Display search count in IdeaVim - webstorm

Below is the UI of Rider search with Cmd + F. But I'm using the IdeaVim plugin, I want a similar UI to count the current match when I perform a search with / or ? but can't find the config to display it.

If I'm getting this correctly then this is not possible right now (not implemented).
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/VIM-2544 -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified with any progress.


Postman - Can't inspect Find & Replace results

I am searching for requests in a collection which contain a specific string using Find And Replace. After entering in a value, I am able to see the results. I would like to inspect the requests/responses that are in the search results. Specifically, I need to see their headers, and in case of results that are responses—their entire response bodies.
There is an "Open in builder" button by each search result that unfortunately does absolutely nothing, and to further complicate things—the URL of the request is truncated in the search results. Because of this, I can not even manually find the request in the collection and inspect it.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

How to open different links on different tabs and run javascript code on console

i wish someone could help me! i will try to be precise to explain what i want to reach.
Imagine that regularly i will have some websites where i will need to inject some javascript through console, or make this scrip to run on the website somehow.
So lets say i have 3 links for now: link1.com, link2.com, link3.com
The behavior i want to reach:
Open 1st tab, go to link1.com, run a js script
Open 2nd tab, go to.... (youve got the idea)
it will always run the same script for every page.
And after it runs the last script in the last tab, i want to start everything again, repeat this loop.
And would be great if this code could be nicely readable and functional, for example. Whenever i wanted to add a new link, i would do this so that the code would keep working without needing to change nothing.
Example: we have an array of links ['link1.com', 'link2.com', 'link3.com']. So for a new link, i just needed to push a new link4.com to the array and everything would work fine. It would suit me a lot.
But if theres even a better idea, i would be welcome. I am totally newbie to iMacros, but i have been here to PC for 12h in a row sitting searching, and i am not getting so great results.
So below is what i have reached so far, but nothing working :/
SET !VAR1 EVAL("array[{{!LOOP}} - 1];")
TAB T={{!LOOP}} + 1
SET S EVAL("('{{!LOOP}}' == 1) ? 'imacros://run/?m={{next}}.iim' :
SET test EVAL("{{!LOOP}} > 2 ? 'DONE' : '';")
SET stop EVAL("if ('{{test}}') URL GOTO={{S}};")```

How to make a web page to totally display when loaded in python selenium?

The main objective I have is to read a table in a webpage and account for the total element it has. But since you have to scroll down to find another elements not 'chased' by this sentece
then I decided to zoom in down to 30% to catch them all. But no way I've used is working when trying to zoom in:
do not work
I have also tried to use key and send keys, but they have been worthless too:
html = driver.find_element_by_tag_name("body")
html.send_keys(Keys.CONTROL, Keys.SUBTRACT)
driver.Keys(html, "ctrl").Keys(html, "-").perform()
action = ActionChains(driver)
None of these combinations have worked up til now. They haven't show me any error so far, so I do not know what I am doing wrong.
I am using python 2.7, geckodriver and Firefox
Thanks for your help and greetings!

sharepoint search doesn't work properly after change environment

I have a trouble in sharepoint search.
I have dev environment and customize the Core search web part results.
The results view changed with xlst. In xslt i use HitHighlighting template for highlighting search results and jquery for replacing # symbols.
On dev environment search site work great, but when I moved my settings to test environment some functionality doesn't work.
Search works with title in query, with query includes title and some properties, but doesn't work with query includes title with some other properties.
I tried to output search raw result and all of searched properties are in raw result. But when I use query like title and one of "problem" property the raw result return empty.
Why sharepoint search returns no result on query with "problem" property and return this property in raw result with title search query.
Where can be the difference in my environments?
I resolve my problem.
At test environment I delete Search service with database from services in CA.
Then I create a new one and configured it. Search start works properly.

SharePoint-Search 2013 Query Transform keeps appending SPSPeople exclusion

I'm trying to get FQL working in an out-of-the-box Enterprise Search Site Collection in on-premise SharePoint 2013, with no success.
Intended query behavior is to:
- Accept and query search terms
- Limit results to the current subdomain (https://teams.domain.com/...)
- Exclude People from results
Our functioning KQL Query Transform is
{?{searchTerms} {?path:{QueryString.p}} -ContentClass=urn:content-class:SPSPeople}
As instructed in MSDN I copied current Result Source (in Site Collection Administration) and modified the Query Transform to:
I tried other variations as well but none work.
Even more puzzling to me when I go from "Basics" tab to "Test" tab and click "Show more", the Query text box is ALWAYS appended with
Since it's not FQL formatted I figure that's why my template won't work. I've been at this all day now... Any suggestions what to do next? How do I get rid of that KQL suffix?
Figured it out... I trusted the FQL Query Tranformation was correct and bypassed the "Launch Query Builder" button altogether, inputting the FQL into Query Transform text box.