vcpkg manifest install system wide - c++

Just tried Vcpkg Manifest on my cmake project and it is cool, with exceptions however.
My project depends on opencv and it takes a long time for vcpkg to install opencv. So I realized I don't want vcpkg downloawding/installing opencv every time I clone the project in a different folder.
Is it possible to use Vcpkg Manifest but make it install libraries system wide instead of locally to the project?
Or at least not inside the build directory, so will be possible to reuse it?

No, you can't install libraries system-wide in manifest mode.
But binaries are cached so that if you use a library in multiple projects, you don't have to build it from scratch.

I abused vcpkg's --x-install-root to achieve similar results as manifest mode.
--x-install-root= (Experimental) Specify the install root directory
Under your project folder, you can install this project's dependencies into a system global directory by using this parameter, so that all projects can share the installed packages system wide. For example, in my case, I installed all packages into $VCPKG_ROOT/installed directory like this:
vcpkg install --x-install-root=$VCPKG_ROOT/installed
You can even use vcpkg list anywhere if you (ab)use it this way.


Is it possible to consume conan package's binaries outside of conan cache?

Let's say I have two projects. Lib and App.
App has Lib in it's conanfile.txt. Normally when conan install of App's dependencies is performed conan downloads and compiles Lib to ~/.conan/data/.
Is it possible to link App to Lib that is currently being worked on instead (e.g. /home/path/to/code/Lib/cmake-build-release/lib/ )?
The reason I want to do this is to debug a Lib's bug whose only known way to reproduce is by using App. I want to be able to quickly add std::cout to certain places and incrementally recompile. Rebuilding the whole conan package and doing conan install each time is too long. I was thinking about some hack that would change include path and linking path.
Yes, it is possible, Conan uses the same approach as Python pip: the "editable" packages. You can read more about it in this section of the docs: Editable packages. The basic idea is:
You cd libfolder and define it as a package in edition: conan editable add lib/1.0
You can build the lib there, like conan install . + cmake .. or conan build .
You can go to the App folder cd appfolder and do a conan install .. You should see that lib/1.0 is marked as "editable" and not from the Conan cache. You can build App, and it will be linking your dependency to lib from the local libfolder.
Every change that you do to libfolder and build there locally (incremental builds), will be directly available to App without needing to create or export-pkg to the Conan cache.
The editable feature relies on the correct definition in lib/1.0 of the project layout, in its layout() method. There are built-in layouts like cmake_layout(self).
If the different packages lib and app generate compatible projects, like Visual Studio, it is possible to join those projects in the IDE and have a convenient development and debugging experience of both packages together. There is a live demo in this C++ Italian Meetup presentation

Install IPOPT locally into C++ codebase with CMake ExternalProject

I would like to use Ipopt in a CMake-based project using ExternalProject. The library should be installed locally and automatically in the build folder so that the user must not go through any hassle.
I can do this for simple enough repositories that do not have many dependencies; unfortunately, this is not the case for Ipopt, whose installation requires a set of packages to be installed first.
How can install and use Ipopt in a local, self-contained way using CMake ExternalProject? If this cannot be done, is there an approach that would make the process at least partially self-contained? I would be very grateful for any answer with a working CMake script!

