Threading returns unexpected result - c++ - c++

I'm learning about threads for homework, and I've tried to implement threading on a simple program I've made. Without threading the program works perfectly, but when I thread the two random number generator functions, it returns incorrect results. The result always seems to be '42' for both number generators, not sure why this would be the case.
Also for context, I'm just starting with threads so I understand this program doesn't need multithreading. I'm doing it just for learning purposes.
Thanks for any help!
// struct for vector to use
struct readings {
std::string name;
int data;
// random generator for heat value - stores in vector of struct
void gen_heat(std::vector<readings>& storage) {
readings h = {"Heat", rand() % 100 + 1};
storage.insert(storage.begin(), h);
// random generator for light value - stores in vector of struct
void gen_light(std::vector<readings>& storage) {
readings l = {"Light", rand() % 100 + 1};
storage.insert(storage.begin(), l);
int main() {
// vector of readings struct
std::vector<readings> storage;
// initialising threads of random generators
std::thread H(gen_heat, std::ref(storage));
std::thread L(gen_light, std::ref(storage));
// waiting for both to finish
// print values in vec of struct
for (const auto& e : storage) {
std::cout << "Type: " << << std::endl
<< "Numbers: " << << std::endl;
// send to another function
return 0;

Since you have several threads accessing a mutual resource, in this case the vector of readings, and some of them are modifying it, you need to make the accesses to that resource exclusive. There are many ways of synchronizing the access; one of them, simple enough and not going down to the use of mutexes, is a binary semaphore (since C++20). You basically:
own the access to the resource by acquiring the semaphore,
use the resource, and then,
release the semaphore so others can access the resource.
If a thread A tries to acquire the semaphore while other thread B is using the resource, thread A will block until the resource is freed.
Notice the semaphore is initialized to 1 indicating the resource is free. Once a thread acquires the semaphore, the count will go down to 0, and no other thread will be able to acquire it until the count goes back to 1 (what will happen after a release).
#include <cstdlib> // rand
#include <iostream> // cout
#include <semaphore>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
std::binary_semaphore readings_sem{1};
// struct for vector to use
struct readings {
std::string name;
int data;
// random generator for heat value - stores in vector of struct
void gen_heat(std::vector<readings>& storage) {
for (auto i{0}; i < 5; ++i) {
readings h = {"Heat", rand() % 100 + 1};
storage.insert(storage.begin(), h);
// random generator for light value - stores in vector of struct
void gen_light(std::vector<readings>& storage) {
for (auto i{0}; i < 5; ++i) {
readings l = {"Light", rand() % 100 + 1};
storage.insert(storage.begin(), l);
int main() {
// vector of readings struct
std::vector<readings> storage;
// initialising threads of random generators
std::thread H(gen_heat, std::ref(storage));
std::thread L(gen_light, std::ref(storage));
// waiting for both to finish
// print values in vec of struct
for (const auto& e : storage) {
std::cout << "Type: " << << std::endl
<< "Numbers: " << << std::endl;
// Outputs (something like):
// Type: Heat
// Numbers: 5
// Type: Light
// Numbers: 83
// Type: Light
// Numbers: 40
// ...
[Update on Ben Voigt's comment]
The acquisition and release of the resource can be encapsulated by using RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization), a mechanism which is already provided by the language. E.g.:
Both threads still try and acquire a mutex to get access to the vector of readings resource.
But they acquire it by just creating a lock guard.
Once the lock guard goes out of scope and is destroyed, the mutex is released.
#include <mutex> // lock_guard
std::mutex mtx{};
// random generator for heat value - stores in vector of struct
void gen_heat(std::vector<readings>& storage) {
for (auto i{0}; i < 5; ++i) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg{ mtx };
readings h = {"Heat", rand() % 100 + 1};
storage.insert(storage.begin(), h);


why does this thread pool deadlock or run too many times?

