linking problem with dlfcn DLFCN-WIN32 library - c++

I am currently trying to use the DLFCN-WIN32 library in order to use a c++ script originally implemented to use the dlfcn.h library.
When compiling the code (cantera V2.3), everything goes well except when generating the shared library where the dlopen and dlclose functions are not found.
originally script is :
* #file CustomKinetics.cpp
* #ingroup chemkinetics
// Author: Q. Cazeres, A. Felden, P. Pepiot
#include "cantera/kinetics/CustomKinetics.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <dlfcn.h>
using namespace std;
namespace Cantera
CustomKinetics::CustomKinetics(thermo_t* th) : GasKinetics(th)
printf("WARNING: Using customized kinetics from f90 file.\n");
handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
// load symbol
ck = (ck_t) dlsym(handle, "customkinetics_");
void CustomKinetics::get_wdot_reduced(doublereal* wdot)
doublereal P = thermo().pressure();
doublereal T = thermo().temperature();
// New yarc2 format
//doublereal rho = thermo().density();
const doublereal* m_y = thermo().massFractions();
// New yarc2 format
// Old yarc format
//mol/kmol conversion cantera is in kmol
for (size_t i=0;i<thermo().nSpecies();i++) {
The script is compiled with the following command line :
g++ -o build\src\kinetics\CustomKinetics.o -c -std=c++0x -lpsapi -O3 -Wno-inline -g -Wall -include src/pch/system.h -DNDEBUG -Iinclude -Iinclude\cantera\ext -Ibuild\src -Ibuild\src\L -Isrc\L -IL:\LIB_WINDOWS\DLFCN-WIN32\include -IL:\LIB_WINDOWS\BOOST\boost_1_78_0 src\kinetics\CustomKinetics.cpp
The shared library is compiled with the following command line :
scons: warning: Using $CXX to link Fortran and C++ code together.
This may generate a buggy executable if the 'g++'
compiler does not know how to deal with Fortran runtimes.
g++ -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -shared -o build\lib\cantera_shared.dll build\ext\libexecstream\exec-stream.o build\ext\fmt\fmt\format.o build\ext\fmt\fmt\ostream.o build\ext\fmt\fmt\posix.o build\ext\sundials\src\sundials\sundials_band.o build\ext\sundials\src\sundials\sundials_dense.o build\ext\sundials\src\sundials\sundials_direct.o build\ext\sundials\src\sundials\sundials_iterative.o build\ext\sundials\src\sundials\sundials_math.o build\ext\sundials\src\sundials\sundials_nvector.o build\ext\sundials\src\sundials\sundials_pcg.o build\ext\sundials\src\sundials\sundials_sparse.o build\ext\sundials\src\sundials\sundials_spbcgs.o build\ext\sundials\src\sundials\sundials_spfgmr.o build\ext\sundials\src\sundials\sundials_spgmr.o build\ext\sundials\src\sundials\sundials_sptfqmr.o build\ext\sundials\src\nvec_ser\fnvector_serial.o build\ext\sundials\src\nvec_ser\nvector_serial.o build\ext\sundials\src\cvodes\cvodea.o build\ext\sundials\src\cvodes\cvodea_io.o build\ext\sundials\src\cvodes\cvodes.o build\ext\sundials\src\cvodes\cvodes_band.o build\ext\sundials\src\cvodes\cvodes_bandpre.o build\ext\sundials\src\cvodes\cvodes_bbdpre.o build\ext\sundials\src\cvodes\cvodes_dense.o build\ext\sundials\src\cvodes\cvodes_diag.o