Return ENUM - Cannot return null for non-nullable field - apollo

I am using apollo-server-lambda, Prisma ORM and graphql-codegen.
I have a query (getBookById) that returns a Book. Book contains an enum called BookStatus. I want to be able to return in ENUM in the playground but I get the error:
Cannot return null for non-nullable field Book.bookStatus.
BookStatus - TypeDef
enum BookStatus {
Book - TypeDef
type Book {
id: ID!
title: String!
bookStatus: BookStatus!
getBookById - TypeDef
type Query {
getBookById(getBookByIdInput: GetBookByIdInput): Book

The issue was that I was using Prisma as ORM.
When I was getting a new book, I was writing the code:
const foundBook = await{
where: {
id: bookId
The issue is that the book was created using this code:
const newBook = await{
data: {
user_id: userId,
title: title,
author: author,
publication_year: publicationYear,
isbn: isbn,
photos: photos,
book_condition: bookCondition,
exchange_yype: exchangeType,
book_status: bookStatus,
return newBook;
The mix of snake_case and camelCase created the issue.
Once everything was camelCase, the problem got solved.


Flutter - type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'List<Model>?'

I'm learning flutter by making an app following some youtube tutorials. I'm trying to make a listview of search results. I'm able to query and get data from node backend but there's this error while mapping the json to model.
The data I'm getting from api is like this:
{id: <uuid>,
userEmail: <email_string>,
profile: [{profileName: <profile_name_string>,
profileImage: <image_url_string>,
profileBio: <profile_bio_string>}]
With the new model class I made following an answer here I'm able to get profile model separately but when i try to get account model with all profiles I'm getting the error:type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'List<ProfileModel>?'. The model class is:
class AccountModel {
String userId;
String userEmail;
String? userPassword;
final List<ProfileModel>? profile;
required this.userId,
required this.userEmail,
factory AccountModel.fromJson({required Map<String, dynamic> map}) {
return AccountModel(
userId: map['id'],
userEmail: map['userEmail'],
userPassword: map['userPassword'],
profile: map['profile']
.map((profileJson) => ProfileModel.fromJson(profileJson))
class ProfileModel {
String profileName;
String profileImage;
String? profileBio;
required this.profileName,
required this.profileImage,
factory ProfileModel.fromJson(profileJson, {Map<String, dynamic>? map}) {
if (map != null) {
return ProfileModel(
profileName: map['profileName'],
profileImage: map['profileImage'] ?? "default",
profileBio: map['profileBio'],
} else {
return ProfileModel(
profileName: profileJson['profileName'],
profileImage: profileJson['profileImage'] ?? "default",
profileBio: profileJson['profileBio'],
How to make the list work?
You can use List.from() in this case.
profile: map['profile'] != null
? List<ProfileModel>.from(
map['profile']?.map((p) => ProfileModel.fromJson(p)))
: null)
We are using fromMap here on ProfileModel, you can simplify just separation while both are same on ProfileModel.
More about List and List.from.
When you declared the list here as
final List<ProfileModel>? profile;
It expects the list to have only ProfileModels as ListItem even though with "?". The way to solve it is either declared a list without generic ProfileModel :
final List? profile;
Or to typecast the item you're pushing as ProfileModel.
2. profile: map['profile'] .map((profileJson) => ProfileModel.fromJson(profileJson) as ProfileModel) .toList(),
I don't know the output structures and such so try to experiment with typecasting if the above code doesn't work. May be typecasting after toList() method as List can work too.

