How to connect my amazon seller with django website - django

hey is it easy to connect amazon seller with my django, i try to fix every things inside my aws amazon like documentations and i register with Developer Central, but really i'm lost because and want some help like a easy step to follow for fixing it and inside django what i need to do it's my first time to connect api with django.
Thank you


Implement e-commerce platform with Shopify/Hydrogen + ExpressJS + DynamoDB hosted on AWS

I would like to start a new e-commerce platform build with Shopify/Hydrogen (React) an I'm still not sure about the back-end side (maybe ExpressJS + DynamoDB).
The issue is that I want to host everything on AWS, I am new there and I don't really know in which direction should I go.
Basically the platform is created for selling fishing stuff but it should also support the drop-shipping context, where other companies can sell their own products there.
Can anyone help me with a path for achieving this? What are the right steps?
Regarding headless storefronts you have multiple options with hosting, starting from Gatsby Cloud, through Netlify, Vercel or Amazon Amplify in case you want to host it on AWS.
I will assume that "drop-shipping context" would mean you want to become a some sort of a marketplace? Where other merchants would list their products and upon purchase handle the shipping themselves? You can organize that through using free open-source CMS - Strapi in a manner where it acts as a PIM (product information management system), basically you will create users in admin panel and allow them to put products into CMS and then pull and publish them to Shopify storefront (through Admin API you can even create products and add them to an order on the fly), also through webhooks that Shopify trigger on the purchase event you will be able to send a notification to a dropshipper.
Regarding Hydrogen it's pretty early in the making so I would suggest to take a look on React-powered boilerplates out on Github and it will boost implementation speed significantly.

Vue/Laravel: Hosting on AWS

Learning AWS and looking for guidance on how to best put this app onto the web.
I have a fairly straightforward app:
Frontend build in Vue
Backend built in Laravel
In hindsight, I wish I'd just used Inertia within the Laravel app but alas.
Authentication is via JWT and users are stored within the backends connected database.
What I've already tried:
Attempt One
Using Elastic Beanstalk for Laravel hosting
Amplify for the frontend hosting
The issue I faced was EB uses http where as Amplify uses https so I couldn't get the two parts to talk to each other.
I then tried to use Router53 to make the connection (by buying a domain) but couldn't get the connection to work.
Attempt Two
I tried to put everything on an EC2 instance. Unfortunately, that was way too involved and my skillset isn't yet strong enough to progress there. I don't even know if it's even possible.
Anyone can provide direction on how to best host this app? Its just a practice app and I'm just learning.
Thank you for your help!!

Django payments guide

I am trying to make my own payment gateway django application.I went through many payment gateway websites like paypal, razorpay. But I'm facing issues like how the processing should be and how the workflow should be.
I just need to integrate this with my other website, so this is secondary i need help that how can I create payment gateway django application.Any resources for the same or any online prebuild Github/Gitlab etc repository available.
I have some experience in django but i need to do this project within 10 hours.
I need to implement very basic functionality of what payment gateways does. No need to api. Just locally I will connect my payment gateway app to my other website.
I just want to show how payment gateway work locally means creating my own very basic payment gateway app. Credit card details etc will be fake. No real money transaction.
Remember: fake payments and I just want to develop and show how payment gateway work. A basic local app. Without real payment thing but virtual and fake.

Amazon product api import to DB

I've got access to the Amazon products API and I would like to create a website around it.
To create a website I thought on access the API and import the products information into database than use the information to create page and add a products description.
I have a few questions about it:
How I can save the relevant products into my database? I'm using PHP.
What is the best way to build this kind of website?
You got taken a wonderful initiative.
Below AWS technologies will help you to achieve in a scalable way.
To store data you can use DynamoDB,
To use with php,
S3 with cloudfront:
To serve static webcontent you can use s3 and cloudfront.
You might not need API for cloudfront initially, manual configuration might work. But below is for reference,
Be prepared to read a lot. Since you could build with some innovative product that could help millions of people.
Good Luck!

what are the security best practices with twilio and firebase?

I was looking for a tutorial or stackoverflow thread but I couldn't find a best practice how I can do it.
I have an ios swift app and I want to send sms if a user create an add a record in Firebase, like sending an invitation to someone or doing something which could affect other user.
According to some post on the internet and on your blog I need a server side script which makes it safe and I don't have to store those information in my swift code. Like here:
Currently I don't have a server. Only thing that I have is a Firebase account.
What is a best practice regarding security? For instance shall I create a webserver on AWS or just a AWS S3 bucket would be enough and shall I store those credentials or php codes there?
I'm quite new in the these things and unfortunately I don't know whom shall I ask.
Can somebody help me?