build\ext\sundials\src\cvodes\cvodes_direct.o build\ext\sundials\src\cvodes\cvodes_io.o build\ext\sundials\src\cvodes\cvodes_sparse.o build\ext\sundials\src\cvodes\cvodes_spbcgs.o build\ext\sundials\src\cvodes\cvodes_spgmr.o build\ext\sundials\src\cvodes\cvodes_spils.o build\ext\sundials\src\cvodes\cvodes_sptfqmr.o build\ext\sundials\src\ida\ida.o build\ext\sundials\src\ida\ida_band.o build\ext\sundials\src\ida\ida_bbdpre.o build\ext\sundials\src\ida\ida_dense.o build\ext\sundials\src\ida\ida_direct.o build\ext\sundials\src\ida\ida_ic.o build\ext\sundials\src\ida\ida_io.o build\ext\sundials\src\ida\ida_sparse.o build\ext\sundials\src\ida\ida_spbcgs.o build\ext\sundials\src\ida\ida_spgmr.o build\ext\sundials\src\ida\ida_spils.o build\ext\sundials\src\ida\ida_sptfqmr.o build\src\base\Parser.o build\src\base\ValueCache.o build\src\base\application.o build\src\base\checkFinite.o build\src\base\clockWC.o build\src\base\ct2ctml.o build\src\base\ctexceptions.o build\src\base\ctml.o build\src\base\global.o build\src\base\plots.o build\src\base\stringUtils.o build\src\base\xml.o build\src\thermo\ConstCpPoly.o build\src\thermo\ConstDensityThermo.o build\src\thermo\DebyeHuckel.o build\src\thermo\Elements.o build\src\thermo\FixedChemPotSSTP.o build\src\thermo\GibbsExcessVPSSTP.o build\src\thermo\HMWSoln.o build\src\thermo\HMWSoln_input.o build\src\thermo\IdealGasPhase.o build\src\thermo\IdealMolalSoln.o build\src\thermo\IdealSolidSolnPhase.o build\src\thermo\IdealSolnGasVPSS.o build\src\thermo\IonsFromNeutralVPSSTP.o build\src\thermo\LatticePhase.o build\src\thermo\LatticeSolidPhase.o build\src\thermo\MargulesVPSSTP.o build\src\thermo\MaskellSolidSolnPhase.o build\src\thermo\MetalSHEelectrons.o build\src\thermo\MineralEQ3.o build\src\thermo\MixedSolventElectrolyte.o build\src\thermo\MixtureFugacityTP.o build\src\thermo\MolalityVPSSTP.o build\src\thermo\MolarityIonicVPSSTP.o build\src\thermo\Mu0Poly.o build\src\thermo\MultiSpeciesThermo.o build\src\thermo\Nasa9Poly1.o build\src\thermo\Nasa9PolyMultiTempRegion.o build\src\thermo\NasaPoly2.o build\src\thermo\PDSS.o build\src\thermo\PDSS_ConstVol.o build\src\thermo\PDSS_HKFT.o build\src\thermo\PDSS_IdealGas.o build\src\thermo\PDSS_IonsFromNeutral.o build\src\thermo\PDSS_SSVol.o build\src\thermo\PDSS_Water.o build\src\thermo\Phase.o build\src\thermo\PhaseCombo_Interaction.o build\src\thermo\PureFluidPhase.o build\src\thermo\RedlichKisterVPSSTP.o build\src\thermo\RedlichKwongMFTP.o build\src\thermo\SemiconductorPhase.o build\src\thermo\SingleSpeciesTP.o build\src\thermo\Species.o build\src\thermo\SpeciesThermoFactory.o build\src\thermo\SpeciesThermoInterpType.o build\src\thermo\StoichSubstance.o build\src\thermo\SurfPhase.o build\src\thermo\ThermoFactory.o build\src\thermo\ThermoPhase.o build\src\thermo\VPSSMgr.o build\src\thermo\VPSSMgrFactory.o build\src\thermo\VPSSMgr_ConstVol.o build\src\thermo\VPSSMgr_General.o build\src\thermo\VPSSMgr_IdealGas.o build\src\thermo\VPSSMgr_Water_ConstVol.o build\src\thermo\VPSSMgr_Water_HKFT.o build\src\thermo\VPStandardStateTP.o build\src\thermo\WaterProps.o