I'm trying to write a thread pool in c++ that fulfills the following criteria:
a single writer occasionally writes a new input value, and once it does, many threads concurrently access this same value, and each spit out a random floating point number.
each worker thread uses the same function, so there's no reason to build a thread-safe queue for all the different functions. I store the common function inside the thread_pool class.
these functions are by far the most computationally-intensive aspect of the program. Any locks that prevent these functions from doing their work is the primary thing I'm trying to avoid.
the floating point output from all these functions is simply averaged.
the user has a single function called thread_pool::start_work that changes this shared input, and tells all the workers to work for a fixed number of tasks.
thread_pool::start_work returns std::future
Below is what I have so far. It can be built and run with g++ test_tp.cpp -std=c++17 -lpthread; ./a.out Unfortunately it either deadlocks or does the work too many (or sometimes too few) times. I am thinking that it's because m_num_comps_done is not thread-safe. There are chances that all the threads skip over the last count, and then they all end up yielding. But isn't this variable atomic?
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <atomic>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
* #class join_threads
* #brief RAII thread killer
class join_threads
std::vector<std::thread>& m_threads;
explicit join_threads(std::vector<std::thread>& threads_)
: m_threads(threads_) {}
~join_threads() {
for(unsigned long i=0; i < m_threads.size(); ++i) {
// how remove the first two template parameters ?
template<typename func_input_t, typename F>
class thread_pool
using func_output_t = typename std::result_of<F(func_input_t)>::type;
static_assert( std::is_floating_point<func_output_t>::value,
"function output type must be floating point");
unsigned m_num_comps;
std::atomic_bool m_done;
std::atomic_bool m_has_an_input;
std::atomic<int> m_num_comps_done; // need to be atomic? why?
F m_f; // same function always used
func_input_t m_param; // changed occasionally by a single writer
func_output_t m_working_output; // many reader threads average all their output to get this
std::promise<func_output_t> m_out;
mutable std::shared_mutex m_mut;
mutable std::mutex m_output_mut;
std::vector<std::thread> m_threads;
join_threads m_joiner;
void worker_thread() {
if( m_num_comps_done.load() < m_num_comps - 1 ) {
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lk(m_mut);
func_output_t tmp = m_f(m_param); // long time
// quick
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk2(m_output_mut);
m_working_output += tmp / m_num_comps;
}else if(m_num_comps_done.load() == m_num_comps - 1){
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lk(m_mut);
func_output_t tmp = m_f(m_param); // long time
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk2(m_output_mut);
m_working_output += tmp / m_num_comps;
}catch(std::future_error& e){
std::cout << "future_error caught: " << e.what() << "\n";
* #brief ctor spawns working threads
thread_pool(F f, unsigned num_comps)
: m_num_comps(num_comps)
, m_done(false)
, m_has_an_input(false)
, m_joiner(m_threads)
, m_f(f)
unsigned const thread_count=std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); // should I subtract one?
try {
for(unsigned i=0; i<thread_count; ++i) {
m_threads.push_back( std::thread(&thread_pool::worker_thread, this));
} catch(...) {
~thread_pool() {
* #brief changes the shared data member,
* resets the num_comps_left variable,
* resets the accumulator thing to 0, and
* resets the promise object
std::future<func_output_t> start_work(func_input_t new_param) {
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lk(m_mut);
m_param = new_param;
m_num_comps_done = 0;
m_working_output = 0.0;
m_out = std::promise<func_output_t>();
m_has_an_input = true; // only really matters just after initialization
return m_out.get_future();
double slowSum(std::vector<double> nums) {
// std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200));
return std::accumulate(nums.begin(), nums.end(), 0.0);
int main(){
// construct
thread_pool<std::vector<double>, std::function<double(std::vector<double>)>>
le_pool(slowSum, 1000);
// add work
auto ans = le_pool.start_work(std::vector<double>{1.2, 3.2, 4213.1});
std::cout << "final answer is: " << ans.get() << "\n";
std::cout << "it should be 4217.5\n";
return 1;
You check the "done" count, then get the lock. This allows multiple threads to be waiting for the lock. In particular, there might not be a thread that enters the second if body.
The other side of that is because you have all threads running all the time, the "last" thread may not get access to its exclusive section early (before enough threads have run) or even late (because additional threads are waiting at the mutex in the first loop).
To fix the first issue, since the second if block has all of the same code that is in the first if block, you can have just one block that checks the count to see if you've reached the end and should set the out value.
The second issue requires you to check m_num_comps_done a second time after acquiring the mutex.

