How to transform a recursive function to an iterative one - c++

I'm trying to convert this recursive function to an iterative one using a stack:
void GetToTownRecursive(int x, Country &country, AList *accessiblesGroup, vector<eTownColor> &cities_colors)
cities_colors[x - 1] = eTownColor::BLACK;
List *connected_cities = country.GetConnectedCities(x);
if (!connected_cities->IsEmpty())
ListNode *curr_city = connected_cities->First();
while (curr_city != nullptr)
if (cities_colors[curr_city->GetTown() - 1] == eTownColor::WHITE)
GetToTownRecursive(curr_city->GetTown(), country, accessiblesGroup, cities_colors);
curr_city = curr_city->GetNextNode();
The function takes a town number as an input and returns a list of towns that are connected to that town (directly as well as indirectly).
I'm having difficulty converting it because of the while loop within and because the only action taken after the recursive call is the promotion of the list iterator - curr_city. What should I push into the stack in this case?
Would be glad for your help!

The action taken after the recursive call is the whole remainder of the while loop (all the remaining iterations). On the stack, you have to save any variables that could change during the recursive call, but will be needed after. In this case, that's just the value of curr_city.
If goto was still a thing, you could then replace the recursive call with:
save curr_city
set x = curr_city->GetTown()
goto start
Then at the end, you have to
check stack
If there's a saved curr_city, restore it and goto just after (3)
Because it's not acceptable to use gotos for this sort of thing (they make your code hard to understand), you have to break up your function into 3 top-level parts:
part 1: all the stuff before the first recursive call, ending with 1-3
part 2: a loop that does all the stuff between recursive calls, ending with 1-3 if it gets to another recursive call, or 4-5 if it doesn't.
part 3: anything that happens after the last recursive call, which is nothing in this case.
Typically there is then a lot of cleanup and simplification you can do after this rearrangement.

The basic idea would be something like the following.
void GetToTown(int x, Country &country, AList *accessiblesGroup,
vector<eTownColor> &cities_colors)
Stack<int> pendingX = new ...
while (!pendingX.isEmpty()) {
int localX = pendingX.Pop();
cities_colors[localX - 1] = eTownColor::BLACK;
List *connected_cities = country.GetConnectedCities(localX);
if (!connected_cities->IsEmpty())
ListNode *curr_city = connected_cities->First();
while (curr_city != nullptr)
if (cities_colors[curr_city->GetTown() - 1] == nColor::WHITE)
curr_city = curr_city->GetNextNode();


Can someone explain me this code which generates all the possible permuations of a given set?

I found a recursion code in the
competitive programmer's handbook to do the same but I'm struggling to understand the logic behind it.
It states that:
Like subsets, permutations can be generated using recursion. The following
function search goes through the permutations of the set {0,1,...,n¡1}. The
function builds a vector permutation that contains the permutation, and the
search begins when the function is called without parameters.
void search() {
if (permutation.size() == n) {
// process permutation
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (chosen[i]) continue;
chosen[i] = true;
chosen[i] = false;
Each function call adds a new element to permutation. The array chosen
indicates which elements are already included in the permutation. If the size of
permutation equals the size of the set, a permutation has been generated.
I can't seem to understand the proper intuition and the concept used.
Can somemone explain me what the code is doing and what's the logic behind it?
I will try to give you some intuition . The main idea is to backtrack . You basically build a solution until you face a dead end. When you do face a dead end , go back to the last position where you can do something different than what you did the last time . Let me walk through this simulation I have drawn for n = 3 .
First you have nothing . Take 1 , then 2 and then 3 . You have nowhere to go now i.e Dead End . You print your current permutation which is 123 What do you do now ? go back to 1 because you know you can make another path by taking 3 this time . So what do you get this time the same way ? 132 . Can you do anything more using 1 ? Nope . Now go back to having nothing and start the same thing over , now taking 2 . You get the point now , right ?
For the same thing which is happening where in the code :
void search() {
if (permutation.size() == n) /// DEAD END
// process permutation
else {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (chosen[i]) continue; /// you have already taken this in your current path , so ignore it now
chosen[i] = true; /// take it , as you haven't already
search(); // go to the next step after taking this item
chosen[i] = false; // you have done all you could do with this , now get rid of it
You can split up the code like this:
void search() {
if (permutation.size() == n) {
// we have a valid permutation here
// process permutation
} else {
// The permutation is 'under construction'.
// The first k elements are fixed,
// n - k are still missing.
// So we must choose the next number:
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// some of them are already chosen earlier
if (chosen[i]) continue;
// if i is still free:
// signal to nested calls that i is occupied
chosen[i] = true;
// add it to the permutation
// At the start of this nested call,
// the permutation will have the first (k + 1)
// numbers fixed.
// Now we UNDO what we did before the recursive call
// and the permutation state becomes the same as when
// we entered this call.
// This allows us to proceed to the next iteration
// of the for loop.
chosen[i] = false;
The intuition could be that search() is "complete the current partially constructed permutation in every way possible and process all of them".
If it is already complete, we only need to process the one possible permutation.
If not, we can first choose the first number in every way possible, and, for each of those, complete the permutation recursively.