build\src\thermo\WaterPropsIAPWS.o build\src\thermo\WaterPropsIAPWSphi.o build\src\thermo\WaterSSTP.o build\src\tpx\CarbonDioxide.o build\src\tpx\HFC134a.o build\src\tpx\Heptane.o build\src\tpx\Hydrogen.o build\src\tpx\Methane.o build\src\tpx\Nitrogen.o build\src\tpx\Oxygen.o build\src\tpx\RedlichKwong.o build\src\tpx\Sub.o build\src\tpx\Water.o build\src\tpx\lk.o build\src\tpx\utils.o build\src\equil\BasisOptimize.o build\src\equil\ChemEquil.o build\src\equil\MultiPhase.o build\src\equil\MultiPhaseEquil.o build\src\equil\vcs_Gibbs.o build\src\equil\vcs_MultiPhaseEquil.o build\src\equil\vcs_SpeciesProperties.o build\src\equil\vcs_TP.o build\src\equil\vcs_VolPhase.o build\src\equil\vcs_elem.o build\src\equil\vcs_elem_rearrange.o build\src\equil\vcs_inest.o build\src\equil\vcs_nondim.o build\src\equil\vcs_phaseStability.o build\src\equil\vcs_prep.o build\src\equil\vcs_prob.o build\src\equil\vcs_rearrange.o build\src\equil\vcs_report.o build\src\equil\vcs_rxnadj.o build\src\equil\vcs_setMolesLinProg.o build\src\equil\vcs_solve.o build\src\equil\vcs_solve_TP.o build\src\equil\vcs_solve_phaseStability.o build\src\equil\vcs_species_thermo.o build\src\equil\vcs_util.o build\src\numerics\BandMatrix.o build\src\numerics\CVodesIntegrator.o build\src\numerics\DAE_solvers.o build\src\numerics\DenseMatrix.o build\src\numerics\Func1.o build\src\numerics\FuncEval.o build\src\numerics\IDA_Solver.o build\src\numerics\ODE_integrators.o build\src\numerics\ResidJacEval.o build\src\numerics\RootFind.o build\src\numerics\SquareMatrix.o build\src\numerics\funcs.o build\src\numerics\polyfit.o build\src\kinetics\AqueousKinetics.o build\src\kinetics\BulkKinetics.o build\src\kinetics\C12H26_25_373_27_TJKinetics.o build\src\kinetics\C12H26_NOX_27_452_20_TJKinetics.o build\src\kinetics\C2H4_18_320_11_AFKinetics.o build\src\kinetics\C3H8_22_173_12_FCKinetics.o build\src\kinetics\C7H16_25_210_27_FCKinetics.o build\src\kinetics\CH4_22_320_18_TJKinetics.o build\src\kinetics\CustomKinetics.o build\src\kinetics\Falloff.o build\src\kinetics\FalloffFactory.o build\src\kinetics\GasKinetics.o build\src\kinetics\Group.o build\src\kinetics\HYCHEM_27_272_12_AFKinetics.o build\src\kinetics\HYCHEM_NOX_29_548_17_AFKinetics.o build\src\kinetics\ImplicitSurfChem.o build\src\kinetics\InterfaceKinetics.o build\src\kinetics\Kinetics.o build\src\kinetics\KineticsFactory.o build\src\kinetics\Reaction.o build\src\kinetics\ReactionPath.o build\src\kinetics\RxnRates.o build\src\kinetics\importKinetics.o build\src\kinetics\solveSP.o build\src\kinetics\c12h262537327tj.o build\src\kinetics\c12h262745220tj.o build\src\kinetics\c2h41832011af.o build\src\kinetics\c3h82217312fc.o build\src\kinetics\c7h162521027fc.o build\src\kinetics\ch42232018tj.o build\src\kinetics\hychem2727212af.o build\src\kinetics\hychemnox2954817af.o build\src\kinetics\sankaran13.o build\src\transport\AVBPTransport.o build\src\transport\DustyGasTransport.o build\src\transport\GasTransport.o build\src\transport\HighPressureGasTransport.o build\src\transport\LTPspecies.o build\src\transport\LiquidTranInteraction.o