Improper usage of mutex c++

i have problem with my code. This function pushes a product into queue.
void producent(bool &cont,std::queue<std::string> &queue,std::mutex &mtx, int &milliseconds)
while (cont)
if (queue.size() >= MAX_QUEUE_SIZE)
std::cerr << "buffor full " << std::endl;
std::string product = generate();
std::cerr << "producent: " << product << " " << std::endl;
this function generates a string of 10 signs, which are pushed by void producent function().
std::string generate() {
std::string temp;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
temp[i] = rand() % ('z' - 'a' + 1) + 'a';
return temp;
My question is: why, when i create 2 threads like this:
std::thread prod(producent, std::ref(wykonuj),std::ref(kolejka), std::ref(kolejka_mtx),std::ref(t));
std::thread prod1(producent, std::ref(wykonuj), std::ref(kolejka), std::ref(kolejka_mtx), std::ref(t));
both of them give me same result, for example the outcome is:
producent: qweasdzxca
producent: qweasdzxca
i wanted those outcomes to be different, thats why i used mutex, but it didnt work. Can someone give me some advices?
rand doesn't share a seed between threads. Each thread has its own seed - but without explicitly setting it differently in both threads via srand(), it's going to be the same.
Hence, generate invoked by both threads will produce the same string.
The docs suggest rand_r is the thread safe version, but both functions are threads safe in modern implementations.
Assuming your implementation has a thread-safe rand() (probably unwise), both threads are using the same initial random seed (the default of 1, in this case), and thus producing the same sequence. Rather than doing that, embrace the the C++ <random> offerings, and as far as that goes, the uniform distribution offerings as well.
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>
#include <string>
std::string generate(int n=10)
std::mt19937 prng{ std::random_device{}() };
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist('a', 'z');
std::string result;
std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(result), n, [&]() { return dist(prng); });
return result;
Executed 10x on 10x threads, this produced:
That, or something similar, should produce what you seek.
Note: the above will not work as-expected on platforms where a..z is non-contiguous. If you're on such a beast (typically OS/400 or OS/390 EBCDIC), an alternate solution is required.

Parallel execution doesn't update my variable

I want to write a program where, random numbers are going to be created and I am going to track down the greatest of them. Two threads are going to run in parallel. However, my best variable is stuck at its initial variable. Why?
I updated the code after Joachim's answer, but I am not getting the correct answer at every run! What am I missing?
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <thread> // std::thread
#include <mutex> // std::mutex
#include <random>
std::default_random_engine generator((unsigned int)time(0));
int random(int n) {
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(0, n);
return distribution(generator);
std::mutex mtx; // mutex for critical section
void update_cur_best(int& cur_best, int a, int b) {
// critical section (exclusive access to std::cout signaled by locking mtx):
if(a > b)
cur_best = a;
cur_best = b;
void run(int max, int& best) {
for(int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
int a = random(max); int b = random(max);
update_cur_best(best, a, b);
std::cout << "|" << a << "| |" << b << "|" << std::endl;
int main ()
int best = 0;
std::thread th1 (run, 100, std::ref(best));
std::thread th2 (run, 100, std::ref(best));
std::cout << "best = " << best << std::endl;
return 0;
Sample output:
|4| |21|
|80| |75|
|93| |95|
|4| |28|
|52| |92|
|96| |12|
|83| |8|
|4| |33|
|28| |35|
|59| |52|
|20| |73|
|60| |96|
|61| |34|
|67| |79|
|67| |95|
|54| |57|
|20| |75|
|40| |30|
|16| |32|
|25| |100|
|33| |36|
|69| |26|
|94| |46|
|15| |57|
|50| |68|
|9| |56|
|46| |70|
|65| |65|
|76| |73|
|16| |29|
best = 29
I am getting 29, which is not the maximum!
As an answer to the updated question, in update_cur_best the value of best is overwritten on each iteration. In the end, its value will simply be the greater of the most recent a, b pair generated. What you want to do is update it only when the current a or b is greater than best (I'm not sure why you generate two random values on each iteration...)
It's because you can't really pass references to the thread constructor, because they will not be passed on as references, but copied and it's those copies that are passed to your thread function. You have to use std::ref to wrap the reference.
std::thread th1 (run, 100, std::ref(best));