Low Memory Shortest Path Algorithm

I have a global unique path table which can be thought of as a directed un-weighted graph. Each node represents either a piece of physical hardware which is being controlled, or a unique location in the system. The table contains the following for each node:
A unique path ID (int)
Type of component (char - 'A' or 'L')
String which contains a comma separated list of path ID's which that node is connected to (char[])
I need to create a function which given a starting and ending node, finds the shortest path between the two nodes. Normally this is a pretty simple problem, but here is the issue I am having. I have a very limited amount of memory/resources, so I cannot use any dynamic memory allocation (ie a queue/linked list). It would also be nice if it wasn't recursive (but it wouldn't be too big of an issue if it was as the table/graph itself if really small. Currently it has 26 nodes, 8 of which will never be hit. At worst case there would be about 40 nodes total).
I started putting something together, but it doesn't always find the shortest path. The pseudo code is below:
bool shortestPath(int start, int end)
if start == end
if pathTable[start].nodeType == 'A'
Turn on part
end if
return true
mark the current node
bool val
for each node in connectedNodes
if node is not marked
val = shortestPath(node.PathID, end)
end if
end for
if val == true
if pathTable[start].nodeType == 'A'
turn on part
end if
return true
end if
end if
return false
end function
Anyone have any ideas how to either fix this code, or know something else that I could use to make it work?
----------------- EDIT -----------------
Taking Aasmund's advice, I looked into implementing a Breadth First Search. Below I have some c# code which I quickly threw together using some pseudo code I found online.
pseudo code found online:
Input: A graph G and a root v of G
procedure BFS(G,v):
create a queue Q
enqueue v onto Q
mark v
while Q is not empty:
t ← Q.dequeue()
if t is what we are looking for:
return t
for all edges e in G.adjacentEdges(t) do
u ← G.adjacentVertex(t,e)
if u is not marked:
mark u
enqueue u onto Q
return none
C# code which I wrote using this code:
public static bool newCheckPath(int source, int dest)
Queue<PathRecord> Q = new Queue<PathRecord>();
while (Q.Count != 0)
PathRecord t = Q.Dequeue();
if (t.pathID == pathTable[dest].pathID)
return true;
string connectedPaths = pathTable[t.pathID].connectedPathID;
for (int x = 0; x < connectedPaths.Length && connectedPaths != "00"; x = x + 3)
int nextNode = Convert.ToInt32(connectedPaths.Substring(x, 2));
PathRecord u = pathTable[nextNode];
if (!u.wasVisited())
return false;
This code runs just fine, however, it only tells me if a path exists. That doesn't really work for me. Ideally what I would like to do is in the block "if (t.pathID == pathTable[dest].pathID)" I would like to have either a list or a way to see what nodes I had to pass through to get from the source and destination, such that I can process those nodes there, rather than returning a list to process elsewhere. Any ideas on how i could make that change?
The most effective solution, if you're willing to use static memory allocation (or automatic, as I seem to recall that the C++ term is), is to declare a fixed-size int array (of size 41, if you're absolutely certain that the number of nodes will never exceed 40). By using two indices to indicate the start and end of the queue, you can use this array as a ring buffer, which can act as the queue in a breadth-first search.
Alternatively: Since the number of nodes is so small, Bellman-Ford may be fast enough. The algorithm is simple to implement, does not use recursion, and the required extra memory is only a distance (int, or even byte in your case) and a predecessor id (int) per node. The running time is O(VE), alternatively O(V^3), where V is the number of nodes and E is the number of edges.

