AWS API Gateway Not Passing Custom Headers - amazon-web-services

I have an API Gateway request where I am passing a custom header that is not being passed into the Lambda which is its target. First and foremost, I checked the verbose logs for the API Gateway Instance and can see the custom header called x-treasury-system being passed in and present in Method request headers:
But it is not present in Endpoint request headers:
Which is why I think its not ending up in the Lambda. I have the following header mappings setup - In the Method Request:
And in the Integration Request:
What am I missing? It seems that all is in order to pass that header, I double checked in lambda logs when printing out the headers that it is for sure not coming in.


APIGateway mapping header to path via proxy

I am trying to proxy a request though API gateway to an internal service.
My external request looks like:
Path: /resources
Headers: owner_id passed along which was decoded via an authorizer in a previous step.
The proxied endpoint I would like to hit is:
Is it possible to pull a header out and use this as a path parameter to the internal API?
Set an Endpoint URL like{owner_id}/blah1/blah2 in Integration Request
in the same Integration Request, add a Mapping Templates : "When there are not templates defined (recommended)) section, add a Content-Type : application/json with a template body of #set($context.requestOverride.path.owner_id = $input.params("owner_id"))
See also:

How do I respond with a request header in AWS API Gateway

I have a POST request coming in with a header that I need to play back with the response (Example: "Validation: 123").
The integration returns synchronously, immediately.
The header is entirely non-functional and so doesn't need to be passed through to my integration. It just needs to be passed back with the response to the inbound request.
I am trying to do this by mapping the headers from the method request through to the method response, or via the integration request/response.
For example, I'd like to set the header mapping for the integration response to method.request.header.Validation (ie, identically to the integration request mapping). However, this is disallowed.
Is this the right approach?
This is a limitation of AWS API Gateway.

return a 302 from AWS API Gateway using request path

I have a simple site running on Lambda, using a single proxy resource in API Gateway to route requests to it.
I'm trying to set up some "vanity URLs": someone arriving on /somepath should be redirected to /?source=somepath.
I'm trying to achieve this in API Gateway rather than passing it through to the Lambda app to manage.
I've set up a resource on /somepath, with a Mock integration type.
The Method Response contains only a 302 type, which contains a Location response header.
The Integration Response contains a corresponding 302 response type
The Header Mappings contain a Location header mapped to context.resourcePath
This works, sort of. A request to /somepath returns a 302 response with a Location header value of /somepath.
But how can I format that Header Mapping value to be (i.e.):
Is there a way I can do this all in API Gateway, using only a Mock endpoint instead of passing the request through to an actual integration backend to return a header value?

API Gateway CORS Issue

So I have CORS enabled going through the basic setup given by AWS Gateway. However for this API I need to allow Control Origins for all requests and allow credentials.
Here is what it looks like
The issue as you may have guessed is this setup is not allowed by CORS, you can not have a wildcard for Origin and have credentials as true. Normally the work around for this is to just grab the requesting domain and add it into the Origin Header. Which is more or less what I want to do. But I don't know how to get that information and add it as a mapping value. Where does API Gateway store that information and how do i get it?
I have to pass through HTTP Header Host to my Lambda Function which I should have mentioned earlier, I have tried implementing the Answer below but I cannot access the header to pass it to the Lambda function using the instructions provided. Any more assistance with this is greatly appreciated.
Okay After hours of research and finding bits of information across the internet I have a solution and hopefully it is useful for other people.
To pass an HTTP Header that is not a default value provided by AWS API Gateway and then access that data via a Lambda Function and return that data in the Response Header follow the steps below
In "Method Request" go to "HTTP Request Headers" and add your desired header to capture. ie. if we want to get the host value of the API url you can enter "Host" here. if you want to get the website host of the caller use "Origin"
In "Integration Request" go to mapping templates and create a new template if an "application/json" does not exist, if it does just update it.
This is the important part, pass the header value you set in step 1. To do that write something similar to the following in the Template Box.
"origin" : "$input.params().header.Origin",
"host" : "$input.params().header.Host"
You can also pass in any url parameters you have defined in the same JSON.
Access the data from Lambda, The integration request passed the information into the "Event" parameter if using Node as the Lambda Backend code. to retrieve the value of any header just use the following within your handler.
When sending back your response from Lambda to API Gateway, it is best to format the response in JSON. Something similar to this.
"origin" : event.origin,
"host" :,
"nonHeaderOutput" : "Hello World"
In "Integration Response" go to "Header Mappings", if the header you need is not listed you may add it in "Method Response" and it will then appear here. For this example I used "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" and edited the Mapping Value to be integration.response.body.origin
now go to "Mapping Templates and select the content type you want to use, and then edit the template to access the non header responses by adding this to the Template Box
That is it now the header that was sent to the API can be used in your method Response.
Jurgen from API Gateway here.
Thanks for reporting this issue. There is currently no simple way to set it up via the "Enable CORS" feature in the console. However, we are looking into it to improve the user experience for this use case.
As a potential workaround, you could passthrough the Origin header from the client to your backend and parse / create the value for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header there. Then you would map the Header in the Integration Response from 'integration.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin' to Access-Control-Allow-Origin and return it to the client.
Hope this helps.

Can you statically set a Header and it's value when setting up an HTTP Proxy using AWS Api Gateway endpoint?

I am creating an http proxy using AWS Api Gateway. I would like to hard code some of the headers and their values to be forwarded as part of the request. I thought this might be possible in the 'Integration Request' portion of the proxy setup, but I can't seem to figure it out.
I'm trying to pass an Authorization header with an oauth key. I don't want to share this key with clients that have access to this service, since I will only provide a subset of access to users of this specific endpoint.
In the Integration Request, you can configure a static header value to be sent to the integration endpoint by putting the value inside of single quotes, e.g. 'my_static_header_value'.
Is it a problem to put those hardcoded headers in the request body ? It not, you could just use a template (in the integration request screen) :
"hardcoded_header": "$input.params('hardcoded_header')"
Hope this helps.