CMake "make install" or including a library in windows

I'm trying to create an Open Source C++ project. I want it to be as easy to build as possible, but at the same time cross platform.
I don't need gui or heavy libraries like boost or Qt, so I've settled on using GitHub, CMake, and LibSourcey.
My problem is, I can't find a way to make my project easy to build in windows, which is my development environment.
How can I "make install" a library in Windows for use in my project? Do I even have to install it in windows?
Is it possible to download, build, and link it automatically?
On windows, besides an installer, I also want to make a portable version, so don't want any hard coded library paths.
I assume, on some platforms, like Linux, libraries are built separably and packaged up by maintainers. So I shouldn't just bundle up my own copies.
So, my question is:
How can I set up a project that is cross platform and easy to build, and what are the best practices?
You can create git submodule in your git repo with path for example
contrib/LibSourcery and url to github repo of LibSourcery, because of LibSourcery uses cmake you just
need add such line into your CMakeLists.txt: add_subdirectory(contrib/LibSourcery)
So person who want to use your code, just do git clone --recursive url
to get all of your code and dependencies, after that it run cmake -G, to create project for IDE of his choice (including MSVC++ of course),
open project in IDE and press build button, that's all.
Use babun. It's a wrapper for cygwin and it works perfectly for everything I need, even compiling with cmake.
Alternatively, you could use premake, which uses lua as a config system and works fine on windows.
There is no elegant cross-platform way, since the idea of "make install" doesn't exist on Windows, therefore the use of cmake install is undefined there. For something which is supposed to help cross-platform, I feel this is a deficiency w cmake.
My solution is to write a custom _INSTALL which takes the same args as cmake install and then on Linux it just calls install, and on Windows it does an add_command which does a post-build copy to the install paths, which accomplishes the same thing. Basically, _INSTALL behaves the way you expect a cross-platform install command to behave. Can share my _INSTALL func if there is interest.
_INSTALL is placed nto a Helper.cmake, and included in all my CMakeList.txt for my projects, so all I need to do is call it and the generated lib/inc files magically appear for both win and linux.
You can use vcpkg, an open source package manager for c and c++. It allows to easily download and compile libraries and then use find_package from within CMake like you would on linux. It's very easy to use. It even provides hints as to how to alter your cmake file to use the libraries.
I started by installing packages with the command line, and then wondered why they wouldn't show up in visual studio. But I realized that it would download 32 bit libraries by default. Use .\vcpkg install <libname>:x64-windows if you need the 64 bit libraries.
After running the integrate command, you will need to delete any cmake caches to have MSVS use the new toolchain.

Clarification of steps while generating of OpenCV libraries using CMake

I have generated the OpenCV libraries using CMake a couple of times using tutorials available online, albeit without completely understanding the process. Here is the process that I follow
Configure CMake to build the OpenCV binaries (eg with QT, TBB, without CUDA, OpenCL etc)
Generate the binaries using CMake
The folder where the binaries are built has a number of .sln files. I open the file OpenCV.sln and run the project ALL_BUILD for both Debug and Release configurations.
There is a new folder created. bin which contains the libraries (both .lib and .dll for the release and debug versions.
(Optional) Sometimes I have also build the project named INSTALL (in the same solution), just out of curiosity. I noticed that it creates another folder, that contains the library files in almost the same pattern as the prebuilt libraries that come with the OpenCV package. Interestingly, my programs in MSVC or Qt work equally well if I link with either the libraries in the install folder or the bin/lib folder.
My questions are
What is the function of the install solution?
How are the libraries generated by the install solution different from the ones found in the bin and lib folders?
Why is the install solution not built when the ALL_BUILD solution is built
What is the function of the install solution?
It packages/collects the build output into a portable set of libraries and headers that you know you can move around in your pc, or to another machine.
How are the libraries generated by the install solution different from the ones found in the bin and lib folders?
They are not. You have probably built first shared and then (by reconfiguring with cmake) static libraries, but than the target install only installs the one you have currently selected (in your cmake-gui?)
Why is the install solution not built when the ALL_BUILD solution is built
install is a special target for cmake. In fact, by default install triggers all and only actually executes when all has successfully terminated, but the viceversa is not true.

Generate a redistributable project with CMake

I'm looking for generating a redistributable project for Windows and Linux using CMake as project configuration system and gcc-4.8 / VS2012, plus extra thirdparty libraries like Qt5. How can i create a package with all the needed dependencies and make the project running on other machines, without installing on those machines the required packages (i.e. Qt5 setup)?
Googling heavily i've found Qt5 requires some files and i've found this discussion
Application deployed with QT5 libraries does not start on Windows 7
which explains the required Qt5 dependencies.
Normally, I would use install to list the desired files and CPack for packaging them. That is, suppose I'd like to create a package consisting of the following components:
(Disclaimer: I'm not Qt expert so the last two files might not exist at all, but you get the idea.)
Given that both my_nifty_library and my_nifty_executable are part of your project, you have control over them, so simply do the following:
install(TARGETS my_nifty_library my_nifty_executable
Now, since Qt won't be built as part of your project, I suggest you use the ExternalProject module.
Now, you can use CPack and create, say, a NSIS installer or a tar.gz out of the installed files.