Encountering stack overflow while implementing recursive Bubble sort

Hey I converted this C# code to c++ as
void bubbleSort(int *inputArray, int passStartIndex, int currentIndex,int length)
if(passStartIndex == length - 1) return;
if(currentIndex == length - 1) return bubbleSort(inputArray, passStartIndex+1, passStartIndex+1,length);
//compare items at current index and current index + 1 and swap if required
int nextIndex = currentIndex + 1;
int temp = inputArray[nextIndex];
inputArray[nextIndex] = inputArray[currentIndex];
inputArray[currentIndex] = temp;
return bubbleSort(inputArray, passStartIndex, currentIndex + 1,length);
but when I execute it on input array of having length 50100, it shows me expcetion
System.StackOverflowException was unhandled Message: An unhandled
exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in example.exe
What am I doing wrong? How to fix it?
"What am I doing wrong?"
Each time recursive function calls itself, the call frame (activation record) is stored into the stack memory. So when the recursion gets too deep, which is the moment when you reach the maximum size of stack, the execution is terminated.
Also have a look at: Does C++ limit recursion depth?
"How to fix it?"
The easiest way how to avoid this problem is to never design your algorithm as a recursion at first place. But once you already have a recursive solution like this, in most cases it's possible to rewrite it into the loop form or (which is usually much easier): a tail recursion.
Basically if you can rewrite your function in a way that it never directly passes any arguments to the next call, you won. If you look at your recursion, there are 2 spots, where it calls itself and before the call is made, only currentIndex and passStartIndex are being changed. Imagine that you would store these indexes somewhere aside and the current function call would just signal "I'm done, these are values that someone should continue with: ... Now you may continue!", which means that state, the function is at, is not needed to be stored. By doing so you'll end up with a Tail call (see especially first example program).
Here's the full example of how it could be done with your code: Step 1, Step 2
It will not solve your problem (see recursion limit), but there is a mistake in the algorithm that you used. You should replace
if (currentIndex == length - 1)
return bubbleSort(inputArray, passStartIndex+1, passStartIndex+1, length);
if (currentIndex == length - 1)
return bubbleSort(inputArray, passStartIndex+1, 0,length - 1);
The bubble sort should restart to 0, because the first item is not at the right place, but the last one is.

For Looping Link List using Templates

Having used the various search engines (and the wonderful stackoverflow database), I have found some similar situations, but they are either far more complex, or not nearly as complex as what I'm trying to accomplish.
C++ List Looping
Link Error Using Templates
C++:Linked List Ordering
Pointer Address Does Not Change In A Link List
I'm trying to work with Link List and Node templates to store and print non-standard class objects (in this case, a collection of categorized contacts). Particularly, I want to print multiple objects that have the same category, out of a bunch of objects with different categories. When printing by category, I compare an sub-object tmpCategory (= "business") with the category part of a categorized contact.
But how to extract this data for comparison in int main()?
Here's what I'm thinking. I create a GetItem member function in LinkList.tem This would initialize the pointer cursor and then run a For loop until the function input matches the iteration number. At which point, GetItem returns object Type using (cursor -> data).
template <class Type>
Type LinkList<Type>::GetItem(int itemNumber) const
Node<Type>* cursor = NULL;
for(cursor = first;
cursor != NULL;
cursor = (cursor -> next))
for(int i = 0; i < used; i++)
if(itemNumber == i)
return(cursor -> data);
Here's where int main() comes in. I set my comparison object tmpCategory to a certain value (in this case, "Business"). Then, I run a For loop that iterates for cycles equal to the number of Nodes I have (as determined by a function GetUsed()). Inside that loop, I call GetItem, using the current iteration number. Theoretically, this would let the int main loop return the corresponding Node from LinkList.tem. From there, I call the category from the object inside that Node's data (which currently works), which would be compared with tmpCategory. If there's a match, the loop will print out the entire Node's data object.
tmpCategory = "Business";
for(int i = 0; i < myCategorizedContact.GetUsed(); i++)
if(myCategorizedContact.GetItem(i).getCategory() == tmpCategory)
cout << myCategorizedContact.GetItem(i);
The problem is that the currently setup (while it does run), it returns nothing at all. Upon further testing ( cout << myCategorizedContact.GetItem(i).getCategory() ), I found that it's just printing out the category of the first Node over and over again. I want the overall scheme to evaluate for every Node and print out matching data, not just spit out the same Node.
Any ideas/suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Please look at this very carefully:
template <class Type>
Type LinkList<Type>::GetItem(int itemNumber) const
Node<Type>* cursor = NULL;
// loop over all items in the linked list
for(cursor = first;
cursor != NULL;
cursor = (cursor -> next))
// for each item in the linked list, run a for-loop
// counter from 0 to (used-1).
for(int i = 0; i < used; i++)
// if the passed in itemNumber matches 'i' anytime
// before we reach the end of the for-loop, return
// whatever the current cursor is.
if(itemNumber == i)
return(cursor -> data);
You're not walking the cursor down the list itemNumber times. The very first item cursor references will kick off the inner-for-loop. The moment that loop index reaches itemNumber you return. You never advance your cursor if the linked list has at least itemNumber items in the list.. In fact, the two of them (cursor and itemNumber) are entirely unrelated in your implementation of this function. And to really add irony, since used and cursor are entirely unrelated, if used is ever less than itemNumber, it will ALWAYS be so, since used doesn't change when cursor advances through the outer loop. Thus cursor eventually becomes NULL and the results of this function are undefined (no return value). In summary, as written you will always either return the first item (if itemNumber < used), or undefined behavior since you have no return value.
I believe you need something like the following instead:
template< class Type >
Type LinkList<Type>::GetItem(int itemNumber) const
const Node<Type>* cursor = first;
while (cursor && itemNumber-- > 0)
cursor = cursor->next;
if (cursor)
return cursor->data;
// note: this is here because you're definition is to return
// an item COPY. This case would be better off returning a
// `const Type*` instead, which would at least allow you to
// communicate to the caller that there was no item at the
// proposed index (because the list is undersized) and return
// NULL, which the caller could check.
return Type();

