Potential Django/Celery/amqp threading issues - django

I'm currently working with a system which provides a Django backend to serve up a rest API.
In addition to this we provide updates to a RabbitMQ instance using celery upon change to records within the Django app.
uwsgi is used to host multiple (5) instances of the Django backend, and also has an attach-daemon setting which launches 5 celery worker instances, ie:
attach-daemon = %(home)/bin/celery --app=djangoProject.worker.app worker -c 5 -l INFO
We have recently added some functionality which increases the rate of updates in some circumstances and have discovered we are not generally getting UnexpectedFrame errors from within the amgqp library:
amqp.exceptions.UnexpectedFrame: Received 0x00 while expecting 0xce
We suspect this is some form of threading type issue, but looking for any advice to overcome the problem.
Looking for any advice on how to over come this sort of issue, or to at least further diagnose where the fault lies.


Handling long requests

I'm working on a long request to a django app (nginx reverse proxy, mysql db, celery-rabbitMQ-redis set) and have some doubts about the solution i should apply :
Functionning : One functionality of the app allows users to migrate thousands of objects from one system to another. Each migration is logged into a db, and the users are provided the possibility to get in a csv format the history of the migration : which objects have been migrated, which status (success, errors, ...)
To get the history, a get request is sent to a django view, which returns, after serialization and rendering into csv, the download response.
Problem : the serialisation and rendering processes, for a large set of objects (e.g. 160 000) are quite long and the request times out.
Some solutions I was thinking about/found thanks to pervious search are :
Increasing the amount of time before timeout : easy, but I saw everywhere that this is a global nginx setting and would affect every requests on the server.
Using an asynchronous task handled by celery : the concept would be to make an initial request to the server, which would launch the serializing and rendering task with celery, and give a special httpresponse to the client. Then the client would regularly ask the server if the job is done, and the server would deliver the history at the end of processing. I like this one but I'm not sure about how to technically implement that.
Creating and temporarily storing the csv file on the server, and give the user a way to access it & to download it. I'm not a big fan of that one.
So my question is : has anyone already faced a similar question ? Do you have advises for the technical implementation of the solution (#2), or a better solution to propose me ?
Thqnks !
Clearly you should use Celery + RabbitMQ/REDIS. If you look at the docs it´s not that hard to setup.
The first question is whether to use RabbitMQ or Redis. There are many SO questions about this with good information about pros/cons.
The implementation in django is really simple. You can just wrap django functions with celery tasks (with #task attribute) and it´ll become async, so this is the easy part.
The problem I see in your project is that the server who is handling http traffic is the same server running the long process. That can affect performance and user experience even if celery is running on the background. Of course that depends on how much traffic you are expecting on that machine and how many migrations can run at the same time.
One of the things you setup on Celery is the number of workers (concurrent processing units) available. So the number of cores in your machine will matter.
If you need to handle http calls quickly I would suggest to delegate the migration process to another machine. Celery/REDIS can be configured that way. Let´s say you´ve got 2 servers. One would handle only normal django calls (no celery) and trigger celery tasks on the other server (the one who actually runs the migration process). Both servers can connect to the same database.
But this is just an infrastructure optimization and you may not need it.
I hope this answers your question. If you have specific Celery issues it would be better to create another question.

uWSGI + nginx for django app avoids pylibmc multi-thread concurrency issue?

I encountered this very interesting issue this week, better start with some facts:
pylibmc is not thread safe, when used as django memcached backend, starting multiple django instance directly in shell would crash when hit with concurrent requests.
if deploy with nginx + uWSGI, this problem with pylibmc magically dispear.
if you switch django cache backend to python-memcached, it too will solve this problem, but this question isn't about that.
start with the first fact, this is how I reproduced the pylibmc issue:
The failure of pylibmc
I have a django app which does a lot of memcached reading and writing, and there's this deployment strategy, that I start multiple django process in shell, binding to different ports (8001, 8002), and use nginx to do the balance.
I initiated two separate load test against these two django instance, using locust, and this is what happens:
In the above screenshot they both crashed and reported exactly the same issue, something like this:
Assertion "ptr->query_id == query_id +1" failed for function "memcached_get_by_key" likely for "Programmer error, the query_id was not incremented.", at libmemcached/get.cc:107
uWSGI to the rescue
So in the above case, we learned that multi-thread concurrent request towards memcached via pylibmc could cause issue, this somehow doesn't bother uWSGI with multiple worker process.
To prove that, I start uWSGI with the following settings included:
master = true
processes = 2
This tells uWSGI to start two worker process, I then tells nginx to server any django static files, and route non-static requests to uWSGI, to see what happens. With the server started, I launch the same locust test against django in localhost, and make sure there's enough requests per seconds to cause concurrent request against memcached, here's the result:
In the uWSGI console, there's no sign of dead worker processes, and no worker has been re-spawn, but looking at the upper part of the screenshot, there sure has been concurrent requests (5.6 req/s).
The question
I'm extremely curious about how uWSGI make this go away, and I couldn't learn that on their documentation, to recap, the question is:
How did uWSGI manage worker process, so that multi-thread memcached requests didn't cause django to crash?
In fact I'm not even sure that it's the way uWSGI manages worker processes that avoid this issue, or some other magic that comes with uWSGI that's doing the trick, I've seen something called a memcached router in their documentation that I didn't quite understand, does that relate?
Isn't it because you actually have two separate processes managed by uWSGI? As you are setting the processes option instead of the workers option, so you should actually have multiple uWSGI processes (I'm assuming a master + two workers because of the config you used). Each of those processes will have it's own loaded pylibmc, so there is not state sharing between threads (you haven't configured threads on uWSGI after all).

