How to get the error body from an ApolloHttpException? - apollo-kotlin

With Apollo Kotlin 3 the ApolloHttpException there is no rawResponse() method anymore and the body property is always null.
Is there a way to get the error body?

As stated in the documentation, the HTTP error body, by default, is always null. You can opt-in exposeHttpErrorBody in HttpNetworkTransport if you need it. If you're doing this, you must call BufferedSource.close on body to avoid sockets and other resources leaking.
To do this, when you are creating the Apollo client, you have to set .httpExposeErrorBody() to true:
If you're setting it to true, you must catch ApolloHttpException and close the body explicitly to avoid sockets and other resources leaking.


JXBrowser modify cookies

I have come across the in the JXBrowser and wanted to add new cookies so that it could be used in the subsequent calls.
The support is available to add headers however since no direct access is available for the cookies I tried using the
public void onBeforeSendHeaders(BeforeSendHeadersParams paramBeforeSendHeadersParams)
List<Cookie> cookieList = browser.getCookieStorage().getAllCookies();
Also note that the calls of below snippet produces the same exception
browser.getURL(); //Exception is thrown here
CookieStorage storage = setCookies(paramBeforeSendHeadersParams, browser, list);;// Exceptino is thrown here
but if i do this i get
java.lang.IllegalStateException: You are trying to execute some code that invokes synchronous message send to IPC channel. This code is executed in the scope of the handler which is bounded to synchronous message received from IPC channel. Such code execution causes a deadlock in native code with high probability and is forbidden.
What is the reasoning behind this any help is appreciated
As I understand, you want your application to share cookies between several Browser instances.
It is possible to make Two Browser instances with the same BrowserContext instances which use the same user data directory. As a result, they will share cookies and cache files. For example:
BrowserContext context = new BrowserContext(
new BrowserContextParams("C:\\my-data1"));
Browser browser1 = new Browser(context);
Browser browser2 = new Browser(context);
In this case, you should not receive the exception.

Aws Lambda call to external api after callback

I have a lambda function that sends http call to a API(Let's say 'A'). After getting response from 'A' Immediately return the stuff's to the caller i.e., (callback(null, success)) within 10secs. Then save the Data fetched from API 'A' to My External API(Let's Say 'B').
I tried like below but Lambda waits until event loop is empty(It is waiting for the response from second http call).
I doesn't want to set the eventLoopWaitEmpty to false since it freezes the eventloop and Execute next time when invoked.
request.get({url: endpointUrlA},
function (errorA, responseA, bodyA) {
callback(null, "success");{url: endpointUrlB,
body: bodyA,
json: true}, function(errorB, responseB, bodyB){
//Doesn't want to wait for this response
/* Also tried the callback(null, "success"); here too
Anybody have any thoughts on How can I implement this? Thanks!
PS - Btw I read the Previous similar questions doesn't seems to clear with those.
This seems like a good candidate for breaking up this lambda into two lambdas with some support code.
First lambda recieves request to 'A' and places a message onto SQS. It then returns to the caller the success status.
A separate process monitors the SQS queue and invokes a second Lambda on it when a message becomes available.
This has several benefits.
Firstly, you no longer have a long-running lambda waiting for a second system that may be down to return.
Secondly, you're doing things asynchronously in the background.
Take a look at this blog post for an overview of how this could work in practice.

Qt HTTP request sending DELETE with Data

rest API:
someting/post expects 'token' as bytearray body data
something/delete expects 'token' as bytearray body data
Using Qt I can prepare the data in a QByteArray and send via deleteResource (that doesn't accepts a data parameter) and I can use sendCustomRequest that accepts a data parameter, but if I use the later with DELETE I have no data.
With POST, I do have the data.
Minimal code example, python server - just to exemplify. the Qt code is below.:
#route('/something/delete', "DELETE")
def somethingDelete(url, post):
print(post) # empty
#route('/something/delete2', "POST")
def somethingDelete2(url, post):
print(post) # correct output.
and the Qt code that triggers the server calls - This code is higly shortened to simplify, but the idea is that.
QNetworkRequest req;
req.setRawHeader("OCS-APIREQUEST", "true");
req.setUrl = Utility::concatUrlPath(account()->url(), path());
QByteArray bufferData("token=" + _token);
sendCustomRequest(req, "POST", bufferData);
as soon as I change the POST to DELETE, I don't get the token, but the correct python function is executed.
The DELETE HTTP verb does not have a request body so your buffer is probably simply dropped by Qt. To use DELETE you would need to encode your token in the URL.
As of Qt 5.9.2, it seems that Qt might ignore body data when performing a DELETE operation.
In Qt code in QNetworkReplyHttpImplPrivate::postRequest(), one can see that createUploadByteDevice() is not called when the operation is QNetworkAccessManager::DeleteOperation.
However, this is only valid when the DELETE request is sent by calling QNetworkAccessManager::deleteResource(), which is the only way to create a network request with the QNetworkAccessManager::DeleteOperation operation. Also note that this function does not allow you to send any body data.
If you use QNetworkAccessManager::sendCustomRequest() to send the request, then as far as Qt is concerned the operation is QNetworkAccessManager::CustomOperation. The custom verb you pass is not processed further, and Qt will behave exactly the same whatever the value of verb is. Even if verb is a known value like POST or DELETE.
This means that Qt does not discard the body data.
So if you used QNetworkAccessManager::sendCustomRequest(), as you claim, your body data is sent to the server (confirmed by Wireshark). So the issue is not on Qt side, but on the server side.

Reading Jetty Server Request body without making it null

I have a Jetty.Server.Request object, which is an HTTP request whose body I need to use in multiple methods.
I access the body's contents like so -
String contents = baseRequest.getReader().readLine();
However, this seems to remove the body from the HTTP request. If I then try to access it again like so -
String contents2 = baseRequest.getReader().readLine();
contents2 will be null.
How can I read the body of the request object without affecting the request?
Per the Servlet spec, the stream is only available once.
Make a copy of it yourself (either to memory, or to disk for later reading)
This is by design, as many request bodies can by quite large and there simply wouldn't be enough memory to handle rereads in a sane way.
Be sure you check out the prior answers for this:
Http Servlet request lose params from POST body after read it once
As those answer demonstrate a few ways to accomplish multiple reads of the same request body.

Loopback: return error from beforeValidation hook

I need to make custom validation of instance before saving it to MySQL DB.
So I perform (async) check inside beforeValidate model hook.
MyModel.beforeValidate = function(next){
// async check that finally calls next() or next(new Error('fail'))
But when check fails and I pass Error obj to next function, the execution continues anyway.
Is there any way to stop execution and response to client with error?
This is a known bug in the framework, see
I am working on a new hook implementation that will not have issues like the one you have experienced, see loopback-datasource-juggler#367 and the pull request loopback-datasource-juggler#403