SwiftLint failing while file path have space - swiftlint

some of the file in my project are grouped with folder name with space. I added SwiftLint in my project and while any changes in file with space in file path SwiftLint gives exception. please help me.
SwiftLint version : 0.46.2
error opening input file '/Users/mg/Documents/Project/Folder/CustomeCell/SwiftCode.swift' (No such file or directory)
Most rules will be skipped because sourcekitd has failed.
SourceKittenFramework/File.swift:20: Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “paymentOptionCell.swift” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Users/mg/Documents/Project/Folder/CustomeCell/SwiftCode.swift, NSUnderlyingError=0x600002ad8000 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
actual path: /Users/mg/Documents/Project/My\ Module\ Folder/CustomeCell/SwiftCode.swift


cc1plus.exe: fatal error: world.cpp: No such file or directory compilation terminated

i have problem with the code
everytime the code is done, running the code is still normal. when exiting visual code studio and re-entering, the code does not run end show the error as below
cc1plus.exe: fatal error: world.cpp: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
I also got the same error, and to fix the error is easy. It may because your file name contains spaces. More information about this and how I know this is here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5QxAjaiQp8. (Altough he got the different error raised but the way to fix it is still the same).
I resolved the error by removing the spaces between the name of the file I was saving. Earlier I was naming my c++ file as example- "test file.cpp", but when I removed the blank space i.e. "testfile.cpp" or "test_file.cpp", the error resolved.
If you are compiling the code using your terminal, you could check if the file you want to run is in that folder using dir for Windows or ls for Linux. If it is not, change to the folder where the file is and try running the file again.

SFML unable to open file

I used SFML to create ARKANOID.
If I run in debug mode, it will run normally.
But when I run in Release mode, it can't read the image file.
In the Command window, the output is as follows:
Failed to load image " ?? 
"? ". Reason: Unable to open file
Failed to load image "es/ball.png  ". Reason: Unable to open file
Failed to load image "es/ball.png
"? ". Reason: Unable to open file
Failed to load image "es/ball.png 
"? ". Reason: Unable to open file
I've tried the absolute path and I've tried the relative path.
And i also tired loadFromFile("images/ball");
please help me
You need to put the PNG file in the directory where main.cpp is located. You can put it in both the debug directory and the release directory. Also note the file extension in the directory (.png or .jpg) and edit the code.
Try pasting the image where the execution folder or where the compiler is example in codeblocks if you have MinGW then paste it "C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin" and it will work

Gpp error : no such file or directory

I am trying to compile and run my basic c++ code in Atom .
But it shows an error like
gpp error : No such file or directory.
I was referring stack overflow and got some ideas to solve like Adding path of compiler and removing ".h" from "iostream.h".. but failed please help !!
here is the code
enter image description here
here is the error msg :
"g++: error: gpp: No such file or directory
g++: error: compiler: No such file or directory "
thank you for answering ..

boost::asio::local::stream_protocol::acceptor throwing error

I am trying to use a boost::asio::local::stream_protocol::acceptor like so :
accept_(getIOService(), endpoint_)
The error this call returns is :
[exec] unknown file: Failure
[exec] C++ exception with description "bind: No such file or directory" thrown in the test body.
Has anyone seen this before?
Verify that endpoint's path is correct. When I normally observe these errors, it is a path related issue, such as constructing the endpoint with "tmp/example" when a tmp directory does not exists in the current directory, because I intended to use "/tmp/example".
Boost.Asio's exception is a translation from receiving ENOENT from bind(). The man page for bind() states that ENOENT indicates:
A component of the pathname does not name an existing file or the pathname is an empty string.

Why this sublimetext build file dont work?

I am trying to capture the output of the build, for open the file with the syntax error.
This is the build file:
"cmd": ["D:\\xampp\\apache\\conf\\buildApache.bat"],
"file_regex": "of (.*?)(?=:)",
"line_regex": "line ([0-9]*) ",
This is the response from the build File
AH00526: Syntax error on line 19 of D:/xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf:
Invalid command 'Liste', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Finished in 0.3s]
What I am trying to do, is when the user, dbl-click on the error, it's will open the file, on line 19.
How Do I write the build file?
In SublimeText 2, The source code file name must appear BEFORE the line number in the build output.
That way, It's impossible to capture the output.