Camunda DMN result variable output Map<String, String> instead of Map<String, Object> - camunda

I have updated Camunda from 7.11 to 7.12 but after upgrading I am experiencing one issue where DMN result variable singleResult output is objectTypeName=java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> whereas in another project it is objectTypeName=java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object>. I am using the same process, DMN and java delegates in both the projects. Both projects camunda version is 7.12.0 with SpringBoot.


How to unit test HandleEventAsync(ProcessEventArgs args) in Azure.Messaging.EventHub library

We are migrating to Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Processor v5.6.0 library from Microsoft.Azure.EventHubs.Processor v4.1.0. I m using await messageHandler.HandleEventAsync(args); where args is of ProcessEventArgs type. Most of our business logic that I want to unit test is based on EventData which is a property of ProcessEventArgs. Event data has Readonly dictionary of systemProperties and other properties. The public constructor of EventData does not let us specify the systemProperties or any other property other than EventData body.
Both ProcessEventArgs and EventBody do not have mockable interfaces. In such case can you please advise on how can we unit test the code using ProcessEventArgs?
.NET Version: .Net core app 3.1
NuGet package version : Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Processor v5.6.0, Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk v16.6.1
The recommended approach for testing your handlers is to call them directly, as you're attempting to do. The constructor for each of the event argument types is public. (example: ProcessEventArgs).
For the PartitionContext, broker-owned properties on EventData, and other model types without a public constructor, the EventHubsModelFactory allows you to create them for use in mocking/testing scenarios.
This article offers more information on the philosophy and approach the Azure SDK takes for supporting unit testing. For Event Hubs specifically, we're currently working on extending our samples to include a set of direct examples for core scenarios such as yours.

how to force weblogic to load classes from web-inf/lib

This question originates from the question here
Essentially I would like the slf4j jar to be loaded from my war's web-inf\lib and NOT from weblogic's legacy jars.
NOTE - am deploying a WAR and NOT an EAR file.
In weblogic.xml tried the following :
However weblogic is still loading these classes from its legacy jars and not from my application's web-inf\lib
Could someone suggest any other approach ?
those tags are only for the resources, you need the Filtering Classloader :
Another approach is to use: prefer-web-inf-classes
(you cannot use both)
More info:

How to bring SOAP capability to payara/micro in EJB project

I have an EJB project providing webservices (both SOAP and REST) running inside a container with payara/micro as base image, since payara/micro does not come with JAXWS(SOAP support) feature out of the box, however, by adding
as dependencies into the project as well as following this tutorial and put the following code instead:
public void loadBus(ServletConfig servletConfig) {
Bus bus = getBus();
Endpoint.publish("/MySoapService", new ASoapService());
I was able to make the SOAP interface almost available (wsdl information is publicly available already), and
http://localhost:8080/<my project name>/services
event listed out the available services as well their available methods and endpoints/WSDL/Target namespace information.
But when trying to access the SOAP service via SOAP client, I got on the server side errors with the following line of info:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at com.example.ASoapService.getXxx
Is Actually an EJB. So I tried instead to replace the above code with the following:
ASoapService aSoapService
Endpoint.publish("/MySoapService", aSoapService);
During startup of container, I got
Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: com.example.ASoapServiceF#com.example.ASoapService not found
By checking the logs, I found a possible reason:
When SOAP part starts up with the following code
Endpoint.publish("/MySoapService", aSoapService);
The EJB Container is not yet ready and thus the lookup of
failed, is such assumption correct? Because normally you should see something like:
[2018-02-02T14:43:57.821+0000] [] [INFO] [AS-EJB-00054] [javax.enterprise.ejb.container] [tid: _ThreadID=1 _ThreadName=main] [timeMillis: 1517582637821] [levelValue: 800] Portable JNDI names for EJB ASoapService: [java:global/<my project name>/ASoapService, java:global/<my project name>/ASoapService!com.example.ASoapService]
during start up, which is not the case for my situation.
I am relatively new to EJB and Glassfish world, can I somehow force EJB container to start first? Or does it actually have anything to do with the starting sequence? How to combine the two together?
Thanks in advance.
You shouldn't be trying to force EJB container to start. Instead, try one of the following:
instead of #EJB ASoapService aSoapService to inject the EJB try #Inject
ASoapService aSoapService - #Inject should wait for the dependencies therefore wait until the EJB is available
run the method Endpoint.publish from an object which is initialized after EJB container is ready, either from a startup singleton EJB or when CDI application scope is initialized:

EnableNeo4jRepositories.sessionFactoryRef is ignored / does nothing

I'm trying to configure a Spring Boot 1.5.9 project with multiple data sources, of which some are Neo4j.
The version of spring-data-neo4j I'm using is 4.2.9.
My goal is to use a different SessionFactory for different repositories, using a different Configuration class for each.
I've got this all working with Mongo but it seems that, even though the sessionFactoryRef is available on #EnableNeo4jRepositories, it simple does not get acted upon.
Abbreviated version of my configuration, with the general concepts:
#EnableNeo4jRepositories(basePackages = "<repo-package-name>", sessionFactoryRef = NEO4J_SESSIONFACTORY_NAME)
public class MyConfiguration {
protected static final String NEO4J_SESSIONFACTORY_NAME = "mySessionFactory";
public SessionFactory mySessionFactory() {
SessionFactory sessionFactory = ...
// passing entity package corresponding to repository
return sessionFactory;
As mentioned, this construct works fine with spring-data-mongodb, however in neo4j it first starts out with an error:
A component required a bean named 'getSessionFactory' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean named 'getSessionFactory' in your configuration.
Turning on debug in the logger and a look through the code led me to SessionBeanDefinitionRegistrarPostProcessor, that contains the following code to get the sessionFactory:
private static String getSessionFactoryBeanRef(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) {
return beanFactory.containsBeanDefinition("sessionFactory") ? "sessionFactory" : "getSessionFactory";
Hmmm... hardcoded names for a bean, no sign of customisability.
I then proceeded to name my bean twice, #Bean("sessionFactory", NEO4J_SESSIONFACTORY_NAME), so the above code would pass.
The application started, but the problem is that the repositories get wired with whatever bean is called sessionFactory, effectively not using the sessionFactoryRef on the annotation.
To test this, I changed the name on the annotation to a non-existing bean and it continued to start (if I do this with the mongo-annotation, the application quits because the bean mentioned in mongoTemplateRef isn't available).
I dug a little deeper and found that, for mongo, it retrieves the bean reference in this class. The equivalent neo4j implementation has no such thing. It could of course be an implementation detail but I wasn't able to find any reference to the sessionFactoryRef attribute other than the annotation and the xml-schema.
There are also other places in the config classes that expect only one SessionFactory to be available.
So, in short, it seems to me that EnableNeo4jRepositories.sessionFactoryRef has no implementation and therefore simple doesn't do anything.
As a result, with the current code a single bean "sessionFactory" must be present and all repositories will be wired with this bean, regardless of the value of sessionFactoryRef.
Anybody else with a similar experience or any idea how to file a bug for this?

How to access EJB services from a grails standalone client

I've been having problems to access to my EJB services from a standalone client i've developed on grails 2.0.3. The EJB services are deployed on a glassfish server (Java). I tested this code on a netbeans tester class to access the EJBs:
Properties p = new Properties();
p.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory");
p.setProperty("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs", "com.sun.enterprise.naming");
p.setProperty("java.naming.factory.state", "");
p.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost", INTEGRATION_IP);
p.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort", CORBA_PORT);
ctx = new InitialContext(p);
try {
this.admAuth = (AdmAuthenticationRemote) this.ctx.lookup(Tester.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_JNDI);
}catch(Exception e){
This Tester.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_JNDI is a variable tha contains the path to the deployed service, in this case something like "java:global/..." that represents the address to the service that is being requested. This way of accessing the services works perfectly from the tester, but when i try to do the same from grails doesn't works. I am able to create the context the same way, but when i invoke the ctx.lookup() call i get an exception:
Message: Lookup failed for 'java:global/...' in SerialContext[myEnv={java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory,, java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=com.sun.enterprise.naming}
Cause: javax.naming.NamingException: Unable to acquire SerialContextProvider for SerialContext[myEnv={java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory,, java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=com.sun.enterprise.naming}
[Root exception is java.lang.RuntimeException: Orb initialization erorr]
The main exception is a naming exception, which means that it failed in the ctx.lookup(), but the cause is the orb initialization exception, which has another exception stack:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Orb initialization erorr
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set long field to java.lang.Integer
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set long field to java.lang.Integer
I'm really lost here. I've been having a lot of problems to get this going on grails, I had to get all glassfish jars (libs and modules) so it could make the InitialContext() call, but now i'm not sure if this is still a jar problem or a configuration problem or what it is.
I know that IllegalArgumentException occurs when u try to assign incompatible types in java, but i'm not setting anything like that, so i assume its an internal method initialization.
So the question is why is this exception coming up??
Is there another way to invoke my services from grails that works better??
The error is that you're trying to run your web application using the tomcat plugin in grails (using the command grails run-app). The problem is that when you try to create the InitialContext (com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory) groovy gives you an error casting some types if you're using the client libraries for GF 3.1. (I know that this is the problem, but I really don't know the reason for this. Because in theory this should work)
If you generate the .war file and you deploy in an AppServer, you can connect to your EJBs without problems. And if you deploy it on another GF server you don't have to import any of the client jars.
This will work perfect on production, the only problem is that you must compile and deploy your app on the GF server with every little change, and this is a bit annoying in development.
If you want to work outside of GF and using the command "grails run-app", you must modify two of the .jar GF 3.1 on your remote server, where you have the grails application:
1- The jar file $GLASSFISH_HOME/modules/glassfish-corba-omgapi.jar
You should search in the web the class, and modify this part
Field field = getAnyField(name);
field.set(ParserImplBase.this, value);
for this
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("waitForResponseTimeout")) {
Object newValue = new Long(1800000);
Field field = getAnyField(name);
field.set(ParserImplBase.this, newValue);
} else {
Field field = getAnyField(name);
field.set(ParserImplBase.this, value);
this should resolve the java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
2- The jar file $GLASSFISH_HOME/modules/glassfish-corba-orb.jar
you must delete the javax.rmi.CORBA.PortableRemoteObjectClass class of this library, because this class have conflicts with one used by the grails plugin
If you do not want to have the GF client jars in your grails application, you can add to the classpath of your client machine the following libraries
If you use the grails console with the grails run-app command, must modify the configuration file $GRAILS_HOME/conf/groovy-starter.conf whit this
load $GLASSFISH_HOME/modules/ejb-container.jar
load $GLASSFISH_HOME/modules/
load $GLASSFISH_HOME/modules/management-api.jar