build\src\transport\LiquidTransport.o build\src\transport\LiquidTransportData.o build\src\transport\LiquidTransportParams.o build\src\transport\MMCollisionInt.o build\src\transport\MixTransport.o build\src\transport\MultiTransport.o build\src\transport\SimpleTransport.o build\src\transport\SolidTransport.o build\src\transport\SolidTransportData.o build\src\transport\TransportBase.o build\src\transport\TransportData.o build\src\transport\TransportFactory.o build\src\transport\TransportParams.o build\src\transport\WaterTransport.o build\src\oneD\Domain1D.o build\src\oneD\MultiJac.o build\src\oneD\MultiNewton.o build\src\oneD\OneDim.o build\src\oneD\Sim1D.o build\src\oneD\StFlow.o build\src\oneD\boundaries1D.o build\src\oneD\refine.o build\src\zeroD\ConstPressureReactor.o build\src\zeroD\FlowDevice.o build\src\zeroD\FlowReactor.o build\src\zeroD\IdealGasConstPressureReactor.o build\src\zeroD\IdealGasReactor.o build\src\zeroD\Reactor.o build\src\zeroD\ReactorBase.o build\src\zeroD\ReactorFactory.o build\src\zeroD\ReactorNet.o build\src\zeroD\ReactorSurface.o build\src\zeroD\Wall.o build\src\clib\ct.o build\src\clib\ctfunc.o build\src\clib\ctmultiphase.o build\src\clib\ctonedim.o build\src\clib\ctreactor.o build\src\clib\ctrpath.o build\src\clib\ctsurf.o build\src\clib\ctxml.o -Lbuild\lib -Lbuild\src\L -Lsrc\L -LL:\LIB_WINDOWS\DLFCN-WIN32\lib -Wl,--out-implib,build\lib\libcantera_shared.a -Wl,--output-def,build\lib\cantera_shared.def
And after that I got the following error message :
b"build\\src\\kinetics\\CustomKinetics.o: In function `Cantera::CustomKinetics::CustomKinetics(Cantera::ThermoPhase*)':\r\nL:\\LIB_WINDOWS\\CANTERA\\cantera-avbp-2.3/src/kinetics/CustomKinetics.cpp:23: undefined reference to `dlopen'\r\nL:\\LIB_WINDOWS\\CANTERA\\cantera-avbp-2.3/src/kinetics/CustomKinetics.cpp:26: undefined reference to `dlsym'\r\nbuild\\src\\kinetics\\CustomKinetics.o: In function `Cantera::CustomKinetics::close_dl()':\r\nL:\\LIB_WINDOWS\\CANTERA\\cantera-avbp-2.3/src/kinetics/CustomKinetics.cpp:53: undefined reference to `dlclose'\r\nL:\\LIB_WINDOWS\\CANTERA\\cantera-avbp-2.3/src/kinetics/CustomKinetics.cpp:53: undefined reference to `dlclose'\r\ncollect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status\r\n"
scons: *** [build\lib\cantera_shared.dll] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
The include and lib directories of the DLFCN-WIN32 libraries are well put in argument with -L option. Did I forget a compilation option?
Thank you in advance for your help,


g++ linker can not find library

I want to use this library in my c++/test.cpp file.
#include "omp/HandEvaluator.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace omp;
int main()
HandEvaluator eval;
Hand h = Hand::empty(); // Final hand must include empty() exactly once!
h += Hand(51) + Hand(48) + Hand(0) + Hand(1) + Hand(2); // AdAs2s2h2c
std::cout << eval.evaluate(h) << std::endl; // 28684 = 7 * 4096 + 12
I downloaded the source code from github and placed into the OMPEval folder. After make the ompeval.a library appeared.
