Raise a matrix to a power - fortran

Suppose we have a Hermitian matrix A that is known to have an inverse.
I know that ZGETRF and ZGETRI subroutines in LAPACK library can compute the inverse matrix.
Is there any subroutine in LAPACK or BLAS library can calculate A^{-1/2} directly or any other way to compute A^{-1/2}?

You can raise a matrix to a power following a similar procedure to taking the exponential of a matrix:
Diagonalise the matrix, to give the eigenvectors v_i and corresponding eigenvalues e_i.
Raise the eigenvalues to the power, {e_i}^{-1/2}.
Construct the matrix whose eigenalues are {e_i}^{-1/2} and whose eigenvectors are v_i.
It's worth noting that, as described here, this problem does not have a unique solution. In step 2 above, both {e_i}^{-1/2} and -{e_i}^{-1/2} will lead to valid solutions, so an N*N matrix A will have at least 2^N matrices B such that B^{-2}=A. If any of the eigenvalues are degenerate then there will be a continuous space of valid solutions.


library for full SVD of sparse matrices

I want to do a singular value decomposition for large matrices containing a lot of zeros. In particular I need U and S, obtained from the diagonalization of a symmetric matrix A. This means that A = U * S * transpose(U^*), where S is a diagonal matrix and U contains all eigenvectors as columns.
I searched the web for c++ librarys that combine SVD and sparse matrices, but could only find libraries that find a few, but not all eigenvectors. Does anyone know if there is such a library?
Also after obtaining U and S I need to multiply them to some dense vector.
For this problem, I am using a combination of different techniques:
Arpack can compute a set of eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors, unfortunately it is fast only for high frequencies and slow for low frequencies
but since the eigenvectors of the inverse of a matrix are the same as the eigenvectors of a matrix, one can factor the matrix (using a sparse matrix factorization routine, such as SuperLU, or Choldmod if the matrix is symmetric). The "communication protocol" with Arpack only expects you to compute a matrix-vector product, so if you do a linear system solve using the factored matrix instead, then this makes Arpack fast for the low frequencies of the spectrum (do not forget then to replace the eigenvalue lambda by 1/lambda !)
This trick can be used to explore the entire spectrum, with a generalized transform (the transform in the previous point is refered as "invert" transform). There is also a "shift-invert" transform that allows one to explore an arbitrary portion of the spectrum and have fast convergence of Arpack. Then you compute (1/lambda + sigma) instead of lambda, when sigma is a "shift" (the transform is slightly more complicated than the "invert" transform, see the references below for a full explanation).
ARPACK: http://www.caam.rice.edu/software/ARPACK/
SUPERLU: http://crd-legacy.lbl.gov/~xiaoye/SuperLU/
The numerical algorithm is explained in my article that can be downloaded here:
Sourcecode is available there:
See also my answer to this question:

Armadillo compute the eigenvectors related to non null eigenvalues

I need to compute the eigenvectors Corresponding to the N Smallest non null eigenvalues ​​of a symmetric sparse matrix positive semi- definite.
I use the function eigs_sym from armadillo but it takes way longer to compute the eigenvectors corresponding to the smallest eigenvalues than to compute the eigenvector corresponding to the biggest eigenvalues.
Is it possible that the eigenvector corresponding to (almost) null eigenvalues are more difficult to compute ?
Since I'm not interested in the eigenvectors corresponding to the (almost) null eigenvalues, is there a way to indicate to armadillo to not compute thoses ?
Thank you by advance

Getting eigenvectors for the largest n eigenvalues in OpenCV

I am applying Kernel PCA for a feature extraction task in a computer vision problem, which involves solving the eigen value problem for a very large symmetrix matrix, like 6400x6400 in size. I am using OpenCV in my implementation and I use the cv::eigen method for the purpose of EigenDecomposition. This method calculates all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the given matrix, which becomes easily intractable in case of very large and dense matrices, like in my case, since the problem has O(N^3) complexity as far as I know. But in fact, I only need a small subset of the eigenvectors, which correspond to n largest eigenvalues of the matrix, which is n < N. Is there any method available in OpenCV for this purpose, which only calculates some of the largest eigenvalues and their corresponding eigenvectors? I failed to locate such a method in OpenCV documentation. Any method from any other library is welcome, as well.

Armadillo complex sparse matrix inverse

I'm writing a program with Armadillo C++ (4.400.1)
I have a matrix that has to be sparse and complex, and I want to calculate the inverse of such matrix. Since it is sparse it could be the pseudoinverse, but I can guarantee that the matrix has the full diagonal.
In the API documentation of Armadillo, it mentions the method .i() to calculate the inverse of any matrix, but sp_cx_mat members do not contain such method, and the inv() or pinv() functions cannot handle the sp_cx_mat type apparently.
sp_cx_mat Y;
/*Fill Y ensuring that the diagonal is full*/
sp_cx_mat Z = Y.i();
sp_cx_mat Z = inv(Y);
None of them work.
I would like to know how to compute the inverse of matrices of sp_cx_mat type.
Sparse matrix support in Armadillo is not complete and many of the factorizations/complex operations that are available for dense matrices are not available for sparse matrices. There are a number of reasons for this, the largest being that efficient complex operations such as factorizations for sparse matrices is still very much an open research field. So, there is no .i() function available for cx_sp_mat or other sp_mat types. Another reason for this is lack of time on the part of the sparse matrix developers (...which includes me).
Given that the inverse of a sparse matrix is generally going to be dense, then you may simply be better off turning your cx_sp_mat into a cx_mat and then using the same inversion techniques that you normally would for dense matrices. Since you are planning to represent this as a dense matrix anyway, then it's a fair assumption that you have enough RAM to do that.

Largest eigenvalues (and corresponding eigenvectors) in C++

What is the easiest and fastest way (with some library, of course) to compute k largest eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a large dense matrix in C++? I'm looking for an equivalent of MATLAB's eigs function; I've looked through Armadillo and Eigen but couldn't find one, and computing all eigenvalues takes forever in my case (I need top 10 eigenvectors for an approx. 30000x30000 dense non-symmetric real matrix).
Desperate, I've even tried to implement power iterations by myself with Armadillo's QR decomposition but ran into complex pairs of eigenvalues and gave up. :)
Did you tried https://github.com/yixuan/spectra ?
It similar to ARPACK but with nice Eigen-like interface (it compatible with Eigen!)
I used it for 30kx30k matrices (PCA) and it was quite ok
AFAIK the problem of finding the first k eigenvalues of a generic matrix has no easy solution. The Matlab function eigs you mentioned is supposed to work with sparse matrices.
Matlab probably uses Arnoldi/Lanczos, you might try if it works decently in your case even if your matrix is not sparse. The reference package for Arnlodi is ARPACK which has a C++ interface.
Here is how I get the k largest eigenvectors of a NxN real-valued (float), dense, symmetric matrix A in C++ Eigen:
#include <Eigen/Dense>
Eigen::MatrixXf A(N,N);
Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXf> solver(N);
Eigen::VectorXf lambda = solver.eigenvalues().reverse();
Eigen::MatrixXf X = solver.eigenvectors().block(0,N-k,N,k).rowwise().reverse();
Note that the eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors are returned in ascending order so I reverse them to get the largest values first.
If you want eigenvalues and eigenvectors for other (non-symmetric) matrices they will, in general, be complex and you will need to use the Eigen::EigenSolver class instead.
Eigen has an EigenValues module that works pretty well.. But, I've never used it on anything quite that large.