Mockito Mock object being ignored and actual function being called - unit-testing

The mock object does not seem to work and the actual function is being called.
My Controller Class is as follows:-
public class A {
#PostMapping(path = "/api/methods", consumes = "application/json", produces = "application/json")
public static ResponseEntity<Object> controllerFunction(#Valid #RequestBody String request,
#RequestHeader(value = "header-content") String header_content) {
JSONObject response = B.getAns(request);
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body(response.toString());
My Class B is as follows:-
public class B {
private static C client;
private C beanClient;
public void init() {
B.client = beanClient;
public static JSONObject getAns(String request) {
// This is the line that I intend to mock but gets ignored. It goes into the function search instead.
JSONObject resp =, requestHeaderOptions); // assume that these two variables passed as arguments are not null and have some content.
// searchRequest is of type SearchRequest
// requestHeaderOptions is of type RequestOptions
return resp;
This is my test class :
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT, classes = {
ControllerApplication.class, A.class, B.class, C.class
public class ProjectTest {
private C client;
A a;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void setup() {
// I have tried both MockitoAnnotations.initMocks and openMocks. Both don't work
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(a).build();
#Test(enabled = true)
public void testing() throws Exception {
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject() // assume this object is not null
// This statement doesn't seem to work
doReturn(obj).when(client).search(any(SearchRequest.Class), any(RequestOptions.Class));
MockHttpServletRequestBuilder mockRequest ="/api/methods")
.header("header-content", "something")
If you notice I have created a static variable of the class C in my Class B. This is part of the program structure itself and cannot be changed.
Is it possible to mock the function given this code?

I was able to figure out what the problem was by running the test in debug mode.
I found that the #PostConstruct function in my Class B was getting called before my test function. So class B was creating its own beanClient object different from the mock in my test class. That's why it was going into the function and not mocking it.
I was able to resolve it by changing Class B like so:-
public class B{
private C client;
public JSONObject getAns(String request){
// This is the line that I intend to mock but gets ignored. It goes into the function search instead.
JSONObject resp,requestHeaderOptions); // assume that these two variables passed as arguments are not null and have some content.
// searchRequest is of type SearchRequest
// requestHeaderOptions is of type RequestOptions
return resp;
I had to change it into a non-static function.

A quick way to resolve your issue is to mock B and stub B.getAns directly.
In order to mock static B, you should add mockito-inline dependency to your pom.xml:
You can use Mockito.mockStatic in this way:
try (MockedStatic<B> mockedB = Mockito.mockStatic(B.class)) {
mockedB.when(() -> B.getAns(anyString())).thenReturn(obj);
// ...
Therefore, your test code will be:
#Test(enabled = true)
public void testing() throws Exception {
try (MockedStatic<B> mockedB = Mockito.mockStatic(B.class)) {
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject() // assume this object is not null
mockedB.when(() -> B.getAns(anyString())).thenReturn(obj);
MockHttpServletRequestBuilder mockRequest ="/api/methods")
.header("header-content", "something")
Note that, when you use MockedStatic, you had better use try-with-resources pattern and do your test in this scope like above.
Read more about mockStatic:


Mockito object always giving a NullPointer exception

This is the class that I want to test.
open class Foo(bar :Bar){
fun someMethod() = bar.anotherMethod()
And I have a builder class to get Foo mock instance since Mockito cant mock constructor arguments.
open class FooBuilder{
fun makeFoo(bar:Bar) = Foo(bar)
Here is my approach to make the mock Objects and verify.
var fooBuilderMock = mock(FooBuilder::class)
var barMock = mock(Bar::class)
var fooMock = mock(Foo::class)
Mockito.verify(barMock, Mockito.times(1)).anotherMethod()
I am getting a null pointer exception on barMock object.
Don't use the Builder, there is no need for it. Additionally, don't mock the class that you are trying to test. If you do it, your test makes no sense.
class FooTest {
private val barMock = mock(Bar::class)
private lateinit var foo: Foo
fun setUp() {
foo = Foo(barMock)
fun `Your test name`() {
// Arrange
Mockito.`when`(barMock.anotherMethod()).thenReturn(// whatever it should return)
// Act
// Assert
Mockito.verify(barMock, Mockito.times(1)).anotherMethod()
As a side note consider taking a look at mockk and using it instead of Mockito. It is implemented in kotlin and thus supports it since day 1. With it, your test would look similar but follow more the kotlin "style":
class FooTest {
private lateinit var barMock = mock(Bar::class)
private lateinit var foo: Foo
fun setUp() {
foo = Foo(barMock)
fun `Your test name`() {
// Arrange
every { barMock.anotherMethod() } returns //whatever it should return
// Act
// Assert
verify(exactly = 1) { barMock.anotherMethod() }

“Invalid use of argument matchers” but I use matchers only

I wish to test the following getRights method:
public GetProductRp getRights(String aaId, String bbId, String ccId) {
GetProductRp rp = (GetProductRp) webServiceTemplate.marshalSendAndReceive(createRq(aaId, bbId, ccId));
return rp;
private GetProductRq createRq(String aaId, String bbId, String ccId) {
GetProductRq rq = new GetProductRq();
GetProductRqBody body = new GetProductRqBody();
return rq;
This is my test class:
public class ClassTest {
private Class rightClass;
private WebServiceTemplate webServiceTemplate;
public void getRightsTest() throws NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
GetProductRp response = Helper.createProductRp("xx", "yy");
Method mCreateRq = rightClass.class.getDeclaredMethod("createRq", String.class, String.class, String.class);
GetProductRq request = (GetProductRq) mCreateRq.invoke(rightClass, "12345678", "12345678", "1111");
Mockito.when(rightClass.getRights(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyString())).thenReturn(response);
I receive the error provided in the short description above altough I only use Matchers (Mockito.anyString())....
Any idea?
The issue here could be that you are putting #Autowired on private Class rightClass; and you are trying to mock the method of it. If you want to mock the method then you should put #MockBean annotation as :
private Class rightClass;

How to write a test for custom JUnit assertion?