Here is the folder structure:
Now I try to build it:
projects/c++$ g++ -Wall -g -L /home/a/projects/c++/OMPEval/lib/ -l ompeval -I /home/a/projects/c++/OMPEval/ test.cpp -v
but the linker has error:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lompeval
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Here is the whole build log:

collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status no DLL was created

Hello I am trying to make a package in R using Rcpp.
When I have just a single file, every thing is ok and my package(foad2) is compiled completely.
But, when I have more than one .cpp files (they do not depend on each other and each one contains only one function), I will be exposed to the following error
C:/RBuildTools/3.5/mingw_64/bin/g++ -std=gnu++11 -I"C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-36~1.3/include" -DNDEBUG -I"C:/Users/Foad/Documents/R/win-library/3.6/Rcpp/include" -O2 -Wall -mtune=core2 -c myFunc.cpp -o myFunc.o
C:/RBuildTools/3.5/mingw_64/bin/g++ -std=gnu++11 -I"C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-36~1.3/include" -DNDEBUG -I"C:/Users/Foad/Documents/R/win-library/3.6/Rcpp/include" -O2 -Wall -mtune=core2 -c rcpp_hello_world.cpp -o rcpp_hello_world.o
C:/RBuildTools/3.5/mingw_64/bin/g++ -std=gnu++11 -shared -s -static-libgcc -o foad2.dll tmp.def RcppExports.o myFunc.o rcpp_hello_world.o -LC:/PROGRA~1/R/R-36~1.3/bin/x64 -lR
RcppExports.o:RcppExports.cpp:(.rdata+0x6f8): undefined reference to `_foad2_rcpp_myFunc'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
no DLL was created
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'foad2'
* removing 'C:/Users/Foad/Documents/R/win-library/3.6/foad2'
Exited with status 1.
my Cpp Codes are:
my 1st cpp file:
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List rcpp_hello_world() {
CharacterVector x = CharacterVector::create( "foo", "bar" ) ;
NumericVector y = NumericVector::create( 0.0, 1.0 ) ;
List z = List::create( x, y ) ;
return z ;
my 2nd cpp file:
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector myFunc(NumericVector x) {
return x * 2;
I would be greatful if anybody tell me how I can fix this problem?

Linking error of R package with Rcpp: "undefined symbol: LAPACKE_dgels"

I am creating an R package 'lapacker' to provide the C interface for internal LAPACK library provided and used by R (with double precision and double complex only) using the R API header file "R_ext/Lapack.h". The source code:
And the project structure:
/someother header files
/loads of other utility functions provided by LAPACKE
Inside the project, I tried a test function in rcpp_hello.cpp file (Note this example is coming from
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void example_lapacke_dgels()
double a[5][3] = {{1,1,1},{2,3,4},{3,5,2},{4,2,5},{5,4,3}};
double b[5][2] = {{-10,-3},{12,14},{14,12},{16,16},{18,16}};
lapack_int info,m,n,lda,ldb,nrhs;
int i,j;
m = 5;
n = 3;
nrhs = 2;
lda = 3;
ldb = 2;
info = LAPACKE_dgels(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR,'N',m,n,nrhs,*a,lda,*b,ldb);
printf("%lf ",b[i][j]);
The whole package can compile properly with no errors, and in R it gives the right answer(indicating symbol LAPACKE_dgels can be found):
> example_lapacke_dgels()
2.000000 1.000000
1.000000 1.000000
1.000000 2.000000
However, when I create a separate C++ file, say demo3.cpp with exactly the same function,
#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <lapacke.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends(lapacker)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void lapacke_dgels_test()
double a[5][3] = {{1,1,1},{2,3,4},{3,5,2},{4,2,5},{5,4,3}};
double b[5][2] = {{-10,-3},{12,14},{14,12},{16,16},{18,16}};
lapack_int info,m,n,lda,ldb,nrhs;
int i,j;
m = 5;
n = 3;
nrhs = 2;
lda = 3;
ldb = 2;
info = LAPACKE_dgels(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR,'N',m,n,nrhs,*a,lda,*b,ldb);
printf("%lf ",b[i][j]);
it no longer compiles properly (actually I tried under both macOS and ubuntu, same linking problem), and gives linking error messages (Cannot find symbol LAPACKE_dgels):
> Rcpp::sourceCpp("~/Desktop/demo3.cpp", showOutput = TRUE)