Accessing random number engine from multiple threads

this is my first question, so please forgive me any violations against your policy. I want to have one global random number engine per thread, to which purpose I've devised the following scheme: Each thread I start gets a unique index from an atomic global int. There is a static vector of random engines, whose i-th member is thought to be used by the thread with the index i. If the index if greater than the vector size elements are added to it in a synchronized manner. To prevent performance penalties, I check twice if the index is greater than the vector size: once in an unsynced manner, and once more after locking the mutex. So far so good, but the following example fails with all sorts of errors (heap corruption, malloc-errors, etc.).
using std::cout;
std::atomic_uint INDEX_GEN{};
std::vector<std::mt19937> RNDS{};
float f = 0.0f;
std::mutex m{};
class TestAThread {
TestAThread() :thread(nullptr){
cout << "Calling constructor TestAThread\n";
thread = new std::thread(&TestAThread::run, this);
TestAThread(TestAThread&& source) : thread(source.thread){
source.thread = nullptr;
cout << "Calling move constructor TestAThread. My ptr is " << thread << ". Source ptr is" << source.thread << "\n";
TestAThread(const TestAThread& source) = delete;
~TestAThread() {
cout << "Calling destructor TestAThread. Pointer is " << thread << "\n";
if (thread != nullptr){
cout << "Deleting thread pointer\n";
delete thread;
thread = nullptr;
void run(){
int index = INDEX_GEN.fetch_add(1);
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> uniformRnd{ 0.0f, 1.0f };
while (true){
if (index >= RNDS.size()){
// add randoms in a synchronized manner.
while (index >= RNDS.size()){
cout << "index is " << index << ", size is " << RNDS.size() << std::endl;
f += uniformRnd(RNDS[index]);
std::thread* thread;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
std::vector<TestAThread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){
cout << f;
What am I doing wrong?!
Obviously f += ... would be a race-condition regardless of the right-hand side, but I suppose you already knew that.
The main problem that I see is your use of the global std::vector<std::mt19937> RNDS. Your mutex-protected critical section only encompasses adding new elements; not accessing existing elements:
... uniformRnd(RNDS[index]);
That's not thread-safe because resizing RNDS in another thread could cause RNDS[index] to be moved into a new memory location. In fact, this could happen after the reference RNDS[index] is computed but before uniformRnd gets around to using it, in which case what uniformRnd thinks is a Generator& will be a dangling pointer, possibly to a newly-created object. In any event, uniformRnd's operator() makes no guarantee about data races [Note 1], and neither does RNDS's operator[].
You could get around this problem by:
computing a reference (or pointer) to the generator within the protected section (which cannot be contingent on whether the container's size is sufficient), and
using a std::deque instead of a std::vector, which does not invalidate references when it is resized (unless the referenced object has been removed from the container by the resizing).
Something like this (focusing on the race condition; there are other things I'd probably do differently):
std::mt19937& get_generator(int index) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(m);
if (index <= RNDS.size()) RNDS.resize(index + 1);
return RNDS[index];
void run(){
int index = INDEX_GEN.fetch_add(1);
auto& gen = get_generator(index);
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> uniformRnd{ 0.0f, 1.0f };
while (true) {
/* Do something with uniformRnd(gen); */
[1] The prototype for operator() of uniformRnd is template< class Generator > result_type operator()( Generator& g );. In other words, the argument must be a mutable reference, which means that it is not implicitly thread-safe; only const& arguments to standard library functions are free of data races.

