How to get livewire id using alpineJS - laravel-livewire

I have a livewire component and I need to get the livewire ID using alpineJS,
I tried using this:
wireId = #entangle($attributes->wire('model'));
but the wireId value in console is:
Proxy {initialValue: null, _x_interceptor: true, initialize: ƒ}
and in rendered HTML is
wireId = window.Livewire.find('mr8AhhXjLhfTf3vvaill').entangle('upload');
that value mr8AhhXjLhfTf3vvaill is the correct livewire ID, I get the same ID by using dump($this->id); in my component
I just need to get that value, nothing else, is there a way to get it?
Note: my div doesn't show any wire:id


Trigger Event on Bootstrap-Vue Component (testing)

I am writing tests in a vue app (using Jest). While testing a certain component, I need to trigger a change event on a checkbox (which I am using BFormCheckbox for).
When I select the checkbox using the selector the actual checkbox evaluates to ('.custom-control-input'), I can get the test below to pass. However, I would like to use the name of the actual component (BFormCheckbox), which I feel would be easier to follow. Is there any way to make this work?
it('is triggered by clicking a phase checkbox', () => {
// I would like to write:
// const phaseCheckbox = wrapper.find(BFormCheckbox);
// However, I can only get the following to work:
const phaseCheckbox = wrapper.find('.custom-control-input');
// this is true for both selectors
// this fails for wrapper.find(BFormCheckbox)
Since the <input type="checkbox"> is nested inside additional HTML markup (as defined by Bootstrap v4), use the following to access the hidden input:
const phaseCheckbox = wrapper.find(BFormCheckbox).find('input')
This will not tie you to using the inner element classname(s), as they do change depending on the rendering style mode of <b-form-checkbox> (i.e. default custom checkbox, switch style checkbox, button style checkbox, or plain mode checkbox).
Jest documentation shows examples of how to do as you are asking.
Component Constructors:
import Foo from '../components/Foo';
const wrapper = mount(<MyComponent />);
Component Display Name:
const wrapper = mount(<MyComponent />);

Parent property is not bind to the child (Ember 2.8)

My code:
= validating-form onsubmit=(action 'signUp')
= input-field value=username
span {{usernameError}}
submit(event) {
console.log(this.get('username') //undefined
actions: {
signUp() {
console.log(this.get('username')) // value from input
As you can see the basic idea is some value in input gets validated in validating-form component and then if everything is fine it'll call some controller action or set some properties.
The problem is that apparently this form component isn't bind to properties from controller, even though its child component (input-field) is. Can you tell me what am I doing wrong here?
If I have to bind it explicitely, is there some way to do that with multiple properties at once?
The problem is that the standard input element isn't two-way bound to your username variable. You can bind it quickly using the action and mut helpers.
(example in handlebars, but you should be able to convert to emblem easily enough)
<input value={{username}} onblur={{action (mut username) value='target.value'}}>
This is saying:
on the onblur event
mut(ate) the username
to match the current target.value - which is the value of the input box
You can see evidence of this working in this twiddle
The other option is Input Helpers
I've not used these, as they don't follow the current Ember thinking of Data Down Actions Up, but it should be as simple as:
{{input value=username}}
And this will two-way-bind directly username.

django-autocomplete-light add parameter to query url

I'm trying to pass some data along to the autocomplete_light.AutocompleteModelBase so I can exclude some models from the search. I'm trying to use the Dependencies info in the docs here
but I can seem to get it.
The id of the input is id_alternate_version-autocomplete, so I'm trying:
$("#id_alternate_version-autocomplete").yourlabsWidget() = {'id': 'foo'};
But the url called looks like
I want:
How can I do something like that?
DAL provides a way to do this with "forwarding" of another rendered form field's value.
This is how I did it:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('form#recipe').on('change propertychange keyup input paste', function() {
var ingredient_item_type = $("form#recipe input[type='radio']:checked").val();
var widget = $("form#recipe input#id_ingredients_text").parents('.autocomplete-light-widget');
if(ingredient_item_type) {
widget.yourlabsWidget()['hello'] = 'world';
Javascript acrobatics aside, the key observation is thus:
anything you put in the .data object of the autocomplete widget will
automatically be made part of the GET request. HTH.

Format a property before displaying it

Hello StackOverflow experts,
I would like to know if it would be possible to use Ember.js' computed properties to modify the value of the property before returning to whatever object requests it.
Imagine this simple example:
I have a User object with mail property
When I set the property, I want the email address to change from to, then return it
When I request the property ( via User.get ) I want to get the modified property back.
I think it should be pretty simple by utilising another 'helper' property, like formatted_mail, where I would store and retrieve the formatted value, but I wonder if something like this can be done without additional model properties.
So far, I have this coffescript code, but I always get 'undefined' when reading the property, even though I set it before, so I suspect the value does not get saved by Ember anywhere:
mail: ( ( key, value ) ->
if arguments.length == 1
return this.get 'mail'
return value.split( '#' )[0] + ''
).property 'mail'
Thank you for your assistance!
You are close to solution.
As computed properties are always cached by default in Ember (you could disable this behaviour using .volatile()), you do not have to specify what to do when arguments.length is 1, except if you want to specify a default value.
So here it should looks like:
App.User = Ember.Object.extend({
mail: function(key, value) {
if (arguments.length === 2) {
return value.split('#')[0] + "";
return null;
The return null just specify the default value.
When you set the mail property, it will cache the returned value and always returns it without recomputing this property.
Note that you can do that only because the mail property does not depend on other properties. If you were declaring it with .property('anotherProperty'), the mail property will be recomputed any time anoterProperty changes. So in the example above it will reset it to null.
You can try it in this JSFiddle.

Ember.Controller array content filtering

I have a fiddle it loads 3 objects and shows them in a view. Data is shown alright, but i can not filter it before i show it.
nodes: function(){
this.get('controller.content').filter(function(item, idx, en){
console.log('should log this atleast 3x')
return this.get('controller.content')
method is called when template iterates over array of values, but it never goes in to the loop and print console.log('should log this atleast 3x') why is that?
You are trying to replace controller.content while also binding to it. You need to define another property, such as filteredContent and bind it to controller.content. Take a look at how Ember.SortableMixin computes the variable arrangedContent for controllers with a sortProperties variable defined. Using that method as a template I would implement it like this:
filteredContent: Ember.computed('content', function() {
var content = this.get('content');
return this.filter(function(item, idx, en) {
console.log('should log this atleast 3x');
This should be implemented in the controller, not the view. The controller is the place for data manipulation, computed properties, and bindings.
Then bind the view layout to filteredContent instead of content to show the filtered data. Then both the original content and the filtered content are available.
Ok i got it working, but it feels a bit strange. First i moved method to Controller class and changed it to look like this:
nodes: function(){
console.log('BEFORE should log this atleast 3x', this.get('content.length'))
this.get('content').forEach(function(item, idx, en){
console.log('should log this atleast 3x')
console.log('AFTER should log this atleast 3x', this.get('content.length'))
return this.get('content')
as it should be same as buuda's recomedation, because as i understand from docs .poperty() is the same as Ember.computed. As it was still not working, i changed .property('content') to .property('content.#each') and it was working. Fiddle: . I guess, that tempate first creates a binding to controller.content and as content itself does not change does not notify this method again, instead template pulls data as it becomes available.