Getting started with Celery in Django

I'm currently working on a project and I'd like to integrate asynchronous task processing as well as some sort of message queue early on so that I'll be able to scale up quickly by simply adding message queue processor servers to the cluster.
I came across Celery a while back and it caught my eye. Since it's pretty well integrated with Django, I figured I'd get pretty good support with it. I'm just not really sure how to start, as there's a lot of configuration involved.
For now, I'm running just about everything out of my Django project (serving static files, pipeline, etc.) so I'd like to have a messaging queue built in to run with django runserver if possible. (Don't worry, this is only for development.) How can I get started using Celery with my existing Django project?
djkombu is now deprecated, the django transport is now directly integrated in the kombu package.
For defining the backend in your Django settings.py, you can use:
You can find different transport aliases from Kombu here.
This was tested with django-celery 2.5.5, celery 2.5.3 and kombu 2.1.8.
Celery has quite a nice documentation, also for those getting started, but two facts worth being mentioned for beginners:
Use djkombu as the BROKER_BACKEND. This will give you a pretty simple message queue for development, where all messages are stored in the SQL database used by django. Due to celery's api you can easily replace it with a "real" message queue for production:
BROKER_TRANSPORT = "kombu.transport.django"
Django-celery has a setting CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER. If set to True there will be no asynchronous background processing, all tasks that are getting called via celery will be run synchronously (so no need to start any additional celery workers - very useful for debugging as well).

Long running tasks with Django

My goal is to create an application that will be able to do long-lasting mainly system tasks, such as:
checking out code from the repositories,
copying directories between various localizations,
The problem is I need to prepare it somehow independently from the web browser. I mean that for example after starting the checkout/copy action, closing the web browser will not interrupt the action. So after going back to that site I can see that the copying goes on or another action started when the browser was closed...
I was searching through various tools, like RabbitMQ + Celery, Twisted, Pyro, XML-RPC but I don't know if any of these will be suitable for me. Has anyone encountered similar needs when creating Django app? Please let me know if there are any methods/packages that I should know. Code samples also will be more than welcome!
Thank you in advance for your suggestions!
(And sorry for my bad English. I'm working on it.)
Basically you need to have a process that runs outside of the request. The absolute simplest way to do this (on a Unix-like operating system, at least) is to fork():
if os.fork() == 0:
… continue with request …
This has some downsides, though (ex, if the server crashes, the “long thing” will be lost)… Which is where, ex, Celery can come in handy. It will keep track of the jobs that need to be done, the results of jobs (success/failure/whatever) and make it easy to run the jobs on other machines.
Using Celery with a Redis backend (see Kombu's Redis transport) is very simple, so I would recommend looking there first.
You might need to have a process outside the request / response cycle. If that is the case, Celery with a Redis backend is what I would suggest looking into, as that integrates nicely with Django (as David Wolever suggested).
Another option is to create Django management commands, and then use cron to execute them at scheduled intervals.

Does a production DJango server fork?

I have been storing some information in global vars in my DJango views. This information can be accessed by every thread in the Python Django process. However, I am wondering about how Django behaves in production. Does a production Django process fork() multiple times to handle requests? If so this data would not be the same across processes. Does anyone know if Django forks?
I'm sure that it depends on your deployment, but if you are running it under FastCGI or WSGI, then yes, it generally pre-forks a number of server processes to handle incoming requests.
I don't know about running under mod_python, but I think that is being discouraged these days in favour of WSGI.
I'm not an expert in this field so I'm answering based only on the grep-ing I've just done.
The fastcgi server seems to be able to fork, depending on configuration settings:
As for WSGI, I believe that Django side-handling is going straight to the request processing:
and forking is configured in mod_wsgi: http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/ - embedded mode vs daemon mode - and/or in Apache (worker vs prefork builds).
For mod_wsgi, read:
It explains the various models and guidelines in respect to use of common data across threads/processes. Situation isn't much different for other hosting systems.