Passing variables to an external resolve reference

I'm using Apollo Federation for 2 months but I'm actually stuck. I've no idea how to pass a variable between my two graphql services.
I've got a website (website graphql service) which have orders (orders graphql service).
I have a query to find websites and for these websites I want some stats of orders for a date range. Here the typedef (website) :
type Query {
websites(orderFilter: OrderFilterInput): [Website!]
type Website #key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
name: String!
url: String!
orderSummary(orderFilter: OrderSummaryFilterInput): OrderSummary
input OrderSummaryFilterInput {
beginDate: Date
endDate: Date
extend type OrderSummary #key(fields: "websiteId") {
websiteId: String! #external
The resolver :
orderSummary: (website, { orderSummaryFilter }) => {
console.log("orderSummaryFilter", orderSummaryFilter); // filters are OK
// HOW CAN I PASS orderFilterSummary to my order graphql service here ????
return { __typename: "OrderSummary", websiteId: };
And Order graphql service
Typedef part :
type OrderSummary #key(fields: "websiteId") {
websiteId: String!
count: Int
amount: Int
Resolver part :
// order gql service
OrderSummary: {
__resolveReference(website, args, info) {
console.log("website id :",; // I ve got my website ID
// HOW TO GET OrderSummaryFilter here ????
How can I access to order summary filter variable in order graphql resolver ? Thank you.
From what I am aware of, it is not possible to send variables from one service to another other then the ID. But there is a solution to this.
If you want to pass in variables, extend your Website type in your order service instead of extending order type in website service.
Order typedef:
extend type Website #key(fields: "id") {
id: ID! #external
orderSummary(orderFilter: OrderSummaryFilterInput): OrderSummary #requires(fields:"id")
Order resolver:
Website: {
orderSummary: async (website, { orderFilter }) => getOrderSummary(orderFilter) //get orderSummary with orderFilter
So I want to expound on the previous (and I believe correct) answer:
In Federation, you almost never should have to expose a field called somethingId (userId, websiteId, etc). That is often either a left-over from Schema Stitching, or you simply got your type origins backward. Instead of using somethingId, you should be able to just use the object. Often, moving the #extend to the other service will get rid of the somethingId field, and get rid of the type of problem you're currently facing:
Website Service:
type Query {
websites(orderFilter: OrderFilterInput): [Website!]
type Website #key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
name: String!
url: String!
Order Service:
extend type Website #key(fields: "id") {
id: ID! #external
orderSummary(orderFilter: OrderSummaryFilterInput): OrderSummary
input OrderSummaryFilterInput {
beginDate: Date
endDate: Date
type OrderSummary {
website: Website!
count: Int
amount: Int
const resolvers = {
Website: {
orderSummary(parent, args, context) {
const websiteId =;
// args is the data you wanted

How do I resolve data for a schema type that implement an interface in GraphQL?

I’m trying to develop a spring boot graphQl service using graphql-java-8 library. I’m fetching data from a web-service, the response I get from the service is a bit like dynamic for which I have to introduce graphQl interface in my response graphQl schema.
extend type Query {
name: String,
category: String
): [ResultOne]
interface ResultOne {
name: String
content: String
type Fish implements ResultOne {
name: String
content: String
weight: Float
type Fruit implements ResultOne {
name: String
content: String
Color: String
type Toy implements ResultOne {
name: String
content: String
description: String
To wiring my model with graphQl framework,
return RuntimeWiring.newRuntimeWiring()
.wiringFactory(new WiringFactory() {})
.typeResolver(env -> {
if(env.getObject() instanceof Map) {
Map object = env.getObject();
if (object.containsKey("name") && object.get("name").equals("fish")) {
return (GraphQLObjectType) env.getSchema().getType("Fish");
} else if (object.containsKey("name") && object.get("name").equals("fruit")) {
return (GraphQLObjectType) env.getSchema().getType("Fruit");
} else if(object.containsKey("name") && object.get("name").equals("toy")) {
return (GraphQLObjectType) env.getSchema().getType("Toy");
} else {
return null;
} else {
return null;
So, type resolving issue is also fix a way, not sure it’s ideal or not. For data binding I’m not sure how do I do that in graphQl’s recommended way. I would like to add that, I’ve a single End-Point and single fetcher for the whole API. Data are fetched in a single request and don't want to call twice as I already have whole response. I had to resolve the type at runtime and wire the data for implemented model. So far data are fetched perfectly and the values are also coming till the interface against my query, but appeared null for interface implemented model part e.g: Fish, Fruit & Toy in this example. My question is how do I manupulate dynamically resolved type data for the java library?
Feel free to ask me any question regarding this issue.
Sample query:
search() {
ResultOne {
... on Fish {
Corresponding response that I'm currently getting:
"data": {
"search": [
"resultOne": [
"name": "Salmon",
"content": "Frozen Food",
"weight": null
"extensions": {
"Total-ResponseTime": 23020,
"resultOne-Time": 22683

