arma::mat> class System {
System(const Args & args,
unsigned int N_est,
state_type (*estimate_dynamics_fun)(double, const state_type & , const Args & args) ,
jacobian_type (*jacobian_estimate_dynamics_fun)(double, const state_type & , const Args & args),
unsigned int N_true = 0,
state_type (*true_dynamics_fun)(double, const state_type & , const Args & args) = nullptr)
: N_est(N_est), N_true(N_true){
this -> estimate_dynamics_fun = estimate_dynamics_fun;
this -> true_dynamics_fun = estimate_dynamics_fun;
this -> jacobian_estimate_dynamics_fun = jacobian_estimate_dynamics_fun;
this -> args = args;
System(const Args & args,
unsigned int N_true,
state_type (*true_dynamics_fun)(double, const state_type & , const Args & args))
: N_est(0), N_true(N_true){
this -> true_dynamics_fun = true_dynamics_fun;
this -> args = args;
void operator() (const state_type & x , state_type & dxdt , const double t ){
if (this -> true_dynamics_fun != nullptr){
dxdt.rows(this -> N_est + this -> N_est * this -> N_est,
this -> N_est + this -> N_est * this -> N_est + this -> N_true - 1) = this -> true_dynamics_fun(t,
x.rows(this -> N_est + this -> N_est * this -> N_est,
this -> N_est + this -> N_est * this -> N_est + this -> N_true - 1),args);
if (this -> estimate_dynamics_fun != nullptr){
arma::mat Phi = arma::reshape(x.rows(this -> N_est,
this -> N_est + this -> N_est * this -> N_est - 1), this -> N_est, this -> N_est );
arma::mat A = this -> jacobian_estimate_dynamics_fun(t,x.rows(0,this -> N_est - 1),this -> args);
dxdt.rows(0,this -> N_est - 1) = this -> estimate_dynamics_fun(t,x.rows(0,this -> N_est - 1),this -> args);
dxdt.rows(this -> N_est,
this -> N_est + this -> N_est * this -> N_est - 1) = arma::vectorise(A * Phi);
const unsigned int N_est;
const unsigned int N_true;
state_type (*estimate_dynamics_fun)(double, const state_type & , const Args & args) = nullptr;
state_type (*true_dynamics_fun)(double, const state_type & , const Args & args) = nullptr;
jacobian_type (*jacobian_estimate_dynamics_fun)(double, const state_type & , const Args & args) = nullptr;
Args args;
I found a way around the resizing issue here:
The solution consists in extending boost:numeric::odeint with the following adapters that handle automatic resizing of the arma::vec for safe use with odeint
#include <armadillo>
namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace odeint {
template <>
struct is_resizeable<arma::vec>
typedef boost::true_type type;
const static bool value = type::value;
template <>
struct same_size_impl<arma::vec, arma::vec>
static bool same_size(const arma::vec & x, const arma::vec& y)
return x.n_rows == y.n_rows;
struct resize_impl<arma::vec, arma::vec>
static void resize(arma::vec &v1, const arma::vec & v2)
} } } // namespace boost::numeric::odeint
im trying to import data from an XML file and save them in a 5D map
// declaration of the map
map<char *, map<char *, map<char*, map<char *, map<char*, map<char*, char*, cmp_str>, cmp_str>, cmp_str>, cmp_str>, cmp_str>, cmp_str> XmlData;
im using for the XML-Parsing the RapidXML Parser
file<> xmlFile("jobs.xml");
xml_document<> doc;
xml_node<> *node = doc.first_node();
while(node != 0) {
xml_node<> *child = node->first_node();
while (child != 0)
xml_node<> *subchild = child->first_node();
while (subchild != 0)
xml_node<> *subsubchild = subchild->first_node();
while (subsubchild != 0)
xml_node<> *subsubsubchild = subchild->first_node();
while (subsubsubchild != 0)
// the error appears here
XmlData[node->name()][child->name()][subchild->name()][subsubchild->name()][subsubsubchild->name()] = subsubsubchild->value();
subsubsubchild = subsubsubchild->next_sibling();
subsubchild = subsubchild->next_sibling();
subchild = subchild->next_sibling();
child = child->next_sibling();
node = node->next_sibling();
I had to use 5 while loops to iterate all nodes
<Name>Scene 1</Name>
<Name>Layer 1</Name>
When compiling using g++ with c++0x under CentOS 6 i get this following error:
Job.cpp:133: error: no match for âoperator=â in â((std::map<char*, std::map<char*, char*, cmp_str, std::allocator<std::pair<char* const, char*> > >, cmp_str, std::all$
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.4.7/../../../../include/c++/4.4.7/bits/stl_map.h:251: note: candidates are: std::map<_Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc>& std::map<_Key, _Tp, _Compa$
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.4.7/../../../../include/c++/4.4.7/bits/stl_map.h:266: note: std::map<_Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc>& std::map<_Key, _Tp, _Compa$
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.4.7/../../../../include/c++/4.4.7/bits/stl_map.h:286: note: std::map<_Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc>& std::map<_Key, _Tp, _Compa$
char* is an awful thing to have as map key, and probably value too.
You might use const char* as key is absolutely sure that you pass pointers to stable things, like literal only.
The baseline soulution would use string as both key and payload, and I guess your problem would go away too. The most probable immediate cause is that your value refuses to convert to char*.