Adding related model in separated page Django Admin - django

The problem is following:
All fields are not displayed when I add model for related model using TabularInline
but at another side I don't want to use StackedInline, cuz it seems to be not pretty. So, is it possible to use another page to add model for related model, that automatically will be added to corresponding Partner (related model). Maybe is it possible to use StackedInline for one reason and TabularInline to another, or something similar? Or override adding link?
What exactly do I want


how to correctly assign the through attribute in django?

I was just looking the documentation to be able to change the intermediate table but when I implement it, I get into trouble:
The problem as such is that, although I can migrate the database and run the application, when I enter the administrator I do not visualize correctly the relationship of my models through the trough attribute (especially a field of my model called Tested).
Why does this happen and how can it be corrected?
This is by design. Django cannot automatically generate the widget for ManyToMany relations that use a through table because of the extra data needed (tested in your case). From Django docs:
When you specify an intermediary model using the through argument to a ManyToManyField, the admin will not display a widget by default. This is because each instance of that intermediary model requires more information than could be displayed in a single widget, and the layout required for multiple widgets will vary depending on the intermediate model.
However, we still want to be able to edit that information inline. Fortunately, this is easy to do with inline admin models.
Your best bet is to create an inline admin model as explained in the docs.

How can I use model like a custom field

Recently I've been developing a Django website, which includes the owner being able to add content with descriptions etc.
The problem I'm having is: How can I make the fields support multiple languages? (3 in this case)
The approach I tried was: Creating a model with 3 text fields, have my content model take that model as a foreign key. This sort of works, but now I would have to create all the descriptions first, separately, before creating the actual object it is being used by. This is, in my opinion, a bad idea.
What I would like to be able to do, is to have 3 text fields in the model which is actually using those 3 text fields' admin page, but without actually having 3 text fields in that model.
Using inlines would work, but I'd have to make my multilanguage textfield model have a foreign key to my content model, instead of the other way. This would mean the multilanguage model works for only other model type.
So, to clear the question up:
How can I have a TextField and a CharField support multiple languages?
How can I show the ForeignKey's target model's creation widget in it's owner's admin page?
How can I use inlines, without locking the inline to just one model type?
How can I make a model act like a field?
How can I write a custom TextField?
Answering any of those will be enough for me to solve my problem.
There is too many questions and the docs is at your reach... I'll just answer the easiest one you should have search for by yourself.
How can I have a TextField and a CharField support multiple languages?
You should have a look to i18n here
How can I write a custom TextField?
Have a look to custom Fields

Adding an hyperlink to another Model inside Django Admin

I have something which sounds trivial but I cant find a way to implement in django admin.
I have a Model which I am showing in my admin. I am using a TabularInline to show another model which refer to the first one.
All I want is a link to click on my current view so I'll go into the TabularInline view only.
The reason I need it is simple. My second model admin registertion also contains another TabularInline to a third model. so I cant see the Inline from the first model.
The Models are pretty simple. I am implementing a Voting system over several cretirias. So I want my Item model admin to show all the users which votes and the final score. But the Vote model breaks down the cretirias that the user votes for.
This answer discusses this in some detail:
Django InlineModelAdmin: Show partially an inline model and link to the complete model
But this is what I use:

adding django admin many-to-many widget

In the django admin documentation, it says the following:
By default, admin widgets for many-to-many relations will be displayed on whichever model contains the actual reference to the ManyToManyField.
Is there a way to get a similar widget to appear on the admin page for the other model, the one where the relationship isn't defined?
There's a couple different ways to get the effect that you're after.
Here's one way, which will get you a similar (but not identical) effect, and probably requires the least coding. (Examples will use classes A and B, assuming that the former has the many to many relationship explicitly defined)
The quickest way: you can use an InlineModelAdmin object:
class AInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = A
class BAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = (AInline,), BAdmin)
If you want the exact effect of getting a <select multiple>, the way you can do it is to use a custom Form class, and assign it to BAdmin.form.

Django admin: 'add' page, want to add multiple objects on one page

class Country(models.Model):
name = fields.CharField()
In admin, I want to display multiple forms for Country so I can add multiple different country objects at once. I don't know where to start? Please help, thanks.
I can't think of any way to do this inside the admin. The admin is a ready-made interface for editing single objects (and, optionally, multiple objects related to that object), but doesn't give you any way to edit multiple objects at once.
If you need this, write your own view using a formset.
My idea is you could extend the admin template change_form.html to display a formset, and have the 'add' url point to a view that would handle the page rendering. You will also need to override the url in your Not the best but it would work.