How are recursive backtracking returns handled with the void type

To generalize this question I am borrowing material from a Zelenski CS class handout. And, it is relevant to my specific question since I took the class from a different instructor several years ago and learned this approach to C++. The handout is here. My understanding of C++ is low since I use it occasionally. Basically, the few times I have needed to write a program I return to the class material, found something similar and started from there.
In this example (page 4) Julie is looking for a word using a recursive algorithm in a string function. To reduce the number of recursive calls she added a decision point bool containsWord().
string FindWord(string soFar, string rest, Lexicon &lex)
if (rest.empty()) {
return (lex.containsWord(soFar)? soFar : "");
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < rest.length(); i++) {
string remain = rest.substr(0, i) + rest.substr(i+1);
string found = FindWord(soFar + rest[i], remain, lex);
if (!found.empty()) return found;
return ""; // empty string indicates failure
To add flexibility to how this algorithm is used, can this be implemented as a void type?
void FindWord(string soFar, string rest, Lexicon &lex, Set::StructT &words)
if (rest.empty()) {
if (lex.containsWord(soFar)) //this is a bool
updateSet(soFar, words); //add soFar to referenced Set struct tree
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < rest.length(); i++) {
string remain = rest.substr(0, i) + rest.substr(i+1);
return FindWord(soFar + rest[i], remain, lex, words); //<-this is where I am confused conceptually
return; // indicates failure
And, how about without the returns
void FindWord(string soFar, string rest, Lexicon &lex, Set::StructT &words)
if (rest.empty()) {
if (lex.containsWord(soFar))
updateSet(soFar, words); //add soFar to Set memory tree
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < rest.length(); i++) {
string remain = rest.substr(0, i) + rest.substr(i+1);
FindWord(soFar + rest[i], remain, lex, words); //<-this is where I am confused conceptually
The first code fragment will try all permutations of rest, appended to the initial value of soFar (probably an empty string?). It will stop on the first word found that is in lex. That word will be returned immediately as it is found, and the search will be cut short at that point. If none were in lex, empty string will be returned eventually, when all the for loops have ran their course to the end.
The second fragment will only try one word: the concatenation of initial soFar and rest strings. If that concatenated string is in lex, it will call updateSet with it. Then it will return, indicating failure. No further search will be performed, because the return from inside the for loop is unconditional.
So these two functions are completely different. To make the second code behave like the first, you need it to return something else to indicate a success, and only return from within the for loop when FindWord call return value indicates a success. Obviously, void can not be used to signal failure and success. At the very least, you need to return bool value for that.
And without the returns your third code will perform an exhaustive search. Every possible permutation of initial string value of rest will be tried for, to find in the lexicon.
You can visualize what's going on like this:
FindWord: soFar="" rest=...........
for: i=... rest[i]=a
call findWord
FindWord: soFar=a rest=..........
for: i=... rest[i]=b
call findWord
FindWord: soFar=ab rest=.........
for: i=... rest[i]=c
call findWord
if return, the loop will be cut short
if not, the loop continues and next i will be tried
FindWord: soFar=abcdefgh... rest=z
for: i=0 rest[0]=z
call findWord
FindWord: soFar=abcdefgh...z rest="" // base case
// for: i=N/A rest[i]=N/A
if soFar is_in lex // base case
then do_some and return soFar OR success
else return "" OR failure
Each time the base case is reached (rest is empty) we have n+1 FindWord call frames on the stack, for n letters in the initial rest string.
Each time we hit the bottom, we've picked all the letters from rest. The check is performed to see whether it's in lex, and control returns back one level up.
So if there are no returns, each for loop will run to its end. If the return is unconditional, only one permutation will be tried - the trivial one. But if the return is conditional, the whole thing will stop only on first success.