/usr/lib/R/bin/R CMD SHLIB -o '' 'demo3.cpp'
g++ -I/usr/share/R/include -DNDEBUG -I"/home/yipan/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/Rcpp/include" -I"/home/yipan/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/lapacker/include" -I"/home/yipan/Desktop" -fpic -g -O2 -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/r-base-AitvI6/r-base-3.4.4=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g -c demo3.cpp -o demo3.o
g++ -shared -L/usr/lib/R/lib -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -o demo3.o -L/usr/lib/R/lib -lR
Error in dyn.load("/tmp/RtmpUsASwK/sourceCpp-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-1.0.0/sourcecpp_159e6145591d/") :
unable to load shared object '/tmp/RtmpUsASwK/sourceCpp-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-1.0.0/sourcecpp_159e6145591d/':
/tmp/RtmpUsASwK/sourceCpp-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-1.0.0/sourcecpp_159e6145591d/ undefined symbol: LAPACKE_dgels
I have also checked the under /R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/lapacker/libs and found:
000000000000c6b0 g DF .text 00000000000001bf Base LAPACKE_dgels
Do I miss something to get the demo3.cpp compile correctly? Thanks very much for your patience and time!
You are facing a difficult problem here. The Symbol you are trying to resolve LAPACKE_dgels is part of, build during package installation. Problem is, that the libraries for R packages are not meant for linking. Instead, they are loaded by R dynamically at run-time. Basically, I see four possibilities:
Convert lapacke into a header only library and install that in inst/include (c.f. RcppArmadillo).
Link with a system installation of lapacke (easy on Linux ...)
Register all functions with R and use the methods provided by R to link to them (c.f. WRE and nloptr).
Compile a library meant for linking and install it with the R package. You will still need a plugin for that to work, since you have to add -L<path/to/lib> -l<libname> .... to PKG_LIBS.
I am sure there are examples on CRAN that use method 4, but none comes to mind right now. However, as a "code kata" I have converted a recent test package of mine to use this structure, c.f.
(Original incomplete answer.)
In src/Makevars you have
You need an analogue setting when compiling a cpp file via Rcpp attributes. The best way achieve this is by using an Rcpp plugin, c.f. RcppArmadillo's solution (adjustments are untested!):
inlineCxxPlugin <- function(...) {
plugin <-
include.before = "#include <lapacke.h>",
libs = "$(LAPACK_LIBS) $(BLAS_LIBS) $(FLIBS)",
package = "lapacker"
settings <- plugin()
settings$env$PKG_CPPFLAGS <- "-I../inst/include"
BTW, why do you want to interface with LAPACK directly, when RcppArmadillo does so already?

Make Error 1 when trying to cross compile wiringPi C++ Eclipse

So I installed wiringPi onto my Raspberry Pi, I used the "./build" to make and install. I then didn't have the .h files in any of the include directories ("/usr/local/include" as an example) so I copied all of them into both "/usr/include" and into "/usr/local/include".
So I have been compiling for the Raspberry Pi already but when trying to do it with wiringPi I just get the Make *** [] Error 1.
After following what others instructed I ammended the command Eclipse uses
Cross G++ Compiler (Miscellanious):
-c -fmessage-length=0 -pthread -std=c++11 -Wl,--no-as-needed -lwiringPi -lwiringPiDev
Cross G++ Linker (Miscellanious):
-pthread -std=c++11 -Wl,--no-as-needed -lwiringPi -lwiringPiDev
In my "Include Paths (-l)" I have "/home/gummielovingmudkip/.local/share/raspberrypi/rootfs/usr/local/include"
Here is my main.cpp file
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdlib.h>
extern "C" {
#include <wiringPi.h>
#include "Logging.hpp"
int main() {
// Loading all necessary classes
Logging log;
// Beginning
log.print(1, "main() has started");
log.print(1, "All classes have been loaded");
// Setting up wiringPi
wiringPiSetup () ;
// Setting pin modes
pinMode (0, OUTPUT) ;
for (;;) {
digitalWrite (0, HIGH) ; delay (500) ;
digitalWrite (0, LOW) ; delay (500) ;
return 0;
The above code gives no errors, I just get the compiler error.