Let's say I created my own assertSomething(...) method. How can I write a unit test to verify that it is correctly failing the test case using it?
If I understand you correctly I see the next way:
public void assertSomethingSuccessTest() {
// given
final Object givenActualResult = new Object(); // put your objects here
final Object givenExpectedResult = new Object(); // put your objects here
// when
assertSomething(givenActualResult, givenExpectedResult);
// then
// no exception is expected here
// TODO: specify exactly your exception here if any
#Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void assertSomethingFailedTest() {
// given
final Object givenActualResult = new Object(); // put your objects here
final Object givenExpectedResult = new Object(); // put your objects here
// when
assertSomething(givenActualResult, givenExpectedResult);
// then
// an exception is expected here, see annotated expected exception.
If you need to verify an exception as well:
public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();
public void assertSomethingFailedTest() {
// given
final Object givenActualResult = new Object(); // put your objects here
final Object givenExpectedResult = new Object(); // put your objects here
// and
// when
assertSomething(givenActualResult, givenExpectedResult);
// then
// an exception is expected here, see configured ExpectedException rule.
You should take a look at the Rules, that were introduced in Junit 4.7. Especially TestWatcher.
TestWatcher is a base class for Rules that take note of the testing action, without modifying it. For example, this class will keep a log of each passing and failing test:
public static class WatchmanTest {
private static String watchedLog;
public TestWatcher watchman= new TestWatcher() {
protected void failed(Throwable e, Description description) {
watchedLog+= description + "\n";
protected void succeeded(Description description) {
watchedLog+= description + " " + "success!\n";
public void fails() {
public void succeeds() {

PowerMockito Mocked final class gson.fromJson() Returns null

I have this code in main class -
try {
extraPlayer = gson.fromJson(jsonResponse, ExtraPlayer.class);// this returns null
} catch (Exception e) {
Here extraPlayer is coming as null
I have mocked #Mock Gson gsonMock;
Here ExtraPlayer is a static class.
I have written this test code -
public void test() {
String jsonResponse = "{\"status\":\"waiting\",\"no\":\"12\"}";
when(playerHandlerMock.resetPlayer("someString", "someString", "1",true
Gson gsonMock = PowerMockito.mock(Gson.class);
ExtraPlayer extraPlayer = new ExtraPlayer();
PowerMockito.mockStatic(ResetModemResponse.class); // using this for static class but didn't work.
PowerMockito.when(gsonMock.fromJson(jsonResponse, ExtraPlayer.class)).thenReturn(extraPlayer);
public static class ExtraPlayer{
String no;
String status;
public String getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
public String getNo() {
return code;
public void setNo(String no) { = no;
I have added these annotations to the test class -
why extraPlayer is null ? please help/Suggest.
If you were to use the standard #Mock and #InjectMocks annotation with mockito, then yes, the framework would take care of the injection of the mock into the class under test (regardless of the existence of the setters etc.).
Another thing is the playerMock, which i assume is the class under test.
Do not mock the class under test, create a normal instance and then inject the dependencies... the performWaiting method does not seem to accept the response String, so you would have to inject that also somehow (unless you left some parts out):
public void test() {
// Arrange
String jsonResponse = "{\"status\":\"waiting\",\"no\":\"12\"}";
Gson gsonMock = PowerMockito.mock(Gson.class);
ExtraPlayer extraPlayer = new ExtraPlayer();
PowerMockito.when(gsonMock.fromJson(jsonResponse, ExtraPlayer.class)).thenReturn(extraPlayer);
Player player = new Player();
// Act
// Assert ...

How to mock HttpSession in JSF

i have a service method that get session attribute and i want to make unit test for this service method and i was wondering how to mock the HttpSession in jsf.
1- use the FacesContextMocker class:
public abstract class FacesContextMocker extends FacesContext {
private FacesContextMocker() {}
private static final Release RELEASE = new Release();
private static class Release implements Answer<Void> {
public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
return null;
public static FacesContext mockFacesContext() {
FacesContext context = Mockito.mock(FacesContext.class);
return context;
2- in the test class #Before method do the following:
ExternalContext externalContext = Mockito.mock(ExternalContext.class);
HttpServletRequest request = Mockito.mock(HttpServletRequest.class);
HttpSession httpSession = Mockito.mock(HttpSession.class);
3- the getHttpSession method is as follows:
public static HttpSession getHttpSession() {
return ((HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
4- in the test method do the following:
5- this is assuming that in your service method that you are making the unit test for you have code like:
String currentUserID = (String) GeneralUtils.getHttpSession()