Receiving AWS Network Error when trying to enable Amplify Studio - amazon-web-services

Really stumped right now. I want to use Amplify for a Cloud assignment and have done amplify init in VS Code terminal to create the app. Unfortunately, I've been receiving this error when I try to enable Amplify Studio via the AWS webpage.
I thought my roles and permissions might need to be adjusted but I have AdministratorAccess-Amplify on the users I need. I also couldn't delete any of my test applications due to a similar error, but I managed to delete them via the CLI with no issues.
So my question is, is there any way to enable Amplify Studio via the CLI, or has anyone run into this issue before and been able to fix it?
Thanks in advance.

Related does not exist

I'm currently using lambda function which is invoked using Aws Lex. It was working normally and I didn't modify any of its configuration and out of nowhere it stopped working and I keep getting this error.
/opt/sls-sdk-node/ does not exist
Can anyone please explain what is an and how is it possible for it to suddenly disappear? And how can I solve this problem?
This looks to be an error stemming from the Serverless framework rather than an issue with Lex itself. Did you perhaps upgrade any of the SLS dependencies?
It turned out that after removing the serverless framework, there were some configurations ( that were not removed and needed to be removed manually from lambda using the aws console

Amplify Fetching is too long

aws-cli/2.1.21 Python/3.7.4 Darwin/19.6.0
amplify CLI 4.41.2
macOS 10.15.6
Amplify fetching process is too long.
please help to me..
I was try below.
amplify init
amplify add api -> REST API
amplify push
Fetching started when last command.
console is
'Fetching updates to backend environment: dev from the cloud. '
I waited a hour.
but process is not complete.
Please tell me I have to confirm where.
Previously, I manually deleted the amplify related resource.
(e.g. cloudformation, s3,and more)
This may have been bad.
What is strange about you situation is that you are pushing information, but I'm not certain that you mentioned you had a stable cloud version. Meaning this, if there was an unstable version on the cloud and a heavily modified local version it could cause issue (such is what i have seen when working on it). My advice would be to ensure you have a cleanly design cloud version with amplify studio could help with general commands though "Amplify --help" is another option.
Aside from that, "Amplify pull" would overwrite your local system, but assuming it is a clean version you could then push it. I have actually save files off to my desktop and then copied them back in and that has worked for me. Fundamentally the issue is that it is a cloud system you are relying on. Major modifications will often be ignored or overwritten. Wish I could help more.

AWS Amplify environment 'dev' not found

I'm working with AWS Amplify, specifically following this tutorial AWS-Hands-On-Tutorial.
I'm getting a build failure when I try to deploy the application.
So far I have tried creating multiple backend environments and connecting them with the frontend, hoping that this would alleviate the issue. The error message leads me to believe that the deploy is not set up to also detect the backend environment, despite that I have it set to do so.
Also, I have tried changing the environment that is set to deploy with the frontend by creating another develop branch to see if that is the issue.
I've had no success with trying any of these, the build continues to fail. I have also tried running the 'amplify env add' command as the error message states. I have not however tried "restoring its definition in your team-provider-info.json" as I'm not sure what that entails and can't find any information on it. Regardless, I would think creating a new environment would solve the potential issues there, and it didn't. Any help is appreciated.
Due to the documentation being out of date, I completed the steps below to resolve this issue:
Under Build Settings > Add package version override for Amplify CLI and leave it as 'latest'
When the tutorial advises to "update your front end branch to point to the backend environment you just created. Under the branch name, choose Edit...", where the tutorial advises to use 'dev' it actually had us setup 'staging', choose that instead.
Lastly, we need to setup a 'Service Role' under General. Select General > Edit > Create New Service Role > Select the default options and save the role, it should have a name of amplifyconsole-backend-role. Once the role is saved, you can go back to General > Edit > Select your role from the dropdown, if it doesn't show by default start typing it in.
After completing these steps, I was able to successfully redeploy my build and get it pushed to prod with authentication working. Hope it helps anyone who is running into this issue on Module 3 of the AWS Amplify Starter Tutorial!

How to download and edit lambda with AWS explorer

I'm trying to use AWS explorer in PyCharm to download and edit an existing lambda function on my AWS account, but I'm unable to find out how to do that. I've read through all the documentation available on the wiki as well as followed a bunch of tutorials on deploying new lambda functions, but I can't find out how to edit and download existing functions. I can download the AWS lambda using the console, but I'm not sure how to get this to be editable in my PyCharm project, but this also seems like a workaround anyway. Is there a way to do this within the AWS Explorer tool?
No, currently (Oct 2019) you can't download a Lambda Function's source and edit it locally. If you know the name of the S3 object where the code is stored, you could pull that file down adn make changes, re-zip it, re-upload it back to S3, force the Lambda to cold-start (change the memory slider) and it will pick up the new code. but this is extremely brittle.
Have you tried cloud9, I find it the best way to work on lambdas, especially if you are working as a team. but the problem with cloud9 is also it seems it's not actively being developed and you have lots of manual work to update SAM and dev tools in there. Anyhow I still recommend cloud9.

Cannot have more than 0 builds in queue for the account

I'm newbie in AWS, with my free tier account I'm trying to build my nodeJS project with AWS CodeBuild but I get this error:
Build failed to start The build failed to start. The following error occured: Cannot have more than 0 builds in queue for the account
I followed the simple aws tutorial, leaving all default settings for let aws create all service, image etc for me.
Also I stored source code in a AwsCodeCommit repository.
Could anybody help me?
In my case, there was a security vulnerability in my account and AWS automatically raised a support ticket and suspended all resources that were linked to it. I had to fix it and then on chat with aws support they resumed my service.
I've seen a lot of answers around the web suggesting to call support, which is a great idea, but I was actually able to get around this on my own.
As the root user I went in and put in a current credit card. The one that was currently there was expired. I then deleted my CodeBuild project and create a new one. Now my builds work! It makes sense that AWS just needed a valid payment method before it allowed me to use premium services.
My solution may not work for you, but sure I hope it does!
My error was Project-level concurrent build limit cannot exceed the account-level concurrent build limit of 1 when I tried to increase the Concurrent build limit under checkbox Restrict number of concurrent builds this project can start in CodeBuild Project Configuration. I resolved it by writing to support to increase the limit. They increased it to 20 and it works now as expected. They increased it even though I'm on Basic plan on AWS if anyone's wondering.
My solution was to add new service role name and the concurrent build to 1. This worked
I think your issue is resolved at the moment. Any way I faced the same issue. In my case I had a "code build project" connecting to a GitHub repository. And then I added AWS Access Key and Secret hard coding the buildspec.yml file. With this AWS identified it as an unauthorized login. So they added security restrictions to the resources while opening a support issue. In such a case you can look for the emails from AWS in which they explain the reason for this behavior and the steps to get this corrected.