How do I add union type in Apollo graphql

I created this question in case anyone was curious on how to add union / Polymorphic types in Apollo. Hopefully this will make it easier for them.
In this example I wanted the response to either be a Worksheet or ApiError
// typedefs.js
export default [`
schema {
query: Query
type Query {
worksheet(id: String!): Worksheet | Error
type Worksheet {
id: String!
name String
type ApiError {
code: String!
message: String!
// resolvers.js
export default {
Query: {
worksheet(_, args, { loaders }) {
return loaders.worksheet.get( => {
// ApiError
return {
code: '1',
message: 'test'
// Express Server
import { graphqlExpress } from 'apollo-server-express';
import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools';
import typeDefs from './typedefs';
import resolvers from './resolvers';
graphqlExpress(req => ({
makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers }),
context: mkRequestContext(req.ctx, req.log),
formatError: formatGraphQLError(req.ctx, req.log)
In GraphQL to add a union type in the typedefs you have to define the union
i.e union WorksheetOrError = Worksheet | ApiError
// typedefs.js
export default [
schema {
query: Query
type Query {
worksheet(id: String!): WorksheetOrError
union WorksheetOrError = Worksheet | ApiError
type Worksheet {
id: String!
name String
type ApiError {
code: String!
message: String!
In the resolvers you have to define a resolver for the union type that has the property __resolveType. This will help tell the GraphQL executor which type the result is.
// resolvers.js
export default {
Query: {
worksheet() {
WorksheetOrError: {
__resolveType(obj) {
if ( {
return 'Worksheet';
if (obj.code) {
return 'ApiError';
return null;
To create a GraphQL Query in Apollo Client
// Your application code.
// This is my Worksheet Query in my React code.
const WorksheetQuery = gql`
query GetWorksheet($worksheetId: String!) {
worksheet(id: $worksheetId) {
... on Worksheet {
... on ApiError {
Now you can check the __typename to check what type is in the response.
Note: For those who are wondering why I'm not using GraphQL errors. It's because Apollo doesn't seem to handle errors well when it encounters a graphQL error. So for a work around I'm trying to return a custom ApiError in my response.
There a few reasons why using a union with an error type is nice.
Currently if you wanted a partial response with GraphQLError. Apollo does not cache the errors so if you wanted to re-use the cached response later you wouldn't have the complete response since the errors are removed. (Now you can't display the proper UI with errors)
Getting GraphQLError back in Apollo would return a flat list of errors with the path to where the error is in the data. So you would need to verify that which part of your schema did the error occur in. However if you follow the instructions above you would have the error within the schema already. That way you already know which part of the schema the error happened.

How to access data of another persisted model of loopback from remote method of one persisted model?

'use strict';
module.exports = function (City) {
City.GetCurrentPopulation = function (req) {
var population;{where{}}, //This line //gives me an error that cannot read property 'find' of undefined
response='Population for ' +req.cname ' is' +population;
req(null, response);
'GetCurrentPopulation', {
http: {
path: '/GetCurrentPopulation',
verb: 'GetCurrentPopulation'
returns: {
arg: 'startdate',
type: 'string'
There is a model city and i want to access another model like "population.find(some filters)" How to do this?
I have a remote method written in city model. Where i am trying to access population record as
var countryp=population.find(where{id:4});
var currentpopulation=countryp.Totalpopulation;
It gives an error population.find is not a function.
Please suggest way to do this. can only work if you defined some relation between City & Population models. Otherwise it wont work that way. If there is no relation to the other model. You need to get a reference to the app object using
Try like this:
var app = require('../../server/server');
module.exports = function (City) {
var Population = app.models.Population;
City.GetCurrentPopulation = function(req) {
Population.find({where{}}, function (err) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
} else {
// do something here
You can refer to the documentation here