I thank you all in advance.
Sorry for not including the error message!
make: *** [Logging.o] Error 1

How to compile Apache Avro C++ example

Probably a newbie mistake, but can anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
Any help is much appreciated.
I wrote this simple Makefile:
INC=-I/usr/local/avro-cpp-1.7.2 -I/usr/local/boost_1_53_0
cpx :
$(CC) -o cpx $(INC)
Which generates these the errors:
g++ -o cpx -I/usr/local/avro-cpp-1.7.2 -I/usr/local/boost_1_53_0
/tmp/ccYymUVo.o: In function `main': undefined reference to `avro::memoryOutputStream(unsigned long)' undefined reference to `avro::binaryEncoder()' undefined reference to `avro::memoryInputStream(avro::OutputStream const&)' undefined reference to `avro::binaryDecoder()'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [cpx] Error 1
Here's the source as supplied in the Avro examples directory:
# cpx.hh
#ifndef CPX_HH_1278398428__H_
#define CPX_HH_1278398428__H_
#include "boost/any.hpp"
#include "avro/Specific.hh"
#include "avro/Encoder.hh"
#include "avro/Decoder.hh"
namespace c {
struct cpx {
double re;
double im;
namespace avro {
template<> struct codec_traits<c::cpx> {
static void encode(Encoder& e, const c::cpx& v) {
static void decode(Decoder& d, c::cpx& v) {
#include "cpx.hh"
#include "avro/Encoder.hh"
#include "avro/Decoder.hh"
std::auto_ptr<avro::OutputStream> out = avro::memoryOutputStream();
avro::EncoderPtr e = avro::binaryEncoder();
c::cpx c1; = 1.0; = 2.13;
avro::encode(*e, c1);
std::auto_ptr<avro::InputStream> in = avro::memoryInputStream(*out);
avro::DecoderPtr d = avro::binaryDecoder();
c::cpx c2;
avro::decode(*d, c2);
std::cout << '(' << << ", " << << ')' << std::endl;
return 0;
in your output, you don't link against the avrocpp library, although your comments about the LD_LIBRARY_PATH suggest that you got the link to work, but the example program failed to find the library when executing. Your compile line needs the linker option: -l avrocpp
If the avrocpp library .so is not installed in a path that your runtime linker is configured to search, you can add the library path into the binary itself with the linker option -rpath.
Example 1: Assuming your avrocpp library is installed in /usr/local/lib (i.e. /usr/local/lib/, and your runtime linker doesn't look in /usr/local/lib, add the rpath by adding this option to your compiler command line:
Example 2: Assuming your avrocpp library is installed in /usr/local/avro-cpp-1.7.2/lib (i.e. /usr/local/avro-cpp-1.7.2/lib/, add the rpath by adding this option to your compiler command line:
Try using avrogencpp with options -i < schema_file > -o < header_file >
Download and compile the Avro c++ sources (this will generate the "avrogencpp.exe")
Download avro-tools, and (with java installed)
java -jar avro-tools-1.8.1.jar idl file.avdl > file.json
Edit the generated json file and delete the following
If you have any lines preceding the required structs at the beginning, delete them. (I had "protocol": "file", "namespace" : "some_optional_namespace", "types" :)
messages entry (at the bottom)
If you have multiple structs defined in the same json file, surround them all with "[ ]" (you should have commas between the different structs and make sure the last struct as not proceeded with a ","
avrogencpp.exe -p - -n some_optional_namespace -U --input file.json --output file.hh