Using sessions in flask - flask

I want to add items in session and delete sessions in flask. Can anyone help with the code?
from flask import Flask, session
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello world():
return "Hello world"

You can import session from flask and use it
from flask import Flask, session
app = Flask(__name__)
def use_session():
if 'item' not in session:
session['items'] = {'item':'item2'}
return session.get('items')
def delete_session():
session.pop('item', None)
return "removed item from session"


Telebot not responding to requests with FLask server

I am trying to deploy my telegram bot to Heroku using Flask. ALthough I followed the tutorials and set up everything the same I am not getting any result and my bot is not responding.
import requests
import pandas as pd
import telebot
from telebot import types
import random
import os
from flask import Flask, request
from requests.models import MissingSchema
URL_HEROKU = f"some_url"
TOKEN = os.environ['TOKEN']
bot = telebot.TeleBot(TOKEN, parse_mode=None)
app = Flask(__name__)
def start(message):
#Init keyboard markup
msg = ''' Hello, how are you?'''
bot.reply_to(message, msg)
def send_some(message):
bot.send_message(, text='Hello')
#app.route('/' + TOKEN, methods=['GET'])
def getMessage():
return "!", 200
def webhook():
bot.set_webhook(url= URL_HEROKU + TOKEN)
return "!", 200
if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=int(os.environ.get('PORT', 5000)))
My Procfile is:
web: python
and my requirements.txt:
do you see any mistake ? When I open my app in Heroku I only see "!" which is the character defined in getMessage() method.

Simple Flask example with pytest and application factory does not work

I am new to flask and I have set up a simple flask example and two tests using pytest(see here). When I let run only one test it works, but if I run both tests it does not work.
Anyone knows why? I think I am missing here some basics of how flask works.
code structure:
from flask import Flask
def create_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
with app.app_context():
from app import views
return app
from flask import current_app as app
def index():
return 'Index Page'
def hello():
return 'Hello World!'
import pytest
from app import create_app
def client():
app = create_app()
yield app.test_client()
from app import create_app
def test_index(client):
response = client.get("/")
assert == b"Index Page"
def test_hello(client):
response = client.get("/hello")
assert == b"Hello World!"
The problem is with your registration of the routes in app/ when you register them with current_app as app. I'm not sure how you would apply the application factory pattern without using blueprints as the pattern description in the documentation implies they are mandatory for the pattern:
If you are already using packages and blueprints for your application [...]
So I adjusted your code to use a blueprint instead:
from flask import Blueprint
bp = Blueprint('main', __name__)
from app.main import views
app/ -> app/main/
from app.main import bp
def index():
return 'Index Page'
def hello():
return 'Hello World!'
from flask import Flask
def create_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
# register routes with app instead of current_app:
from app.main import bp as main_bp
return app
Then your tests work as intended:
$ python -m pytest tests
============================== test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.6.5, pytest-6.1.0, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /Users/oschlueter/github/simple-flask-example-with-pytest
collected 2 items
tests/ .. [100%]
=============================== 2 passed in 0.02s ===============================

How to reference self in flask route method?

For example, this pattern is usually accomplished with globals. How to use attributed?
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
app._this_thing = None
def hello_world():
self._this_thing = 123
return 'Hello, World!'
You can import the global variable current_app (see doc) and access it in your function like this:
from flask import Flask, current_app
app = Flask(__name__)
app._this_thing = 'Hello world!'
def hello_world():
return current_app._this_thing
Saving the this as and starting it like this
$ flask run
then returns the expected response:
$ curl http://localhost:5000
Hello world!

Internal servor error response from the flask application

Hello i am writing the following code to authenticate the username and password and execute a entry method code if the given credentials are valid. But i am getting internal server error.Can someone help where it is getting wrong. My target is to execute a block of code if the credentials are matching.
#import statements
import Example
import Example2
import logging
from flask import Flask
from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth
from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash
#Creating the logge r variables and intialization
format = "%(asctime)s %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(format=format, level=logging.INFO, filename='Job_history_logs.log')
#Starting the Flask application
app = Flask(__name__)
auth = HTTPBasicAuth()
users = {
"john": generate_password_hash("hello"),
"susan": generate_password_hash("bye")
#app.route('/todo/api/v1.0/tasks', methods=['GET'])
def verify_password(username, password):"Username provided is "+ str(username))"password provided is "+ str(password))
if username in users:"Hash comparision is "+ str(check_password_hash(users.get(username), password)))
if check_password_hash(users.get(username), password):
return True
def unauthorized():
return make_response(jsonify({'error': 'Unauthorized access'}), 401)
def entry():
result1 = Example.external()
result2 = Example2.external2()"result1 is "+str(result1))
return str(result1)+"...."+str(result2)
if __name__ == '__main__':'')
I was able to run this application with simple changes in the sequence of usage of #auth_decorators.
working code
#import statements
import logging
from external import star_matrix
from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth
from flask import Flask
from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash
#Creating an object
format = "%(asctime)s %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(format=format, level=logging.INFO, filename='Job_history_logs.log')
app = Flask(__name__)
auth = HTTPBasicAuth()
users = {
"john": generate_password_hash("hello"),
"susan": generate_password_hash("bye")
def verify_password(username, password ):"Username provided is "+ str(username))"password provided is "+ str(password))
if username in users:"Hash comparision is "+ str(check_password_hash(users.get(username), password)))
if check_password_hash(users.get(username), password):
return True
#app.route('/todo/api/v1.0/tasks', methods=['GET'])
def entry():'inside the entry function')
result = star_matrix.external()
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':'')

flask init_db in app_context vs not? what is the difference?

I have multiple apps and use flask_sqlalchemy with the style below:
from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
db = SQLAlchemy()
def create_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
return app
However, in the test, all the app linked to the same database.
after I switch to the following style. Every app can linked to its own database.
from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
db = SQLAlchemy()
def create_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
with app.app_context():
return app
I did not understand why? If the second case is better, why it is not in the official doc?
credit: I copied the second style from
Each app you create has it is own context, using the below block of code:
with app.app_context():
means that you initialize those instances to that app context only and trying to access those instances somewhere else will result in the below error.
RunTimeError: Working outside of application context.
You can read more about Flask app context here