C++ Syncing threads in most elegant way

I am try to solve the following problem, I know there are multiple solutions but I'm looking for the most elegant way (less code) to solve it.
I've 4 threads, 3 of them try to write a unique value (0,1,or 2) to a volatile integer variable in an infinite loop, the forth thread try to read the value of this variable and print the value to the stdout also in an infinite loop.
I'd like to sync between the thread so the thread that writes 0 will be run and then the "print" thread and then the thread that writes 1 and then again the print thread, an so on...
So that finally what I expect to see at the output of the "print" thread is a sequence of zeros and then sequence of 1 and then 2 and then 0 and so on...
What is the most elegant and easy way to sync between these threads.
This is the program code:
volatile int value;
int thid[4];
int main() {
HANDLE handle[4];
for (int ii=0;ii<4;ii++) {
handle[ii] = (HANDLE) CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) ThreadProc, &thid[ii], 0, NULL);
return 0;
void WINAPI ThreadProc( LPVOID param ) {
int h=*((int*)param);
switch (h) {
case 3:
while(true) {
cout << value << endl;
while(true) {
// setting a unique value to the volatile variable
your problem can be solved with the producer consumer pattern.
I got inspired from Wikipedia so here is the link if you want some more details.
I used a random number generator to generate the volatile variable but you can change that part.
Here is the code: it can be improved in terms of style (using C++11 for random numbers) but it produces what you expect.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <chrono>
#include <stdlib.h> /* srand, rand */
using namespace std;
//random number generation
std::mutex mutRand;//mutex for random number generation (given that the random generator is not thread safe).
int GenerateNumber()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mutRand);
return rand() % 3;
// print function for "thread safe" printing using a stringstream
void print(ostream& s) { cout << s.rdbuf(); cout.flush(); s.clear(); }
// Constants
const int num_producers = 3; //the three producers of random numbers
const int num_consumers = 1; //the only consumer
const int producer_delay_to_produce = 10; // in miliseconds
const int consumer_delay_to_consume = 30; // in miliseconds
const int consumer_max_wait_time = 200; // in miliseconds - max time that a consumer can wait for a product to be produced.
const int max_production = 1; // When producers has produced this quantity they will stop to produce
const int max_products = 1; // Maximum number of products that can be stored
// Variables
atomic<int> num_producers_working(0); // When there's no producer working the consumers will stop, and the program will stop.
stack<int> products; // The products stack, here we will store our products
mutex xmutex; // Our mutex, without this mutex our program will cry
condition_variable is_not_full; // to indicate that our stack is not full between the thread operations
condition_variable is_not_empty; // to indicate that our stack is not empty between the thread operations
// Functions
// Produce function, producer_id will produce a product
void produce(int producer_id)
while (true)
unique_lock<mutex> lock(xmutex);
int product;
is_not_full.wait(lock, [] { return products.size() != max_products; });
product = GenerateNumber();
print(stringstream() << "Producer " << producer_id << " produced " << product << "\n");
// Consume function, consumer_id will consume a product
void consume(int consumer_id)
while (true)
unique_lock<mutex> lock(xmutex);
int product;
if(is_not_empty.wait_for(lock, chrono::milliseconds(consumer_max_wait_time),
[] { return products.size() > 0; }))
product =;
print(stringstream() << "Consumer " << consumer_id << " consumed " << product << "\n");
// Producer function, this is the body of a producer thread
void producer(int id)
for(int i = 0; i < max_production; ++i)
print(stringstream() << "Producer " << id << " has exited\n");
// Consumer function, this is the body of a consumer thread
void consumer(int id)
// Wait until there is any producer working
while(num_producers_working == 0) this_thread::yield();
while(num_producers_working != 0 || products.size() > 0)
print(stringstream() << "Consumer " << id << " has exited\n");
// Main
int main()
vector<thread> producers_and_consumers;
// Create producers
for(int i = 0; i < num_producers; ++i)
producers_and_consumers.push_back(thread(producer, i));
// Create consumers
for(int i = 0; i < num_consumers; ++i)
producers_and_consumers.push_back(thread(consumer, i));
// Wait for consumers and producers to finish
for(auto& t : producers_and_consumers)
return 0;
Hope that helps, tell me if you need more info or if you disagree with something :-)
And Good Bastille Day to all French people!
If you want to synchronise the threads, then using a sync object to hold each of the threads in a "ping-pong" or "tick-tock" pattern.
In C++ 11 you can use condition variables, the example here shows something similar to what you are asking for.